Bagsy Beetlehorn and the Vamp...

Door leollyen

188 33 2

When a shady acting troupe casts for their production of Vampire Affairs, something sinister is afoot. But wi... Meer

To Spite Your Face
Get Out of Jail Free Trip
Jail Break
The WhiskWay Station
Quolldron College
The Acting Troupe
A New Professor
A Good Old Rant
A New Subject
A Diseased Confidant
A Series of Mysteries
The Investigation Begins
A Scuffle in the Trees
The Fight
The Practise
Hidden Records
A Debut
Sight, Words and Strength
An Unsent Letter
Holiday Arrangements
A Dynasty of Sacrifice
A New Term
An Analogy
Witchment Enrichment
Old Feuds, New Feuds
A Missing Mole-Man
Secrets Unlocked
The Second Episode
Perfectly Fine
Preparations for the Dance
The Vampire Ball
A Mind-Napping
An Aftermath
Plots and Schemes
A Briefing
Return to the Shadows
The Rescue
It All Goes Wrong
The Fall
The Escape
Taking a Breather

Option Two

5 2 0
Door leollyen

During double Charms, Bagsy paid little attention to Professor Starrett's teachings. Thankfully, Professor Starrett had decided to leave Bagsy and Mezrielda in peace in favour of actually teaching her class, so when lunch rolled around Bagsy had enough energy to face the next problem head on.

'I have no idea how to get a letter to Winifred,' she said as they settled into the library nook. 'I have no clue where she's hiding.'

'Fitzsimmons would know.'

'The whole point of asking Winifred is to avoid speaking with Fitzsimmons,' Bagsy shot back. 'Sorry, I just really don't want to talk to Fitzsimmons about the blood eyed beast. I think doing so will end with our sudden death.'

Mezrielda was flipping through a Charms textbook, but she couldn't be bothered to direct her eyes at its pages. 'I'm not sure I agree.'

'You've always been the one saying we shouldn't trust Professor Fitzsimmons.'

Mezrielda shut the textbook defeatedly. 'That's correct, but I've been thinking... if Fitzsimmons really wanted to hurt us, if they really wanted to kill us, couldn't they have done so already?'

'I don't know. There are a lot of eyes around us. Someone would notice if Fitzsimmons tried to harm us.'

'Yes, but Fitzsimmons isn't unintelligent. They could lure us somewhere alone and finish us off that way. I'm sure there are a thousand ways they could murder us if they wished. Yet, for three school years it seems that Fitzsimmons has done nothing but try to keep us safe.'

'But what about that vision I had? The beast looked like Professor Fitzsimmons.'

'Fitzsimmons claimed to have been battling the beast themselves in our second year,' Mezrielda countered. 'They kept getting injuries from their fights, remember?'

'We only have their word on that.'

'Incorrect. Starrett and Blythurst helped, as well.'

Bagsy folded her arms. 'It was you who pointed out that Fitzsimmons shouldn't be able to know what your wish was, remember? Back when you made it in first year you didn't tell Fitzsimmons what it was, and yet they knew.'

'I'm not saying there isn't something peculiar afoot,' said Mezrielda. 'I'm simply saying, as far as I can tell, our lives aren't in danger. If we want answers we should report directly to Fitzsimmons to get them.'

Bagsy pursed her lips. 'I still don't know...'

'If you don't want to, I won't make us, but I think it's our best option.'

There was a long moment of silence.

'If you think so, then I agree,' Bagsy relented. She fished out her timetable. 'We have Defence Against the Dark Arts after lunch.'

'Superb. We can talk to them after.'

Bagsy shifted in her seat uncomfortably. If it were up to her they'd postpone the talk as long as possible.

Mezrielda suddenly perked up. 'Look!' With more excitement than Bagsy had seen in a kitten discovering catnip, Mezrielda shoved her timetable in her face. 'Finally!'

Squinting, Bagsy failed to read the words held so close to her eyes. 'Uhhh... what are you excited about?'

Mezrielda pulled the timetable away from her, looking abashed. She flicked her hair self-consciously over her shoulder and cleared her throat. 'I meant to say that I was somewhat pleased to observe we have practical Herbology together this year.'

'Merlin's beard!' Bagsy leapt out of her chair. The young librarian didn't bother shushing them – she'd learnt there was no point. 'We can be partners for this year's project!'

Just like that, Mezrielda was standing up as well, clasping her hands tightly together. 'Exactly my sentiments!' she breathed then, glancing around herself and putting her arms maturely at her sides, schooled her anticipation away. 'It will be interesting, to be sure.' Bagsy smirked at her friend, her worry about Fitzsimmons fading.

However, by the time lunch was over and they were walking to the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, the nerves had returned in full force. Focus was something Bagsy struggled to keep during the lesson. Fitzsimmons was talking about brick-ticks whose bodies were bulbous and square, and combined could make entire structures. Bagsy only paid attention when someone dropped heavily into the seat on her left, Mezrielda occupying the one on her right.

