Best Mistake || AEMOND TARGAR...

By _kingmila

14.4K 692 51

"you will close his eye, niece... and he will claim a dragon" [hotd + fire & blood] More

best mistake
i. a dragon is born
ii. dragon dreams
iii. father & daughter reunited
iv. the truth
v. it all goes down
vi. prophecy fulfilled
vii. feelings fade, enemies grow
ix. a clash of swords
x. driftmark
xi. family dinner
xii. the king is dead
xiii. negotiations
xiv. banners
xv. storm's end
xvi. forged in blood
xvii. bend the knee
xviii. surprise
xix. the first battle
xx. the dragon strikes back

viii. moving on

515 28 1
By _kingmila

i no longer wish to hear your excuses for that night. what's done is done and neither of us can change it. there was also no need for your manipulation. reaching out to my father in an effort to get me to speak to you? that is beneath you, niece. you know where i reside, just as i know where you reside. let us put an end to these childish games.

When Visenya received the raven, she was furious. After two years of ignoring her letters, he wrote her back to accuse her of manipulation. She was livid. She crumpled up Aemond's letter, threw it into the fire, and then changed into her riding leathers. If he wanted to put an end to their childish games, then she was going to give him exactly what he wanted. She left her chambers and motioned for Ser Erryk to follow her. When he took in her attire, he knew they were going to the dragonpit.

"Princess, is everything alright? You seem angry," Ser Erryk asked. Since Visenya was the eldest child of their blended family, she often confided in Ser Erryk and saw him as an older brother, since she didn't have one.

"It is my Uncle, I wish to confront him," Visenya said.

"Is that wise?" Ser Erryk asked.

"I would let you read the letter he sent me, but it enraged the dragon in me, so I burned it," Visenya said. See Erryk chuckled a little as they made their way outside.

"Princess, if I may speak freely," Ser Erryk said. Visenya stopped on the shores because she knew Rhaegon would be roaming around. They don't keep the dragons chained all day on Dragonstone.

"You may always speak freely with me," Visenya responded.

"If you confront Prince Aemond, what do you hope to achieve? Do you wish to take his other eye?" Erryk asked. Visenya sighed as she looked at him. She had been so angry after reading the letter, that she did not stop to think about what she was going to do once she was in front of him.

"Do you know where my father is?" Visenya asked.

"I believe he is in the training yard with your brothers," Erryk responded.

"Do you think he will let me use Dark Sister momentarily?" Visenya asked. Ser Erryk's eyes widened as he looked at the young Princess. Behind the rage in her eyes, he could also see the hurt. He was her sworn shield, he'd heard her cry herself to sleep many nights. Visenya was acting on initial emotion, but he knew if she hurt Aemond again, she would never forgive herself.

"Princess," Ser Erryk said.

"I am not going to use it, Ser. I only need my uncle to think that I will," Visenya said. Ser Erryk sighed as he looked at her. He knew he could not tell her what to do, but it was his job to protect her; lately, the person she needed the most protection from was herself.

"I just think that you should take a moment. You read something that has made you angry and you are acting upon that anger. Forgive me, Princess, but I do not believe you are acting rationally." Ser Erryk said. Visenya sighed as she looked at him. She knew he was right and she knew Ser Erryk was always honest with her. He tended to tell her what she needed to hear even if she didn't want to hear it.

"I will take to the skies on Rhaegon," Visenya said. Flying always helped her think clearly. When she was in the clouds, away from everything and everyone, just her and her dragon, she felt like she could breathe.

"Princess," Ser Erryk warned.

"I will not fly to King's Landing. I give you my word," Visenya said.

"You have given me your word before, Princess, and you have also broken it," Ser Erryk said. Visenya put her hands on her hips as she looked at him and then she laughed.

"That was one time. If you would like to mount Rhaegon with me, you are more than welcome. He is big enough to fit two people now," Visenya said. Ser Erryk shook his head as he smiled.

"We both know I prefer the ground. I will wait right here for you, and I will keep watch on the skies," He said. Visenya nodded and she took a deep breath as she looked at him.

"Thank you, Ser. You've been a wonderful protector for the last three years. I hope things will always be like this," Visenya said. She was devastated when Harwin left and even more devastated when he died, but where Harwin was like a father figure, Erryk was more like an older brother figure.

"I would love to stay in your service for as long as I can. When you are Queen, I hope I will be able to still serve," Ser Erryk said. Visenya smiled as she nodded.

"If you can still serve, you will be head of my Queensguard, but if you cannot, I will still give you a seat on my council," Visenya said. Erryk smiled as he nodded.

"You honor me, Princess," He said.

"But hopefully we will not have to have this conversation for many many years, after my mother has a long, peaceful reign," Visenya said. Erryk nodded as he smiled at her.

"Have a good ride, Princess,"


[a/n: italicized text indicates high valyrian dialogue]

Aemond Targaryen waited atop Rhaenys' Hill. He knew Visenya would never back down from a challenge. He purposely worded his letter the way he did because he knew that would provoke her enough to seek him out. He waited to see the violet scales of her dragon Rhaegon flying through the air, but Rhaegon never came. Did he misconstruct his trap? Was he not cruel enough to evoke a response?

No, he figured that she must've shown the letter to her parents, or to her brothers and she was given the advice to not seek him out. He hadn't accounted for that. He wasn't sure why he was so insistent on playing these mind games with her. Because she deserved it, for taking his eye? Maybe. Some would think, it's been two years, shouldn't he be over that? Maybe he wanted an excuse to see her because he knew after calling her a bastard two years ago, she wouldn't seek him out again.

