On Destiny's Wings: A Journey...

By TytoVortex

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In the mountain kingdom of the FireClaws, a young dragonling named Sundrop spends her days listening to her m... More

The "Claws"
Prologue: A Legend is Born
Chapter 1: A Humble Beginning
Chapter 3: Learning Experiences
Chapter 4: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 5: Dark Mysteries
"Black Blood"
Chapter 6: Midnight Awakening
Chapter 7: Falling into Fate
Chapter 8: A Dark World
Chapter 9: A Frightening Quest
Chapter 10: The Organization
Chapter 11: A Dreadful Place
Chapter 12: Convergence
Chapter 13: The High Deathbringer
Chapter 14: A Brush With Freedom
Chapter 15: Initiation

Chapter 2: Leaving the Nest

77 7 2
By TytoVortex

Sundrop's eyes fluttered open when she realized she and Flametooth had dozed off. With a groan of annoyance, the dragonling shook out her scales and rose to her sleepy paws. No light shone through the cavern entrance apart from a small sliver of eerie white.

Moonlight? she thought. Crickets chirped in the distance. Tiny bursts of wind caressed the stones inside the fortress, whistling much like a choir.

Sundrop blinked her icy eyes and turned towards her brother. The grumpy dragonling had rolled over in his sleep, claws splayed in four different directions. Loud snoring noises rumbled from his open snout.

"Flametooth," Sundrop whispered, crouching down beside her sibling and prodding him in the ribs. He didn't even budge.

Ugh, what is with him? she grumbled inwardly.

"Flametooth!" she repeated, a bit louder this time. His wings twitched, his pale belly trembling. A moment passed before he snorted and flopped over, blinking open his glowing orange eyes.

He rested his angry gaze on his sister, wrinkling his snout with displeasure.

"What do you want?" he growled, two balls of ashy smoke rising from his nostrils. He raised a claw and scratched at his horns.

"We slept through the evening!" Sundrop replied quietly, looking around at the empty cave. Droplets of water from the looming stalactites splashed into small blue pools on the rocky floor.

Her dazzling red scales reflected the dim light of the moon, sending beams of crimson pulsing against the cavern walls. She raised her brows, distorting the shape of the yellow patches above her blue irises.

"So what?" Flametooth snarled softly, "I'm tired."

"No, I mean, mama was supposed to come back and tell us about our classes, wasn't she?" the dragonling countered, gesturing towards their mother's empty sleeping place. It seemed to yawn eerily in the darkness.

"She probably did, but saw that we were sleeping and let us be," Flametooth grumbled. He flashed an irritated grimace at his spunky sister.

Sundrop frowned. That's not like her at all, she thought.

"Where do you think she is, then?" Sundrop asked.

"The Ember Palace, most likely."

"Oh, right."

"She is a spotter, after all. It's not like she's always going to have time for us," Flametooth concluded, shrugging his bulky shoulders. He curled his rusty tail around his legs and groomed the frills at the tip with two large fangs.

Sundrop let her head hang, observing the talons that adorned her front paws. Flametooth was right. Their mother was extremely good to them, and loving to boot; but she was a very busy FireClaw. She spent most of her days circling the sky and patrolling the kingdom. She had earned her place in the palace, and Sundrop respected that. She wouldn't make the dragoness's life complicated, no matter how much she disliked it.

"What time do you suppose it is?" the dragonling asked after a moment, glancing down at her brother.

He glared up at her. "Late," he stated simply. "Which is why we shouldn't be awake."

Sundrop paused. Suddenly, her ears perked. She knew exactly how to cheer her brother up!

"Hey, do you wanna play BloodWings and FireClaws again?" she asked excitedly, eyes honed on his face for a reaction.

Flametooth stopped combing his tail frills and peered up at her, his sunset eyes filled with anticipation. The angst-ridden dragonling bounced to his paws and spread out his wings, letting the cool air from the cave swirl across his brownish scales.

"Yeah!" he exclaimed, "Are you going to be the FireClaw soldier again, or should I?"

