Falling For Lucy

By ModernLiteraryWitch

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This is a detailed account of Tim Bradford's POV throughout the whole of The Rookie with some creative libert... More

Season 1
Pilot - Rookie Day
Epi 2 - Crash Course
Epi 3 - The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly
Epi 4 - The Switch
Epi 5 - The Roundup
Epi 6 - The Hawke
Epi 8 - Time of Death
Epi 9 - The Stand Off
Epi 10 - Flesh and Blood
Epi 11 - Redwood
Epi - 12 Heartbreak
Epi 13 - Caught Stealing
Epi 14 - Plain Clothes Day
Epi 15 - Manhunt
Epi 16 - Greenlight
Epi 17 - The Shake Up
Epi 18 - Homefront
Epi 19 - The Checklist
Epi 20 - Free Fall
Season 2
Epi 1 - Impact

Epi 7 - The Ride Along

904 18 11
By ModernLiteraryWitch

The next week we finally got to do something fun for a change.

"At 11:15 this morning," Anderson announced at the podium with lights and cameras flashing, "The LAPD engaged in a pursuit of the number one on the FBI's most wanted list. All departmental resources were brought to bear on this dangerous fugitive, including our most decorated officer, Kaydance Patton." Anderson said, as Kaydance, the little girl, walked down the red carpet that was laid out for her, everyone clapping and congratulating her on her arrest, walking a cuffed Nolan beside her. I told her good job on her way by, then looked across the carpet to see Lucy smiling and congratulating her next. The big giddy smile on Kaydance's face was worth it.

"On behalf of Make-a-Wish, the city of Los Angeles, and the LAPD, we hereby thank Honorary Police Officer Kaydance Patton." Anderson finished the fake press conference and we all start cheering again, then the press stepped in to take photos of Kaydance with the Captain, Nolan sticking his head in a few before Grey pulled him back. It was nice to do something a bit more light-hearted since lately, things had been so tense, I just wanted to get back to normal. Today was a good stepping stone to getting there. Once the crowd dispersed, Patrol met in the conference room for roll call.

Lucy was sitting in her usual spot laughing about something with West as Nolan took his seat. Meanwhile, Angela was telling me about how cute she thought Kaydance was, and I agreed with her. She was just a kid with a lot of life left to live, and it just reminded me how much I had wanted kids, and how much it felt like that was never going to happen. I shook the thought from my mind when Grey came in and started the briefing.

"Alright, take your seats," Grey said as he took the podium. "Today is a special day here at Mid-Wilshire. In fact, we are going to start off by playing a game I like to call, 'What is a patrol officer's least favorite assignment?' Officer Lopez, why don't you get us started." Grey looked at her.

"Easy, guarding a dead body." She answered. That was on my list.

"Solid one. Officer Bradford?" He asked me next.

"Canvassing in the rain." I hated being stuck in wet clothes all day.

"Bishop?" Grey asked with a nod.

"Driving the drunk wagon. It's just nasty," she replied. Agreed.

"Without a doubt. And, yet, for me, the absolute worst is..." Grey trailed as he walked to the whiteboard and wrote VIP. "The VIP ride along."

Everyone groaned. VIP ride-alongs were particularly the worst kind of ride-along.

"Why? That sounds like fun." Nolan suddenly said, and I was so thankful to have Lucy as my rookie. Time and time again she proved to be the best one of the three.

Grey looked to Bishop with sympathy. "Officer Bishop, would you like to inform your boot why the VIP ride-along tops my list?"

She nodded, "Because if anything happens to your VIP, it's your ass. So you take the lowest of low-risk calls. It makes a 12-hour shift feel twice as long," she explained.

Again, so thankful. Riding with Lucy was enjoyable, and the shifts often flew by with her.

"Plus you're trapped in a car all day with an entitled prima donna coated in body spray," I added, recalling from memory my first VIP ride-along. I thought I was going to suffocate with the amount of overwhelming body spray she used.

"Officer Nolan, you want to take a guess as to why we're playing this game?" Grey asked.

"Because you're giving me the VIP ride-along?" Nolan replied.

"No," Grey said, and I tensed.

"Really?" Nolan asked, surprised.

"No. You absolutely got the ride along," Grey said and I relaxed. A few people laughed at Grey and Nolan's banter. "He's waiting in the Captain's office for you now."

"Sir, is it too late to ask for a sick day?" Bishop asked.

"Yes, it is." He replied with a smile.

