~Stress~ Usopp x Reader

By emuisokay

82 7 0

Usopp x Chubby reader This is a highschool friends to lovers AU, so enjoy 😝 A couple TW in some of the late... More


The truth

17 2 0
By emuisokay

Mentions of se1f h4rm, bullying, rough language

It's only been around five minutes of the three of you walking and somehow Zoro has gotten lost at least five times already.  The walk to Shakey's from your school was supposedly going to be 10-15 minutes but is going to end up being at least half an hour. 

"You can let go of me you know" Zoro grumbled

"Absolutely not," Usopp huffed as he remained to hold on to Zoros backpack.  "As soon as we let you out our sights for not even a second you start turning directions" 

" Yeah Zoro, I literally had to stop you from running into a speeding car" you exhaled" We could have died y'know" 

" Tch you guys are  overexaggerating things" he spat out

You and Usopp give each other an exhausted look and just stay quiet.  Due to daylight savings, it was getting quite dark and cold.  Winter in these times is so brutal you couldn't help but shiver. You had only been wearing a pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt, you didn't think you were going to be this cold so you didn't bring a sweater, you were now regretting your decision.

"Hey Y/n you okay? Your face looks a lil pale"  Usopp asks

" Huh oh I'm fine y'know, I just didn't know it was going to be this cold" you laugh a little trying to get rid of his concerns.

"Did you not bring a sweater?" Zoro chipped in. You stood quiet already knowing what he was going to say.

" No.. " 

" Stupid" 

"HEY" you huffed "I'm not stupid I just didn't think it was going to be that cold today"

"Well you should think more if you didn't think it wasn't going to be this cold in winter" Zoro snarled, you just gave him a grim look before you heard laughing from the other side of him.  You peak over to see Usopp trying to extinguish his laughter, this made tears form in his eyes,

"WHA you guys are terrible" you mutter before also starting to giggling.  A smile formed on Zoro's face from seeing the two of you laughing. 

"I'm sorry Y/n but that was just too funny" Usopp wipes his tears "Here take my jacket, your literally shivering" 

"Wait, what about you? You'll be cold without it, just keep it" you protest

"C'mon just take it I'm fine I promise" Usopp gives a slick smile "after all I, God Usopp, never lets a lil bit of cold weather bother me" he points to himself puffing his chest out to make himself look bigger.  

You chuckled a bit before finally taking the jacket "well if you insists then thank you 'God Usopp'" you put on the jacket and surprisingly it fit well.  You were quite on the larger size, and seeing how comfortable the jacket fit surprised you.  This made you extra cherry.  

Twenty minutes go by and you three at once get to your destination.  Inside you can see more of your friends inside already a booth.  You noticed two were missing but you didn't think anything of it.  You all walk in and get hit immediately with the warm air inside, it felt nice feeling the warmth of the diner.  

"Ah! You guys are finally here, jeez what took you guys so long" Nami sprouts up waving her hands in the air.  You three walk and sit down at their booth.  

"Hey guys sorry we took so long" you grin at everyone,

"Heh yeah we would've gotten here sooner if SOMEONE didn't decide to wander off every second" Usopp's eyes went in Zoro's direction and all that was heard was a "hmp whatever" 

"Y/N YOU'RE FINALLY HERE" Luffy yelled before realizing the upcoming topic, his eyes grew big and watery 

"IM SORRY Y/N" he cried out latching on to you , hugging you,

"Wha- Luffy what happened?" You say confused, both Sanji and Zoro looked away, they were the ones who knew the actions of today.  

Luffy takes a huge sniff before sobbing out

"I-I'm sorry we weren't there f-for yo-" SNIFF "YOU" He cries out louder, by then other people in the diner were staring, while trying to avoid eye contact from others you whisper out

"Luffy, what's wrong? Is this about today" he quickly nods his head "oh, well I don't know Exactly what happened yet but it's no need to cry really so please don't be too upset about all of this" you comfort him, finally he latches off of you giving yourself space to breath properly

" I'm sorry Y/n I just feel terrible we could have done so much more for you" he sniffled 

" Please Luffy stop apologizing, I really just wanna know what happened today please..? " You look at Sanji and Zoro to explain something as Luffy was a sobbing mess.

"Well actually we wanted to tell you first, alone" Sanji said. "Should we go outside?" 

