Best Mistake || AEMOND TARGAR...

Oleh _kingmila

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"you will close his eye, niece... and he will claim a dragon" [hotd + fire & blood] Lebih Banyak

best mistake
i. a dragon is born
ii. dragon dreams
iii. father & daughter reunited
iv. the truth
v. it all goes down
vi. prophecy fulfilled
vii. feelings fade, enemies grow
viii. moving on
ix. a clash of swords
x. driftmark
xii. the king is dead
xiii. negotiations
xiv. banners
xv. storm's end
xvi. forged in blood
xvii. bend the knee
xviii. surprise
xix. the first battle
xx. the dragon strikes back

xi. family dinner

550 30 2
Oleh _kingmila

[a/n: italicized text indicates high valyrian dialogue]

LATER THAT EVENING, the greens and the blacks joined together for a family dinner that was requested by King Viserys. Now that his whole family was in King's Landing for the first time in 6-7 years, he wanted to have dinner together as one. Visenya thought to herself she would be enjoying this more if Alicent and her father weren't there. Neither of them has Targaryen blood, which to Visenya meant they shouldn't be here. She didn't care that Alicent was the Queen and Otto was the Hand, she didn't want them there.

There was a large gap of space between Alicent and Rhaenyra's places at the table for Viserys was going to be sitting between them. Daemon sat on the other side of his wife, Visenya was next to her father and at the end of the table. Next to her and across from Daemon was Luke, next to Luke was Rhaena, next to Rhaena was Baela, next to Baela was Jace, next to Jace was Aegon, next to Aegon was Helaena, at the other end of the table, directly across from Visenya was Aemond. Next to Aemond was Otto Hightower, and finally Alicent was next to her father.

The servants brought the food out and set the table as the family waited for Viserys to arrive. Once they heard the tap of his cane, everyone stood from their seats as Viserys entered. When Viserys was placed in his spot, between his wife and eldest daughter, everyone else sat down.

"How good it is, to see you all tonight... together," Viserys said. Alicent turned to her husband.

"Prayer before we begin?" She asked.

"Yes," Viserys said as he nodded.

"May the Mother smile down on this gathering with love. May the Smith mend the bonds that have been broken for far too long. And to Vaemond Velaryon, may the gods give him rest," Alicent said. Visenya couldn't help it, she started laughing at the end of Alicent's prayer, when she mentioned Vaemond. Why would she want the man who called her and her brothers bastards and called her mother a whore to find rest?

Rhaenyra looked at her daughter and shook her head while Alicent cut a sharp look to Visenya, who only met Alicent's gaze with her own glare of hatred. Aemond bit down on his lip to keep from laughing as he watched the interaction.

"This is an occasion for celebration, it seems. My grandsons, Jace and Luke, will marry their cousins, Baela and Rhaena. Further strengthening the bond between our houses. A toast to the young Princes... and their betrothed." Viserys said. Everyone raised their cups of wine toward the two pairings.

"Hear, hear!" Daemon said as he raised his glass.

"Well done, Jace. You'll finally get to lie with a woman," Aegon whispered to him. Baela rolled her eyes while Jace turned to his uncle.

"Let us toast as well to Prince Jacaerys... the future Lord of the Tides," Viserys said.

"Hear, hear," Rhaenyra said as they all raised their glasses again.

"You'll be great," Baela said to him with a smile.

"And to my daughter and granddaughter the Princesses Rhaenyra and Visenya... the future Queens of the Seven Kingdoms," Viserys said. Everyone raised their glasses again and echoed praise for Visenya and Rhaenyra. Aemond's eyes were directly on his niece as he raised his glass to his lips. Visenya caught his gaze and held it as she drank from her glass. Aegon leaned back over to Jace.

"You do know how the act is done, I assume? At least in principle. Where to put your cock and all that," Aegon whispered. Baela and Visenya shared a look of disgust while Jace was keeping himself from punching Aegon in the face in front of Viserys.

"Let it be, cousin," Baela said.

