Where Do We Go From Here?

By EroticaAddict91

11.2K 261 38

Sequel to "Take Me As I Am" As the second half of Harry and Draco's 8th year continues, Harry is once again t... More

Christmas Snow
Presents and Forgiveness
Reunions and Curses
Lies and Greenhouses
I'm Watching You
Supervision and Cupcakes
Chocolates and Werewolves
Pain and Mischief
Full Moon Panic
Sleepovers and Whiskey
Ashwinder Eggs and Underpants
Our First fight
I Was Wrong
Power Top
Switches and Trust
Bad News and O Sphere's
The Feeling Of Dread
Broom Closets and Final Resort's
A Second Chance
Cinnamon Fire and First Times
Meetings and Rewards
Debts Paid and Hallway Quickies
Cookies and Wolfsbane
Fooling Around
Slytherin Party Part 1
Slytherin Party Part 2
Slytherin Party Part 3
Instinctual Attraction
Control Yourself
Girl Power Part 1
Girl Power Part 2
Broken Howl

In The Shadows

318 5 0
By EroticaAddict91

The next morning Harry and Draco had breakfast in The Great Hall, everyone excited for the new year coming closer in only a matter of days. Harry had other things on his mind currently, feeling like he was being stalked all morning.

Harry had left breakfast early, walking outside on the grounds before the rain came.

The grounds were covered in 3ft of snow, the rain promising to ice over the entire castle. The air stung Harry's cheeks, inhaling the harsh breeze. The sky was dark and cloudy, grey snow filled clouds moving in on the horizon.

Harry stuffed his gloved hands in his jacket pockets, on his way back to the castle. He had met Hagrid for some snacks and tea after breakfast, heading back to meet Ron.

Something large and heavy footed snapped a branch beneath it's feet.

Harry whipped his head around at the sound, frozen where he stood. He glared towards the noise, making out a shadowed figure hidden behind a massive tree trunk.


Claws wrapped around the side of the tree trunk, scraping the wood surface.

Harry's eyes went wide with fright, the shadowed figure becoming more clear. "Fenrir!" He hissed under his breath, backing up fast.

"Blimey Harry!" Hagrid steadied Harry after he bumped into his coat, standing there towering over him.

"Hagrid!" Harry yelled, looking back to the large tree. "I just saw..."

Hagrid looked to the tree that Harry was staring at. "Saw who lad?" He looked at him with concern.

Harry looked at the tree in growing confusion. "I thought I saw...he was..." He looked at Hagrid.

"There's nobody there you silly boy, are you alright? Maybe we should go back and talk some more?" Hagrid suggested, worried at how scared Harry looked.

Harry shook his head, if he had any more relaxation tea he wouldn't be able to walk. "No I'm fine...I'll be fine." He furrowed his brow, looking one last time at the massive tree trunk.

"You seemed off when we had tea...barely said anything and you seem worried...sure there's nothing you wish to tell me Harry?" Hagrid asked one more time.

Harry took the notepad out of his pocket. "I'm sorry Hagrid but I have to go, but thanks for the pastries and tea!" He turned to run back up the path, scribbling fiercely on the enchanted parchment as he reached the front doors of the castle.

Shadowed figure spotted in Hogwarts grounds

Shadowed figures might be messing with my mind...thought I saw someone I knew...

Severus had excused himself from his usual morning activities to pay a visit to Azkaban prison. He had questions, concerns, and most of all he needed to understand what happened the night that Lucius used the Cruciatus Curse on his own son.

Narcissa sat by the high up window on the stone bench, peering out of the bars that she looked through every morning. Her shackles clinked around her ankles as she elegantly crossed her leg over her knee.

One of the guards of the prison floor she resided in escorted Severus to the door. "You have a visitor, 10 minutes!" The large muscled man glared through the door he slowly opened.

Severus moved past the guard without so much as a glance, unaffected by the darkness and intimidation.

Narcissa scowled at Severus, continuing to look out the window. "Why have you come?" She asked in a sharp tone.

"We need to have a discussion." Severus came closer to her, grasping his wand inside his cloak. "It's of most importance."

"I have nothing to say to you Severus, leave me." Narcissa snapped, refusing to meet his gaze.

"Are you aware of what Lucius did to your son before his demise?" Severus asked.

Narcissa whipped her head around. "What are you talking about?" She stood to her feet. "What's happened???"

Severus raised a brow. "Don't play me as a fool Narcissa, you had to have known that Lucius tortured Draco with the Cruciatus Curse."

Narcissa squeezed her fists at her sides. "Not possible, Lucius was many things but he'd never use an unforgivable curse on his own son." She shook her head.

Severus grabbed Narcissa by the wrist, pulling her close to his curled lip. "All the abuse you allowed, all the beatings you stood idly by...you really think I'd believe you were unaware?"