Tod Alden unpacked his things, keeping his dark eyes on the floor or his desk, and looking very small for such a tall boy.

'Tod?' Bagsy said. Anger flared in her at the memory of the conversation he'd had with his brother on the train, but it was tempered by how sad he'd looked when he'd been in St Mungo's, having lost his tongue.

'I'm fine,' he said tensely, turning his head away from her. His voice sounded back to normal in terms of using his tongue, but it lacked his usual confidence. There was a pause and when he looked back his cocky smile had returned. 'Can't believe I got away with being late to Fitzsimmons' lesson – the professor must have faulty glasses or...' Tod trailed off as Fitzsimmons' neck extended with speed to cover the length of the room.

The bug eyes of Fitzsimmons' stared unblinkingly at Tod. 'What was that?'

Tod gulped. 'Nothing.'

'No talking while I'm talking,' Fitzsimmons said as their neck retracted to its normal size. With a tap from their wand against the nape of their neck it solidified back into usual looking anatomy. 'As I was saying... cater-pillars...'

Bagsy tuned back out until Fitzsimmons asked them to copy some passages from their textbook onto a fill-in-the-blanks work sheet on the weak points of cater-pillars.

Tod frowned in confusion at the text book and turned a few pages back. 'That's odd.'

Mezrielda, who'd been casting glares in Tod's direction since he'd arrived, prickled abnormally at his innocuous comment. 'Who cares? Focus on the task at hand.'

'Take a look,' Tod insisted. 'We've skipped an entire chapter of content. This could be in our exams!' He went to put his hand up but Mezrielda forced it down.

'Don't cause a fuss!' she hissed. 'It doesn't matter. It won't come up in the exam this year. Fitzsimmons said so at the start.'

Tod looked dubiously as Mezrielda. 'Release my arm.'

With an angry jerk, Mezrielda let go and sat back down. Curiously, Bagsy browsed the content they'd missed.

'We're not learning that,' Mezrielda reminded her.

'I know,' said Bagsy. 'I'm just curious.'

That seemed to aggravate Mezrielda, but she didn't seem to know how to say what she wanted.

Bagsy glanced at the book. She saw a few different titles; Bog Dogs, Mimics, Yew Stranglers, Shapeshifters, Changelings and Doppelgangers stared back up at her. There was information about the freakish powers the creatures had; changing their appearance at will, peering into the minds of their victims, or even eyes that could predict the future and see through walls.

In big warning letters at the top and bottom of each page, flashing a bright red, were the words: 'INFORMATION OUTDATED: CAPABILITIES UNKNOWN AND UNSURE. PROCEED WITH CAUTION AND ASSUME CLASS S DANGER IN ALL CASES.'

'Oh, wow,' Bagsy breathed. 'These things sound pretty serious.'

The idea of someone peering into her mind was horrid. She'd heard about doppelgangers before. She'd read about them taking over a village without anyone realising until it was too late. It had only been thanks to Opius Pepsini that the village had been destroyed.

The shape-shifting part was also off-putting. The fact she could trust Mezrielda no matter what was a huge comfort to her but suddenly all she could see was a doppelganger taking Mezrielda's place without her knowing and leading her into a dark alley before turning on her with violent purple eyes and–

'Bagsy?' Mezrielda pulled Bagsy from her worry with a hand on her arm. 'I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how–' she cut off, narrowing her eyes. 'You're not as upset as I thought you'd be.' Her eyes narrowed even more. 'Why are you looking so scared?'

'I just...' Bagsy shrugged uncertainly. 'The idea there are mimics and changelings wanting to steal you away and take your identity is horrible.'

'Oh.' Mezrielda removed her hand, looking relieved. 'Of course, that's a fair reaction. But remember, this textbook was funded by the Ministry. They aren't good at fairly representing magical creatures. I'm sure doppelga­– uh, I mean, all of the creatures listed in there aren't that awful once you get to know them.'

'I don't know, Mezrielda. I agree the Ministry like to misrepresent magical creatures – I learnt that lesson the hard way last year – but from what I know about changelings their very biology means they want to steal people's identity and take their place. I don't see any amount of context making that not utterly terrifying.' She shuddered at the mere thought.

Mezrielda pursed her lips in concern.

Abruptly, a ruler tapped on Bagsy's and then Mezrielda's desk with sharp clacks. 'Both of your sheets are still blank,' Fitzsimmons pointed out before moving on. 'Tod is already on the extension task. Well done, Tod.'

'Well done Tod,' Mezrielda echoed in a mocking voice under her breath, quiet enough so Fitzsimmons didn't hear. Now, it was Tod shooting glares at Mezrielda.

The end of the lesson came far too soon and Bagsy, fumbling with the strap of her satchel, waited for the rest of the students to leave. Fitzsimmons waited at the front, sitting on a summoned plush stool and looked at them curiously.