"Huh is it really that bad?" Usopp questioned " I thought we were just going to listen to you guys explain everything? "

" Well we're just not sure if Y/n wants everyone to hear it" Zoro sighed "If she agrees to let you guys know also then yes we'll tell you but other than that no". 

"Ah I see" Usopp mumbled 

" So should we go outside now? " Sanji stood up. 

All  four of you, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffy head out the door.  Yet again when you meet the cold air, you zip up Usopp's jacket trying to keep warm. You all end up sitting at an outdoor table sitting across from one another.  

"Y/n before we tell you anything, we understand if you're mad at us about knowing anything of this" Sanji says, you were quiet and just nodded your head, you were preparing yourself to hear the worst.  The three boys look at each other to see if anyone's going to speak up

"So-"Zoro gets interrupted

"During lunch-" Sanji also gets interupted


" When I got bullied..? Wait.." your eyes widened with realization" b-but how do you guys-" you felt your face heat up as your vision turns blurry, 

" LUFFY YOU IDIOT" Sanji yelled at the crying boy, he sighs then says "I'm sorry Y/n, of course we didn't want to find out like this but Kid had to run his mouth" tears ran down your face as you couldn't say a word, you never wanted them to find out about this.  Not like this at least…  

"During lunch the three of us were walking into the hall,


"Shishishi Zoro I can't believe you fell asleep in class, you were snoring too!" Luffy laughed, as Zoro gave him a glance

" What's wrong Mosshead you're still asleep? " Sanji teased him

" Shut it cook-" Zoro felt something run into him, it was Killer.  " Tch dumbass" Zoro whispered, killer just glanced at him and kept walking, except his friend, Kid.

"Watch where you're going" Kid growled while staring Zoro down, he then glanced to the two guys watching this happen, a smirk grows on his face, "Hey Killer, aren't they friends with that new girl that came last year, what was her name now.." kid said as he pretended not to know 

"OH YOU MEAN Y/N!" Luffy smiled "Heh yeah she's great" he laughed not knowing what was next, Sanji and Zoro tensed up with Kid mentioning you

"Yeah 'Y/n',"  kids voice grew low. "Killer wasn't she the one who got bullied so bad she had to switch schools mid last school year" killer stood quiet just letting Kid go on.  Luffy's smile disappeared quickly, Zoro and Sanji stood there staring, getting ready for anything.

"C'mon Killer you were the one mentioning her so now join in on the fun" Kid smiled "Hah it was so bad she even fucking started CUTTING herself because people told her to and she ACTUALLY listened!" Kid laughed "What a fucking moron to actually listen to those kids-"  SMACK

Luffy had thrown a punch at Kid 

"Shut your mouth Jaggy" Luffy ordered 

"WHAG THE FUCK" Kid shoved Luffy into the wall of lockers,  immediately Zoro tried to push Kid off of Luffy but was stopped by Killer.  Luffy threw another punch at Kid that loosened his grip making Luffy escape his grasp but was again slammed into the wall, hitting his head.  Sanji tried to get at Kid but killer pushed him. As soon as Killer shoved Sanji, Zoro threw a punch at Killer's face breaking one of the buckles on his mask.  In a distraught Killer shoved Zoro trying to knock him down on the ground, the two start fighting.  Luffy had taken Kid by his waist and slammed Kid into the lockers.  Students were quickly gathering around watching the fight in amusement. Sanji had been trying to get Killer off of Zoro as Zoro did fall over and Killer was trying to kick him in his guts.  School staff had quickly came to the scene and successfully took killer off of Zoro but had struggled when trying to take Luffy off of kid

"TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID ABOUT HER JAGGY!!" Luffy was punching Kid who already had a swollen eye bloody nose and bleeding gums,  Luffy wasn't untouched either, he too had a bloody nose, a couple incoming bruises and had a nasty gash on the back of his head when he got slammed into the wall, he was bleeding but that didn't stop him from fighting. 

"WHAT THAT YOUR FRIEND IS A FUCKIG MORON,??" Kid yelled out pushing Luffy off of him and giving him a hard punch to the face. Luffy stumbled back and was caught by the school staff before he could do anything back to kid. Sooner than later Shanks came looking upset.  He kept his words short and said "to my office now" . He looked grim. Shanks spoke to one of the staff telling them to sd the nurses in his office.  