"You can play the jester if you wish, but hold your tongue before my betrothed," Jace snapped at him. Viserys tapped his cane on the ground and used it to pull himself up. Rhaenyra looked as if she was unsure whether or not she should help him, but Viserys was able to hold his own.

"It both gladdens my heart and fills me with sorrow to see these faces around the table. The faces most dear to me in all the world... yet grown so distant from each other in the years past." Viserys said.

"That would be the fault of his wife," Visenya mumbled to no one in particular. Baela looked at her sister and the girls shared a smile. Viserys lifted his head to look at every one.

"My own face is no longer a handsome one... if indeed it ever was. But tonight... I wish you to see me, as I am. Not just a king... but your father, your brother, your husband... and your grandsire. Who may not, it seems, walk for much longer among you. Let us no longer hold ill feelings in our hearts. The crown cannot stand strong if the House of the Dragon remains divided. But set aside your grievances... if not for the sake of the crown, then for the sake of this old man who loves you all so dearly." Viserys said and then he sat down. Visenya looked as if she wanted to speak, but she wanted to wait until her grandfather was gone. She didn't want to upset him. Instead, Rhaenyra stood up.

"I wish to raise my cup to Her Grace, the Queen. I love my father. But, I must admit that no one has stood... more loyally by his side than his good wife. She has tended to him with unfailing devotion, love, and honor. And for that, she has my gratitude... and my apology." Rhaenyra said and then she sat down. Alicent looked as if she didn't know what to say as she looked over at Rhaenyra, someone she had once called her closest friend.

"Your graciousness moves me deeply, Princess," Alicent said. Daemon sat up in his seat as Alicent began to talk. Visenya pushed her food around her plate to see what snide remarks Alicent would make about her mother. "We are both mothers... and we love our children. We have more in common than we sometimes allow." Alicent said as she stood up. "I raise my cup to you and your house. You will make a fine queen... and Princess Visenya will make a fine queen after you," Alicent said. Visenya didn't believe her false pleasantries for a minute. Especially because she caught the shift in Otto's face as Alicent spoke like he couldn't believe his daughter would say that.

Visenya cleared her throat as she stood up. "I would like to toast to all of you, my family. To my sweet brothers, Princes Jace, Luke, and Joff, although he is not here with us currently... and my soon-to-be sisters, Baela and Rhaena, and your marriages. My uncles, Prince Aegon, and Prince Aemond, and my sweet aunt Princess Helaena... although we are not as close as we used to be, I still carry the fond memories of our childhood with me. His Grace, the King, my grandsire, and my uncle, Prince Daemon... and finally my mother, Princess Rhaenyra. If your reign is anything similar to the way you have raised me with such love and grace, then the realm will be better for it." Visenya said. Rhaenyra smiled at her daughter as she sat down and everyone drank back their wine.

"Thank you, my love," Rhaenyra said to her daughter. Aemond hummed a bit as he drank his wine, his eyes fixated on Visenya as she sat down. She kept their portion short and sweet, as he anticipated she would if she did mention them. And it wasn't lost on anyone that she purposely left Otto and Alicent out of her toast. He had a speech of his own in mind that he wanted to give, but he couldn't do it while his father was still present. After everyone had finished their wine, Aegon rose from his seat and walked to the other side of Jace so he could stand next to Baela. He leaned down and whispered to her.

"I uh... I regret the disappointment you are soon to suffer. But if you ever wish to know what it is to be well satisfied, all you have to do is ask," Aegon whispered as he refilled his wine glass. Jace slammed his hands on the table as he stood up. Daemon gave his stepson a look and subtly shook his head. As much as he wanted to cut out Aegon's tongue for speaking to his daughter in that way, they had to show restraint while Viserys was still in the room with them.

Visenya watched with a curious eye as Aemond also stood up. She looked between her brother and her uncle, as they shared a look with each other. Everyone else looked around the table, wondering what the two princes were thinking. Jace grabbed his glass, gently punched Aegon on the shoulder as if he were joking and then he took a deep breath.

