Miraculous Turn of Events Re...


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Once upon a time in the city of romance, evil seemed to creep up spreading fear and destruction in search of... More

Chapter Two: Seriously, All This in the Middle of Break?!
Chapter Three: Who Needs a Costume To Be Heroic?
Chapter Four: Outing Digression and Heroes Meet
Chapter Five: Who are These People?
Chapter Six: Who are These People? - Part 2
Chapter Seven: Art or Chaos?
Chapter Eight: Enter Reverser

Chapter One: Lookout, There's a New Girl in Town

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A/N: ✌🏼Hey there everyone❄. So as mentioned, I am re-writing the miraculous fanfiction to make some adjustments and well it has led to quite a few changes🥺, some changes are more prominent than others. ❤I hope that you all enjoy this refreshed version of the story✨.

Chat Noir's POV

Well, it did seem like an ordinary day at first... but then again, it's not every day that your father grounds you for life and is then the akumatised villain that needs to be defeated. It does, however, prove that he's not Hawkmoth like m'lady suggested earlier. What would have made her even think that?

"So that must mean Gabriel Agreste can't possibly be Hawkmoth since he has been akumatised," I stated, and she looked at me. "You think Agreste turning into the collector good news?" She asked. If only you knew m'lady... this thought relieved me and helped me to keep my head in this fight.

Marinette's POV

I stood with Alya while the others welcomed Adrien back, I had told her the same story that I told Mr Agreste. I know I did take the book, but I didn't tell Alya that it was Lila who had stolen it first to impress Adrien. I left that important piece out for two reasons. Firstly, she believed Lila's lies like everyone else, I would have hoped her journalism skills would have spotted those lies, and secondly, she would ask way too many questions, which I wish she would do with Lila, that could put me in a difficult situation.

So, she believed I stayed back because I feel bad for what I did, I mean I do really feel bad for how I reacted and how it turned out. There is just something about that Lila that made me react in a way I wish I did not... The fault is with me, especially changing into Ladybug like that.

Adrien came to me later on, "Marinette," the love of my life is calling my name, but if his dad told him everything then this can't be good, could it? I was so lost in thought I hadn't responded to him yet. "Marinette?" He asked with concern as he came closer to me. "H-hi A-aa-Adrien," I stuttered and looked down, what if he's here to say he hates me and doesn't want to be my friend ever again? "Hey Marinette, listen my dad told me what happened..." he started, and I interrupted him.

Third Person POV

"I'm so sorry about what happened Adrien, I didn't mean to get you in trouble. I truly am sorry, and I understand if you never want to be friends again. I'll stay away from you, and I won't cause you any trouble," she said, surprising herself with the lack of a stutter or embarrassing slip-ups in that sentence.

"No Marinette, I still want to be your friend. I was just surprised to know it was you who had taken it," he said, he was also surprised that she had not stuttered at all, she must have felt quite guilty. He still admired his classmate and even though she had gotten him in trouble at least she had unintentionally proven that his dad was not Hawkmoth. "I just wanted to tell you that I forgive you Marinette... I don't want you to feel guilty about what happened, things have worked out and everything is going back to normal," he said with a smile.

Marinette had been very surprised and also relieved... so much so that it had not taken very long for her flustered manner to resurface. "Wow thanks Adrien, this is why you're so perfect, I mean why you're so nice because you have a good heart and that's what makes me love you a-ah-as a friend yeah. T-thank y-you I should get going it's almost time for class well you know because we're in the same class even though there's a lot of time, which is strange since I'm always late. I'm talking way too much but I uh byee," she said and dashed away like the normal Marinette everyone knew and loved, blissfully unaware that she had a pair of lilac eyes following her every move.

As Marinette walked to class with her friends and classmates, she spotted a figure leaning against their classroom wall near the doorway. She was slightly taller than Marinette with matching porcelain skin and navy-blue hair. However, her hair cascaded down her back and seemed to flow around her with its light curls. A lilac ribbon had been weaved through the waterfall braid she wore and wrapped around the meeting place of those braids with a pink flower clip holding it in place.