Narcissa ripped her hand out of Severus's unforgiving grip. "I don't have any excuse for those instances, but if I thought for even a split second that Lucius would torture Draco....I would have NEVER allowed it."

"Well he did, and for a solid 15 minutes." Severus sternly spoke.

Narcissa stood frozen in front of Severus, horror washing over her face. "Are you sure that's what the spell was? Even more than 5 minutes under the Cruciatus Curse can cause irreparable damage...how did he survive 15?!"

"He was in a coma for several days, the Healers at St. Mungo's thought he wouldn't survive." Severus sat on the opposite wall bench. "But he survived non the less."

"How Severus???? Don't you remember what happened to Longbottom's parents all those years ago???" Narcissa tried to walk closer to Severus, her chains stopping her halfway.

"That's part of why I'm here you see...there's been some sort of side effect from being under the curse for such a long time." Severus began.

"Tell me!" Narcissa demanded. "What happened?!" 

"Every day to ever other day Draco has been suffering what seems to be small residual episodes of the Cruciatus Curse." Severus explained, his emotions hidden. "I fear that if there is no way to stop it...he will eventually die from severe internal damage."

Narcissa truly had no idea this had happened to Draco. "Does the Ministry know?" She questioned, hopeful they knew what to do.

Severus felt a chill from the cold air, crossing his arms under his black cloak. "I've spoken with multiple departments and figure heads at the Ministry, nobody...not even the Minister himself knows how to stop it."

Narcissa slowly backed up, sitting on the bench with a clang of her shackles. "So if this goes on for too long he....he'll die?"

Severus looked down at the stone floor, kicking away some scattered pebbles. "Let's not worry about that just yet, for now it's manageable with potions and spells to keep the curse from damaging him....but yes if we don't find a solution Draco will die." He swallowed his sorrow at the words he spoke, glaring at her.

"Severus I knew nothing about this! Why did Lucius do this?!" Narcissa looked distraught, amazed that Lucius was capable of such cruelty.

"That's why I came this morning, I was hoping you knew...guess my visit was for not." Severus stood, about to leave.

"They never saw eye to eye...never once did they agree or share the same interests." Narcissa started. "But Lucius never hated his son he just...wanted him to be like he was and when he wasn't...well you knew his temper."

"I disagree with you, after all those years of knowing Lucius...he hated Draco and only tolerated him to use him!" Severus spat, rushing up to the door.

"Wait!!! Please just answer me a few questions before you leave!" Narcissa walked as far as her chains would go.

Severus looked at her. "What is it?" He asked dryly, not in the mood for trivial nonsense.

"Are Harry Potter and my son dating??? Like a serious relationship?" Narcissa asked firstly.

Severus scowled. "Honestly woman are you going to waste my time??? Of course they are, they've been together since September!"

Narcissa nodded slowly. "Sorry, I just wanted to confirm what Lucius had said."

"What exactly did he say regarding their relationship?" Severus asked out of curiosity.

"Lucius said if Draco was truly intimate with Harry Potter that he'd...he'd deal with the situation himself." Narcissa realized what that had meant just as she spoke the words, covering her mouth. "You don't suppose that's why he did this???"

Severus scowled even harder. "You knew about this threat to Draco's safety and you didn't think to keep him safe?!?!"

"I NEVER thought Lucius would ever do something so horrendous Severus!!! I truly never thought-"

Severus interrupted her. "It doesn't matter what you thought!!! You could have prevented this from happening!" He was so angry, so furious that he needed to leave before he did something impulsive.

Narcissa reached her hand out to Severus as he angrily opened the cell door. "Wait please! There's something you need to know!"

Severus didn't look at her, keeping his back turned. "What is it now?!" He snapped.

"The Daily Prophet keeps sending out articles and news letters about Fenrir Greyback still missing." Narcissa quietly spoke, not wanting the guards to hear anything.

Severus looked over his shoulder. "We've been searching every night, I've joined the Aurors in the hunt for him."

"But that's just it Severus...he's not hiding from anyone he's been stalking Hogwarts." Narcissa dropped her voice down to a dull whisper, looking to the door for anyone who'd be listening.

Severus turned to her. "That's not possible! There's security all around the school since the students returned."

"Then you need to take another look Severus, he's stalking the students and teachers of Hogwarts...right after you killed Lucius he disappeared yes?"

"Yes, that's when the Ministry made it top priority to find him." Severus said, coming closer, closing the door.

"Before I was taken by the Aurors who took over the Manor, Fenrir told me he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted!"  Narcissa covered her face in her hands.

"What is it that he wants?" Severus asked, dreading the answer.

"I have no idea...as you know Fenrir is not a man of words. I have told you what I know, I've been in here ever since." Narcissa brushed the dirt from her hands, looking away.

Severus stood. "You did the right thing, thank you for telling me the truth, but if I find out you're lying to me...you'll meet the same fate as your husband." He walked out of the cell, leaving the guard to lock the door.