You couldn't believe what you had just heard, them three got into a fucking bloody fight just for you… ?  Tears had been flooding your face all at the end of it

"You guys…" you said softly "you really got into a fight just because of me?" You start sobbing "I'm sorry I caused this on you guys" you cover your face with you hands


"But look at you guys your hurt.." you look at the bandage that was on Luffy's head, you didn't even notice it at first as it was cover by his hat, you look at Zoro, his eyes was a deep purple and there had been a deep cut on his lip, then you look at Sanji who had bruises peeking from underneath his shirt.  They had all gotten hurt because of you. You cry even more "please why would you all go through all that because of me?? You should have just let Kid say what he was going to say and just leave it at that!" you cry out

" Y/n we went through that because your our friend and we care about you " Sanji breathed

" Yeah why would we let Kid talk down on you like that, you weren't even there to defend yourself" Zoro concluded

That's right, they were your friends.  You weren't aware that this was like having friends as they had pretty much been your only friends since him. 

"I'm-im sorry guys-" 

"STOP SAYING SORRY!!" Luffy snapped " STOP SAYING SORRY WHEN YOU DID NOTHING TO BE SORRY FOR!! THESE THINGS WEREN'T YOUR FAULT Y/N IF WE DIDN'T WANNA ACT LIKE HOW WE DID WE WOULDN'T HAVE BUT WE DID BECAUSE WE WANTED TO AND TO SHOW THAT WE CARE ABOUT YOU Y/N! YOUR OUR FRIEND"  Luffy slammed his hands on the table lifting himself up and looking in your direction. His eyes were true to his word, he really meant those words.  Sanji and Zoro stood quiet, they knew Luffy's reaction was needed.  You stopped your whimperings as you wiped your face, you felt like a child crying. 

"Thank you" escapes out your lips "Thank you guys for everything" you get up to hug Luffy tightly, then Zoro, then Sanji.  "I'll repay you guys somehow I promise" you sniffed as you sat back down, there were stills something's you wanted to know.  "Luffy can I ask you something else about today..?" You added

"Go for it Y/n!" Luffy's smile was back, that hug was needed.  

"Well when lunch ended why were you and kid fighting again…?" You knew Luffy was the only person to know the answer to the question as Sanji and Zoro weren't aware of this second fight "And when Kid mentioned to me back there was that the reason why when you guys first fought? " You gulped, Luffy just stared before answering

" Yeah when he saw you that's when he had mentioned you, dumb Jaggy he could never keep his mouth shut" he pouted " But we had started fighting again because he said something else about you… " Luffy admitted " I just couldn't stand there and listen to him again y'know so that's when we started fighting again" you felt the feeling of guilt weighing on your shoulders, best thing to do was to just try and shake it off…

"I see.. again thank you so much Luffy" you give him a weak smile, you were so exhausted, "Do you think you could tell me what he said?" Luffy's eyes widened, he looked troubled, 

" I don't wanna" he blurts out " I don't want you to feel more hurt that you already are" 

" Please? With you not telling me would only keep me feeling troubled " 


" He said stuff about you hurting yourself and how you were only doing it for attention-" he paused looking into your eyes " he then pretended he was doing it to himself…  as you.. " his voice was low. He tried to muffle the last part out but you heard it through his attempts…  all you did was exhale and sigh. 

"Thank you Luffy" you put your hands on your head "Now I guess I owe you guys a background check huh" you muttered.

" You don't have to if you want to Y/n" Sanji spoke " It's your choice remember that"

"Its okay, I was going to tell you guys either way I just wish it wasn't like this.." you stood up "Let's go inside I'm freezing" you walk to the entrance of the diner, before you walk in you turn to your three friends " you guys can tell everyone now, I'm okay with it.." your voice had been weak and muffled.  You walk into the warm diner with everyone. 

As you approached your tabke the voices had died down as their attention was brought on to you.  They all knew you had been crying as your eyes were puffy and your face was red. Usopp had scooted further in the booth so all four of you could sit again. Robin and Franky had arrived already when you were outside.  Surprisingly all you fit in the booth, you sat next to Usopp and without even thinking you had laid your head down on his shoulder, he was caught off guard from such a sudden move but he didn't question anything, he knew you were exhausted.  