She wore a lilac kimono top with pink satin linings, it had silver and pink designs that formed butterflies, flowers and branches. Navy blue jeans added to her aesthetic appeal with a pair of light pink ballerina pumps and a silver anklet by the shoe's ribbon that had a pendant hidden by the ribbon, to complete her look. On her shoulder was a simple grey one shoulder bag with black zippers and her black leather jacket draped over it. She smirked and lifted herself off the wall and straightened up, standing in Marinette's path. The mysterious girl lifted her head to reveal a pair of wise lilac eyes.

"Dakara watashitachi wa mōichido aimasu burūberu (A/N Translation: So, we meet again bluebell)," the girl spoke, her Japanese accent thick and serious as she smirked down at Marinette. Everyone froze, in both surprise and utter confusion. "Girl, who is that?" Alya asked the surprised blue-eyed girl, the stranger spoke again before the shy girl could let out a peep. "Dō shimashita ka? Neko wa anata no shita o emashita ka? (A/N Translation: What's wrong? Did the cat get your tongue?)" she asked, her smirk widening even more as she took a step toward Marinette. It all seemed like a dramatic scene before an epic fight.

"Watashi ni aete ureshīdesu ka? (A/N Translation: Are you happy to see me?)" she asked as her eyes sparkled playfully, "Hai onee-chan! (A/N Translation: Yes, big sister!)" Marinette exclaimed and hugged the girl with lilac eyes. The class were even more confused since they had expected some confrontation because of the serious tone. They had no idea what was being said, well apart from two boys... "Big sister?" Adrien and Nathaniel asked. The blue haired girls giggled, "Did I go overboard imōto (A/N Translation: little sister)?" the stranger asked switching to fluent French. "Maybe a little one-chan," Marinette responded.

"You speak French?!" came the echo of the class, the mystery girl let out another giggle. "So, what you said to Marinette wasn't something with bad intentions?" Adrien asked. "Oh, not at all! You see I am a major Otaku, that is I love anime, manga, cosplay, the works. So, whenever I see my sweet Bluebell, I take the role of one of my beloved characters," she explained and smiled brightly, but looked at Adrien with realisation.

"Hold up, you understood everything I said in Japanese?" she asked, "Well not everything, I'm still learning. I did catch most of it," he answered, she let out a low whistle. "Impressive Émeraude (A/N Translation: Emerald, French é·me·rod )," she stated, Adrien looked at her confused, "Oh sorry, I have a habit of nicknaming people based on their traits I find most notable," she explained.

"So, are you Mari's big sister who we are only meeting now? I'm Alya by the way, that guy is Adrien, and what is your name?" Alya asked, gesturing to Adrien then focusing on the mystery girl, her curiosity overwhelming her patience.

"Oh, how rude of me, my name is Rairakku Hayashi. It's a pleasure to meet you Alya, hmm I think Hazel, no thats too plain you seem like fire guess some work needs to be done for your nickname. Anyway, I'm technically Marinettes older cousin from Japan, I transferred here and decided that this would be the best way to break the news to my cute Bluebell," Rairakku answered as she pinched Marinettes cheeks.

"Rai-neesan," Marinette whined, "Sorry Mari-chan, you're just too adorable," Rairakku said making Marinette blush. So, Marinettes friends, "I will not take up much more of your time before class, I mean you all have like half an hour more, right? Maybe I'll see you all around at break, but I am stealing my imōto," she said with her hands on Marinette's shoulder.

They went into their class leaving Marinette and Rairakku alone. As soon as the corridor was deserted Rairakku pulled Marinette to the stairs and sat with her then began speaking to her softly. "So, Mari-chan, I don't see you for a while and you become a superhero," she started not making any small talk. "What? What do you mean?" Marinette tried, but one look at those lilac eyes and she knew there was no denying it.

"I should have known you would know, the daughter of two intelligent detectives must have rubbed off on you," Marinette said with a smile. "I try," Rairakku smiled and flipped her hair, "So let me tell you how I know and some news of my own, but before that why I have transferred here," she stated.

"I am here to stay for a while, maybe even permanently while mum and dad are working a major case that would have put me in danger if I stayed. We had spoken about this transfer for a while, even though they'd miss me and I them, it's best for me to be here," she said, even though she had her happy carefree demeanour. Marinette knew she was missing her parents and gave her a warm hug. "Thanks, Mari-chan, you can still read me so well," she said.

