Mental Break || Itachi Uchiha

Von KraziiKawaiiXD

122K 5.2K 3.5K

What would you do if the entire world was set against you? Let alone for something that you had no part in. I... Mehr

Zero ⇀ Maybe You Are Insane
Ichi ⇀ Reliving Hell
Ni ⇀ Welcome To The Jungle
San ⇀ Makings of a Confidant
Yon 一 Face to Face with The Devil
Go 一 Taking Chances, Trusting Psychos, Fo Reals
Roku 一 Creeeeeeepy New Stalker
Nana 一 Sh*t Gets Real
Hachi 一 Kabuto Yakushi, Bastardness 101
Kyū 一 Breakout
Jū 一 Hello, Brother
Jū ichi 一 Secret Meeting
Jū san 一 Let's Hit Rewind
Jū yon ⇀ Reincarnation
Jū go 一 I Know a Bunch of Criminals
Owari ↬ Looking Forward to Our Crazy Future

Jū ni 一 Reinforcements

4.7K 234 221
Von KraziiKawaiiXD

Itachi's fingers drummed nervously against his legs. Onyx eyes staring vacantly at the floor as his mind ran rampant with thoughts of the night. How was he going to get out of here in time? What if he missed [Name] and-

"Uchiha, are you going to acknowledge that I'm talking to you or are you going to continue staring at the floor?"

Itachi's head jerked upright in surprise from Kabuto's voice. Why did Kabuto have to bring him into his new office when he needed to wait on [Name]'s arrival?

He watched Kabuto cautiously as he stood from his office chair and walked over to the window to look out into the night. For a second Itachi panicked, for he feared Kabuto might see something or someone. So, he decided to distract him.

"What did you call me in here for?"

Kabuto chuckled dryly and then spun around to face Itachi, once again that bastard smirk taking up residence on his lips. "I decided it would be best to let you know about all of the changes that I'm in the process of making. Orochimaru was obviously too lenient on the patients here, resulting in your failed attempt at an escapade." Kabuto stopped talking briefly to walk around his desk and stand in front of Itachi. "I also talked to your brother and apparently Uchiha Enterprises will be helping us to up our security very soon, no later than tomorrow. Nevertheless, I wanted to warn you that if you try to escape again, there will be dire consequences; more than just locking you up in solace in your room. Orochimaru never agreed to it, but I'm trying to get the electric shock treatments back. Kami knows all these sociopaths need it." Kabuto shook his head and frowned before walking back to sit in his office chair again.

"Actually, I've been thinking hard about this, but I've decided that you don't have to stay locked up in your room at all times while only getting bathroom privileges. I honestly think that's a little sad. It's as if you're being treated as some rat or something." Kabuto glanced up at Itachi with a glint of mischief in his dark colored orbs. "I figured that since the object of your affections and inspirations has decided to run away and leave you here to rot in your own personal hell, I should at least let you converse with your fellow patients." He then threw his head back as a short laugh passed his lips, then he looked to Itachi again. "I hear Hidan's been dying to see you again. Said something about a Jashin sacrifice, if I'm not mistaken?"

Anger brimmed over in Itachi, he wanted to stand up and punch Kabuto in the face, but he decided against it for it would only cause a commotion that would make it inevitable for him to miss [Name]'s coming to get him. Itachi opted to not say a word, and judging by the frustrated look on Kabuto's face from the Uchiha's lack of interest in the conversation, Itachi decided that that was enough for him.

"Are we done here? It is past curfew and I would very much like to sleep." Itachi's voice came out gruff and his eyes narrowed at Kabuto. Kabuto merely sneered before he caught himself and quickly replaced his sneer with a stoic expression.

"Sure. You're dismissed, for now." He waved his hand signaling for Itachi to leave and that was that. Itachi expected that reaction from Kabuto. What he hadn't expected was the huge, loud explosion which met his ears as he came to his side of the sanitarium.

Without wasting a second more Itachi took off in a dead run toward the explosion. It had to be [Name] and her new friends putting their plan into motion.

As soon as he reached the door to his room, he didn't have to look long before finding where the explosion was set off at. In the same hallway of his room, down at the end, was a huge hole in the wall. His heart skipped a beat when his eyes landed on [Name], a smirk on her lips. His eyes took her in; clothes disheveled, dust in her hair from the exploded concrete and her hands on her hips.

"Are you just going to stand there staring at me or are you going to kiss me?" She gave him a wink before giggling; the sound of her laughter was like music to his ears, he couldn't help but to smile back at her in return. Oh, how he wanted to kiss her, but that was going to have to wait. "Kidding, kidding. We need to leave, now. Pein and the others are in the process of getting their people out, too."

Itachi walked up to her, "Their people? Who is tha-"

"Hell yeah baby! Freedom at last!"

"That was an artful explosion, yeah! I'd love to see that again! Hahaha!"