Harry made his way to Gryffindor Tower after a long chat with Sybill Trelawney about what he saw, talking about all the incidences since being back. Sybill told Harry if he saw anything else suspicious, he needed to tell Minerva McGonagall.

Harry stood in front of the painting, muttering the password so nobody would hear.

The common room was very empty, most of the younger students out and about during the last part of their holiday.

Harry climbed the furthest spiral staircase up to the 8th year boy's dormitory, seeing Ron already there with Neville reading on his bed.

"Harry! You left early at breakfast this morning everything alright?" Neville asked, turning a page in his book.

"I'm fine, just wanted to go see Hagrid for early morning tea time." Harry smiled, not wanting to tell anyone what he saw just yet, still confused about it himself.

"Harry come! I have some special chocolates my Mum sent me! Come see!" Ron patted the spot next to him on the bed.

Harry climbed into the 4 post bed, moving the curtains out of the way.

"Look! There's 8 chocolate squares in this box." Ron opened the flat rectangle box. "6 of them are normal HoneyDukes chocolate squares."

"And the other 2?" Harry asked, looking for any that might look different.

"2 of them are incredibly spicy!" Ron said with a wicked grin. "Our job is to find which ones they are!"

Harry scrunched his nose. "Oh bullocks I hate spicy stuff."

"Pick 4 and I'll pick what's left after you." Ron took the tissue paper off that was wrapped around it.

All 8 chocolates were the same color and shape, sitting in individual parchment squares.

"Goodness...alright." Harry randomly chose 4 of them, setting the selection down in front of his crossed legs.

Neville put his book away. "Bye Harry, bye Ron!" He poked his head inside the semi-open curtains of Ron's bed.

"Bye Neville!" Ron smiled.

Harry smirked at Neville. "Enjoy your sleepover Neville."

Neville blushed. "Same to you! Bye!" He left with a nervous step to his walk.

Ron raised a brow. "What's going on with Neville and Malfoy?" He asked, picking up the 4 chocolate squares after Harry finished picking his.

"Why are you still calling Draco by his last name?" Harry asked with a slight glare.

Ron shrugged. "Habit I guess...sorry." He bit into his first square, sighing in relief that it wasn't spicy.

"Please be nice to each other, you should find time to spend a night or an evening at least with him, I promise if you play nicely he might warm up to you." Harry tried not to scowl, biting into his square. "UGHHHH!!!!" He shouted, covering his mouth.

Ron laughed, handing Harry his half full cup of hot chocolate.

Harry squirmed harshly, swallowing down the room temperature hot chocolate. "That's nothing but heat! Ugh!" He wiped his wipes on a napkin from the nightstand.

"Bloody hell that looked painful." Ron shook his head with a chuckle, looking at his knowing one of them might be the spicy one.

"It's not, but it's not pleasant." Harry grimaced, licking some small pieces from his teeth that remained. "Ugh!" He chugged the rest of the hot chocolate.

"So you never answered me, what's the deal with Neville and Mal-Draco?" Ron asked for the 2nd time.

Harry ate another, sighing happily when it was the normal soothing HoneyDukes chocolate. "Draco will never admit it but he likes Neville in a way, maybe not in the same way he loves me or Seamus, but he gets off on it."

Ron scrunched his nose. "Nevermind, I don't want to know." He shoved an entire square into his mouth, regretting it immediately. "BLOODY HELL!!!" He coughed, swallowing harshly. "Accio drink!" He waved his wand quickly, a random pumpkin juice in a red mug with gold squares came floating into his hand.

Someone from downstairs yelled in surprise at the loss of their drink!

Harry laughed, happy he didn't have to experience that spicy chocolate again. "Drink fast before it gets worse!"

Ron chugged it all down, eating the rest of the chocolates he had to mask the taste.


Neville walked slowly all the way down the Dungeon corridors that led to Harry and Draco's private quarters, nervous that he'd be alone with Draco the whole night. He stood in front of the snake knocker door, slowly bringing his hands up to it.

Draco heard the shaky knocking, knowing Neville was on the other side of the door. He walked over to the door, peering through the peep hole.

Neville nervously looked around at the wide end of the hallway, tapping his fingers against his pajama pants.

Draco finally opened the door after letting Neville's anxiety fester, pulling him in by his long sleeve pajama shirt. "You're early, desperate to come see me hmm?" He teased rudely, pulled him inside.

Neville glared slightly, looking around to see everything clean with multiple candles lit in different spots around the room. "I want to talk to you." He mentioned, sitting on the arm of the couch. "That's why I'm here an hour early"

Draco raised a brow, coming over to sit on the couch cushion. "Okay? Start talking then."

Neville took a slow breath in, wanting to get this out. "I want to go all the way with you." He said very quickly, covering his mouth right after saying it.

Draco's eyes widened. "Excuse me? You what???"

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