Beyond the King's Gate

By ElenaAlexandra10

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A servant's daughter befriends the prince and finds an unlikely friendship. One that would be greatly scrutin... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

423 12 2
By ElenaAlexandra10

Someone was rubbing her shoulder. Still deep in sleep, she shifted. It didn't stop. Stirring, she cracked one eye open to see who it was. Candles were already lit, servants stood not too far off, and Bethany tried to make out the silhouette right in front of her. It was Countess Jolena, one of Bethany's ladies in waiting, who stood gently caressing her shoulder.

"Your majesty, it's time for you to get up." She said, her voice soft, melodic. Slowly easing Bethany awake. 

What were they doing here this early?

Then it clicked what the fuss was all about. Sleep now fled as she sat up, alert. Today was a big day. Her wedding day.

"Your Royal highness, we must prepare you. A long day awaits." The countess prompted her into action.

"Of course, of course." She put on the dressing gown that was laid out for her on the chaise. She dressed herself.

"Your majesty, your breakfast will be brought up shortly." Bethany nodded absent mindedly while the wheels in her head began churning. 

Bethany moved on to the basin at the corner of the room, filled with cold water.

Bracing herself, she took in a sharp breath, and splashed the cold water. The frigid water sure left no more room for slumber. She was wide awake.

Glancing out the window, it was still dark but there was a slight dawn beginning to break.

Countess Jolena began listing things off that needed to be completed before they set foot in the chapel, while she paced the room, brushing a strand of hair over and over.

By the time the lady finished reading the list, a lady servant entered the room with a tray bearing her breakfast, and Bethany stopped fidgeting. The aroma wafted to her from the table she set it down on. Bethany rose and walked over to take a break.

Just as Bethany began the breakfast, she heard a familiar voice, and looked up. Ronald's mother stood in the doorway. As elegant and beautiful as ever, the light spilling in from the hallway.

"Mother." Bethany got up and rushed to greet her with an embrace. Using the familiar term was unusual, but nevertheless it was true. Today she would become her mother-in-law.

"Oh sweetheart." She held Bethany close, stroking her hair. "I wanted to come wake you myself, it seems I have missed that opportunity." She gave a pointed smile at Countess Jolena. "Good morning either way." She said, as she placed a kiss on her forehead.

"Thank you, I can scarcely believe today is the day of the wedding. It feels so unreal." She voiced her thoughts.

"Oh yes, time flew quickly, didn't it?" She smiled and smoothed over Bethany's wild bedhead hair. "Well then," she continued, leading Bethany back towards the tray of food that she had left behind. "I shall leave now, but I will be back. Enjoy your fare, you will be sorely hungered if you don't."

Smiling, she agreed. "I will do that for sure and thank you by the way." Bethany mused. "You have made my morning."

Short as the visit was, it was what she needed. Bethany's nerves eased enough so she could stomach the food brought to her. Sitting down, she finished the meal in no time. In a hurry to begin the day, she supposed.

Next on the list was hair and makeup. Dreading it, she sat down in the chair. Two women prodded her with brushes, applying things on her face as though she were a canvas. And another pulled at her strands, trying to untangle the mess.

It was more than an hour later when the former queen arrived, this time with Bethany's mother in tow.

"Mother." She smiled at them. "How lucky am I to have both of you here."

When they neared, Bethany reached out to embrace both, in the process her hair slowly pulled away from the hands of Lady Margaret. Who was busy with her hair.

Chiding her playfully, she let go of Bethany's hair.

A quick hug later, Lady Margaret got a perfectly poised Bethany once more. "I apologize, I just can't help it." She felt like her whole life would change with the rising of the sun. A hug from them was exactly what she needed.

"You, my future queen, do not need to apologize. I simply might leave a strand or two undone." In the mirror, Bethany caught the twinkle in her eyes.

"Darling," it was her mother who spoke next. "It is your big day, alas. How are you holding up? Are you ready to walk down that aisle?" She said, searching her eyes.

Was she ready to take on such a role? Yes, and no. "I am indeed." She replied instead.

Bethany saw her eyes glaze over with tears, causing her own to tear up the same. "Don't make me cry." she laughed, dabbing at the corner of her eye. "They just finished my makeup." And she didn't want them reapplying it.