Sundrop giggled and shook her head, "I'll be the FireClaw again. You're so much better at being a BloodWing than I am anyways," she added in joyfully.

Flametooth nodded and scrambled across the stones, whipping around crisp wind from the force of his exit. He searched for a hiding place and dipped down behind a large stalagmite. He was completely hidden aside from the faint orange glow emanating from his eyes.

"Okay, now you're on patrol," Flametooth's voice echoed, "and suddenly, you see a strange figure lurking around in the dark!"

"Yes sir," Sundrop replied excitedly. She took a moment to get into character and puffed out a ball of smoke, arching her back and tucking in her wings. Her icy eyes narrowed into slits, her claws sinking into the crevices between the rocks.

I am a FireClaw, she told herself, and shuffled into a crouch. The dragonling prowled forward, her sharp vision scanning for intruders within the cavern. She spotted shimmering pools of water that had collected on the floor of the fortress, carving rocky bowls where it had once been flat and smooth. Her ears perked and listened to the hollow whistling of wind. With a snout as sharp as a razor, she breathed in the scents around her.

"Hmm," she pondered in her best soldier impression, furrowing her brows, "something seems off here. What a strange scent I've picked up!"

Sundrop approached the stalagmite in front of her and paused, dipping her head and play-scenting the ground. A very exaggerated gasp streamed from her muzzle.

"Why, this is no ordinary smell! This is the paint the BloodWings wear!"

On cue, her brother slunk out of hiding and whipped his tail, nothing but two fiery eyes glowing into the darkness. His wings arched in a sinister way, displaying a pair of perfectly pointed daggers. His tongue slithered out of his fangs, creating a wicked "hissss". The spines on his back were pricked to a point.

Sundrop had to hold back a squeak of surprise. Her brother was always so good at playing the villain, and sometimes he frightened her.

She took a breath and regained character, "Hey, you there! Who are you, and what are you doing in FireClaw territory?"

Flametooth chuckled and cloaked a wing over his face, impersonating a BloodWing veil. "Who am I? Perhaps you should not be asking such foolish questions!"

"Answer now, or I shall have to bring you to the queen!" Sundrop reprimanded, running a claw across her heart in solute.

Her brother's paws made no sound as he prowled into the moonlit part of the cave, pulsing the frills at the tip of his tail. A bit of a chill had stirred, making the rocks below cold to the touch.

"I answer to no one," Flametooth imitated in his most dastardly voice.

"Then prepare to meet my talons!" Sundrop crowed, and launched herself at Flametooth's flank. She let out a tiny giggle in mid-air.

Flametooth spread his wings and grinned, dodging the half-hearted attack and gliding to the nearest boulder. He landed gracefully and hooked his claws into the stone. His act grew more convincing as he raised his head, ears perked, orange eyes sparkling.

"FireClaw fool!" he shouted down at his playmate, smiling, "You will never defeat me! I am a BloodWing! Every single one of you will die beneath the weight of my mighty claws!"

Sundrop smirked mischievously, "Go ahead and try, BloodWing scum! My army of fire breathers is ready for you!"

The siblings wrestled and played for hours, practicing techniques and spewing banter at one another. Their favorite story had also turned into their favorite game. Once they had started, they didn't know how to stop. Sundrop enjoyed being a FireClaw. It made her feel important and noble. Perhaps, if she kept practicing, she'd be a real soldier one day.

The only indication of the passing time was the disappearance of silver moonlight outside. In its place, a golden glow begun to stretch across the sky, etching clouds of misty pink and glimmering rays of ocean blue. Birds rose from their nightly slumber and danced overhead, chirping ballads of "Good morning!" The cavern grew wary where the darkness fled.

Sundrop and Flametooth glanced up at the approaching sunlight and sighed. They were exhausted. The young dragonlings scratched their claws across the stony ground.

"When do you think mama will be back?" Sundrop finally asked, resting her dazzling blue eyes on her brother.

"I don't know," he replied softly, "Soon, hopefully."

