By naxvida

21.5K 290 42

A student who was preparing the Civil Service examination for 4th year, suddenly he found himself in an unfam... More



274 6 1
By naxvida

Episode 169

Park Moon-dae's appearance in <The Past Calls> was not known until the trailer was released. She had the earliest airing date, which was due to her hastily scheduling.

[(Preview) Testa and Golden Age who became Sungkyunkwan students? 〈The Past Calls〉 EP36 | SBC liberal arts]

And, of course, the public opinion behind the scenes, worried about buying and selling, raged once.

It was a hunch that came from past experiences and worries about scratching.

-Ah, that group again

- Am I the only one cheap?

- You bastards are even teaching busy kids to catch a healing variety show when they go to a restaurant.

Among the fans who care about public opinion, there are many people who have already realized that the Golden Age deliberately bites the testa and hangs out.

Considering the past of Park Moon-dae, his family history, and the story of his unfortunate dropout, there was no way he would like this situation, which was shown in 'Cultivation in Mindfulness' with a Korean University student.

It was because I felt like I was going to go crazy on the day when the edits were made by secretly comparing and scratching based on my academic background.

-I don't think I'll be able to see the show because I'm blown away

-If I rub it again this time, I will somehow make it public as if I can't stand it

But not everyone had thought to dig that deep.

This is the public opinion that people who do not look into the abyss too much and enjoy light and fun fandom can see.

-Crazy Park Moondae dressed in hanbok ㅠㅠㅠ Even Sungkyunkwan yusaengbok, just looking at the preview, it was a joke

-thank you... overwhelming thanks...

- No, so suddenly? It's very sudden. Welcome.

-Looking at the trailer, it seems like you did a lot of activities at the university, so my heart is pounding.

It was also this side that the graduate student who was in the middle of a exhausting master's course was looking at.

'The pleasure of my life... ... .'

The graduate student smiled wide-eyed.

Thank you so much for doing it late at night. It's because I'm in the lab room during the day on weekends... ... .

'I'm watching the show too!!'

She was excited and wanted to jump on the sofa, but she didn't have the energy, so she sat quietly and turned on the TV.

"Now do it!"

The broadcast started shortly thereafter.

[What is the past that calls them?]

The graduate students excitedly watched the opening of the opening and the MC's sitting in the monitoring room.

And I couldn't hide my smile with excitement and followed Park Moon-dae's every move.

Park Moon-dae, who talks and laughs, did not have healing.

'It's a pity that this promotion has black hair, but I still want to see you wearing a student uniform!'

However, this composure is shattered in the next scene.

[A' and 'Gi' work at Jihyunjeon.]


"Uh oh oh oh!"

This is because Park Moon-dae quickly solved the first problem.

"what? why are you like that Park Moon-dae, why are you like that?"

And this upbringing was not the idea of ​​a graduate student alone.

This is because the timeline of her social media account, which she messed up for fanfare, was also filled with similar phrases.


-what is it

-Park Moondae is crazy hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

-Do you even like my man's hair?

But it was a shock too soon.

[Well, three birds, one field beast, two sea beasts, one bird... I guess.]

[Why don't you bring me what's on the third shelf?]

This is because Park Moon-dae's performance did not end throughout the broadcast.


The graduate student looked at the screen with his mouth open.

The broadcast didn't particularly use the magic of editing. As befits a cultured country, it means that the sophisticated but not overly stimulating atmosphere continued.

So, on the contrary, the real-time feel of Park Moon-dae's problem-solving made the taste better.

[Huh? Shouldn't that be there??]

[That thing can only be solved by going round and round... ... .]

[<The noisy monitoring squad>]

With that nonsensical level of ability, the production team and MC's candid reactions and sighs set the mood.

"Wow... ... ."

The graduate student looked at the screen while being speechless, and suddenly his heart jumped.

'This... I hate to put it in plain words like being smart!!'

Doesn't it seem like you'll be an ace even if you go to a quiz show where you gather smart celebrities and make them solve problems!

The cast members seemed to have similar feelings, and admiration and empty laughter poured out here and there.

[Mundae, come here. yes. Let's answer honestly. ... Are you a member of Mensa? Just tell me!]

