Bangpink Short Stories

By Ppriyanim

15.4K 483 176

This is a compilation of bangpink short stories. More

Fated Pt. 1
Fated Pt.2
Fated Pt. 3
Fated Pt. 4
Fated Pt. 5
Fated Pt. 6
Fated: [End]
Runaway Love pt. 1
Runaway Love pt. 2
Runaway Love pt. 3
Runaway Love pt. 4
Runaway Love pt. 6
Runaway Love pt. 7
Runaway Love [End]
My Dear RosΓ©

Runaway Love pt. 5

590 34 30
By Ppriyanim

Days grew to weeks, as months grew into a year.

She already got used to living with him and thinks that it is the best thing that had happened to her. The abundant feeling of being overjoyed, the endless passion as they succumbed into the darkness of the night. They made love all over the place, whether they are cooking their brunch that almost set the whole place on fire, doing their laundry together and does it on top of the machine while waiting for it to finish, and or while watching a movie after their work which they eventually forget while they break the couch in half.

She was living the best life possible with him and he made sure she's fulfilled with all things he can provide as her man.

He asked her to quit her job as a waiter and take a course instead so she can land a better job. She's been wanting to study event and project management and he paid her expenses for her education. She thought it was excessive to enroll her full time for a year but the man insisted it.

Sooner or later, she became interested in organizing events and services to make people happy. At the same time she brought up wanting to help orphans just like her after she made enough money to bring charity to those in need.

And in no time, time flew by another year, her education will end in a few weeks. Lisa's interest to start her own business and her determination to be successful on her own so she will not lag behind him, or too financially dependent on him.

She started creating a business proposal like a real one that needs financial support from investor; Jungkook.

"What are you doing?"

"Ah!" Lisa closed the laptop in an instant when he suddenly popped on her back out of nowhere, hiding her work.

"What's that?" Jungkook creased his brows, "What are you hiding?"

Lisa turn her back to face him, she can't tell him about her plan, it will ruin the moment she surprises him, she wanted it to be polish and feasible at the least so he will be inspired to invest.

"Nothing my love," Lisa nervously chuckled.

"Hmm.." Jungkook lean closer, putting his hands on her both sides, trapping her in between.

"I swear, it's nothing," Lisa averted his intimidating eyes.

"You're hiding something from me, and I don't like it," Jungkook crossed his arms.

"You'll know when you know," "But for now it's too early to tell you," Lisa said.

"Is that so? You're not cheating on me are you?" Jungkook creased his brows.

"Why would I be cheating on you?" Lisa chuckled, "Trust me, it's nothing you should be afraid of,"

"Alright, if it isn't cheating or you're telling me you'll leave me then it's fine," Jungkook dump his lips on her forehead, earning a chuckle from the doll face.

"I love you too much to cheat on you," Lisa said.

"I love you more," Next he kissed her cheek, but the sound of their washing machine turning off caught their attention.

"Go find some hanger in the closet, our clothes needs a little air to dry," Jungkook told her while going to their laundry area.

"Alright, give me a minute babe!"

Lisa hopped out of the chair and went to their room, she placed her laptop on her bag before heading towards their walk in closet. She opened a spare cabinet that they usually store unused hanger and some of unneeded tools and boxes for storage.

"How many do you need love?!" Lisa shouted for him to hear.

"I don't know, just bring many," Jungkook answered while rumbling through their fresh clean clothes and throw it to their basket.


Lisa tiptoed to unhook the hanger hanging on the rod, it was a little too high for her reach and she needed to climb on empty corner of cabinet, but before she could lift herself a little, the wood she stepped into made a turn and all of the boxes inside collapsed as well as she met on the floor.

"Ahh!" *thud!*

"Lisa?!" Jungkook heard a loud thud and rumble of boxes. He immediately made a run for it, even stumbled himself on the basket until he reach where she was.

He saw her sitting on the floor, rubbing her bum with the hangers all over the place, as well as the boxes he hid for a very long time, full of stuff from the past he had long forgotten is scattered around her.

He couldn't say a thing.

"Sorry, I was carele—" Lisa was cut off on her own words when she saw the mess she made.

Specifically shocked to see designer clothes for women near her age, and empty boxes of luxury brand until her eyes reaches the vintage box of dior, Jungkook has been gazing as soon as he arrived.