"I actually arrived a couple of days ago, around when that Liar girl showed up," she continued after a while, Marinette looked surprised, "Where have you been staying since then?" she asked. "I told oba and oji (A/N Translation: aunt and uncle) that I was going to surprise you so I would be staying in a hotel for a couple of days," she answered.

"I decided to do some undercover work of my own while I was here and so I disguised myself and followed you around from the day you arrived to Liar lying to everyone. That girl made me so upset and what's even worse she disgraced the name of one of my favourite animals," Rairakku pouted making Marinette giggle. "Still a fox lover huh?" Marinette smiled, "Yes, but I do like wolves too. Both are such amazing creatures... Anyway, back to my story," she stated and continued her recount.

She told Marinette that she had seen everything, easily picking up Marinette's crush on Adrien and sharing her disapproval, but understanding, of her transformation into Ladybug to confront Lila.

"I also met master Fu," she started, "Surprisingly, he knew I was there the whole time and called me in as you left. Which is why I missed the whole confession to Gabriel Agreste scene. Master Fu had something to tell me which he said I could share with you, but first I have a question," she said. Marinette looked at Rairakku questioningly, "Bluebell, why didn't you expose Liar?" she asked, Marinette looked down.

"I really wanted too, but that would have drawn too many questions that I would not have been able to explain very well," she said. Rairakku put her hand around Marinette's shoulder and squeezed it comfortingly. "That's my smart Bluebell. I'm proud of you hun and don't worry that Liar will be exposed eventually. Anyone that messes with my Bluebell will be taken down, that's a promise Mari-chan," Rairakku stated making Marinette smile through her sadness.

"I'm so happy to have you here Rai-neesan," the shy girl said putting her head on Rairakkus shoulder, "I'm happy to be here Mari-chan," she stated and placed a light kiss on her head. "Oh, what did Master Fu have to tell you oneesan?" Marinette asked as she sat up to look at Rairakku. "Do you really want to know?" she asked with a smirk, "Of course I do!" Marinette pouted making Rairakku giggle.

"Well, imōto, he told me that we are both compatible for the Ladybug miraculous, so whenever you're in a bind I just need your kwami nearby and I can pretend to be you to throw away suspicion," the lilac-eyed girl answered with a grin. "You got some awesome back-up right Bluebell?" she added and bumped her shoulder playfully. Marinette smiled brightly, "The most awesome back-up ever Rai-neesan!" she exclaimed and hugged Rairakku tightly.

"Alright imōto, time for you to head to class, I have some other news later on. You don't have to wait up for me since I have fencing later. We will be walking home together from tomorrow onwards I promise," Rairakku said ruffling Marinette's signature pigtails. "All my things are already in the guest room, which oba and oji have said is mine from now on. Help me decorate it this weekend?" she asked with a smile, Marinette nodded as she let out an excited shout and hugged Rairakku again.

"Okay, okay Mari-chan... It's time for us to go to our classes now," Rairakku stated, gracefully waking up and helping Marinette up. "Alright Rai-neesan, I'll see you later!" Marinette called and headed to class while Rairakku headed to her own class not too far away.

Marinette's POV

"Hey girl, you were gone for a long time, class is going to start soon," Alya said in her seat with the girls around our place. "I know, we just had a lot of catching up to do," I replied. "How old is your cousin Marinette?" Rose asked, "Oh she's three years older than me making her seventeen," I answered. "Woah, so is this her final year in high school?" Mylene asked, "Yep," I answered. "Just like my brother, that's cool," Juleka said in her usual soft voice. "You have a brother here Juleka?" I asked surprised that she had not told us about him before.

"Yeah, my brother's name is Luka. He's an awesome guitarist or whatever," she said and showed us a picture of him on her phone. "Wow, your brother looks so cool," we said together, "You both have amazing hairstyles Juleka, I really love your styles," I smiled. "I agree with Marinette," Rose said in her sweet voice, Juleka smiled with a slight blush. Our shy friend wasn't used to compliments, but its nice to see her starting to open up with us. "Thanks," she said quietly, and we smiled. "Hey, maybe we can hang out with Rairakku at lunch. It will be awesome to get to know her," Alya suggested, I nodded in agreement. "Alright we are in agreement, here comes Ms Bustier," Alya said as our teacher came into the class.