[Yes? It can't be.]

'I think so!!'

The graduate student shook his head back and forth, asking why he was giving an answer like 'It can't be so'.

And just like her excitement, the fans who were worried about appearing were pouring out comments about Park Moon-dae's crazy performance that far exceeded expectations.

-Crazy Moondae Park got it right again

-Is this in my dream?

-As soon as I heard something, I kept going crazy hahahahaha Park Mundaeng!!

-What is Mundae that he can't do without a picture? I was worried for nothing.

-I... I thought my dog ​​was a genius only with the idea of ​​singing, dancing and face, but it turned out that he was a real genius.

Even the problem-solving part was not particularly cut out because Park Moon-dae progressed so quickly.

Rather, it was added.

[The first problem is actually simple if you organize it with logic symbols. Hey, could you get a pen... thank you.]

Park Moon-dae explained his solution method in an interview, reinforcing the amount of explanation of the problem that should have been originally presented in a more interesting way.

It was so detailed that people who watched the angle to swear couldn't bear to say, 'The script is too obvious' and 'Didn't you already tell me all the answers'?

[For me, it is convenient to arrange identical symbols by overlapping them unconditionally. Then like this... There are some that don't fit and come out one by one.]

It was obvious to anyone that Park Moon-dae solved it himself and completely understood it.

In addition, a background story about 'why they are so good' has been prepared.

[I like this program... I've seen it a lot. I studied a lot while thinking about how to solve it.]

Park Moon-dae frankly confessed that he had studied hard for this program.

Of course, the truth was that the range of Korean history questions for this episode was narrowed down to make it easy to memorize, but it seemed more sincere thanks to the moderately factual mix.

The excuse for the Korean history skills lost to the logic quiz was also added with a moderate amount of truth mixed in.

[In fact... I wondered what it would be like to become a civil servant, so I studied Korean history a bit before becoming an idol.]

Those who knew Park Moon-dae's circumstances were somewhat heartbroken.

And it was a well-formed remark to the point where it was a bit shameful in that everyone knew the situation if there was even a little interest in Park Moon-dae.

Thanks to this, viewers' reactions were filled with 'It's wonderful', 'What should I do', and crying emoticons.

-ㅠㅠㅠ Do everything you want to do except for retirement

-My mom keeps telling herself how proud she is, so she's going to send me a scholarship.

-Thank you for being an idol ㅠㅠ Civil servant... Wow, that hair looks like it would have stuck right away... ; It was quite creepy that it was a stone plate without cracks.

- So smart... A young man with a will... No opportunity to learn... The reality is deplorable!

It was thanks to the stabbing of the side of the national character burning with education fever.

Truly, it was an atmosphere where it was embarrassing to even say anything about manipulation aggro.

Still, from time to time ambiguous comments such as 'It feels artificial', 'Umm haha', and 'I was aiming for it' ran, and I struggled to become a starting point, but I didn't have a chin.

This is because the program had high reliability from the beginning.

-It's not an affiliate of T-One, and the public broadcasters have to play Jujak to show Park Moon-dae?

-The production team was also embarrassed hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

- This pro PD is more about ruin than manipulating. They risk their lives even in historical research, so sometimes if they fail, they can't be revived.

In addition, even if they tried to turn the direction of the criticism in the direction of 'I eat the whole amount alone', the basis was thin.

This is because Park Moon-dae did not step forward except for solving problems.

In situation plays, action scenes, or heartwarming scenes, Sun Ah-hyun was brought to the fore.

[wow! Wow!]

[I want to try something like that... .]

For example, it was quite a sight to watch as Seon Ah-hyun gracefully and agilely digested the mission of extracting hints without touching the hanji and persimmons hanging from the ceiling.

The neater the body, the more suitable it was.

'It looks like something fresh.'

The college student was sure that all the slow corrections for that scene would be within his timeline within a few days.

In addition, Sun Ah-hyun also saved quite a bit of small talk.

[this... Can I get you one?]

[Uh, uh. i'm fine... No, I'm fine.]

