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Waking up groggy you feel the cold air hit you as you slowly arise from your somber.  You didn't know what happened last night as you found yourself in the living room.  Finally after fighting to keep your eyes open you stand up, goosebumps crawl up your arms and legs. You put the blanket over you and stretch.  

"Gah why'd I sleep on the couch yesterday" you yawn "my neck is killing me" you look around and see your dark house, "where's Usopp..?" You stand there before remembering last night "HUH USOPP?" You look around your house to see if he was around anywhere, no signs of him. "Ugh how embarrassing, " I asked him to stay" you sit back on the couch, "what  time is it even? " You ponder looking for your phone "and he kept my phone just as he said" you frown, you look around a bit before seeing a yellow paper on your coffee table, "huh what's this?" You think as you grab the paper reading the writing.  

"Hey Y/N sorry I kinda spent the night, you fell asleep on me and I didn't have the heart to wake you, I don't know what time your going to be up but hopefully you have enough time to get ready for school, I'll pick you up if I can


(Btw I still have your phone ;D"

" I FELL ASLEEP ON HIM AGAIN? " You bury yourself in your couch" " God what's with me lately" you stare out the window "I'm doing strange things, why am I acting like this?" You ask yourself "ugh no time to stress over this I need to get ready, what time is it even?" You look at a clock above your TV "7:35, Huh I still have time to get ready" you get up and head to your room grabbing clothes and head to your restroom to get dressed and ready.  You picked a short sleeve shirt with a long sleeve shirt along with some baggy jeans, then over you added a zip up sweater.  A nice comfy outfit for the day.  You had fixed your poofy morning hair and left the house in a hurry, last time you checked the clock you had around 10 mins to get to school.  As you grab your house keys, you walk out and lock your door behind you, as you pull your key out you hear two honks coming from a car.  You turn around to see Usopp in his black car.  

"Morning Y/n! C'mon we're gonna be late" he yelled, you smiled and quickly ran over to his car.  So he was going to pick you up. You hop in the passenger seat and buckle your seatbelt.

"Morning Usopp" you smiled at him "heh you weren't lying about picking me up huh" 

"Hah you found my letter" he started to drive off "I was afraid you weren't going to find it but yeah I came as your knight in shining armor to save you from being late to school" he pretended to bow down, you start laughing.

"Oh thank you 'my Knight'" you play along " I could have never gotten to school without you" you say sarcastically, you both laugh before staying quiet again. You wanted to say something about last night but it would make things awkward, finally you remember something

" Oh Usopp, do you have my phone? " You turn towards him, a panic look spreads across from his face, something was up

"A-ah of course I do heh, um it's in my backpack!" He shifts his eyes towards you before looking back on the road 

"Um okay, can I get it?" You question suspiciously

"Oh of course! But um I know I said I wouldn't look through it WHICH I DIDN'T" he explained "but I just got a bit bored and texted a green headed fellow we know'' he says nervously, 

"WHAT" you were bamboozling "what'd you even text him?" You check your notifications and see so many missed calls and unopened text from Zoro, you look at Usopp and he avoided eye contact with you "geez what'd you even say to him, I have like hundreds of notifications just from him" you say clearing all of them before you opened them, after hearing that you hear Usopp holding back a laugh

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2023 ⏰

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