Rairakku's POV

Ah now the worst part of a transfer, coming in when there are already clicks and solid friendships. Alright, stay chilled and confident, not too icy because we actually want some new friends so it's not too lonely in class. With Marinette's friends it was easy because they are children, I mean I know I think like that about anyone younger than me... it's just habit ya know. Okay, now that Im new Im projecting Kushina from Naruto, I laugh to myself. That's not so bad, well if that's how were gonna go I just hope that I don't say anything too embarrassing... Then again, it's me we're talking about so let's just go for it.

After my pep talk, I see my teacher approaching, according to the information I was given she must be madam Simonè my English teacher. "Hi, you must be Rairakku," she smiled warmly. Oh, I like her, very nice and gives off good vibes. "Yes, that's me, pleasure to meet you and be in your class madam Simonè," I said, she smiles, and I noticed a colourful hummingbird keychain clipped to a pen. "That's a lovely keychain, madam," I state, "Thank you, it was a gift from a student I taught a few years back," she replied then enters the class and I enter behind her.

"Good morning, everyone, I hope everyone is well. I have someone new that I want you all to meet," madam Simonè said warmly, half of the class turned to the front as soon as she walked in, some stopped their conversations when she spoke and the few that remained did not acknowledge her at all. Disrespect like that is something I cannot handle, I looked at the five students who acted so disrespectfully toward madam Simonè. It was two girls and three boys who sat in the middle of the class, they must think they are very special judging by their body language and attitude.

I looked at madam Simonè, "I'm sorry madam, but I do not like the way those five students have treated you," I stated and looked at them. "I am new around here, but when a teacher is speaking and you are in the classroom, ignoring her and carrying on as if she is not there is unacceptable. I don't know who you five are, but disrespect like that makes you spoilt brats. I believe you owe madam Simonè an apology and should give her your attention when she addresses you," I say firmly.

The class is taken aback by my straightforward attitude and behaviour, well there was some Kushina there because now I believe I have caused trouble for myself. "And we are supposed to listen to you why?" one of the boys asks. He does appear handsome, which is probably why he thinks he is above everyone, he has grey eyes with blonde hair and is well-built. "Because I have told you what it takes to not be a spoilt brat and how to treat your teacher or anyone who is older than you," I state confidently challenging him. Try messing with me sweetheart, I project with my eyes, making him smirk.

"Are you a teachers pet?" A girl with hair that transitions from dark brown to ginger, her golden eyes unamused yet holding a slight irritation. "No, just someone who wants to do what is right," I say to her. "That makes you a goody-two-shoes, which is worse," the other girl said together with one of the boys, they appear to be twins with starkly different hair colours, his being pink and the girl's a teal.

The last boy simply observed quietly, his attitude different from theirs. His aqua-blue eyes showed some remorse for his actions and from what I observed earlier he had not been as disrespectful, and he was seated more towards the back unlike the other four. He quietly regarded me, his aqua eyes meeting my lilac ones, I refuse to look away. He held our staring contest and woke up from his seat, all eyes were on us.

Third Person POV

He then looked at madam Simonè, "I deeply apologise for my actions Madam Simonè, I did not mean any disrespect to you," he said calmly and genuinely. Everyone was surprised, madam Simonè stared blankly for a moment and tried to formulate something to say to the young man. "Thank you very much, Luka," she said with a smile, he ran a hand through his medium-length black hair with dyed teal blue tips.

He looked back to the group he would associate with and wondered how he ended up here, he always hated injustice in any form, but he stood with these four thinking they were friends. Now they just looked at him in disbelief, all it took was one person to point out what he was so oblivious to all along.

"Is this some joke Luka?" the grey-eyed boy asked, "No Venin, I just realise that we are in the wrong and have always been," Luka stated. "Seriously? You're going to let some new girl just tell us what to do and you're going to listen to her?" The girl with golden eyes asked not even attempting to mask her irritation. "She came in and observed what we carried on doing wrong Reine. As she spoke, I knew that she was right, and I admitted that I was wrong. Maybe you all should grow up and admit it too," he stated making them gasp.