There was no picture of Seon Ah-hyun dipping a piece of rice cake in grain syrup and holding it out with the other hand to the court lady who was staring blankly at the rice cake Baked by Moon-dae Park.

During the filming, whether it was okay or not, the expression that revealed the inner conflict was cute.

Even the courtier, who appeared as an NPC to set the mood, forgot his duty for a moment and almost came out as a real person.

'I can see why the nickname is an angel... .'

The graduate student promoted Seon Ah-hyun from her inner 'Mundae Friends' folder to the 'Mundae Cute Friends' folder.

In the meantime, the cast members were warmly solving the case on the screen.

[Are we in a good mood?]

[Good good! Now, should our youngest try it too?]

[Yep! Let's solve it!]

Of course, as Park Moon-dae had prepared, the Golden Age Korean University students also received portions from problems and situational plays.

However, it was not much fun because I was stiff in the unfamiliar solo appearance and talk.

In the part of solving the problem, he did well in his own way, but of course there was no impact as much as Park Moon-dae, who solved it quickly from the beginning without expectations.

Because I emphasized the prior information that I was a student at Korea University in the first place, I expected that much.

[Oh~ good good!]

[thank you!]

It was just a normal scene with no personality at this level, and only the stream of broadcasting continued.

So, while Korean University students were not 'severely ridiculed and to the extent that they became a pointless topic of discussion', they were summarized by viewers as 'bastards to the point of losing all the spotlight'.

It was the best result for Moondae Park's fans.

Thanks to that, their private communities and social media were in a festive mood.

-It's a story that can only be told here, but I want it to start

-It looks the same as when I was a singer hehe

- Ha ha ha ha ha ha funny fun

- Next time, please find a place to lie down and stretch your legs.

Normally, the agency of Golden Age, which would have been a subtle encouragement in the form of 'tyranny by large corporations', was as quiet as a mouse, so this atmosphere was fixed as orthodox without resistance.

And the climax broke out at the end of the episode.

[This book.]

[Isn't this just like Korean?]

It was Park Moon-dae's pride of knowledge of Korean history and a great reasoning procession.

['A' and 'Gi' of Jiphyunjeon have come to present <Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon> to Your Highness.]

This scene, accompanied by calm vocalizations and a faint smile, came out well, just like the climax cut of a drama or movie.

Thanks to that, as soon as it aired, it became a clip and was even posted on various social media and communities.

[Today's 〈The Past Is Calling〉 viewers can sympathize with the famous scene]

[??? : Doesn't this look like Korean?]

[<The Past Calls> Goosebumps Moondae Park's final mystery scene]

Usually, it was a title that would explode because it was attracted to aggro, but instead of aggro, it received a lot of sympathy and quickly became a popular post.

Because it was the plain truth.

-The difficulty was Eva, but I got real goosebumps by matching this to one shot

-It must be that the hair is riding and flying.

-This fits perfectly, but catharsis came hahahaha

-Yes, I knew it would be like this from the moment I led Park Moondae's debut song PPT.

-Something is too precious. You are so smart... The K-high 3 in me is telling me to take the CSAT even now...

└ Hahahahahahaha No, Moondae has to be a K-dol forever!

It was a moment when Park Moon-dae's 'unfortunate past' image, which was accompanied by weaknesses, was sublimated more three-dimensionally by accepting 'good hair' added.

It meant that Park Moon-dae's plan was carried out without a hitch or variable.

* * *

'It's neat.'

I put down my smartphone. It's been a long time since I've seen only refreshing results without any unexpected incidents.

"Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon! Hunminjeongeum Haeryebon!"

In the next room, I heard Cha Yoo-jin's voice excitedly shouting words like some kind of cheering phrase. It was the result of monitoring 〈The Past Calls〉 together, saying that those who had empty schedules were bored.

'Is it an American habit?'

The pronunciation was also accurate, and it seemed that the scene left a deep impression on even Cha Yu-jin, who was ignorant of Korean history.


Coincidentally, I hear the sound of Cha Yoo-jin's roommate, Keun Se-jin, lying on her stomach. Roommate reassignment content is right around the corner, I hope only those two don't get caught.

But anyway... It was a night with nothing to count for the first time in a while.

