✓ | To Save Her | Link x OC |...

By justamethyst3

1.8K 93 11

This fic has been posted on Wattpad and AO3 under the username: justamethyst3 These are the only places this... More

~Chapter 1: Amethyst~
~Chapter 2~
~Chapter 3~
~Chapter 4~
~Chapter 5~
~Chapter 6~
~Chapter 7~
~Chapter 8~
~Chapter 9~
~Chapter 10~
~Chapter 11~
~Chapter 12~
~Chapter 13~
~Chapter 14~
~Chapter 15~
~Chapter 16~
~Chapter 17~
~Chapter 18~
~Chapter 19~
~Chapter 20~
~Chapter 22~
~Chapter 23~
~Chapter 24~
~Chapter 25: Link~
~Chapter 26~
~Chapter 27~
~Chapter 28~
~Chapter 29~
~Chapter 30~

~Chapter 21~

39 4 0
By justamethyst3

Soft voices came from my side as I opened my eyes. The blanket still covered my head as I shifted, turning to lie on my back.

"Am I sore from him, or the Lynel?"

"A mix of both. That was a tough fight, although you didn't stand a chance."

"I've fought Lynels before. Why was it worse this time?"

"Because you were fighting against him. And using his power. You've gained control of it faster than we thought..."

The blanket lifted back, green eyes meeting mine.


I blinked as Zelda took my hand, squeezing it.

"You didn't leave me behind?" I mumbled.

Her brows furrowed, hurt.


"Why would we leave you?"

She helped me sit up, adjusting my place in the bed.

"I'll be the one to destroy Hyrule..."

I glanced at my bare hand, the triangles dull against my skin.

"Or you'll help save it."

I turned back to her, frowning.

"Maybe you were given Ganon's power to help stop him. If he relies on his power too much, it could backfire on him. Maybe you're just what Hyrule needs to help with that."

"Not likely... He's been making plans for a long time now. He's prepared for everything."

"He can't be that prepared..."

I looked away, curling in a ball.

"You never know. He created the Calamity, but that was only a distraction. He had an extra century to keep planning and preparing."

Zelda sat next to me, her back to me. I ran a hand through my hair, squeezing my eyes shut.

"And you don't know his plans?"

"Even if I did, he would kill me if I told you."

"You nearly died from telling me what you did..."

"Well, they'd warned me multiple times. I told Impa, and Purah... Robby knew a little. Then Link found out, and I told him some... Then I told you."

"Was that the secret? The one you thought we'd hate you for?"

"Y-yeah... I mean, you're the Goddess reincarnate, and Link is the Hero of legend. If I have the Triforce of Power, who belongs to the one you've been fighting for so long, it's only natural I'd be your enemy, right?"

"But, you're different."

"How? I have power that could destroy the world. How am I different?"

"You're still fighting to be good. You don't want to do this."

"How would you know?"

"You've been helping Link and I until now. You've avoided the castle, where I'm assuming Ganon is getting ready to return. Despite everything, you're still trying to save Hyrule."

"Yeah, and I'm risking my life just to do something so simple."

"A lot of us have. I mean, Link died in my arms. He died because of me. We're only here now because the Sheikah and I pushed to continue exploring and researching. I know you had some part in it. You helped as my Lady in Waiting."

"I just needed a good job to support my family. My parents were getting old, and my dad was sick. He couldn't work."

"Even so. You've done more good than you think you have. I know you won't believe my words, and I don't know how to make you believe it. But... trust me, when I say you've helped us get this far."

"I really didn't do anything... other than run from my problems. Seems to be the only thing I'm good at."

"That's not true! You're... you're good at cooking!"

"That's something I picked up."

"But still!"

"I'm not as good as you think I am, Princess."

Footsteps pounded on the wood, before warm arms wrapped around me. I opened my eyes and found Link burying his face in my neck.

"Amethyst, you're awake!"

"I wish I wasn't..."

Link pulled away, cupping my cheeks.

"Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?"

His frown grew as he pulled me back in a hug.

"We'll get this all fixed up. We're here to help you. I promise."

I glanced outside, squinting my eyes at the bright sun.

"Where are we, anyway?"

"We're in the Gerudo Canyon Stable. You were asleep for several days, and Riju needed help with a Molduga..."


"Ah, the current Gerudo Chieftess. Since we were down here, and you weren't waking up, we figured we could help real quick..."

"How long was I out?"

They grew quiet, and I looked up.

"What? How long was I out?!"

"Almost a week. We couldn't get you to wake up, and we thought we lost you..."

I reached for my chest as it ached, my breath coming out heavy.

"So close... I was so close-!"

"I told you already! He won't let you die until he's done with you. You pushed him to kill you. But he can't have his power back until you return to the castle. He still needs you."

"I was so close..."

They grew quiet as tears slipped out. I quickly wiped them away.

"I was so close to actually escaping all this. And he won't let me."

"There's no need to worry, little one."

I froze at the unfamiliar voice, wiping away more tears.



I winced as I could feel their excitement at the new voice.

"It won't be much longer before you can let all this go. Until then, I just need a small favor from you."


"Please, protect my Little Bird as best as you can. I know it's Link's responsibility, but they both would appreciate your help. And we'll do our best to keep you safe from Ganon and his goons."

"You couldn't before, how can you now?"

"There's all three of us! And Revali will join us soon!"

"Yes! Revali is the last to join us. But we can overpower them and keep you safe!"

"Keep me... safe...?"

"Are they bothering you again?" Link asked, wiping away a tear.

"No... it's the Champions..."

"You can speak to the Champions?!"

I winced as Zelda moved closer, her eyes wide.

"There were others I didn't recognize from a while ago. But they're trying to keep me safe from Ganon as best as they can. I've never seen anyone look like the others, but I only know the Champions."

"Who can you speak to?"

"Uh... everyone but Revali... He's the last one for me to connect with."

"Then... did you connect to them when we were near their towns?"

"But we didn't go to Goron City, how would she talk to Daruk?"

"Probably when I'm near the Divine Beasts, or something. Like that night when Vah Rudania was passing? That's when he first spoke to me. And Vah Naboris is right on Spectacle Rock, right?"

Link nodded, leaning closer.

"So then, with my last memory at the Rito Stable, you should connect with Revali, right?"

"That's how it should be, I guess?"

"Then whenever we reach there..."

They paused, glancing at me.

"Are you ready to travel, again?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine-"

I winced as I tried to get up, clinging to my side as I fell on my back.

"Let's give her a few more days to rest. We can get ready, in the meantime," Zelda said.

"No, I can-"

Link nodded, before taking off. Zelda turned back to me, tucking me under the blanket.

"We'll see what progress we can make tomorrow. Get some rest for now."

"I've been asleep for a week, I can't just go to sleep-"


Zelda turned, moving away from the bed. I grumbled as their footsteps faded. They both knew I couldn't move much on my own. So I was stuck on the mattress until one of them returned.

~ * ~

This one's kinda angsty. Not like the others though lolol

And Urbosa's here! Now all we gotta do is head to the Rito Stable, and we'll have all the champions hehe

I feel like I'm super close to finishing the story, so I've been staying up late to write. I've also been working on chapter 24 all day (1/29), but I've made some good progress! I'm thinking it'll be about 30-ish chapters, depending on how things go hehe

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