It was wrapped in different kinds of flower and was tied into a ribbon, written on top of the box was— "KHY Memories"

"Why.. Why is there female clo—"

"It's not mine,"

Jungkook didn't let her finish, "My mom forgot to bring this boxes back in the house, let's just pack it up and bring it back inside,"

Jungkook started putting the clothes back inside the box on his own while Lisa didn't move a little meticulously watching him and his reaction.

He is hiding something.

She can feel it in her guts, but she can't ask him again.

Feeling uncomfortable, Lisa turn back on him and started helping him. She took the hanger one by one until the last.

Her hand, however, caught the dior box to read the initial written on it and asked him, "KHY" "Is that you're mom's name?"

"Yes," Jungkook answered.

"Is it okay if I open it?" Lisa asked him. But Jungkook took the box from her and threw it inside the cabinet as if it was nothing.

"There's nothing special, it's just a box," "Mom doesn't like her staff being touched," "So don't touch it," Jungkook closed the cabinet door a little strong, she can sense his annoyance through it.

Lisa remained speechless as she averted her eyes, she felt an unpleasant feeling that he might be hiding something she should know but can't afford to ask why, her heart is uncomfortable with his tone and annoyance like she did something very wrong to offend him without knowing what it was.

Later after that Jungkook noticed the sudden shift of the atmosphere between them while they do the laundry, he finally realize that he went overboard.

He went closer after they finished hanging the clothes and caressed her cheeks. He kissed her lips ever so gently, wanting all the uneasiness to fade away in exchange of his unpleasant approach earlier.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get mad," Jungkook whispered.

"It's okay, it's not my stuff either," Lisa said pulling back.

"We're done right? I remember i'll be having a presentation tomorrow, I'll go finish it," She beamed him a smile even thougj she's disappointed.

"Don't wait for me, just cook your own dinner,"

But even after that day, and the next weeks after that, her uneasiness didn't fade, rather it was getting worst. She kept thinking about that certain box that he threw and how fashionable and expensive those clothes in the closet for his mom. She kept thinking if his mom loves trendy clothes, a thin strap silk night gown, and even coat that her age wear.

All of those days of pretending to be okay, spending time together, learning new things, making love with him through the night, until insomnia made her think to check the boxes again while he was sleeping.

She tried her best ignore her devil every night and she succeeded most of the time.

Umtil an afternoon came that he was out for a business trip elsewhere, and she was left all alone inside that massive apartment.

Her feet kept going back and forth, asking herself multiple times if it is alright to open that dior box, and check what's inside without his consent because it keeps bugging her.

Because she knew,

It's definitely not his mom's.

She never met his family.

Never met any of his friends.

Or anyone related to him.

Because if it is, his mom could have gone here and took it, but weeks had passed and no one is collecting it. What's even more hurting was that she never knew about his family nor where he came from. She was blinded by his love to never ask about his origin, she only knew he is Jeon Jungkook and he is a capable man.

She felt like she didn't know the person she's living with for a year, she felt like a stranger who came in his world all of the sudden.

Therefore, there's only way to find out, and put an end to her endless questions in mind, and that is to check it on her own and tell herself that it isn't true.

And after she deliberately tried to go back and forth, she went to their walk in closet and opened the cabinet door. She took the box out and gently opened it with a heavy heart. As her hand held the dior box, that looks like a gift than an empty box, there's a slight dent on the corner, nonetheless it looks like in a good condition.

She untied the ribbon with her trembling fingers, slowly lifting the box with a single hand, only to slipped it off her hand and the box fell and scattered everything inside on the floor.

She was shocked to what she found,

And that time all she can hear was her broken sob while looking at the polaroids of his smile next to a gorgeous woman she can only see in billboards and commercials.

Her heart is exploding with all the speculation came to be a shocking truth of his sweet nothings to the girl. Until she found a usb attached with a simple note but enough for her body to tremble as she took it on the ground,

Her lips opened to read painfully what was written on the note...

"Wi— with.."


"With my husband, Ju-Jungkook"

"Ki-Kim Ha Yul's.. Memories."


"Ms Jung,"

Lisa turn around to Mrs. Bae who called her, "Yes, Mrs. Bae?"

"I can't find the name cards of the VVIP guest do you have it?" Mrs. Bae asked.

Lisa nodded, "Yes, I still have to touch up some gold on the calligraphic text, Mr. Jeon specifically said to make it more luxurious,"

Mrs. Bae gave her a small smile. It isn't a secret for the entire orphanage that her son is the only child of the CEO of Jeon Corporation. But to hear it directly from her, how formal she calls him, or how she ignores most of his advances, tells them that she is setting barriers between the two of them and only their son is their connection.