"To Prince Aegon and Prince Aemond. As my dear sister, Princess Visenya said earlier, we have not seen each other in years, but I also have fond memories of our shared youth. And as men, I hope we may yet be friends and allies. To you and your family's good health, dear uncles," Jace said as he tipped his glass and then drank it.

Once again he firmly placed his hand on Aegon's shoulder and squeezed it, signaling a warning, and then gently punched him again. Aegon sat with a straight look on his face, but he mustered out a pleasantry. "To you as well," He said. Everyone looked to Aemond to see if he was going to say anything because he was still standing. He took a look around the table and sat back down, choosing to save his words for when Viserys was gone.

"Beware the beast beneath the floorboards," Visenya heard Helaena whisper and she looked over at her aunt. She wasn't paying attention, but Visenya was curious. One of her prophecies had already come true, much to Visenya's dismay, but what did a beast beneath the floorboards mean?

"Well done, my boy," Viserys said to Jace. Helaena stood up with her cup in her hand.

"I would like to toast to Baela, Rhaena, and Visenya. Baela and Rhaena will be married soon... my dear niece Visenya mayhaps will be as well. It isn't so bad. Mostly he just ignores you... except sometimes when he's drunk," Helaena said. Daemon started laughing at her words while Aegon looked down. Visenya frowned as she looked at her aunt. Helaena sat down with a smile on her face and Visenya's heart was broken. It wasn't fair that Alicent made Helaena marry Aegon, it was clear she was not happy.

"Let us have some music," Viserys said.

As the music started to play, Jace leaned over to Baela and whispered. "Excuse me," He said. He rose from his seat and walked over to Helaena, offering her his hand. Helaena smiled at Jace and took his hand and they began to dance together. Rhaenyra, Baela, and Visenya all smiled at him. After the speech she had just given, for Jace to offer to dance with her was a sweet gesture. Aemond took a page from his nephew, stood from his end of the table, and walked over to Visenya's end. He held his hand out for her and Visenya looked at him. Knowing that she couldn't refuse him in front of everyone, she placed her hand in his and allowed him to lead her to the mock dance floor Jace created as he danced with Helaena.

"Do you wish to do everything as Jace does?" Visenya whispered as they began to dance together.

"I do not know what you mean, niece," Aemond said as they spun around each other.

"Well, I am sure you did not ask me to dance out of the kindness of your heart," Visenya whispered. Viserys looked up to see his children dancing with his grandchildren, and seeing everyone laughing around the table made him happy. But Alicent, Rhaenyra, and Daemon could see the pain he was falling into. Alicent called for the guards to help Viserys back to his chambers, and as he was escorted out.

"So what if I did? We have not danced together since we were children," Aemond said.

"There are a lot of things we have not done since we were children," Visenya said. Aemond's hand circled around her waist as they moved around each other. It was different from their sword fight. Although using the sword feels like a dance to Visenya, it is much different than an actual dance. This felt more intimate, and she didn't know if she liked feeling this intimate with Aemond in front of their families.

"Hmm... I suppose you are right," Aemond hummed as he looked at her. Her braided crown complimented her face since all of her hair wasn't in her face. The parts of her hair that weren't braided were flowing freely down her back. Every time he saw her, his body twitched with desire. He wanted her, but he knew he ruined his chances of having her.

"It was not a lie when I said that I still hold fond memories of our childhood together. I know that I ruined it but before then..." Visenya said. Aemond was thinking about what Visenya told him last night. That she missed her sweet Aemond and longed to see him again. He spent all night and most of the day thinking about her words. Her sweet Aemond, he never knew that was how Visenya thought of him. As hers.

"I also contributed to our ruin... I let my pride overcome me," Aemond said. Visenya sighed as she stopped dancing. Jace noticed his sister stopped and he was eyeing Aemond's back, wondering what his uncle did to make his sister so upset.

"I suppose we both did," Visenya said.