"Uh, who is this VIP anyway?" Nolan asked, raising his hand.

"I don't suppose either of you wants to switch for the day?" Bishop whispered to Angela and me.

"Nope," I said.

"No way," Angela agreed.

"You'll find out, good luck!" Grey dismissed us.

After everyone dispersed I went to the supply desk to start checking our stuff out. Everyone else had already come and gone, including Nolan, Bishop, and their ride-along, who I believed to be Rupert Payne, the director of the Trading Fire movie franchise. But Chen was nowhere to be seen. I checked my watch again. Where was she? It had been 15 minutes that I stood there, waiting before she came through the door to the garage looking a little flustered.

"Sorry," she said, running over to grab our gear and start loading it. "The battery was dead, so they had to find us another shop, then I had to put gas in it. But we're ready to roll now, so..." She looked up at me with her doe eyes.

"You know when I was a rookie, I got here 2 hours before roll call to get the best shop from motor pool, rewash it, and load the gear," I told her, remembering the hell I went through as a rookie to have everything ready and perfect to go so we could always hit the streets right after roll call.

"Is this the cop version of walking 5 miles in the snow?" She asked. Going uphill both ways, yes, it kind of was.

"This isn't storytime, Boot. I'm reminding you how easy you have it," I said, realizing I wasn't actually that mad at her. I feel like if it was Nolan or West I would be, but it was so hard to actually stay mad at Lucy.

"Understood sir." She nodded with a small smile. "Thank you for all your support." You're welcome.

Just then Miller approached, "Officer Bradford, Sergeant Grey wants to see you in his office."

Oh, I wonder what this could be about, we haven't even left yet.

"Get the shop set up, I'll be right back," I told Lucy then went to Grey's office.

He met me at the door. "Come in," he said, shutting it behind me.

"That's not a good sign," I said. What's this about? Is something wrong with Lucy? They weren't going to kick her, were they? I couldn't imagine what for, Nolan was way worse than she was. It was just one shop.

"No, it's not. Look, there's no easy way to say this." Say what? "I was just notified," he started and my heart started pounding, "that detectives made a drug bust." Oh. "I recognized the suspect's name. It's your wife." Grey finished.

This wasn't about Lucy at all. It was about Isabel.

"What's the charge?" I asked, trying to recalibrate myself. I hadn't even been thinking about Isabel much these days. Someone else had started to take up that space, which caused me to feel guilty like I was giving up on my wife.

"Possession with intent," he answered.

Fuck. This was bad.

I sighed. "They're bringing her in?" I asked.

"Yeah, I don't know all the details yet, but I wanted to warn you." He answered and I appreciated it. It was better to find out this way instead of coming in and finding her in holding.

God damn it. I just want one day when everything doesn't feel like it is going to shit.

"So, obviously this is a complicated situation, but know the department has your back. whatever you need, just ask, okay?" I vaguely heard Grey say. I knew he was speaking but my mind was reeling a million miles a minute.

"Yes, sir." I nodded and started walking out of his office. I think I was having a panic attack because I barely made it to the conference room, just across the way before I collapsed in a chair unable to breathe. My emotions of guilt, dread, and sorrow started battling for dominance, but none of them seemed to win out. Over and over I asked myself how I could have let this happen. What could I do to fix it? How could I finally convince Isabel to get help?

That's when Chen found me. "Hey, what's, uh, what's going on? What did Grey want?" She asked, leaning against the door frame, her hand on her hip, just above her belt.

I finally looked up to make eye contact with her and I regretted it immediately. Just as I was about to spill my heart, like only she can make me do, Isabel was being brought in by detectives.

If that wasn't instant karma, I didn't know what was. Here I was falling for my rookie, while my wife was being hauled in on drug charges by detectives. I was failing Isabel and I couldn't seem to stop this ball that was already rolling. I stepped past Chen through the doorway and watched as Grey stopped the detectives to speak with them. They murmured something to Grey when Isabel looked up and saw me. For a moment, a spark of hope lit up in her eyes. Then the detectives started dragging her to processing again.

My gut twisted. She thought I was going to be able to save her. And the truth of that reality was I knew there would be no way to do that without going down with her.

For a moment I just asked myself, why is this my life? I turned to look back at Chen and she sent me a friendly smile and a nod, knowing I needed to deal with this. She made me wish I was someone else, anyone who wasn't me stuck in my life. She made me wish I had never gotten married, and no one had ever made me feel that way, not even Isabel made me regret that decision, but that's because I always knew I was going to have to save her. I thought if I married Isabel and kept her close that I could protect her, but now I am starting to wonder if that was the wrong decision. I shook my head and approached Grey's office. I didn't have time to worry about these things.

