Kaeli, The Last Guardian

By SolaRadiance

160 9 0

This is the Life of a girl named Kaeli Bright. The Ethereal Dragon Slayer. One that has a power hidden deep w... More

History of the Guardians
Kaeli (Luminous)
Team Natsu
The Guardians
Monsters and Demons
Venzor Village
Experimental Demons
Demonic Flames
Feel again
White Magic
Where it began
Luminous returned
Our fight
Dark Side
Remaing Whole
Who I am.


15 1 0
By SolaRadiance

I smiled, as I was behind the Fairy Hills, and there was something behind this building that no one knew about. A property that was owned by my family for years. It was not in the best condition, but this was where my magic came into play. I could fix it up and recreate it with the materials it had. I walked forward and I held my arms up in the air slowly and a the layout of the structure from the way the place had been in the past was laid out by magic. I watched as all ruins of the buildings were picked up and formed back together.

The buildings included of my ancestral home, along with a library and cemetery with five graves. the library held books of ancient healing, purification, and forms of magic that would bring balance to the world. Only certain people were able to be chosen to use these spells.

The girls looked at me in surprise and as I did this the wind from my formation magic, blew off my hood. I stopped when formation process was done. "This is it. Now this is my home. I am her to tell you guys. I am the keyholder to this place."

My turquoise long hair faded down to a light purple at the end. My gold eyes glowed as I used my main magic. It was blowing by the side of my face and I smiled. The girls looked at me on guard and in curiosity. "This is a place I trust the two of you to, for when I am gone. The master knows of it and what can be done with the right spells and enchantments."

"Why do you trust us with this place? You do not know us." Mira questioned.

Erza went to speak and I held my hand up before she could. "You do not remember me because of the spell, Divine Heart. Five years ago, you both helped the Master seal my magic. I needed this spell done to protect everyone here and have them forget about me. We all agreed that master would be one to remember everything about me."

They listened to me unsure of what to say because this was a huge thing to process.

"This is the price of the spell by the casters when used. Only one person may remember the person it is used on. I can reverse the effects though. However, I want to do this when we are at the guild. I am sorry that this was done, but it was to protect everyone. I am now strong enough to take on my magic now.." I finished and held on to both of their hands.

We were in the guild hall in a matter of minutes and Master had everyone's attention and they looked at us when we appeared next to him out of no where. I had my hood up once more so I was not able to have my face and hair seen. This was what I was used to. It helped me keep control of myself. The only person that was not keeping calm was Natsu. He could never stand waiting and had very little patience when it came to some things. He stopped and his eyes grew wide when he smelled the air. I know it was because he recognized my scent and the spell does not work on the people I had a big connection with. Grey, Natsu, and Laxus.

I held my arm out in front of me to reverse the effects of the spell and he came attacking me with his fist on fire before I could. Everyone stared at Natsu and gasped in shock. Master just stood there and smiled as everyone was concerned and had some of the members call out his name.

"Master." I said his name tot give him the approval to release the seal on my powers.

"Purity." I smiled as power pulsed through me and I watched everyone's confused expressions as they were remembering everything. All but the new few I do not recognize, so they must have joined after I left.

I extended my arm and held my hand straight up. "Natsu wait-" I tried warning him to stop and then out of no where he was thrown back to the other end of the hall and through the wall of the building.

He took this as a challenge and was grinning like a fool, using his flames to boost his speed as he flew to me. I watched as he came to me. I teleported us behind the guild and smiled. I held a finger up and he was processing what I just did.

Everyone was running out to the back of the guild doors and gathered to watch everything that was going on. Everyone has processed the memory of my existence and the moments we shared together by now and were curious about who I was. Only two people in this guild knew who I was because of scent. Laxus and Natsu.

'Natsu. Wait a moment-'

"You said when you got back!" He was ecstatic as he shouted. I mean, I did promise him and Grey a fight when I returned.

I made Grey appear a few feet away from Natsu and motioned them to come at me. Grey was completely confused and I spoke telepathically to him.

'Ice bear~'

Grey's eyes grew larger and then he had the biggest smile on his face. He knew who I was at that moment. This is when the fight started.