"That is obviously not art, Deidara. Quit wasting my time with your ignorant opinions."

[Name] and Itachi's attention was brought to four men standing a few feet away from them in the middle of the hallway. Sasori, Deidara, Hidan and some other guy with orange hair and piercings was standing there imposingly; Itachi assumed he was this 'Pein' that [Name] mentioned. Before any words could be said, however, a blaringly, incessant alarm sounded throughout the sanitarium.

Pein and the others quickly ran up to Itachi and [Name]. "We need to get out of here, quickly. Konan and the others are waiting outside for us. We shouldn't take too long." The man's voice came out rough and authoritative as his unusual purple ringed eyes glanced at the two of them. Itachi's arm reflexively went out to guard [Name].

Should they really trust them? Would they really help them even though they were getting nothing in return?

Pein obviously picked up on Itachi's hesitance and mistrust and quickly acted on it. "We will not hurt you, neither of you. Though, we do need to get out of here, now." And as if emphasizing his words the footsteps and orders from approaching guards could be heard from not far off down the hallway.

Itachi simply nodded and when Pein nodded in return, it didn't take long before the man threw, what looked like weapons, to Deidara, Hidan and Sasori. Though, where he kept all of those large objects was beyond understanding. Maybe a magic coat? "Deidara, I brought some explosives. Would you like to do the honors?"

Deidara laughed as he looked over the explosives in his hands. "Would I EVER?! I've been waiting for this, yeah!"

Guards and an in tow Kabuto suddenly made their appearance around the corner and before things could turn to worse Deidara harshly threw the explosives their way. Things moved fast from there. In a matter of minutes, Itachi had grabbed [Name] and they jumped from the hole in the cement wall, followed by the four men behind them. They safely, but also a little harshly, landed in some shrubbery on the ground.

[Name] tilted her face up to look at Itachi, who was lying underneath her, "Thanks for breaking my fall. But, I think I could have done that myself, just a little more smoothly." A daring smirk played on her lips as she stood up and reached her hand out for Itachi to grab onto. When Itachi stood a few centimeters in front of her, close enough to where they could feel the sparks flying between them and the breaths each other made, they were rudely interrupted.

The man from earlier cleared his throat to gain their attention. Though, where they expected to see four now stood five. A woman with vivid blue hair and stunning eyes stood there beside the others. Her voice came out soft, "I apologize for rudely interrupting your reunion, but we have people waiting. If we are all going to escape successfully this time, we do need to leave immediately." She gave them a small smile and Itachi nodded. When he looked over to see [Name] slightly blushing, he grabbed her hand. He then looked to the bluenette. "Where to?"

"The gate, hurry!"

They all took off at a dead run toward the front of the building. They had taken a bit more time than they wanted to on escaping, causing guards to swarm the place. Hundreds of men and women ran to and fro. Some people in the white uniform workers wore at the sanitarium, others in black, guards with guns.

"This doesn't look good." The Pein voiced from the front of the group. They all kept running, barely dodging the few guards that happened to catch up with them.

"Kabuto has hired a lot of new security personnel here recently. The security has changed quiet a lot in a short amount of time," Itachi gripped tighter to [Name]'s hand, trying to keep pace with her, but also trying to run as fast as he possibly could.

"I don't see the damn problem here. Why are we running anyway?!" Hidan's angry voice came from the back of the group, resulting in almost every single person to roll their eyes at his comment. Then suddenly the sound of an object forcing against the air was heard. They looked back to see Hidan fighting people off, bloodily, with the scythe he received from the Leader earlier. His manic laughter was loud as he cut certain people into two halves. Sasori on the other hand was throwing some spheres into the air, they looked as if they were made from metal, but as soon as he threw them into the air some purple fumes emanated from them and the people that was caught in the crossfire fell to the ground in coughing fits. Deidara laughed, "This is great!" he yelled out as he threw some explosives into the air and toward a group of oncoming guards.

All in all, people were being killed left and right. Itachi sighed out in a ragged, shaky breath of air. "Is this necessary? Killing all these people."

"You're too fucking soft Uchiha! Grow some balls!" Hidan yelled out as his scythe cut into three people simultaneously. [Name] cringed as some splatters of blood hit her face.

"Stupid, watch where you sling that thing!" Her free hand went out to wipe at her face and she heard Hidan laugh.

"Don't think I've forgotten about you, sweetness. Sacrificing a fiery bitch like you; Jashin's going to love me even more!"

"Shut up, Hidan. You're getting on my nerves." Sasori voiced from his place a few feet in front of them.

"I'll get you later, too, fucking scorpion." Hidan mumbled under his breath as he swung out his weapon again.

Thankfully, an even bigger argument didn't have time to ensue; they had made it to the gate. It was oddly opened and a large black SUV with painted on red clouds waited on the other side. What it looked like from a few feet off, there were four more people in the vehicle. How in the world were they all going to fit in that?