I closed my eyes, ignoring the noise in the next room.

The sense of relaxation was dominant, so I didn't even need earplugs. I was thinking of going to bed early today.

It was then.

Gying- Gying-

The smartphone started to vibrate continuously.

It was a phone call.


There would be no one to call.

However, it was set to block calls not registered in the address book, so it was not spam.

ah... .

Holding my breath, I picked up my phone and brought it in front of me. Of course, the caller was floating on the screen.

[Golden Age Iljun Ha]

"... ... ?"

wen... It was Gold 1 in the middle of the night.

Episode 170

'Am I out of my mind at night?'

No matter how many times I worked until night due to my job, it was already past midnight.

I thought Gold 1 was still a sensible guy, but it seems he wasn't.

I answered the phone in awe.


-Ah, Moondae.

Gold 1's voice as he answered sounded like a bit of an idiot.

-Well... Oh, can you call me now?

"Yes. Please speak."

-okay. Well... ... .

Gold 1 paused for a while, then slowly continued.

- I heard about it too.


-Our company wants you... They said he behaved badly.

"... ... !"

Are you saying this out loud?

It wouldn't be strange if this guy figured out what was going on, since that company would be in a frenzy with emergency bomb disposal, but it was strange that he called them all at once.

'What are you going to do?'

This question was answered the very next moment.

-there... sorry.

"... ... ."

Was it this

Well, that's pretty much what I can tell you.

"It wasn't something my brother did, so it's okay if you don't mind too much."

If it was something the company told me to do, it would be of no use, and it would be comforting if it was just one gold individual.

'This should be enough.'

However, Gold 1's answer was unexpected.

-... No, actually, I think I knew roughly what the situation was like. I just pretended not to know.

"... ... !"

-I heard about you from time to time at work.

I heard Gold 1 sigh over the phone.

-I didn't expect it to be like this... Anyway, I guess I rationalized it.

You guys must have thought it wouldn't be a problem because you were doing so well.

"... Well."

-But thinking about it again today, I would have been really annoyed if I was in your position.

His speaking voice trembled a little.

- So I called to apologize. Um, originally I was going to do it to Chung-woo, but I thought you were the one who suffered the most, so I did it to you first.

Hmm, this is true.

'I guess the company really turned upside down.'

Human guilt does not arise without a reason. It seems that the neighborhood is really a mess, to the extent that a singer in the company looks back on the past.

'Still, it's great that I thought of an apology rather than a reaction.'

I don't know if you've contacted me to put your mind at ease or to be of help to the company... What can I do? If you look at this guy, he's only a college student.

Just having the courage to apologize made it possible to see him as a decent guy.

I kindly received an apology.

"it's okay. I was a bit surprised, but it's over."

In a situation where X is your company, there is no reason not to accept your apology.

I mean, what can't you do?

-okay, thanks.

The voice of Gold 1 breathing a sigh of relief was heard from the other side.

-Oh, and Seulhui also told me to say sorry and thank you. He said he treated me well during the filming.

"... ... ?"

who is he... Oh, that's right. That Korean university student.

'Should I call it Gold 3?'

I was moderately positive.

"I didn't do anything... Anyway, I understand."

-yes. ... ... Whoa, wait. Is it 1 am now??


Gold 1 sighed in a strange voice.

The weight disappears in an instant.

- Wow, I'm really sorry. While monitoring... .

"I did too. it's okay."

It seems that the other side also watched as a group the 〈The Past Is Calling〉 featuring Korean University students.

"It's getting better though."

I made an appropriate closing remark, and Gold 1 hung up the phone without notice.

-Oh yeah. well sleep well I will support your activities.

"Yes. thank you. I hope you have good results too."

The conversation ended smoothly.

However, I had a hunch that in the future, I probably won't say hello or pretend to know them like they did in the beginning of their debut.

'It's nothing special.'

Being a competitor would be like that. I shrugged my shoulders and turned my smartphone to silent mode to avoid any other disturbances.


And I slept soundly without knowing that Ahyeon Seon and Saejin Bae were entering the dorm.

Thanks to that, it was the morning of the next day that I checked the text message that came at dawn.