"Did everything go okay?" Nami asked as she was looking at you worried

"Yeah, we could tell you guys everything now if you want" Zoro laid back, everyone at the booth stayed quiet until the three boys finished telling the events of today.  They were all left in shock. They didn't expect you to have such a background, how could they? All they really knew from your past is that you moved schools due to some issues but they assumed it was because of your mom's illness, no where did they expect you to have gone through such a painful experience.  They felt beyond sorry.  

"Ugh it's always that damn Kid!" Nami raised her voice "why does he have to be such an asshole..!" Her voice broke down.  Everyone didn't have any input on that they had heard. Franky was crying during the entire thing also cursing kid out and Robin comforted him but also had shedded some tears as well. Usopp just looked at you with saddened eyes, you had fallen asleep on his shoulder, he didn't bother waking you up and just stayed there to comfort you. 

After a couple minutes you finally daze back into reality. Everyone noticed and chose to leave the topic for another time. You struggled to open your eyes as the lights had been so bright. Usopp felt you waking up and handed some water to you, still feeling groggy you took the water, the cold glass had been wet so it almost slipped out you hand thankfully Usopp caught it before it could spill on you 

"Sorry" you mutter to him

"Hm about what?" He said softly

"I fell asleep on you.. I didn't mean too" you rub your eyes finally getting a sense of what was happening. Everyone was having their own conversations and eating food.

"It's no big deal Y/n, I didn't mind it I promise" he grins at you "here we got you something to eat" he slides a plate of food to you.  It was a club sandwich with some fries on the side, you hadn't eaten all day so your stomach was growling to be fed.  

"Oh thank you, who bought it though?" You ask as you take a fry and put it in your mouth

"I did but don't worry about paying me back" Usopp says as he takes a bite out of his pasta and what seemed to smell like fish in it, you frowned as you take a bite out the sandwich

" I'm repaying you back I don't care, you've been too nice to me not too"  you take another bite of a fry. 

" Hm then whatever you give me I won't take it" he gives you a smug look

" Hey that's not fair" you ate another fry " You're too stubborn" you yawned, Usopp laughs before saying

"I can say the same about you" 

"Ah Good morning Y/n! How'd you sleep" Nami's attention goes to you

" Hey Nami, I slept good" you take a sip of water " I'm still tired though and I have a raging headache from these lights though, there are too bright" you sighed

" Huh I guess they are a bit bright… " She looks up to them "Hey I'll be back okay" she says as she talks to the worker at the front, at first she seemed calmed but she broke down into tears after? The worker looked as if he didn't know what to do before finally nodding his head yes and went out back, the lights to the diner had dimmed bring yours eyes to an ease, Nami thanks the worker as she wipes her "tears"  and comes back to the table with a smirk

"How's that for you Y/n?" She asks sweetly, everyone burst out laughing, you do too

"That's better now, thank you Nami '' you gleemed.  You knew you wanted to tell everyone about what your background was like but you chose to tell them at a different time, you wanted to enjoy this evening.  The rest of the evening was filled with laughter, crying, and bonding.  You guys didn't leave the dinner until it was almost 8.  The workers had been begging you guys to leave as you had stayed there twice as long as the rest of the customers, they got what they wanted eventually.  It has been pitch black out, the sun has been down for some time now, all of you said your goodbyes and you all left in different directions in pairs.  You had to walk home which was like a thirty minute walk.  You had insisted that you would be fine walking alone but Usopp had tagged along with you claiming 

"It's not safe for you to walk alone" which was true you admitted with these dark nights it was exactly safe to be by yourself at night.  You both waved your friends goodbye before you started walking. 

"Ugh I'm exhausted" you nagged 

"I don't blame you, you had a long day today" he stated "You've probably had been waiting to go home all this time huh" he kicked a rock

"heh yeah if I'm going to be honest, I don't wanna seem mean tho, I like hanging with you guys like that" chuckled a bit


Your phone vibrates from your pocket, you had taken it out to check it, a text message? You assume it's from your step dad, probably saying he's staying at the hospital again. You unlock your phone and slid up to see the notification and click it

Unknown Number

Hey Y/n, This is Killer from history, sorry for texting you so late but I just got the chance to be on my phone right now.  Just wanted to remind you about our project and about going to the factory this weekend.  Hopefully you'll be able to make it,  thanks. 