Sundrop sat down on the stones and recalled The Battle of the Six in her mind. The way her mother told it was spectacular! The FireClaws were so heroic and cunning. She remembered how agile the WindClaws were, and how delicate the WaterClaws seemed. If only she was able to see them for herself. She wanted school to begin so she could learn how to be brave like the soldiers in the story.

Suddenly, a shadow fell over the cave. The dragonlings peered up at the entrance where their mother was flapping in, shaking her scales out and ducking into the opening. Her horns scraped the ceiling as she pulled the last bit of her tail into the cavern. Her wings were dripping with morning dew that shimmered in the rays of the sun.

"Mama, you're back!" Sundrop squealed, getting to her paws and trotting over to the crimson dragoness. The FireClaw spotter's kind green eyes lit up joyfully at the sight of her children. Her long hooked claws tapped gently on the cold stone floor.

Flametooth hung back and observed the situation instead of making a fuss.

"So, were you able to talk to Coal... uh, dancer?" Sundrop stuttered curiously, forgetting the name of her future instructor. Her narrow muzzle crinkled in confusion. I think that's right, she thought.

"Oh, yes I was, dear," the dragoness replied, arching her wings and letting the glittering droplets of water fall from her scales, "and I apologize for taking so long. Queen Sparkspyre ordered a night-time patrol around the kingdom just before moonlight."

"Yeah, and what the queen says goes, right mama?" Sundrop reassured, flashing an understanding smile up at her parent.

"Queens rule their kingdoms sternly," their mother replied softly, "and they're very powerful. So yes, I didn't quite have a say in the matter. Spotting is an important task in the kingdom, and I uphold that honor with my life."

"Mama's really brave, isn't she, Flametooth?" the female dragonling chirped, whirling around and wagging her tail at her sibling. Her sunny golden markings shone brilliantly in the morning air. Nothing excited her more than hearing about the adventures that her mother embarked on. Mama's journeys might even be cooler than the battle with the BloodWings!

"Yeah, she sure is," Flametooth replied quietly, showing little enthusiasm.

Their mother cocked her head and gave her son a worried look. "My dear Flametooth, what is the matter?" she asked.

Flametooth glared at Sundrop first, narrowing his fiery orange eyes at her. His brownish scales appeared flattened and tense. He then turned his temper on his mother.

"Nothing really," he grumbled, "You're just never around anymore. Me and Sundrop have to stay in this stupid cave all day, and we're not even allowed to go outside without your permission. I'm old enough to be on my own!" the dragonling shouted angrily.

Sundrop cringed, hurt. Is that really what he thinks? she wondered thoughtfully.

"I bet if I tried, I'd be able to fly too, WITHOUT any sort of school! I'm tired of being trapped in the cold all the time. Can't we just-"

"That's enough!" the dragoness interrupted, slamming her tail against the stones. The earth trembled from the weight of her mighty blow, sending tiny lodged rocks showering down from the ceiling. Flametooth instantly drew in on himself, snapping his jaws shut and pulling his forked tongue back into his mouth. His eyes were startled.

Sundrop jumped too, flattening her ears and glancing up nervously at the enraged dragoness.

"How dare you speak to me in such a manner?" she growled, "Perhaps you aren't old enough to understand, but my life is pretty hard too. I've told you about your father, and how he died in battle before you were born, my son. I have to raise the pair of you on my own. Along with that, I'm a full-time spotter serving beneath her majesty. I'm able to provide for my family though, and I will continue to do so, even if you don't appreciate it."

Flametooth never broke eye contact, scanning his mother for signs of sadness or grief. Her expression was that of stone, hard and unwavering like a statue. Sundrop moved closer to her mother and wrapped her tail around her leg. The dragoness felt the touch of her daughter and relaxed, dropping the tension in her shoulders.

"I'm sorry for raising my voice at you," she continued. Flametooth listened. "I'm trying my best, and it's pretty good under the circumstances."

"I know," Flametooth whispered, turning his head away in shame, "well, I do now. I'm sorry mother. I didn't mean to be unappreciative."