"They will stop by once she's in processing," Grey said as I walked in.

"Can I wait here with you, I'd like to know more about what is going on," I said.

He gave me a stern look. "You better be on your best behavior, this is highly unusual which makes it a delicate situation."

"Understood," I nodded. Just then we heard the detectives come in.

"Hey," Grey greeted them.

"You have an issue with our arrest?" Vestri asked, Wolfe stood beside him.

"No." Grey replied, "Just looking for more details on this one." He looked between the two of us. The detectives looked at me skeptically.

"We assisted on a DEA task force, tracking a heroin distribution network. They flagged a car known to make drops for them. We pulled over the suspect and found 4 grams, individually wrapped, which means intent to sell." Wolfe explained.

Goddamnit that was barely anything. The actual dealer would have way more product than 4 grams.

"Isabel isn't a dealer." She should know better.

"How do you know?" Vestri asked suspiciously.

"Officer Bradford and Isabel were rookies together," Grey answered before I could.

"So, she's a cop?" Wolfe asked, surprised.

"Was," I answered. "Undercover narcotics, another division. Been off the job for a year." Wow, how had the time flown by?

Vestri had a realization, "You used to date?"

"She's my wife." I wasn't going to hide her and my connection to her. Before this had happened she was actually my wife, now it felt like I held onto that title as a life raft.

"Well, I'm sorry to hear that," Wolfe said sympathetically. "Fact of the matter is, she's in pretty deep, with some heavy dealers. To be arrested with that kind of weight, she's looking at 1-3 in County."

"I know that. But she doesn't even own a car. You bother to check the registration?" I asked. They should be using her to flip on her boyfriend or whatever. The guy that owned the car is probably the dealer they are looking for.

"Doesn't matter, she was driving the car." Who fucking cares who was driving the car. This wasn't her fault.

"Look, this is not something we can make go away. Even if we wanted to. Your wife's gonna need a lawyer." Vestri said to me. Then he looked to Grey, "And your officer needs to figure out where he stands. Is he a cop or a suspect's husband?"

Fuck off.

"Thank you," Grey said to them.

"Yeah.." Wolfe drawled and they left.

I looked over and could see Isabel in processing through Grey's windows. This was my reality, and I hated it. I could feel this overwhelming darkness hovering over Isabel and I so badly wanted to save her from it, but with every second that ticked by I felt more and more helpless.

"He's right." Grey finally said. I know. "Listen, why don't you take a personal day, alright? Make some phone calls," he suggested.

"It's not necessary." I shook my head declining. I couldn't go home now, I needed to find a way to talk to Isabel without the detectives around.

"They need to process her. Then, they're gonna wait for her lawyer to show up, and then they're gonna sweat her in interrogation. You won't get a chance to talk to her for hours. So, if you don't take the day off, that means you're going back on the street. You have a problem with that?"

"No, sir," I answered.

"Okay, go back to work then." Grey dismissed me.

I walked out to find Chen waiting by the conference room where I left her. She caught up with me when she realized I was going to the supply desk. "You ready?" I asked and she nodded. We grabbed the bags and shotguns, loaded them up, and hit the streets.

About 15 minutes later we were walking in with a homeless man we caught urinating on a building into processing.

Chen had been fairly quiet throughout the arrest and I was grateful. Usually, she was pounding me with questions by now. I obviously thought that too soon as then she spoke, "Isn't public urination usually a citation?" She asked.

"You need to brush up on your California penal code. Section 314. Indecent exposure is a misdemeanor. Subject to 6 months in jail." I informed her.

"Mmh." She nodded.

The door buzzed and they let us through.

"Indecent exposure requires an offended party." She pointed out. I knew what she was trying to do, but I wouldn't let her phase me. I had bigger problems right now.

"Plenty of offended families living in the apartment building across the alley," I replied.

"Mm." she seemed to agree and sat the man down on the bench. "Respectfully, sir, that'll never stick.

It didn't need to.

"Doesn't matter, start processing," I told her.

I saw Isabel in a holding cell by herself. She hadn't noticed me yet. I needed to talk to her, but I also didn't know what I was going to say.

"Hey," Chen said to me and I turned to look at her. "Do you want me to give you a shout if I see the detectives?" She asked sincerely. I hated it when she did this to me, but I nodded.