I remained silent throughout the whole fight as they sent the attack to me. Natsu and Grey both came at me with one large leap. I put both my arms in front of my face and they hit my fore arms. I was moved back a few inches and smiled at how much they have grown.

Still not enough to beat me though. I smiled as grey sent his Ice spikes to me and Natsu sent his wing attack. I smiled and they both took their tops off. My power was still building up and gathering to its normal amount, after being sealed for so long. So I decided to keep dodging and blocking the attacks as they came. I missed them both dearly. I could tell they did too.

We often had fights like this where I won, but they kept coming back for a challenge. It never took much for me though. I liked teasing them and giving them a few hits at me. After a couple hits, I knocked them out. Despite all of this, we were the best friends ever. No one in the guild could defeat me. I often had fights with Laxus, to get him stronger and was waiting to have a fight with him next.

Both the boys leapt towards me again and Natsu flamed his feet up as he kicked at me, while on his hands. Grey went for a sneak attack behind me and I let them both get a hit in. My power was fully built up and I held my hand up to the sky. The clouds formed a circle into the sky, as a beam of lightning came down from it and struck them both. Grey was struck and yelled in pain, as Natsu absorbed it. I was caught off guard by this and looked at him. He was never able to before. this is new.

He sent the attack back at me and I barely dodged it in time. He sent three attacks my way at one time which actually hit me and left no time for me to dodge. "Fire dragon talon, iron fist, crushing fang!"

I was pushed backwards and my cape started to burn away as I steadied myself. I held my balance with my hand grazing on the ground and my legs spread slightly. dust from the ground was making small clouds and I started laughing.

Everyone still had no idea who this mysterious stranger was that joined the guild and randomly started to fight with the ice wizard and dragon slayer. I kniw some had a few suspicions on who I was though.

Grey sent a ice attack at me and a giant hammer dropped down on me. I yelled from the pain and was happy. "Alright!"

The cloak finally burnt away and revealed my identity to the others as I took a deep breath and let out a roar. "Ethereal Wing attack" I opened my arms and then threw them down so giant whips appeared and sent Natsu and Grey, making them flying backwards.

I smiled as they were knocked out and sighed. I looked up to see some of the members in tears and some just flat out happy.


I jumped and my eyes went wide as I looked and they all ran to me. I was knocked down to the ground. I laughed and let out a groan, as I held Happy in my arms and started to tear up. "I'm home."

Everyone quiet down and was doing things of their own. I was in the guild and sat down as I looked at Mira and Erza. 

I was smiling as held each of their hands. "Betrea." I sent a somewhat hard wave of magic at them both and they stumbled backwards a bit. "How are you both feeling?" 

I waited a moment as they collected themselves and looked at me.

 "Kaeli?" They both asked in Unison and I nodded. "It may take time for you guys to remember completely everything of me because we were close and you guys did the spell."

"Mira, I see that you outgrew your rebellious phase and you look great from the seven years you been gone on Tenrou Island. We are the same age because of this now."

They both laughed and Erza hugged me. "Indeed we are."

"Mira and Erza.." I went silent for a few moments and then clenched my fists. "Thank you. I would have been dead if it were not for you guys sacrificing your memory of me."

I felt my eyes brim with tears and Mira giggled. "Awe. Don't cry. You are family and this is what we do." 

"Mira?" I looked at her with doubt and Natsu appeared from behind me. 

"Do not sweat it. this is what the Fairy Tail guild is all about. We protect one of our own." He smiled.

I smiled back at him and Macao waved me over. I made my way to him and looked confused. "It was you who was the anonymous donor of the monthly 1000 jewels wasn't it?" 

I smirked and nodded. "I could not come here because of the situation, but I could help in a way."

He looked at me and made a joke. "We should have a drink sometime." 

"Dad, knock it off." a boy spoke up and scolded him.

I looked at the boy and my eyes grew wide. "Romeo? You are a young man now." I looked at him and smiled. "Give me your hand. I have something for you." 

I took his hand and covered them in mine, as I summoned a locket from the inventory of my magical dimension. "This belonged to your mother. You should have it."

He went silent and I walked away from him.

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