"I would like for you to stay in King's Landing a bit longer... I know it would please the king," Aemond said. Visenya looked at Aemond as she regarded his words. He wanted her to stay? She noticed the guards helping Viserys out of the room as he leaned against his cane. Visenya gave one last look to Aemond before she walked back to her seat.

Visenya sat in her chair as the servants continued to bring out the courses. She noticed a cook pig was sitting in front of Aemond and she heard a bit of laughter. When she looked to her side, she saw Luke laughing a bit as he looked at the pig. No doubt remembering the prank he and Aegon pulled on Aemond when he was still dragonless. She knew that the sentiments Aemond had just told her during their dance were going to disappear. Aemond hit the table with his fist and stood up with his cup in his hands.

"Final tribute. To the health of my niece. Visenya... Beautiful, like my sister, her mother. A wise and gentle dragon. And to the health of my nephews; Jace... Luke... and Joffrey. Each of them handsome, wise... strong," Aemond finished out. Visenya's eyes narrowed as she looked at him.

"Aemond," Alicent said.

"Come... let us drain our cups to the beautiful Visenya and her three strong brothers," Aemond said. Aegon eagerly lifted his glass as Jace turned to Aemond.

"I dare you to say that again," Jace said.

"Why? 'Twas only a compliment." Aemond said as he walked over to Jace. "Do you not think yourself Strong?" He asked. Jace responded by punching him in the face. Luke stood up and Aegon was about to grab him and slam him on the table, but Visenya quickly intercepted and grabbed her uncle's arm and twisted it behind his back until he yelled in pain.

"Jace, Visenya!" Rhaenyra called out for her children.

"Maybe you should pick on someone your own size, uncle," Visenya sneered in his ear.

"Let me go!" Aegon exclaimed, but Visenya kept her hold on him.

"That is enough!" Alicent shouted. Aemond moved to push Jace back, but Jace moved out of the way and dodged it. When he was about to attack his uncle again, the guards grabbed him. Visenya saw guards moving over toward her and Aegon and she glared at them.

"Do not even think of touching me," Visenya said as she let Aegon go. He groaned in pain as he stretched out his arm from Visenya twisting it. She didn't break it, but he was going to be feeling the pain for a while. Alicent walked over to her son and shook her head.

"Why would you say such a thing before these people?" Alicent asked.

"I was merely expressing how proud I am of my family, Mother. Hmm, though it seems my nephews aren't quite as proud of theirs," Aemond said louder as he turned around. Jace was about to storm back over to him, but Visenya held her brother back while Daemon held his hand up in front of his children. He stepped in front of Jace and stepped up to Aemond, silently challenging him to say or do anything else toward his family, and he would have to deal with him.

"Go to your quarters. All of you, go now," Rhaenyra said to all of their children. Visenya looked at her mother, a pleading look in her eyes. Her mother knew she wanted to stay, but Rhaenyra shook her head.

"Take your siblings back to your rooms," Rhaenyra whispered to her. Visenya sighed as she nodded. She turned on her heels and made her siblings follow suit as they left the dining hall. Daemon remained, he continued to stare down his nephew Aemond. An exasperated sigh left his lips. Aemond held Daemon's gaze, already seeing so much of Visenya in her father and vice versa. He decided he didn't want to fight, he only wanted to have fun.

He walked off as well.


Visenya Targaryen stood in her room, packing. When Rhaenyra returned to their chambers, she said they were returning to Dragonstone. Things with Alicent's children were just too hostile after what happened at the dinner, and Rhaenyra didn't want her children to be constantly belittled by their uncles. She had changed into breeches and her riding leathers. She convinced her mother to let her ride Rhaegon to King's Landing because she did not enjoy traveling by sea. She had horrible seasickness whenever traveling by sea and she much preferred the skies.

She heard a knock on her door and she looked up. "Come," She said. The doors opened and she saw Jace with Ser Erryk.

"Your brother, Prince Jacaerys, Princess," He said. Visenya nodded her thanks to him and Erryk closed the door behind Jace once he stepped inside.