Sadly, they didn't get the time to think about that, a man with an orange mask and short black hair jumped out from the backseat. "Tobi brought the car, Leader-sama! Is Tobi a good boy?!" He was loud and obnoxious as he sprinted toward the group. Before anyone could voice their insults, however, a few speeding bullets were aimed at them. Tobi jumped from side to side. "Oh no, Leader-sama, save meeee!"

"Calm down, Tobi!" Immediately the 'Leader' started barking orders. "Everyone get into the car!" He pointed toward Deidara and Sasori, "We're at a small disadvantage! Keep them at a distance!" Things went in what felt like slow motion after that, especially to Itachi. His eyes watched as a bullet flew toward them and hit [Name] in the middle of her abdomen. Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth gaped open in pain as her shaky hands went to her stomach. She glanced down at her wound and then her eyes found Itachi, her voice came out in a pained whisper before she started to fall to the ground beneath her.

Itachi's heart literally stopped as he lunged to her, to catch her before she fell. He couldn't hear a thing that was going on around them, but he knew it was utter chaos. Itachi's hands went to [Name]'s abdomen. Blood seeped from her wound and stained both of their hands. He could feel her breathing become faster, and more ragged by the second, "[Name], you're going to be okay!"

Tears escaped from the corners of her eyes as she stared up at him, her hand gripped tightly to Itachi's. "I-itachi, y-you have to... get out of h-here..." She coughed and blood flooded into her mouth.

Itachi's hands pushed down even tighter on the wound, trying to stop her from bleeding out. "NO! I will not leave you! You're coming with me... I-" He licked his chapped bottom lip and then bit down softly on it to stop himself from crying, "I can't live without you. You're going to be okay, we're going to be okay."

She simply stared at him, sweat accumulated quickly all over her, her lips and around her eyes was tinted blue and her breathing was becoming weak, but when she voiced her next words, he grasped on even tighter to the hope that she was going to be okay. He refused to lose her now. "I-I wouldn't be me, if I let t-this bullet screw me over, r-right?" She smiled and Itachi smiled back at her.

"Right," he smiled down at her until finally he started paying attention to the other things that was going on around him. Hidan, Sasori and Deidara were fighting off any person that came too close. Then Itachi's eyes found Kabuto, front and center, not too far off from he and [Name]'s spot. Kabuto was holding a gun and his shoulders shook from the intense laughter that escaped him. Itachi gritted his teeth in frustration. Damn him, damn him for shooting [Name]!

"Uchiha, get [Name] into the car. We'll fight them off from here." Itachi jerked his eyes toward the voice. Pein was staring at him, his ringed eyes going from Itachi to [Name]. Itachi then looked to Kabuto again, who was ordering his guards to get them no matter what. Itachi wanted to hurt Kabuto, get him back for what he had done to [Name]. But, then his attention was brought to her again as she coughed harshly. He bent down at her side and put his bloody hands to her face. "...[Name], hold on. I'm going to get you out of here." His hands went to her arm and he wrapped her arm around his neck before pulling her lower half into his arms, into a princess carry. He then looked to the Leader. "Hurry, we don't have a lot of time."

As if to enforce his words a loud roaring helicopter could be heard from not too far off. Then in a matter of minutes, they all filed into the SUV, somehow fitting inside it. Itachi took off his shirt and pressed it to [Name]'s wound. His onyx eyes stayed strained on her face and he watched as she struggled to breathe and keep her eyes open. Her hand grabbed Itachi's upper arm and she breathed out.

"I-itachi, I'm not... g-going to make i-it..." Itachi shook his head in strong denial. "No, you are going to make it! Just hold on! Please, hold on!"

She inhaled deeply and she smiled at him, "Itachi, just listen... to me..." She said between deep breaths. "If I don't make it, if I die-"

"Name] don't-"

"IF I die," she ground out, "just know, that... y-you're the b-best thing... that's ever happened to me. And that I... I lo-"

Before she could finish her words the stitched up man that was driving the SUV stepped harshly on the breaks, causing the car to swerve, and sudden loud shots could be heard firing off from behind them. Kabuto and a small group of his security guards were following quickly behind them in quickly approaching cars. When Itachi looked to [Name] once more he noticed that she had passed out from severe blood loss.

"[Name]..." He looked to his side to where the Leader was shooting out the window, and then stopped him before saying, "Leader, you have to stop the car and let me out."


A/N: Sorry for the horrible cliffhanger! And sorry if there are any typos :p I'll try to update again here really soon. It's just this is almost reaching 3,000 words XD

I also want to apologize for the wait on this update; things have been a little hectic for me here lately. *coughcough* and I've also been binge watching Charmed again *coughcough* but, yeah. Also, thank you all so much for being so understanding~ My readers are amazing! Xoxo


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