"Yeah," I said and caught the attention of one of the holding officers. "Open cell 3 for me?" I asked and he buzzed me in and shut the door behind me. Isabel was sitting in the corner and looked up at me as I entered.

I felt the twist in my gut come back again. Guilt, dread, sorrow, and now anger roiling around.

"I screwed up." Isabel sighed.

I scoffed, "You think?"

She sighed again. She looked so fragile and weak and it broke my heart. How could she have done this to herself?

"How bad is it?" I asked. How deep was she in and I hadn't even known, nor had I cared to even try to know before this happened?

"It's a solid arrest." She answered, wringing her hands. I noticed it was one of her new nervous ticks, something she never did before she started the drugs.

"Who's Carson Miller?" I asked.

She didn't answer. I couldn't decide if I should be mad that she thought I would be mad or jealous or whatever I was supposed to feel as her husband, but I had limited time, and I couldn't waste it.

"The car you were driving is registered to him. He your boyfriend?" I asked and as the question rolled off my tongue I realized just how not jealous I was. I should have been, this was my wife I was talking to.

"Sometimes." She whispered.

"Okay, you have to tell them the drugs belong to him," I told her, simple as that, this gets knocked down, he goes away, and she can finally go to rehab and just be happy. That's all I wanted right now.

"We both know it won't matter." No, we don't. We have to try, you were a cop for Christ's sake. "I was in possession. Isn't there something you can do?" She asked as sweetly as she could muster.

Now you want my help?

"What? They won't drop the charges. It's connected to a DEA case. This is real Isabel." I told her. I had no power here, I was helpless. I hated it just as much as she did. There was nothing I could do that wouldn't tank my career and the rest of my life in the process.

This wasn't some drill at the academy.

"It's gonna get worse." She suddenly added. "Because tomorrow, they're gonna have a warrant to search my apartment."

"What will they find?" I asked incredulously. Why was she doing this to me?

"Uh," she sighed and wrung her hands, "Carson stashed a kilo of heroin in my heating unit." She admitted and I wanted to punch something, but the walls in here were brick and I would break my hand doing so. I couldn't afford a trip to the hospital right now.

"Are you - Are you that far gone?! Why would you let him do that?" I asked her, genuinely angry at her for the first time. A couple of grams was nothing, that could get brushed under the rug, but a fucking KILO of heroin. There was no way I was going to be able to keep her out of prison.

"Alright, I will not be able to plea out of this." She said, standing and getting closer to me. I realized she didn't even smell the same anymore. This wasn't the woman I married. "So, if I go to jail, they're gonna find out I was a cop, and I'll be dead. Please, baby, go to my place. I need you." She begged me for help.

It was the first time I had heard her call me baby in over a year and it was a punch to the gut.

"If you help me, it'll be different, all right?" She promised, her delicate hands touching my chest with only a familiarity she would know. "I'll go to rehab. For real this time."

I choked back the emotions flooding me. "You're just saying that." This wasn't Isabel, my wife, promising me these things, this was Isabel, the drug addict. I knew they weren't real. Nothing had felt real for almost a year, and then I met Lucy. She was real.

"No, no this is different. I can be different, please, help me. Okay? Please!" She begged and I signaled for the door to be opened. I turned to see Lucy standing there with sympathetic eyes, something I couldn't handle right now.

She already had our homeless guy processed. I started to move and it felt like a daze, I walked passed her and she was about to say something then didn't and I kept walking until I got to the locker room. Inside was empty and I collapsed against the wall and had a panic attack in peace. Once my breathing returned to normal and I composed myself I splashed some water on my face and met up with Chen back at processing.

"Are you okay?" she asked softly, approaching me as if I were a scared animal and I might run at any moment.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reassured her. And in this moment I was. All my emotions were put back in their boxes and that's where they would stay the rest of the day.

"Okay, well our public urination guy has been processed, and the paperwork is finished so we can hit the streets if you're ready," she said, and that's what we did.

The rest of the shift dragged by. We took a few calls and made a couple of arrests but Lucy was quiet. She wasn't asking any of her usual questions and that unnerved me. I would have asked about it, but I was just trying to appreciate the silence between us. Maybe tomorrow would be better.

The end of shift finally came and we closed out like we always do. There was one thing Chen and I got figured out right away, which was our closing of shift routine. We worked like clockwork and were always the first team to finish up. Once I was showered, changed, and made it back to my car, everything I packed up earlier in the day broke out of their boxes and flooded me.