"That's alright, son," the dragoness sighed.

Flametooth dipped his head and sauntered towards his parent, flopping down in front of her and resting his broad head on her right paw. She purred, raising the claw opposite and running it down his spine.

"It's hard for me to see you both grow up so fast," she chuckled. Sundrop smiled and exchanged glances between her mother and her sibling. Her mama really was the bravest FireClaw in the world.

"As I was saying," the dragoness continued softly, "I was able to talk to Coaldancer yesterday. She was thrilled that the pair of you are ready to enroll, and she told me to tell you that your classes start today."

"TODAY?!" Sundrop shrieked, bouncing to her feet and flapping her long red wings. Flametooth flinched away from the sudden burst of air and covered his ears with his paws, groaning with annoyance.

"Yes, my daughter, today," she laughed. "They hold classes in the Ember Palace, and-"

"IN THE PALACE?!" Sundrop screamed again, her big blue eyes bugging out of her skull. Her wings were flailing now, the tiny immature daggers at the first joints scratching against one another.

"Wow, really?" Flametooth shouted above the ruckus, lighting up with excitement. He rose to his paws and shot a quieting glare at his sister.

Sundrop giggled nervously and tucked her wings beneath her body, holding them there with careful claws.

"We really get to see the palace?" Flametooth wondered anxiously, craning his neck and glancing through the cave exit. Sundrop nodded in agreement, feeling the warmth from the morning rays bouncing off her scales.

"Yes, my dears," their mother sung, "Coaldancer is a wonderful teacher, and the queen appreciates her talents. She's been given her own instructing room at the base of the palace where young dragonlings from all over the kingdom gather to learn and grow."

"Will Vexus be there?" Sundrop interjected. She remembered her shy friend from a few moons ago and smiled. Perhaps she and the other FireClaw would reunite. After all, they had bonded over Sundrop's favorite story.

"I'd assume so," the dragoness replied, "I bet she's flying already, in fact!"

Sundrop slumped. Why would SHE be able to fly?

"Don't worry, my dear," her mother reassured, "You'll be flying soon as well."

"Not before we have to read dumb scrolls," Flametooth added in, rolling his citrus colored eyes.

"Scrolls are very important in a young dragon's education," the dragoness countered, "You'll learn about our history and our culture. That, and before you begin battle training, you'll already have an idea of how to maneuver your way around the different techniques."

Flametooth shrugged and flicked his tongue out of his fangs, "I guess so."

Sundrop glanced past her mother and observed the position of the sun in their sky. It was crawling over the tips of the mountains now, setting the entire atmosphere on fire with dazzling rays of yellow and orange.

"When do we go?" the dragonling asked, keeping her blue eyes on the sun.

"You know what?" their mother replied, following her daughter's gaze, "We can probably go right now."


Sundrop stumbled into the sunlight after her brother, tripping over the boulders that lined the cave exit. At first, everything was too bright to see. She squinted painfully before ducking her head away from the sudden glare of the light around her.

The first thing she noticed was the warm breeze whistling through her wings. As if by instinct, she stretched them open to allow the damp currents to swirl between the golden flaps of skin. Sundrop basked in the heat and pried open her eyes. Above her, a beautiful blue sky stretched across the world and embraced it in an endless hug. Wispy white clouds weaved and waned in delicate patterns between blinding beams of radiant yellow. Gusts of wind wrapped around Sundrop's ears. She tilted them and let the relaxing air paint her crimson scales.

Sundrop glanced beyond the landscape and spotted hundreds of snowy mountain peaks piercing the sky like teeth. Rows of tall green pines dressed the bases of the rocks and leaned away from their dangerous precipices. The infinite outcrop seemed to stretch for miles on end, adorning the land like jagged stony talons.

In the distance, large red silhouettes danced and flapped and dove around the vibrant morning sky. Sundrop watched them with admiration. Those were FireClaws, dozens of them, flying around the Ember Palace.