Sent 8:07 ; read 8:07

You stopped in your tracks as you read the message.  You had completely forgotten you were partners with Killer. Yours hands start shaking, Usopp noticed you standing there looking at your phone

"Y/n you okay?" He asks

"Usopp, Killer texted me." Four words changed his entire expression "fuck I forgot about our project together, I don't know what to do!" Your voice starts quivering "Usopp I don't think I can work with him after today, what if he tries something? What do I do??" You look up to Usopp frantically, then he grabs your phone and reads the message before he starts typing.  He puts your phone in his pocket and grabs your hands and keeps walking. You were deeply confused and panicked before he speaks up

"Y/n respectfully you don't need this stress on you right now, therefore I'm taking you phone until tomorrow" he smiles "I don't want you to think about anyone but yourself right now, it's not good to stress this much y'know"

" I- wait, you're really taking my phone till tomorrow? What if I get a text message or something" you fumble with the zipper on the Usopp's jacket, you had completely forgotten you were still wearing it.  "You're not serious about this are you?" Which you were responded with laughter

"Hah of course I'm serious Y/n!" He continues to lead you " If you get a message you can read it tomorrow when I give it back to you, I won't look through your phone either too if your worried about that" you were still dumb founded

" Wait what did you say to killer at least?  Did you respond to him?! " Your voice had still been shaking up

" Like I said Y/n, don't think about anyone else other than yourself, killers fine if I responded or not" you know Usopp was just looking out for you and you were thankful for that but unfortunately you can never get rid of the feeling of anxiety inside of you.

" Ugh I guess you're right" you sigh " thanks for this" you look up to him

"It's no problem Y/n, I just want the best for you" he says and you two just walk in silence for the rest of the walk.  


You once in for all get to your house like you thought it took at least thirty minutes.  Usopp walked you in as you both escaped the coldness, you noticed for the entire walk Usopp never let your hand go, even till now he was still holding on to it, you couldn't help but blush a little.

"Well Y/n, I better start going now" He smiled. You knew it was late but you didn't want him to leave, not right now at least.

"Wait Usopp are you sure um it's cold out there um lemme wash you jacket before you leave!" You say trying to convince him to stay 

"Huh it's okay really Y/n, I'm fine, like I said earlier a little bit of cold weather doesn't bother me" he sniffed, there! You let go of his hand hand quickly to grab on to the other one, like you thought he was freezing cold,

"No way you're going out like this! Don't you feel your hands it's freezing" you grumble "why didn't you tell me you were cold I would have given your jacket  back" Usopp realized his act was up and sighed

"Please Y/n the cold didn't bother me earlier I promise, it's just till now that I was starting to feel it" he gives you a sweet smile "besides I like seeing you in my jacket better, it suits you" You quickly start blushing from what he said, he didn't realize before but he also started blushing after he caught on to what he had said to you "Ah! I mean- it's just I think" 

" It's okay Usopp, I appreciate it" you smile at him " At least let me give you one of mine so you won't stay cold, I'll put it in  the dryer for you so you could stay even more warm" you walk to you room to grab a decent sweater for him before he could even protest.  Once he saw that you had plopped it in the dryer he finally gave in. 

"So what do you wanna do now?" You ask

"Hm I don't know, what do you wanna do"  he says nervously, you didn't blame him, this was the first time of him being in your home.  

"Ah, let's watch a movie!" You say as you run to your couch "C'mon take a seat" you smile, he hesitates a little before sitting down next to you "What movies do you like" you beamed 

"Hm anything with comedy or action" he rubs his chin "anything if i'm going to be honest I'm not picky" He relaxes no longer feeling nervous

" hm okay OH I know a good one lemme put it on" 


You both stay watching the movie and laughing, you completely forgot about Usopp's sweater that you were going to give him, the dryer has most definitely turned off by now cooling down the sweater.  Throughout the movie you and Usopp started getting closer to each other and were now barely an inch apart from each other. Neither of you minded it though, it felt nice staying warm next to each other.  You offered to watch another movie, at first Usopp thought about it before again giving in.  You put on another comedy and it was funny at first but you couldn't help yourself from feeling sleepy.  

Sooner than later you had again fallen asleep on Usopp. Again.  He noticed this and didn't know what to do. He checked the time on his phone, it was well around midnight.  He struggled to try and get up without waking you but was unsuccessful after you had shifted in your sleep alarming you. 

In the end he just reached over for the blanket that was on the other side of the couch and covered you with it making sure you weren't cold.  After some time Usopp found himself asleep too.  With his arm around your shoulder you both shared a blanket as the two of you slept.. 

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