BLACK WOLF --- GoT [s1 - s4]

By evelynsterlingg

7K 186 35

"she wasn't afraid to be herself. when everyone said, [be a lamb], she showed her fangs, and became a wolf."... More

act 1 - bastard girl
001 - desertion
002 - life and death
004 - a woman at the wall
005 - mother figure
006 - a needle in a haystack
007 - unbreakable tower
008 - slaughter of pigs
009 - screw jeor mormont
010 - a flightless bird
011 - prettier than a mole town whore
012 - broken promises
013 - cowardly tarly
014 - uncle benjen
015 - myths and traitors
act two - and now my watch begins
016 - frost-bitten decisions
017 - first kills and friendships

003 - the royal arrival

442 18 0
By evelynsterlingg

"heavy is the head that wears the crown" - unknown


    Jon Arryn is dead. It was the news that swarmed Winterfell with whispers, chatter, and gossip.
    For Aloy, it was a loud curse that rang off the training ground walls. Her hands and legs were bandaged up immensely and Maester Luwin was becoming sick of her presence with every visit. Eventually she was given bandages and told to do it herself.
The dire wolf pup she found only a few days prior had grown to be the size of an average mutt. She was astonished at how fast she grew. The she-wolf was named Nyx. A name that represented her night coat and her dark demeanour.
Aloy was desperately trying to train Nyx to do the simplest commands but she would gnash and snarl at her if she got too close.

"How is she doing?"

Aloy turned to see Eddard, cleanly shaven and hair finely cut. He looked to be a proper gentleman, not a shaggy Warden of the North.

"Stubborn. Can't get her to do anything but growl in that stupid corner." Aloy huffed frustratedly, thrashing her arm in the direction of Nyx.

Eddard nodded, "Guess it'll take some time. Why aren't you ready?"

Aloy lifted a brow up, "Ready for what?"

"King Robert is riding to Winterfell. You should've been ready by now." Eddard scolded.

"How come I wasn't told?" Aloy said, her voice getting louder.

Nyx barked angrily, baring her fangs. Eddard's eyes gestured over to the wolf. Aloy sighed and wiped off some dried blood from her left cheek.

"Scared of a wolf? Pathetic." Aloy said, walking with Eddard to the lady's dressing room.

He left with a simple goodbye. Aloy walked in, closing the door immediately behind her. Sansa was having her hair braided by a hand-maiden, Arya was arguing with another about the type of dress she was going to wear.
Catelyn was suddenly in front of her, glaring at her with frigid posture.

"What might you be doing here?" She spoke breathlessly.

"I'm here to prepare for the arrival of King Robert." Aloy told her, her eyes bouncing from her boots to Catelyn.

"This is for—"

"You finally made it!" Arya squealed, running up from behind her mother and jumping into her older sisters arms.

Aloy hugged Arya closely before dropping her gently back onto the ground. Catelyn gave a tight-lipped, expressionless look before joining Sansa on the other side of the chambers.

"Come on!" Arya said, grabbing her hand and pulling Aloy with her to where she sat.

    Arya had kindly given Aloy some of her handmaidens to her. She was picked and prodded at, splashed in cold water, and tightened with a corset. At last she was given a pair of small boots with the backs lifted. Heels.
    She was holding onto a handmaidens shoulder when Arya walked in, seemingly as disappointed to be wearing similar clothing.

    "You look nice." Arya said.

    "So do you." Aloy nodded, shoving her foot into the heel and trying to breath properly in the corset.

    Horns started to blare through Winterfell. They were here, carrying the corpse of Jon Arryn with them. Arya smiled for a moment, grabbing Aloy's hand once more and dragging her out. Aloy followed behind her, trying not to trip on the flowy dress.
    Arya would most certainly get caught if she wasn't with her family when the King arrived.
    She snatched a helmet off of a table, placing it on Arya's head as they continued to run through the crowds of people.
    Arya scurried up onto a wagon just as they heard the hoof beats of Robert's horses. One by one until it became two by two. Men of all sizes, heights, and armour rode in around Robert. His hair was a light brown with gray at the end, he was fat in the middle from all the wine no doubt, a grey thick beard around his face, and the silk fabric of his outfit barely hung on. He was the picture of a ruler.
    Arya had a biggest grin on her face watching them all ride past her. Aloy smiled seeing her youngest sister so happy about something.

    "The prince is looking at you." Arya whispered excitedly.

