✓ | To Save Her | Link x OC |...

By justamethyst3

1.8K 93 11

This fic has been posted on Wattpad and AO3 under the username: justamethyst3 These are the only places this... More

~Chapter 1: Amethyst~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 21~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25: Link~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~


60 3 0
By justamethyst3

I lay under a tree, staring up at the Sheikah Slate. All these pictures I didn't recognize. And yet, there I was in some of them.

Link explained everything, but most of it just didn't click. Then again, I didn't remember much of anything. Just the Princess and the Calamity.

I set the Sheikah Slate on my stomach, sighing. Link and Zelda moved over, sitting next to me.

"Do you know what you want to do?" she asked.

"Well... you guys can tell me everything that happened, but..."

"It's hard to believe?"

I glanced at Link, nodding.

"Well, whatever you decide to do, we'll support you."

"How would we even get to these locations? Wouldn't it take weeks?"

"Yep. But that's what I did, after the Calamity and Demise were both gone. I don't remember everything completely, but I remember enough that I could fill in the pieces."


I frowned, closing my eyes.

"I want to get my memories back. But... you both are busy, and I don't really know anyone else enough to take them with me. Not to mention, Impa's really old now, so she can't really travel much."

"She would try to argue otherwise, although her doctor would agree."

I smiled, then pushed myself up.

"Let's say, hypothetically, I wanted to go get my memories... How soon could we leave?"

"By tomorrow."


"Mhm! There are plenty of supplies, and there are merchants and villages across Hyrule if we ever need more. And I have plenty of rupees with me."

"Is that what you want to do?"

I looked at Link, nodding slowly.

"Then let's go get ready!"

He hopped up, before pulling us to his feet. Our eyes met for a moment, and I felt my cheeks burn.

"His eyes are so pretty..."

The two of them pulled me towards the buildings, where Purah waited for us.

"I got your bags ready! All three of you, it's time for another adventure! This time, it's Operation Get MeyMey's Memories Back!"

My eyes widened as a couple Sheikah brought us horses, their saddle bags ready for us.

"Are you ready?"

They turned to me, as I looked at the horses. Slowly, I nodded. Link and Zelda smiled, before leading me to the horses. I opened up the Sheikah Slate, looking at the pictures.

"Where do you want to start first?" Zelda asked.

I pointed at the first one, and she showed it to Link.

"That's over back in Hateno. Are you ready to go?"

I hesitated, fiddling with a loose string on my tunic.

"L-Let's go!"

"Good luck, MeyMey!" Purah called out, waving frantically as the horses headed out. "I hope you two get together soon!"


"It-it's nothing."

Link looked away, his cheeks red as Zelda giggled behind me.

"Well then, let's go get your memories back."

I took the reins, nodding.


And so, we took off. To... wherever this 'Hateno' is.

~ * ~

And there we have it! I know it's not much and kinda left it on a cliff hanger, but it felt like adding on and going after her memories would need another book, which... I really don't want to write, tbh 😅 It would just get repetitive, and I don't want that in my books as long as I can avoid it. I already feel I got a little too repetitious in this one ehe


As always, I like to give one big thank you at the end of my books. Just to thank you all for the reads, comments, and votes/kudos! I really appreciate all of them ^_^

It was a rough journey writing this book, from when I started the first version in December 2017, to when I decided to rewrite it in October 2019, and restarted the rewrite in July 2022, it took a lot of work ehe

But here we are, the book now finished, and I'm feeling super happy about it! It's not perfect, but that's ok! I'm still working on getting better at writing, and this fic was a fun project to work on!

I also didn't end up working on Link/Mey's relationship as much as I'd have liked. My original ideas for the fic had a lot more emotion included (at least, as much emotion as 13/14 year old me could write lol) and developed the two more. But this time, I ended up focusing on her struggle dealing with Ganon and the others. And tbh, I do like this version better. Their relationship just felt a little forced at the end. It's something I gotta work on getting better at writing ehe

As I said, I won't continue with getting MeyMey's memories. But if anyone wants a canon ending from me, I'll just say they get her memories back, and have a happy ending. At least, that's how I imagine it to be hehe

Also, I did leave several things unanswered with the story, along with the plot holes (perks of not working on the story for several months/years at a time and being too lazy to reread it before writing again 😢).

But if you have any questions or if anything wasn't clear, go ahead and leave your questions here! I will answer them as best as I can hehe

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading To Save Her, and thank you so much for reading it! ^_^

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