"Then you might be upset at me when I give you this to read." Sniffing, she pulled out a handkerchief and a letter from her gown. Giving them to her.
Bethany looked between her mother and the former queen. "What is this?"

Ronald's mother leaned over, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Ronald knew how you'd be feeling today, so he asked to give this letter to you. He wrote it to you this morning." The thought of Ronald putting aside everything and sitting down to write her a letter, brought tears to her eyes.

"Don't start crying now." The queen jested.

"Thank you, to all of you. I was so nervous last night I could barely eat dinner or sleep." But then mother gave her a special concoction of valerian and something else in a warm cup of tea. And Bethany was out before she knew it.

"Oh, I noticed." Mother stroked her cheek.

"We all noticed." The former queen added, nodding her head with a gentle smile playing on her lips.

"Now now, I must break up your lovely speeches. But I would like to finish her hair before the ceremony begins." Lady Margaret once more interrupted the moment. They all laughed.

"She is difficult, isn't she?" Bethany's mother gave a playful little shove on her shoulder. Bethany shot a glare. "I recall how difficult it was to get you to sit for a hairstyle."

"I wasn't that bad." She countered.

Moments later, mother left to work on finishing touches on the dress, and the former queen told her she had last minute details to attend to. Leaving Bethany alone to read the letter from Ronald.

With careful fingers she peeled the thick paper apart, breaking the wax seal. Bringing the letter closer to the flickering candle, she began from the top.

My dearest Bethany,
I know this is one of the most nerve-wracking
day of your life, mine too.
I can see the wheels churning in your head, and
the hair stroking from here,

Bethany's hand stilled; he knew her too well. She
continued reading.

So, I wrote this to you in hopes that I can
alleviate some of the nerves.
I wanted you to remember all the good times we
All the times we snuck off, shared secrets.
Yes, I may be a king, but to you, I will always be
your Ronny.
Remember that when you walk down the aisle.
You're marrying me first, the kingdom last.
Let's keep it that way, forever and always.
Yours truly, Ronald.

Bethany placed the letter close to her heart. Tears smarted in her eyes. Sniffing, she dabbed the tears away with the handkerchief.

Her gaze wandered about the room, it was now alighted with activity. From the corner of her eye, she could see her mother working away at the dress with her assistant.

She was about to turn her head to search out where the former queen was, to ask her something, when the lady working on her hair turned her head ever so slightly.

"I am nearly finished. Please, your majesty, sit still. This is very hot." Bethany complied, only then remembering that she was curling her hair. So mother was right, she was being difficult. Biting her lip, she sat straight, looking at the ornate flower wallpaper adorning the walls of her room instead.

After the last of the curls were pinned securely, and after the last feather was fastened to her hairstyle, she was allowed to view herself in the mirror.

Looking at her own reflection was almost too much for her. A snort slipped out, and laughter threatened. She recalled seeing an aristocratic lady before with such a hairstyle, but never did she think she would don the same hairstyle.

She bit her cheek and smiled. "It's beautiful." It wasn't a total lie. For some, this would be stunning. But it was too late, the lady bowed and excited the room, and Bethany knew she knew.
Oh well.

Her mind wandered to what Ronald would think of her hair. Hopefully the dress would divert his eyes from her hair.

"It is now time for the dress." Her mother spoke, breaking through her thoughts. She walked up, and looped her arm through Bethany's, leading her towards the dressing room. "I'm excited to see you in it. You will look stunning."

The dress hung on a mannequin, too stunned to speak Bethany just gawked at it.

The countess walked in, helped the other ladies to dress her then helped her into the dress. All the while, she kept running her hands over the dress. Relishing the silky-smooth fabric underneath her fingertips.

Once she was in it, she turned to the mirror. It was spectacular. The entire dress flowed as though it were waters of the sea, in a beautiful pearl color.

Indeed, mother had succeeded in making the most beautiful dress she ever saw.

Mother's eyes sparkled as she came nearer. "A radiant bride, Ronald won't be able to take his eyes off of you." Bethany blushed. 

"Your majesty, we must be going, it is already time for you to make your way to the carriage." Countess Jolena interjected. How was it already time?