"What troubles you, sweet boy?" Visenya asked without looking up. She didn't need to look at Jace to know that something was troubling him.

"I know that I mishandled myself at dinner. Aemond was goading us and we fell into the trap," Jace said. Visenya looked up from her clothing and she walked over to her brother.

"Because men are quicker to anger," Visenya teased. Jace rolled his eyes as he playfully shoved his sister. Visenya laughed while shaking her head. "It takes a special skill to not let Aemond Targaryen upset you," She said.

"You mean as you do?" Jace asked.

"He is always going to say things to goad you, but it is up to you to not give in to it. He only continues to chide you and Lucerys because you both react," Visenya said. Jace sighed as he sat down on her bed.

"How did everything go so wrong? I was not lying when I echoed your statement of remembering our sentiments from childhood," Jace said. Visenya nodded as she sat next to him. She sighed as she did, knowing the answer to Jace's question.

"Everything went wrong the night I took his eye, and you have all suffered for my mistake. I am sorry," Visenya said. Jace shook his head as he looked at his sister. He knew she was never the same after that moment, the moment she lost Aemond and knew she had lost him. The damage was done and she didn't know how to fix it, or if she could.

"Our uncle chose to punish all of us equally, it is no fault of yours," Jace said. Visenya smiled as she laid her head on his shoulder. "And you were defending me... I could never fault you for that," He said.

"I will always protect you, no matter who it is from," Visenya said. Jace smiled as he nodded.

"And I will do the same for you, sister," Jace said. Visenya smiled as she ran her fingers through Jace's curls while lifting her head from his shoulder. Visenya loved all of her brothers very dearly and she would lay down her life for any of them if need be. She would do the same for her parents as well.

"It is better on Dragonstone anyways... we are more free to be ourselves there, without being under the hateful eye of the queen," Visenya said. Jace smiled as he nodded and looked at her.

"Do you think our uncle would ever turn against his mother for you?" Jace asked. Visenya's eyes widened.

"I am not sure. She is his mother, and the Queen," Visenya said.

"You and Prince Aemond are the only ones in our family who are unwed... it is likely the King may betrothe you, since Queen Alicent already married Helaena off to Aegon," Jace said.

"And poor Helaena," Visenya said and they both sighed, but Visenya also knew her brother was right. Helaena and Aegon are married. Jace and Luke are betrothed to Baela and Rhaena. Joffrey, Aegon, and Viserys are way too young for Visenya to be betrothed to so that leaves Visenya to either marry Aemond or another lord of the Seven Kingdoms. But whoever she married would be her King-Consort when she inherited the Iron Throne after her mother. She knew it was a decision that could not be made lightly.

"Poor Helaena indeed," Jace agreed. "I will leave you to finish," He said as he leaned over to kiss his sister's cheek before standing up. Visenya nodded as she smiled at her brother and watched him go. But, before she returned to Dragonstone.

There was one more person she wished to speak to.


Visenya Targaryen found her uncle Aemond Targaryen on the shores of Blackwater Bay, in their normal spot, where she expected to find him. Aemond didn't hear his niece approach. Her footsteps were disguised by the sand. As usual, Ser Erryk stayed out of sight, but Visenya knew he was nearby.

"Are you proud of yourself, Uncle? Visenya and her strong brothers?" Visenya's soft voice carried over the sound of the waves. She noticed his silver-blonde hair blowing in the wind, shining underneath the moonlight, as she knew hers was doing the same. Aemond slightly turned his head to the side to acknowledge her presence, but he waited until she was beside him to speak.

"You did not enjoy my speech?" Aemond asked.

"You and I both know that you did that on purpose... and why? Because of a cooked pig? Lucerys is a child of ten and three, and if I remember correctly, it was your brother who spearheaded the prank of giving you a pig as a dragon, not mine," Visenya said.

"He still participated," Aemond said.

"But it was Aegon's idea... where is his punishment?" Visenya asked.