She can't put herself to ask how she became Jung, or how she met their boss. She is just the caretaker of the orphanage named after her old name, and she shouldn't trespass their privacy.


Mrs. Bae and Lisa heard Jungkook called her walking towards her from afar, he is supervising the final design for the event tomorrow night, as well as doing his work for the company.

"Mr. Jeon," Mrs. Bae bow her head.

"What's wrong? Is there a last minute to change?" Lisa asked him as soon as he arrived, "Tell me now while we can still change it,"

"No, that's not what I came here," Jungkook look around their surroundings, it is already perfect and befitting from the very start.

"Then what is it?" Lisa excused herself from Mrs. Bae to reach for the retractable ladder.

"I'll get going, Mr. Jeon.. Ms. Jung," Mrs. Bae bow her head to both of them before going out of the hall, Jungkook and Lisa slightly bow their heads for her.

"Ya, what are you doing? Let me do it for you.." Jungkook stopped her by the arm while she is climbing up the ladder with her heeled boots.

"I just need to hang the fallen flowers, nothing too dangerous," Lisa said.

"You're wearing heels, go done there, let me do it," Jungkook grew worried with how her boots falling off and her stubbornness combined.

"Just.. a  little.." Lisa tiptoed her feet but her feet slides on the metal rod causing her to fall.



With Jungkook's rush and a rapid heart, he immediately caught her before she falls on the ground, his left hand on her shoulder while her right hooked on the back of her knees.

Lisa was caught off guard with all her arms all over his neck, she was nervous of being in pain that it was already too late when she realizes their position, and met his eyes.

As their eyes gaze each other, her heart became erratic, just like how his heart does as he soften his gaze.

At that moment the noise became silent, it is like they're the only remaining person on earth.

Unknowingly, their head moved and lean in closer and closer, getting to the flow of their moment, shutting her eyes as she waits for him to capture her lips.

She knew as the days goes by, they're becoming close yet again. In public she would call him by his surname but at the end of the day, she would call his name because their quick witted son asked him why she's calling him by his surname.

She doesn't know why she allowed him to sleep in their house beside their son, and even allow him to eat breakfast and dinner with them.

As the day goes by, she started to think how it would be great if he isn't married and they are one complete family. But also, at the very end of her mind, she knew she cannot be with him anymore.

He was a stranger she once knew and his world is too vicious to compete,

She was only lucky to experience the love from him, only for a slightest, and carried his son. But other than that, she's nothing — nothing compare to his wife, Kim Ha Yul.


"Put me down,"

Jungkook was disappointed, but it wasn't shocking on his part.

He was so close, so close to capturing her lips. So close to telling her the truth and that she is still the only woman will he love, and would only love for the rest of his life.

Yet again, she built another imaginary layer that hinders him away from her.

"Jungkook put me down," Lisa pushed him slightly by the chest.

Just like she wanted to, Jungkook put her down gently assisting her to stand up. She moved a little to the back while watching him averted his eyes and scratching his neck, too disappointed of what it turns out.

"Wh-Why did you came here?" Lisa asked him.

Jungkook put both of his hands on his pocket, "We need to pick up Jae Hwan from daycare, it's almost five,"

Lisa nodded, "Right.. you promised to cook dinner for him,"

Jungkook look back at her, still disappointed, "Yeah,"

"Let's pick him up and go buy some groceries," He added.

That has been their cycle for the past weeks of working for him. They would collaborate as a client and employee in the morning, but at night they are a parent to Jae Hwan.

She loves how he is so close to Jungkook, he wants to spend time together with both of them a lot, and even asked his dad to sleep next to him in their house. And now, he wants him to cook dinner he saw in the story book that Jungkook read to him before he sleeps.

The night was just like normal for them, acting in front of their kid, cooking for him, having dinner with him like a real family. Anything for his son's happiness.

Jungkook would do anything just to give what he wants, also, to cherish most of his time with Lisa, although he knew, her actions with him is a little strained.

Barriers over barriers over barriers.

He doesn't know how to appropriately destroy those thick layer of her barriers to get her and show her his utmost love, it's just that...

He doesn't know where to begin, how to start approaching her. When she already said she had no interest of his life and kept pushing him away.

"Is he asleep?"

It was past eleven in the evening when Jungkook woke up from his nap, he saw their son sleeping peacefully and decided to go back to his hotel and do the necessary work because tomorrow is the event.