I hated to admit it, but Lucy was changing me. My wife was going through the worst thing that has ever happened to her and she was alone while I was over here leaning on my rookie. I had refused to give up on my wife before Lucy and now most days, I don't even think about Isabel and what's happening with her, until today when reality came crashing back in. I am a married man, but I sure haven't been acting like it.

I finally started the car and head out of the parking lot and headed to Isabel's apartment building. Maybe if I just hid the kilo better than the heating unit they wouldn't find it and they would only be able to use the 4 grams they found on her.

So I parked the car on the street in front of her building and scoped the area out for a minute and saw no one coming. I flipped my hoodie up, put on my leather gloves, and grabbed my lockpick set from my bag. I sighed, being flooded with a memory of teaching Isabel how to pick locks back at the academy. I shook the memory, got out of the car, and slowly approached the gate that led toward her building. It was dark and quiet with only a few street lights providing light. I quietly made my way up the stairs to the second floor and around to her door at the end. I pulled out my lock picks and set them up, pushing the pins down easily and turning the lock. The door opened and I slipped inside.

I turned on the light switch and a few wall lamps came on around the place. I pushed off my hood and looked around the place. At least Lucy had been honest with me when she said the place looked decent. It was definitely better than some of the drug dens I had been to. I moved further into the apartment and turned on another light switch. I could see more. I looked down at the end table and among the things, there was a photo of us, one we had taken just before getting married. It felt like looking at another lifetime ago standing here today.

I put the photo back down and move on, looking through my wife's apartment. This felt weird. I got the impending feeling that I shouldn't be here. I saw the heater and approached it. I pulled the bottom panel like any good cop would do if they were searching this place. It was a terrible hiding spot and there it was. I shook my head. She couldn't have even tried a better hiding spot, preferably one that wasn't in her apartment.

I grab the kilo and consider what I can do with it. Either I can try rehiding it, take it with me, or leave it. This sucked. I set it back down and quickly looked around the apartment. Where else could be put this that it couldn't be found? I did a quick walk around the apartment and there was nothing, the heater was the best place here. Defeated with no better option I considered taking it with me. And then in my mind's eye, I could see the disappointment on Lucy's face if she ever found out I did that. I had been a hardass, but I had never been dirty, and removing this from the apartment would cross a line I would never be able to uncross. Unwilling to go through with it I put the kilo back, replaced the panel, shut the lights off, and locked the door again on my way out. I snuck back down to my car, careful that no one really saw me. I unlocked my car and the lights flashed, I went to the driver's door and opened it, and noticed an ugly orange car parked in front of me that wasn't there before. I knew someone with an ugly orange car.

Lucy stepped out at that moment. I slammed my door shut and approached her. "What are you doing here?" I whisper-yelled, I didn't want to draw attention to us, but at the same time, wtf?

"No," she replied confidently, "What are you doing here?" she asked me. My eyebrows rose in shock.

"Look, you are way out of your depth on this," I told her, not in the mood to hear whatever it is she was about to say.

"Look," she said sternly, "I've been riding with you for two months now. You project the rogue cop thing, but you are always on the right side of the law."

"If you came all the way over here to psychoanalyze me, you wasted your time." I can already hear you in my head.

"No, I- I came to remind you... That you'll regret helping her," she said. Please, I cannot do this right now. "Because it's not going to change her," she continued. I know. "But it'll sure as hell change you." she finished. I know. I couldn't live with myself if you ever looked at me with disappointment.

I stopped myself from blurting those words and turned and walked away. I needed to go home and drink a few beers and hope I could get some sleep tonight.


I woke up at 2 AM in a panic from a dream where Isabel had died. All I could remember was leaning on Chen's shoulder and crying and her just hugging me and trying her best to soothe me. I couldn't get back to sleep after that, my thoughts kept drifting to Lucy and how she stalked me because she knew I might do something questionable, and worst of all, instead of coming to lecture me about it, she came to try to talk me off the ledge. The only good news is the version of her stuck in my brain got to me before she did, but she could never know that.

No, my life had turned into my own kind of special hell. A place where I was trapped between my now drug-dealing, heroin-addicted wife, and the rookie I was slowly but surely falling for and could never have.

With sleep no longer an option I got up, turned on the TV, and started working out in my living room. It was way too early to go into the station and maybe I would get lucky and tire myself out enough to nap on the couch for a little bit.