"How dare you?" the pink-haired boy started, "You know without us you're just ordinary," the teal-haired girl added, scorning him with their topaz eyes. "Yeah, I don't mind that. Listening to you four right now makes me wonder why I even stuck around with you all for so long," he stated and looked at madam Simonè. "Could I have your permission to change seats, madam?" Luka asked, she nodded, "Of course, but we will sort that out after properly meeting our new student," she said looking at her class, Luka nodded and sat down.

She really found them to be a handful, but still cared for them hoping to eventually reach them as time went by. This new girl, however, is not like them at all. 'No, that was not quite right, she reminds me a bit of Luka before he joined those four,' Madam Simonè thought and looked at Rairakku with a smile, "Would you like me to introduce you, or would you like to tell us about yourself?" she asked the lilac-eyed girl.

"I would like to introduce myself and once more I'm very sorry about earlier to both you and the class. My name is Rairakku Hayashi, I just moved here from Japan where respect is something not taken lightly, and I inherited this straightforward attitude from my parents. I'm basically an all-rounder otaku and mangaka who loves her family and friends. I believe in fighting for your dreams as well as standing up for what's right, it is what makes ordinary people heroes," she stated basically quoting her signature line in the last sentence and was taken by surprise when some of her classmates began clapping for her. She looked quizzically at madam Simonè, who simply smiled, "Thank you, Rairakku. We look forward to having you here," she said.

Luka's POV

That was a nice introduction, she was so confident. This Rairakku seems like a burst of fresh air to this divided class. "Alright, Rairakku would you like to sit in the front or right at the back," madam Simonè asked her, she probably would sit in the front. "At the back, if you don't mind," she said politely surprising me. Madam Simonè nodded and gestured to the corner by the window, Rairakku nodded and went to her seat.

She draped her leather jacket over the chairs backrest and took her seat, "Luka," Madam Simonè called. "Yes madam?" I asked, "You can sit next to Rairakku since you wanted to change your place," she said and gestured for me to move to my new place. Rairakku huh? I wonder what melody defines her. I thought as I moved to my new place.

"Luka huh, too bad aquamarine is too feminine of a name. Perhaps a better name will come up eventually so for now Luka it is," she said with a smile, "Excuse me?" I asked in confusion. "Sorry, I try to make nicknames for people I meet generally based on their most striking features or trait," she explained and extended her hand. "Admitting when you are wrong and apologising is quite admirable, really shows a sense of justice as well by the way," she said, I took her hand and gave her a firm shake.

"Thank you, you definitely gave one of the best introductions I've heard," I stated. She smiled, "I thought it was a bit much... Then again, an artist must strive to be the master of their craft shouldn't they? And I can't help but throw in my line at the end," She shared her sentiment. "I believe so," I smiled, "I have a quick question if you don't mind?" I asked her permission to go on. She nodded for me to proceed so I did so, asking her why she had chosen to be seated at the back.

"I knew you'd find it confusing, anyone would since the students who are generally good students sit close to the front," she started with a smile. "You see, I feel the back is the best as there's not much attention placed on you and its a great point to observe everything," she explained with slight hand gestures. "That makes perfect sense to me," I said and smiled back at her, before we could say anymore, we heard madam Simonè quieten us down for our lesson.

A/N: That was chapter one, you may have noticed it was a combination of the original one and two with some more depth. I hope it is well received🥺. Lots of love to you loyal and new readers, it means a lot to have people read my work🥰. I am going to do my best to post every Tuesday, I just chose Wednesday because it was the first.

✨If you enjoy my work please check out my Big Hero 6 and Marvel crossover 'The Rising of Heroes'✨ the update will be up Thursday, latest Friday. Thanks again, Kōri out✌🏼❄

19.07.2023 A/N: Hey, I have returned to Wattpad after a long break🙈 and noticed that most of my punctuations were missing hence the edit so sorry about that. I'm just reading through before continuing the story🥺thank you for the support and I will keep trying to do better💙❄

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