But as he goes out of his son's bedroom carefully not to wake him up, he saw Lisa on the living room, emptying a glass of wine while brushing off a gold dust on the VVIP name cards for tomorrow.

"Yes, he's asleep," Jungkook answered, staring at the two bottles of wine, one was empty and one just freshly opened.

"You're drinking," Jungkook said, earning a little scoff on her.

"Why do you care if i'm drinking," Lisa poured another batch.

"Lisa, you're allergic to alcohol," Jungkook answered for her.

"Well not anymore, staying in France away from you changes me for the better," Lisa took a sip, "And me drinking doesn't concerns you anymore,"

Jungkook look down on his feet, again, another barrier, "Yo-You went to France? To your mom?"

Lisa paused, she placed the glass on top of the coffee table, "No, I went there because I needed to stay away from you, and that name Choi Lisa,"

"That bitch almost had my son killed because her cuckold father's debt," Lisa gave him a smirk.


"My half-brother found me and let me borrowed their family name, Jae Hwan was born in France, so if you want him to be your legitimate son, you need to choose if you want him to be Korean or stay a citizen of France,"

Jungkook nodded, "He is my son, he has my blood and his name should definitely be Jeon,"

Lisa clicked her tongue, "Do you really think I will allow you?"

"What?" Jungkook creased his brows, "What do you mean you don't want to?" "Lisa, he is my son, I thought we already ended this discussion,"

"Ended?" Lisa took a sip of her wine, "Why would I give you my son?" "He is my life Jungkook, to put his name in your family is just like pushing me away from his life,"

"What are you talking about?" Jungkook asked walking closer to her.

"What would your parents think about a child out of wedlock?" Lisa asked, "What would your wife treat my son?!"

"Whether you consider him or not he is still an illegitimate child and I don't want him to be associated with your family and whatever your company provides, cause I can give it to him," Lisa stood up.

"So don't you dare bring up, that you have a son for tomorrow's event," Lisa added which made Jungkook's eyes grow wide.

It was jin's proposal, to announce that Jungkook has a son. He thinks it would be a great move for the committee to stop torturing him with marriage proposal, and to tell Lisa that he is not married.

But he guess, it wasn't a great plan either.

"Lisa.. i-it's not,"

Lisa threw two pieces of hard paper, his hand caught it before it falls, he look into it and saw why she's mad all this time.

Jeon Ha Yul

Jeon Min Hae

So that's why.

That's why she's mad, that's why she is outrage of his plan to announce his son to the committee.

It's because of that stupid name, that he wasn't committed, Ha Yul is indeed married now and has a daughter,

Not with him, but to another Jeon, whom she met a year after their supposed wedding. But for Lisa, she thought it was him.

"Don't bring up my son's name, when your family is there to support you," Lisa said, there's anger in her tone.

"If you care, truly for your son, Jungkook, don't involve him, don't involve me to your life," "Me and Jae Hwan are already happy,"

"Just the two of us," Lisa took the glass and drank everything in one go, she doesn't want their remaining days together to end like this but he need to know his boundaries.

He need to know that he cannot push himself into their life just like he wanted to, it is alright for him to consider him a son, name him after Jeon, but never announce it to the public.

She doesn't want his son to live in humiliation, and put into a dynastic family show who a unknown kid became an inheritor. She is working her ass off to give him a better life, so he wouldn't ask of something greater but also risky.

"If you understand me, please don—


When she faces him for the second time, she was shock to see tears running on his face. A tears full of regret, eyes that speaks abandonment, and lips apart but was left speechless.

"Did.." Jungkook paused to close his eyes, his tears are flowing, his heart exploded in so much pain.

"I want to ask you.. one thing before I go," Jungkook deeply sighed, trying to catch his breathe, he felt suffocated and trapped.

There was a silence between them as she watch him cry, he continued,

"Did you ever thought of fighting for me?"

"Even just a little, have you ever thought of asking me?"

"Or did you give up so easily and runaway?

She didn't answered, nor knows what to say. She simply watch his eyes tearing like a waterfall, it was the second time she saw him so vulnerable, so emotional.

"Cause I d-do Lisa.. I-I still d-do," Jungkook voice cracked.

"Even if it hurts me so much that you kept pushing me, away from you," "I'm still here pathetically wanting you,"

"I-I'm growing sick of this love that kills me every second because you kept on pushing me away,"

"Because even if I told you I'm not committed to anyone, only to our love and our memories.."

"You will still believe lies than the truth,"

"And it kills me, that you've already given up when I'm so ready to fight against all odds,"

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