Sundrop squinted once more and peered into the brightness. The mighty tower stood proudly on top of the highest mountain, where the minuscule snowflakes sparkled like incommensurable diamonds. The sun in the background hid it in a white glare like a shimmering mask. To Sundrop and her brother, the symbol of power was only a shadow in the mist. They were too far away to see it.

Just ahead of her, a sheer cliff dropped off to the devouring boulders below. If she or Flametooth were to fall over it, they would never be able to see another sunrise like this again. The thought shook the dragonling to her very core.

"I'd forgotten how beautiful it is out here," she sighed, and followed her brother to a flat sheet of sediments. His rusty sheen blended in perfectly with the reds and browns of their cliffside home.

In front of Flametooth sat their mother, tail curled delicately around her talons. She was peering out into the distance, eyes half closed in ecstasy. Her wings were draped elegantly in the wind, feeling the warmth brush over her ruby red coat. Her green eyes glittered like emeralds in the sunlight.

"So mother, we finally get to visit the Ember Palace," Flametooth stated up at her, trying once more to squint his way through the blinding aubade that hid the towering monument from view.

A flock of black birds flew overhead, singing their joyful tune and gliding over the cave behind them.

"Yes my son, you do. Both of you will get to see it," the dragoness hummed, "It's like nothing you'll ever experience. I still get taken sometimes when I rest my eyes on the palace. It steals your breath away."

Sundrop watched her mother in awe. The mighty FireClaw was always at the palace. What would happen when Sundrop and Flametooth saw it for the first time? How would they react?

"I bet it's beautiful," Sundrop quarried, "and big!"

"There is nothing stronger than the pinnacle of the FireClaw existence. The Ember Palace represents us all, even you two," their mother laughed.

"Then let's go!" Sundrop squealed, and pranced excitedly through the sandy flats. The small specks of soft dust trickled through her claws.

"Yeah, what are we waiting for? I want to see it!" Flametooth added in, glancing back at his sister and nodding in agreement.

Sundrop observed the faint outline of the palace in the distance. She closed her eyes and imagined standing at the top of such a powerful structure. She pictured being able to view the whole world, like oceans nestled between giant hills, or volcanoes erupting in the cracks of deserts! She even wondered if she'd be able to peer over the mists in the Dark Kingdom and see the ShadowClaws.

"Not just yet, my lovelies," her mother's voice cut into her thoughts.

Sundrop dragged her gaze away from the land and looked up at the large dragoness. Both her and Flametooth let out a confused groan. Her brother's wings flopped into the sand.

"Why not?" Sundrop asked disappointingly. Another warm gust of wind pushed against her scales.

The dragoness chuckled, "I want to make sure the pair of you know basic FireClaw anatomy. Before your teacher lets you join her class, she needs to know that you two are up to speed. It's a school, not a nursery."

"Oh," Flametooth muttered, rolling his crisp orange eyes.

"We can do that, I guess," Sundrop reiterated, shaking away her gloom and readying herself for a quiz.

If mama asks us about The Battle of the Six, I'll nail it! she thought proudly.

"Alright, my children," Mother Dragon begun, "first question. Why do FireClaws live in the mountains?"

Sundrop instantly raised her wings. Flametooth glared over at her and flicked his tongue. She had remembered faster than he had.

"Sundrop," their mother noticed, "answer."

The dragonling lifted her muzzle and opened her jaws, "The Mountain Kingdom is closer to the sun. FireClaws draw power from the proximity and use it to fuel their flames!"

Flametooth grumbled. "I could've guessed that..."

"Very good, my daughter," the dragoness rewarded.

Sundrop smiled and fluttered her wings. The golden undersides sparkled in the sun.

"Next question," she continued, "FireClaws have long talons and hooked wings because..?"

It was Flametooth who acknowledged the question first this time, raising his brownish wing. Sundrop looked over at him and waited for him to answer. She was stumped.

"Yes, Flametooth," the dragoness nodded.

"Because FireClaws live in the mountains, we need to be able to hold on to rocks. We evolved long claws and daggers on our wings to make it easier to scale sheer cliffs if we aren't able to fly," he stated simply, flicking one of his pointed ears.