When I finally made it into the station I was exhausted, so I was hoping tonight I would sleep like the dead. I got in, did my usual workout routine, took a quick shower, and got dressed for roll call. I arrived first like I usually do and took my seat. More people started to file in after me, Chen being one of them. She looked at me and our eyes met for a second before she looked down and quickly made it to her seat. Everyone was talking about Nolan and Bishop's ride-along from yesterday. I guess there was some beef between the VIP and the family from their call. I didn't particularly care very much, I had other things on my mind, like if and when that kilo would be found.

Grey came in to do the briefing and to be honest, I kind of zoned out. I was thinking about the last 24 hours and particularly a certain someone who was already taking up more space than they should when Grey dismissed us. I shook out my daze and met Chen at the supply desk. I realized I didn't know what to say to her, I'd prefer if I didn't have to say anything at all.

We were in the middle of checking out our gear when she finally broke and spoke, "Sir, last night.."

"Didn't happen." I finished for her. "That clear?" There, done, no more said.

Grey approached just then and I had an inkling as to what it was about. "Hey, I got some bad news." He said, coming to a stop, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Can't be worse than yesterday." I prayed.

"See, I'm afraid it can." I'm afraid I already know that. "Detectives executed a search warrant on your wife's apartment this morning. They found a kilo hidden in the heating unit. She's with her lawyer now. I'm sorry, Tim," Grey said sympathetically, with a tap on my shoulder in an attempt to be reassuring.

I nod to him as he left and turned back to the gear bags and finish checking them out.

"You did the right thing," Lucy said softly. I know.

"Not for Isabel," I replied and went to find the detectives. I found them in processing, getting Isabel out to transfer.

Wolfe saw me and approached. "We're transferring your wife to County. Arraignment will be tomorrow," he said. Vestri was bringing her out cuffed.

"Can I get a minute with her?" I asked.

They nodded, leaving her to stand there cuffed as they stepped to the side to wait. I stepped up to her and said, "I'm sorry."

"I needed you, and you weren't there." She yelled, the betrayal clear as day on her face.

"It wouldn't have fixed things," I whispered.

"You don't know that! Now, you never will." She glared at me. "We're done here." She yelled out to the detectives.

I stepped to the side and watched her go. This was the beginning to the end of us. I could feel it. The door buzzed letting them out and they took her away in cuffs.


Today was the longest shift of my life. I was sitting in my car in the parking garage, dreading going home alone to my empty house. I considered just sleeping in my car and staying here tonight but people might notice and ask questions. I could go to the bar, but I didn't really want to be there alone. I could ask someone to go with me, but who would I ask? I know who I shouldn't ask, can't ask. Who could I hang out with that wouldn't want to talk about everything that happened today?

That choice was taken from me when suddenly Talia and Angela got in the car. Talia was beside me in the front passenger and Angela was in the back and scooted to the middle, already comfortable in my car.

"What are you doing?" I finally asked.

"Hanging out with you," Talia smirked.

"Look, I appreciate the thought, but... I'd rather be alone." Lie.

"Too bad," Angela smirked.

"I'm not going to talk about it," I said firmly. I already do enough talking with Lucy.

"You don't have to," Talia reassured me.

Oh, thank god.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Drink." They both said at the same time. We all chuckled and the tension overhead broke a little.

I shook my head a little grateful I wasn't attracted to either of these two and we could just go out and relax. I needed to reset and with work and our personal lives off the table, we could just chill.


Author's Note:

Fun fact, this is the first time we meet Westley in the show - Tim will meet him later.

New! Bonus chapter Available in Lusting For Lucy!


1 teaspoon = 4.2 grams

California Penal Code 314: A misdemeanor offense punishable by up to one year in county jail, and a fine up to $1,000. A second offense could be charged as a felony crime punishable by time in a California state prison.

Charlie Puth - Lightswitch
Maverick Sabre - Let Me Go
James Morrison - You Make It Real
Welshly Arms - save me from the monster in my head
Shawn Mendes - Mercy

Like the music I have picked for this story? Then check out my Spotify playlist titled Falling for Lucy: Chenford. All the music I have included in this story can be found there in chronological order! If you have any music suggestions be sure to drop them in the comments!

Radio Codes:
Code 2 - Urgent, No Lights or Sirens
Code 3 - Calls for immediate response with lights and sirens
Code 4 - No Further Assistance Needed
Code 6 - Unit is conducting a field investigation and no assistance is anticipated

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