"Aegon is not a bastard," Aemond said.

"Mayhaps not by Westerosi standards... but he is a bastard," Visenya said. Aemond chuckled as he shook her head, but he couldn't fault her for that. He knew his brother was not perfect, and there were a lot of things that happened over the years that Aegon forced him to do that he wasn't happy about. He's thought a number of vile things about his brother through the years.

"I will not refute you on this, dear niece," Aemond said. Visenya slightly smirked as she turned to look at the waves. Aemond smiled as she did. They were agreeing about something... how much of a bastard his brother is, but it felt like bonding to him, nonetheless.

"Mother wants us to return to Dragonstone... but mayhaps I will convince her to allow me to come back with her on dragon back," Visenya said. Aemond nodded as he looked at her.

"You are the heir of the heir... we all know it will be time for Rhaenyra to take her throne soon, which will make you the Princess of Dragonstone," Aemond said. Visenya sighed. Her officially being named the Princess of Dragonstone would mean that her grandfather is dead, and she loves Viserys dearly. She knew his health was failing, and it had been for a while, but she didn't want to think about his death.

"Being named the Princess of Dragonstone will also mean lords throwing their sons at my parents so he might be the King-Consort," Visenya said. Aemond laughed as he looked at her.

"We are the only ones left of our family... besides the babes, that are not betrothed," Aemond said.

"If this is you asking for my hand, Uncle... this is a horrid attempt," Visenya said. Aemond laughed as he shook his head. The two were looking straight ahead at the water, they did not dare to glance at each other.

"Our mothers would never allow it," Aemond said.

"My mother might... she has always been sweet to you," Visenya said. Aemond nodded his head. He does have fond childhood memories of Rhaenyra. She always invited Aemond to her apartments to have lunch with her, Visenya, Jace, and Luke when they were all young. He always held those times dear to his heart because his mother had been trying to convince him that Rhaenyra hated him and saw him as a threat, but she was always welcoming and nice to him.

Even the night Visenya took his eye, he understood why Rhaenyra called for him to be questioned about calling her children bastards, but there was no ill will in her tone, he knew that she was defending her children. Aemond has never held any ill will for his sister, and he hoped that she didn't have any for him.

"Your mother might, but your father will not," Aemond said.

"My father would get over it. I am sure he would rather me marry someone within our family as per our customs instead of some random lord from one of the other kingdoms," Visenya said. Aemond hummed as he continued to stare at the sea. "Besides... a second son inheriting the throne before his brother because he's betrothed to the heir... We are changing many customs," Visenya said. Aemond laughed a bit. He knew his brother Aegon had no desire for the throne, no matter how much their mother tried to force him on it.

"I do not want to wed you simply to be King," Aemond said as he turned to face her. Visenya also turned to face her uncle and tilted her head to the side.

"Then why do you wish to marry me?" Visenya asked. Aemond's face started to show a hint of a smile. He reached down and gently moved a stray hair from her forehead... he ran her finger down her cheek and stopped right by her lips. His thumb trailed over her lips, and he tilted her chin up so that her eyes would meet his.

"Why speculate about matters that will never happen?" Aemond asked. Visenya removed his hand from her face and took a step back.

"You are the one who brought up betrothals. I shall bid you goodnight," Visenya said. She said the words, but neither of them moved. There was space between them, but their eyes were still trained on each other. Aemond waited for her to make her move. Was she going to leave? Or were they going to continue to not speak the truth they wished the other to hear?

Visenya could not figure out what she wanted. She loved Dragonstone, she loved learning its walls and secrets, knowing one day it would be hers to inherit. She loved that their family home was filled with love and laughter, something that was severely lacking in the Red Keep; and as she looked at Aemond, she partially had a desire for him to come with them, but she also knew that wouldn't be possible.

"You are still standing here," Aemond said. Visenya snapped out of her thoughts as she faced him.

"So it seems that I am," Visenya said. Aemond chuckled as he looked down at her, and then he shook his head.