Their mother grinned proudly, "Very good, my son. You're both doing well. Just one more question."

The pair of dragonlings leaned in, ready to react as soon as possible. Sundrop pulsed the misty pink frills at the tip of her tail. She was eager to please her mother and prove to her sibling that she was just as smart as him, if not smarter.

Flametooth shot a sideways smirk at Sundrop. It was as if he had read her mind.

Oh no you don't! she thought mischievously.

Their mother opened her mouth, "A FireClaw can set themselves on fire with enough practice, true or false?"

Sundrop cringed. She didn't have the answer to this question. With a glance over at her brother, it was apparent that he didn't know either. Her brows furrowed together, morphing the yellow patches above her icy blue eyes.

It's fifty over fifty, no matter what I choose, Sundrop thought, but that also means I might not get the answer right. Can FireClaws actually do that? I haven't heard of any FireClaws being able to set themselves on fire. How is that possible?

"False!" Flametooth suddenly boomed. Sundrop jumped and looked at her sibling. His expression was that of uncertainty. His ears were semi-flattened, brushing against his new jagged horns. His confident sunset eyes were filled with confusion.

"Oh? And why is that, my son?" their mother asked softly.

"Because it would damage our scales?" he guessed, "And FireClaws can only breathe it, right?"

Sundrop thought back to her favorite story. She ran through the scenes where the FireClaw soldiers were battling the BloodWings. They wore a different kind of armor that allowed them to do something special. It wasn't heavy, and it was covered in small pores. Why?

The dragonling's memory finally clicked.

"No, it's true!" Sundrop crowed. Flametooth let out a snarl and frowned at her.

"Explain that, then!" he insisted with a growl.

"We all have flames inside of us! It's a power. The FireClaw soldiers were able to set their armor on fire when they defended themselves against the BloodWings, remember? I'm not sure how it happens, but if a FireClaw is born with enough flames inside of them, they can train themselves to do it."

"That's a load of dragon tails!" Flametooth spat, arching the spines on his back. "Mother, is that true?"

The dragoness paused for a moment, and after what seems like eons, she nodded.

"Sundrop is correct. Not all FireClaws are lucky enough to posses the ability, but it can happen," she replied gently, glancing down at her daughter with impressed eyes.

A wide smile spread across Sundrop's face. She answered the question properly based on her own knowledge. She didn't have to guess at all. I knew I could do it! she praised inwardly.

Flametooth's maw hung open in disbelief. Sundrop watched his baffled expression and giggled, puffing out her pale red chest.

"I told you!" she boasted playfully, flapping her wings with enthusiasm.

"That's incredible," he muttered to himself, and lowered his gaze to the sand.

"The pair of you did wonderfully! Flametooth, I advice you learn a bit more about our heritage," their mother heeded.

The male dragonling gawped up at her and tried to stutter out a response. The only thing that came out of his tense fangs were strings of; "But-she... w-wha.. I swear, I..."

"That's enough now. Come, the both of you," the dragoness ordered. She hauled herself to her thundering paws and stood at her full hight, lifting her massive wings and arching them to a point.

Her front talons opened to form a bowl. "Get on. I'll take you two to the palace now."

Sundrop and Flametooth excitedly obeyed, trotting over to the big ruby red FireClaw and settling themselves into her claws. Sundrop wriggled into a comfortable position and clung on to her mother's leg. She remembered being much smaller than this. The dragoness's clutch didn't feel so empty anymore.

With a surge of power, the dragoness pushed off her back legs and rocketed into the sky. Sundrop squeezed on tighter and squealed, throwing her head back with surprise and watching her mother's mighty wings unfurl open above her.

In a matter of seconds, the dragonling could feel strong currents of wind rushing against her scales. She hung on to her mother's talons and glanced down at the land. It seemed blurry and very far away.

Sundrop turned around in the dragoness's claws and watched their cave home shrink from view. Flametooth followed his sister's gaze and clutched his paws together for stronger grip.

Here we go, she thought nervously, Ember Palace, here we come!

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