After she left the comforts of the castle, there were many people gathered to see off the bride and future queen.

The moment she entered the chapel, all thoughts and worries fled as she fixed her eyes on Ronald. He stood tall, and brooding, until he saw her. A softness soon took over his expression when their eyes met.

Bethany's insides flooded with warmth. Ronald was right, no matter what, it was just them. Simple old silly Bethany and reckless Ronald.

So, Bethany stood beside Ronald, and promised to take him as husband, until death do them part. Promised to be by his side in sickness and health.

Just like that she was no longer Bethany Bolace. She was now Bethany, Queen of Eldore, wife of Ronald the first.

The entire chapel erupted with applause. Cheering and clapping filled her ears. When Ronald pulled her in for another kiss, she melted in his hands, easily forgetting the audience in front of them.
Together, they walked hand in hand, to the carriage that awaited.

Crowds gathered outside, petals flew everywhere, but nothing could take her eyes off him. Ronald faced the crowd, his chin up high, his chest out, and his arm around her waist. The sun shone on his face, catching his eyes.

Their gaze caught and she stared into his amber eyes, getting lost for a moment.

In the privacy of the carriage, he sat back and watched her for a second, and then in a fast motion, Bethany ended up in his lap. Laughing, she hit his chest playfully. "What if the people see the king being so informal?"

Ronald gave a mischievous smile. "There is no opinion on earth that I care about right now." He pulled her in for a long kiss. She returned that kiss, falling more deeply and madly in love with him with every passing moment.

When the carriage pulled to a stop, Ronald groaned.

"Must we attend this banquet?" This sent Bethany laughing. He felt the same way, so it seemed.

"We must, but that doesn't mean we have to stay long." She winked at him and allowed the footman to assist her getting down from the carriage. The heavy dress followed behind her, spilling out onto the cobbled path. Then Ronald followed close behind, taking her hand in the process.

The banquet was filled with many guests, and even more laughter and celebration. It seemed like the entire kingdom was gathered in the large banquet hall. 

Once the festive dinner was done, Ronald led the timid Bethany onto the dance floor. Bethany hoped the dance lessons paid off. When Bethany's eyes began to wander, Ronald whispered, "Look at me, not them."

Bethany's rigid posture softened a bit, and soon she found herself smiling and enjoying the dance. They were the first, but soon afterward more couples joined in. The dancing didn't stop for what seemed like hours. 

At last, they had a window of opportunity. Bethany looked at Ronald, and that mischievous smile told her he thought the same. They made an escape.

Soon they found themselves in the sweet silence she so desperately craved. The darkness settled over the garden, with just a few torches lighting the way.

The darkness didn't stop them, however.
Under the glow of the moonlight, Ronald stopped her and pulled her in close. And they danced. Just the two of them, no music, no audience. Just them.

Laying her head on his chest, she listened to his heartbeat. Then she heard a snicker, pulling her from her stupor. "What?" she asked genuinely confused, what he could find so funny?

"Your hair, it's trying to suffocate me."

Bethany burst out laughing. She'd all but forgot her beehive hair. "Yeah, it's killing me too." She began undoing her hair. Giving a sigh of relief, she let the feathers fall to the grown one by one. Then the clips came out, she shook her hair. There was slight pain as she let her hair fall around her shoulders.

He ran a hand through her hair. "Better."

"Hmm, yes." She said, letting him pull her in close again. Time stood still as she stayed that way, listening to his heartbeat. Soon she found her eyes drifting shut. Jolting awake, she stopped.

"What is it?" He asked.

Bethany didn't want this moment to end. Reluctantly she replied, "Ronald, I fear we must retire. I am awfully tired." Ronald's expression dropped.

"Must we?" Ronald pulled back, gave her a pleading look. But when she gave a sleepy pout, Ronald knew he couldn't help but give whatever she asked for. "It is true, I'm tired as well. Let's be on our way then." He said, as he took her hand in his. "Though I must admit, I could have stayed that way for hours." He added, as they walked off in the direction of the king's quarters. Mirroring her thoughts exactly.

Together, at a leisurely pace, they walked off in the distance. With Bethany leaning on his shoulder, holding his hand. Their silhouettes faded into the darkness. 

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