"Come... I will escort you back," Aemond said as he offered her his arm. Visenya looked at his arm and then she looked at him. "I know Ser Erryk is around, somewhere... he would never leave you on your own. Do you believe I would try to harm you?" Aemond asked. Visenya rolled her eyes as she took a step toward him. She looped her arm through his and the pair began their walk from the beach back to the Keep. Ser Erryk was following behind them, a bit closer. He knew Visenya had her sword, she always had her sword, but he didn't think Aemond would attack her.

He had no reason to.

"I do not know what to think of you anymore as of late, Uncle. You always say you wish to harm me and I have given you plenty of opportunities to, but you do not take them," Visenya said. Aemond looked down at her with a look she couldn't decipher. He looked offended but also amused.

"Or mayhaps I wish you to believe that," Aemond said. Visenya rolled her eyes.

"Are you not sick of these childish games, Uncle? Either take my eye from me or get over it," Visenya snapped as she unlooped her arm from his. He had exhausted the situation to pathetic means, and Visenya had decided she was done feeling guilty about it, and she was done allowing Aemond to make her feel guilty about it. "Or mayhaps I should cut my own eye out and give it to you. Would that make you let go of your incessant whining!" She said as she raised her voice.

"I only want what is owed to me. A debt to be paid," Aemond said as he took a step forward to her.

"An eye for an eye?" She asked as she reached down into her boot and unsheathed a small dagger. She pressed it into his chest and stood in front of him. "Finish what you could not on Rhaenys' Hill. Take your prize, take your debt... I am done with it all," Visenya said. She stood in front of her uncle and waited for him to use the blade. Aemond only chuckled while placing the blade back into her hands.

"My price is not your eye, little dove... not anymore," Aemond said. Visenya felt her rage about to explode. Aemond had played mind games with her for years and she was over it. She wanted him to either fully forgive her, or fully denounce himself from her. She wanted freedom from the grip Aemond had on her mind, heart, and soul.

"Then what is your price?" She asked. Aemond chuckled as he gently cupped the back of her neck to pull her head in closer to his. As he leaned down, Visenya was afraid she was going to be kissed and she was not sure she wanted that. She had thought about kissing Aemond from time to time but with the moment presenting itself. She froze. But, the tension left her body when Aemond's face bypassed her lips and she felt his lips against her ear.

"My price is you."


viserys dies the next chapter and things are about to get fun.

don't forget to vote/comment.


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❝𝐇𝐒𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 π«πžπ¦πžπ¦π›πžπ«π¬ 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬, 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛π₯𝐨𝐨𝐝.❞ History will speak of how much ruin the Targaryen civil war brought to Westeros ju...
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𝐌𝐘 π…π‘π”πˆπ“π’ | 𝘒𝘧𝘡𝘦𝘳 𝘡𝘩𝘦 π˜₯𝘒𝘯𝘀𝘦 𝘰𝘧 π˜₯𝘳𝘒𝘨𝘰𝘯𝘴, π˜“π˜’π˜₯𝘺 π˜”π˜Ίπ˜’π˜―π˜―π˜’ 𝘚𝘡𝘒𝘳𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘺 𝘦𝘯π˜₯𝘢𝘳𝘦𝘴 𝘡𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘡𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘭𝘦𝘴...
34.1K 1.2K 17
πƒπˆπ’π‚πŽππ“πˆππ”π„πƒ. . . ! βͺ 𝕿𝖧𝖀 𝕽𝖀𝖣 𝕼𝖴𝖀𝖀𝖭 . . . ! ❫ 𓆩♱π“†ͺ ━━━━ ❲ 𝗗 . . . 𝗧𝗔π—₯π—šπ—”π—₯π—¬π—˜π—‘ . . . ❳ γ€Œβœ·γ€ ❛ 𝐈 𝐍 𝐖 𝐇 𝐈 οΏ½...
775K 29.6K 71
from the fourteen ancient fires comes the blood of two, their souls' twin flames burning bright in the shadows. joined together as one underneath the...