Students' shoes thudded on the stone floor as they paraded out of the classroom. Once they'd all left the only noise remaining was the creaks of the chandelier, cages and skeletons that hung from the ceiling.

'I take it you aren't here to apologise for your lack of attention during class?'

'No,' Mezrielda replied with confidence that Bagsy entirely lacked. She was half-hiding behind her friend like a scared child.

Mezrielda said, 'We're here to talk about the blood eyed beast.' She sucked in a breath. 'And their relationship to you.'

Fitzsimmons' eyebrows shot up. 'I don't follow. Please, come and sit down. This seems too serious to discuss like this.' With a wave of their wand, two more stools appeared.

Bagsy moved to join Fitzsimmons but Mezrielda held out an arm, blocking her.

'We'll stay here for now, thank you,' said Mezrielda coldly.

A flash of confusion crossed Fitsimmons' face. 'If you wish,' they said, disappearing the stools. 'I must admit I am lost. What are you wanting to know?'

Mezrielda said, 'In first year you knew what I wished for, even though neither I nor Tod told you. How?'

Fitzsimmons' jaw clenched. 'You must believe me when I tell you I do not know. One moment I was walking down the corridor and everything was right with the world. The next an alert sounded in my head, informing me a wish had been granted and what that wish was. I only told Bagsy as she seemed upset with you. That saddened me. Apologies if I shared something I shouldn't have–'

'It's not about that and you know it,' Mezrielda cut in angrily. 'Don't try to change the topic.'

Fitzsimmons stood, their robes seeming to spread like moth wings. 'Do not forget I am the head professor of this school. You are my pupils. You will address me with respect. Even if you have every right to be suspicious, we are still in Hogwarts.'

Bagsy fully ducked behind Mezrielda.

Fitzsimmons stalled at the sight, then their robes fluttered back down and the moment passed. 'Any other issues?'

'Yes,' said Mezrielda and Bagsy noticing her hands, which were clasped behind her back, were shaking. Without thinking, she placed her own over them and squeezed. She felt Mezrielda squeeze back. 'Bagsy experienced a... vision. She saw the blood eyed beast consume children. As it did it morphed from a human into what we have encountered these past few years. Before it transformed, it looked just like you.'

Fitzsimmons was very quiet, as if Mezrielda and Bagsy had disappeared and the conversation long since ended. Then, like a house of cards, they collapsed back onto their stool and looked at the floor. 'Where did Bagsy get this vision from?'

'We aren't sure,' said Mezrielda. 'It seemed to have come from one of the suits of armour kicked out of the castle in our second year.'

'I would like a moment alone,' Fitzsimmons asked politely, still looking at the floor.

Mezrielda didn't move.

Bagsy stepped out from behind her friend. 'Please, tell us why I saw that, professor. Please explain.'

'I do not know.' With a shaky breath they pulled out a scrap of paper. They tore it and the pieces fell to the floor. 'I honestly, truly, do not know.'

Bagsy and Mezrielda exchanged a looked, both unsatisfied.

'Thank you,' said Mezrielda. 'We believe you. Let us know if you figure anything out.' She turned and left the room. She was still holding Bagsy's hand, who was very confused, and pulled her along before she could voice the obvious inadequacy of Fitzsimmons' answers.

The next moment they were out of the oppressive room and hurrying down a moving staircase. Rushing up another set, Professor Starrett passed them and headed straight for where they'd just been, a look of dread on her face. Bagsy didn't pay her much mind and allowed herself to be led to an isolated corridor where Mezrielda let go of her hand.

'Mezrielda, why did you say we trusted them? Their answer wasn't good enough!'

'I know.'

Bagsy blinked. 'You know?'

'Of course, I do, but we couldn't say that to their face. We gained all the information we could have. There was no point in continuing the conversation – it could only have ended poorly for us.'

'That makes sense.'

'Of course,' Mezrielda grit out, folding her arms and digging her nails into the material of her robes. 'If I still had my magic I could've protected us – we could've pushed for more answers – but thanks to Mr Mortem that's no longer an option.'

Bagsy didn't know what to say. She thought Mezrielda couldn't have played that situation better, yet her friend still didn't think it was good enough without her magic. Plus, she honestly didn't think powerful magic would've helped all that much.

Bagsy said, 'Either way that's option two crossed off, which leaves us back where we started.'

Mezrielda breathed out ominously. 'It's time for option three.'

'There's a third option?'

'Yes. We can't get in contact with Winifred and even if we could I doubt she'd tell you anything. Fitzsimmons refuses to co-operate. That leaves only one route open to investigate how we might defend against the blood eyed beast.'

'And that is?'

'This is why I wanted us to try speaking to Fitzsimmons first. However dangerous that may feel, option three is worse.'

'Mezrielda, what is option three?'

Mezrielda unfolded her arms, holding her clenched fists at her sides. 'We'll need to extract information from someone close to the blood eyed beast. We'll need to find the breathing blight.'

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