* * *

[Junior, you have put your experience as a civil servant to good use. congratulations ^^]

what else is this bitch

I almost spit it out while eating.

'When the hell did you send something like this?'

I looked at the time the text was sent and it was 4:00 in the morning.

'I think he sent it on time to go to his shop.'

It was a waste.

With cold eyes, I looked at the letters 'VTIC Cheonggyeol-ryo senior' with the baby retriever I saw at the time of the insurance advertisement floating as a profile picture.

'Come to think of it, I told this guy that I was studying public examinations.'

It was an unintentional proof of trust.

I quickly typed 'yes thanks' and tried to leave the message tab. But a new message came before that.


[(image file)]

out of the blue... It was a gifticon.

"... ??"

When I clicked on it, it was a 'chocolate set to support students taking exams' sold at a franchise cafe.

Did you send this as a joke?

[I sent it while cheering for the activity. Isn't it time for a new song soon?]

that's... hit. It was the right time to release a repackaged album.

And as planned, the active song came out of the candidate songs received from the composer who was in charge of Golden Age songs.

'The arrangement is good.'

Almost unanimously, Kim Rae-bin's arrangement passed, but Kim Rae-bin noticed that he was still not very confident.

The funny thing is that he was more concerned about the environment than his own skills.

- Certainly, we picked a genre that stands out on the music charts, but by the time we release a song, a new trend arrives and the measure of popularity completely changes... !

-That's not going to happen, Lavina. Calm down.

I've had conversations like this a few times recently.

I held back a sigh.

'You'll have to worry about your own feet.'

Kim Rae-bin's feet were recently judged to be 'perfect to the extent that they no longer need stability'. Thanks to that, her choreography practice is very smooth.

'If he hadn't insisted on indoor climbing, I would have gotten it a week earlier.'

I can understand his passion to digest the schedule, but he was a very strict guy.

"Aiming for popularity so much that the critics criticize it so much... ."

"No, Rabin~ Don't worry, let's eat."

I am doing that even while eating.

Anyway, that's why the preparation for the album is cruising.

'If I was going to gag the company like this anyway, did I even draw a big picture as a composer?'

Even Youngrin and Cheongryeo were involved in sharing the composer.

I thought as I put the rice wrapped in seaweed into my mouth.

'Well, Youngrin also had good grades this time.'

A new song released two weeks ago by Youngrin, whom I deliberately shared the Golden Age composer with, is also currently at the top of the music charts.

A few days ago, I received another separate thank you for introducing me to the composer.

'Ah, that's why I was more angry.'

If the Golden Age company had heard somewhere that I was the one who introduced the composer to Youngrin, it would make more sense that they had been holding on to me lately.

'It would have been better if I put my emotions into the work.'

Although it's a bit ridiculous to say that they're going viral and pissed off that they barely shared a composer.

'Well, it's all over.'

Since it wasn't morally problematic, those guys who are out of breath right now against T1 won't be able to hold bad feelings for long.

'Now then, we'll be next to Youngrin.'

The last batter was VTIC, a group of Cheong Ryeo.

'A cunning bastard.'

While talking about tours and comeback schedules, I secretly fell behind, but after watching the rise and fall and proving it, it was no different than saying that I would bet on it.

'It's not even a title, it's a sub song, making all the fuss.'

It's like perfectionism reset syndrome.

... Well, on the other hand, if you think about it on the contrary, the meek cooperation of this madman would itself be a sign of cooperation.

'I can tolerate it even if it goes on like this.'

I sighed and moved my thumb to the keyboard of my smartphone.

[Yes. You have to work hard. I will eat chocolate. Seniors. I hope you have a nice day.]


yes. It is clean.

Isn't this guy a little more cooperative, as if he likes the composer's song in his heart?

'And if the Golden Age side doesn't do anything stupid, it's better not to say anything else.'

In many ways, this picture was okay. I nodded and focused on eating again.

No, I tried to concentrate, but my phone rings again.


"... ... ."

[Oh, my birthday is next month. 27th.]


I sighed and turned off my smartphone.

Let's eat rice or something.

"Did each of you bring a bowl?"