    Aloy's head turned to Prince Joffrey Baratheon, heir to the Iron Throne and the Seven Kingdoms. He was staring at her with malicious intent, how he imagined taking her. He was a lion in human form, golden blonde hair, green eyes and pale skin. He was tall for his age and strong. He licked his lips before catching up with his father.
    Aloy was disgusted. Not interested in the Prince at all. She watched the carriage wheel by, not doubting that the Queen and their other children were being kept safe in there.
Aloy noticed Robert was ahead of them by a few minutes, grabbing a sulking Arya she raced back to where their family was. Aloy nudged Arya with her elbow.
    Aloy joined her brothers side right behind the family. Jon was taken aback by his sisters sudden appearance. He was going to speak but the King's Guard rode in, saving Aloy from her brothers lecture. She wasn't saved from Catelyn's glare.

"What are you doing with that on?" Eddard said oblivious to the culprit behind him. He removed the helmet from Arya's head and shooed her down the line.

    Arya shoved Bran over, standing in between him and Sansa. She peered over at Aloy who gave her a sly smile while Jon contained himself with a straight face.
    Robert rode in mere seconds later, now at the very front. His men behind him. His face was stoic, not even a smile or wave to the crowd like the adoring king Aloy read about in books.
Winterfell bowed before their king.
    Sansa's face turned a light shade of blush pink as Prince Joffrey rode in. His black bear skin coat bouncing with every trot of his horse. Joffrey's eyes then turned to Aloy's who bit her tongue in attempt to not claw his eyes out.
The man, wearing a metal dog helmet, sat on his horse beside Joffrey. He opened his visor, revealing matted brown hair, a patchy beard, and his skin charred from fire.
He was the Hound. A savage murderer. Aloy didn't know much about him other than that.
The carriage road up and stopped a distance away from Robert. It was red velvet and gold. The Lannisters colours. Aloy lowered her head as she heard Robert approach. Robert stopped before Eddard, flicking his gloved hand upwards.
Eddard rose to his feet, a few seconds before Winterfell did.

"Your Grace." Eddard addressed, bowing his head respectfully.

Aloy watched precisely. Her jaw locked tightly. It was quiet from the horse's neigh to the occasional cough. Robert's scowl spoke volumes, he was furious, he was mad, he was—

"You've got fat."

His scowl remained the same as the comment echoed throughout the castle walls. Aloy showed no emotion, snickering slightly in her head.
    Eddard looked Robert up and down, cocking his eyebrows upwards, returning the same comment without speaking.
Aloy didn't want her father to be killed, especially not in front of his children.
Robert chortled, his laugh raspy and straight from the belly. Soon Eddard joined in with Catelyn. Robert pulled his best friend in for a hug, squeezing him tightly. He reached for Catelyn, holding her respectfully compared to the way he apparently held whores. He was excited, beaming to see everyone, speaking to each and every Stark child.

Robert started, "Nine years. Why haven't I seen you? Where the hell have you been?"

"Protecting the North for you, Your Grace." Eddard grinned from ear to ear.

Aloy was reminded of how the girls around Winterfell giggled and gossiped. It was quite a sight to see, her father excitedly chattering with his best friend.
She caught sight of the carriage door opening. Four handmaidens appeared, keeping their heads down. Myrcella and Tommen Lannister, dressed in pink and red with their blonde locks on full display came forth before their mother, Cersei.
Aloy heard rumours through ravens and royal conversation. Cersei Lannister was a woman that even the bravest soldiers feared. Her skin pale white, her eyes green, and her posture straight. Her outfit was made from the finest silk and furs even Aloy wanted to get her hands on such a lavish item.
She approached Eddard first, lazily sticking up her hand. Eddard stopped for a minute, kissing the lady's hand gently.

    "My Queen." Eddard mumbled politely.

    "My Queen." Catelyn curtsied. Cersei nodded.

    "Take me to your crypts. I wanna pay my respects." Robert demanded.

    "We've been riding for a month, my love. Surely the dead can wait." Cersei addressed dryly.

    Aloy could read Cersei's emotions easily, no matter how hard she tried to hide it. Every royal marriage was arranged, that was a fact, but it was never this cold. Cersei looked at Robert like a lioness to a stag.
    Aloy blinked and suddenly Cersei's eyes met hers. Her stomach plummeted a thousand feet and rested right before her on the ground. Cersei stared down at her and Aloy refused to break.
    The women turned their heads simultaneously, watching the backs of Eddard and Robert leave to the crypts.

    Arya spoke up a few moments later, "Where's the imp?"


word count - 1,608

i love arya, she's so cute. i plan to develop their sisterly bond soon but i'm unsure with Sansa. there is also Joffrey's creepy obsession with Aloy and the side characters i've created and Cersei. it's a lot but it'll work.

tiktok - eviesterlingg_wpedits

spotify - eviesterlingg
playlist - aloy snow

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