There is a person who cleans, but I put the dishes in the sink to do the basics humanly.

And it's free time.


Usually, they often play in their own rooms, but today, the living room was crowded with people who came to watch Cha Yu-jin play a strange dancing game.

'Should I go in?'

I came out because I was only in my room every time, but it was too noisy.

But moving was annoying, so I found another focus.

'... It's about time to open it up.'

It would be more comfortable when I don't think about anything else when it's noisy.

'Status window.'

After a very long time, I started to settle.

[Name: Park Moon-dae (Ryu Gun-woo)]

Level : 17

title: none

Singing: S-

Dance: B

Appearance: A-

Meal: B+

Traits: Infinite Potential, International Student (A), Bacchus 500 (B), Snatching Ears (A)

!Status Abnormality: If you are not a spectator, death

Points Remaining: 2

First of all, Gachang, who entered S, caught my eye.

'That's a bit proud.'

It was a well shot item. From entertainment to activities, I used it a lot.

After that, the points I gained from leveling up came into my eyes, but it was another factor that bothered me more.

'Why is that?'

I don't know why, but my talent naturally increased from B to B+.

'Something particularly worthwhile... I don't think I did.'

I haven't opened it recently, so I don't know when the hell it increased.


Anyway, going up was a good thing.

I calmly crossed my arms.

Now you just need to quickly distribute the points and turn it off.

It was right before the new album came out, so now was the right time.

'Jeong Seok-eun... Is it something?'

It was the most efficient because it was an opportunity to enter the A rank by consuming only one point.



"... ... !"


It seems that he put all his energy into leaving the status window on, and said it out of his mouth.

Cha Yoo-jin, who had just finished the game, was looking at me with wide eyes.

'Well, because I didn't say anything else.'

There was no problem. I was about to give a rough answer, but suddenly I had an idea.

Let's see what these guys think.

"Um, I'm just asking."


"What do you think is the most necessary ability to be an idol?"

"Hmm? It's like- personality?"


'Is it possible to replace it with a rough skill?'

It was something a guy with such good skills would say, hard to find even in the same industry.

However, Kim Rae-bin came right next to me.

"You should give a more professional answer! brother! I think it's like the ability to digest a song. I think expressiveness is important."

yes. In the end, though, it is a word that is replaced with the ability of 'talent', just like Cha Yu-jin.

"I am a pro! You are flat!"

"Nope! Your answer was insincere!"

As I watched the two fighting, a gloomy voice interrupted from the side.

"... Fundamentals."

It's Bae Se-jin. It sounds like you're saying what you feel is necessary.

In the meantime, he is also adding a word to Cha Yu-jin and Kim Rae-bin's quarrel.

"You have to do everything well~ What are you arguing about?"

"Still, I want to choose something more important... ."

it's shit

'Did I ask for nothing?'

Let's just leave it until the conclusion is reached. I shook my head and decided to use the interlude to check something else.

It was an event pop-up.

[The true taste of fame!]

10, 000, 000 people remembered you!

: Draw Legendary Attributes ☜ Click!

Ten million people.

At this point, it is impossible to imagine the scale converging in reality.

What's even more frightening is that this has been around for quite some time. maybe now... It will be running towards 50 million people.


Pleasure and goosebumps come at the same time.

Anyway, I'm going to click on the talent draw.

Dung Dung Dung Dung-

With a picture of a familiar slot machine, the slots started to spin.

'Because the hero started with a B grade... If it's a legend, A comes out by default.'

Hey, 10 million people know me, but this much deserves to come out.

But the slots were mixed with gold.


Now, only the probability of a higher grade is generated, and it seems that the A grade will not be confirmed.

'It looks like a mass-produced Manggame.'

I stared at the slot machine, which played a mixture of gold, platinum, and rainbow colors.

'Anything's good, so I hope something useful for activities comes out.'

I think it's time to drop the 'international student' and change. It would be nice if it helped with concept digestibility, or at least made my hair stronger.

The slot rotated slowly and then stopped.

Fortunately, it was platinum.



Acquire 'It turns out you're right (A)'!

"... ... !"

But there... There was a lot of feature names floating around.

only the grade changes.

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