That was it, he missed her. He missed Visenya. He missed seeing her silver-blonde hair bouncing through the halls of the Red Keep as she made her way to the gardens after sneaking away from her Septa. He missed seeing her and her violet dragon on the shores of Blackwater Bay. Rhaegon flew in circles above his rider as she watched the waves.

He missed looking into her violet eyes as they shared their secrets. She shared her nerves about being her mother's heir. Whether or not the realm would accept two queens in a row, or if they would only accept her if she had an impeccable match for a husband. Aemond missed the way she would braid his hair when she was bored. Her mother had taught her braiding and said in Targaryen custom, they add braids into their hair after battles they've won. Although they had not been to battle, Visenya loved practicing her braiding on Aemond, and Aemond loved getting his hair braided and feeling Visenya that close to him.

He missed her warmth and her laughter. He missed the way she was able to find joy in anything. He missed the way simple pleasures brought a smile to her face. When they would go on walks through the garden, Visenya was always smiling; she would stop to smell the flowers while Aemond stopped to watch her. She was not only his niece but his dearest friend. For the last two years, he's felt a bit lost without seeing her every day, but he knew their downfall was both of their faults.

Hers for taking his eye. His for driving her away. He would have forgiven her in time if his pride hadn't gotten in the way. However, receiving her letter that she would never forgive herself fed his pride a bit. He thought to himself, 'Good, she doesn't deserve to feel better about this,' but now the only thing he longed for was to see her smile again.

Aemond looked up to the skies when he heard screeching. Vhagar was on the beach because she was too big to reside in the dragonpit. She was an old dragon and slow-moving, Aemond knew it wouldn't be too dangerous to leave her out, and people knew not to approach her. Since he didn't see a dragon flying, he figured that Vhagar had seen something to make her screech.

Then he saw it.

A violet beast came soaring through the air. Its spread wings provided a small window of shade once Rhaegon flew by. Aemond watched in anticipation. Visenya was here. That was what he wanted, but now that she was here, he didn't know what to do. Rhaegon circled the air around Aemond, screeching as he went. Aemond could faintly see Visenya's silver-blonde hair whipping through the wind as Rhaegon soared.

Rhaegon came to a standstill and landed on top of the hill, a few feet away from Aemond. Visenya looked at her Uncle, fury in her violet eyes. Aemond's breath hitched in his throat. It had only been two years, but Visenya already seemed like a grown woman. Her face looked colder, her features were tighter and more strained. Was that how she truly felt? Or did she only want Aemond to think she held disdain for him? He couldn't be sure.

Visenya dismounted Rhaegon, keeping her eyes on Aemond as she did. Aemond's eyes also never left her figure as she came down. Once Visenya was safely on the ground, Rhaegon took to the skies, but he stayed near the two dragons.

"Niece, you came," Aemond said.

"You were baiting me," Visenya said.

"And yet you still came," Aemond responded.

Visenya crossed her arms over her chest as she looked at her Uncle. Aemond took in her clothing. While Rhaenyra still stayed in her dresses when she wore her riding leathers to mount Syrax, Visenya preferred to change into breeches in order to ride. She rode in a dress once and never did it again. Aemond liked the way she looked in breeches, clothing that was supposed to be traditional for men. As much as he loved her striking gowns of traditional Targaryen black and red; he loved seeing her casual look more.

Visenya tilted her head to the side as she remained where she was. She wanted to see what Aemond was going to do. He thought he had laid a trap for her that she couldn't refuse, but Visenya knew what his game was. So she came, just to see what he wanted.

"What is it that you want from me, Uncle? You have made your sentiments toward me very clear," Visenya said. Aemond chuckled as he looked at her. Her blonde hair shone in the sun, her violet eyes being highlighted by her shine. He couldn't help but bask in her beauty. Beauty that he hasn't seen in two years.

"I wish to have your eye," Aemond said. Visenya looked at him for a moment, to see if he would say anything further. When she realized he was not joking, she started laughing.

"You wrote an antagonizing letter to draw me here on purpose, for the purpose of taking my eye?" Visenya asked as she continued to laugh more. "Goodbye, Uncle," She turned around to dismount the hill; then she suddenly felt a hand wrapped around her wrist. She quickly turned around to see Aemond behind her. "Unhand me," She said.

"I am stronger than you," Aemond said.

"I will not ask you again," She said. Aemond continued to hold her gaze and her wrist. Visenya acted quickly. With her free hand, she reached to the sheath on her side and grabbed the small blade she had. She quickly placed it at Aemond's throat. She did not get to ask for Father for Dark Sister, but Daemon Targaryen always made sure his children were armed with the means to defend themselves. "Unhand me or I will slit your throat,"

Aemond chuckled and moved closer to her; the gap between them closed, and the blade was pressed more into his skin but hadn't yet drawn blood. "You have already taken my eye, are you to take my life as well, niece?" Aemond asked. Visenya glared at him, with the blade at his throat, all she wanted to do was slit it. She thought about his letter, which flared her anger, but then she took a deep breath.

"Why did you want me to come here?" Visenya asked. With his free hand, Aemond reached up and touched her cheek; he gently stroked his finger down her face, making Visenya feel like she was melting on the inside.

"Mayhaps I just wanted to gaze upon your face one last time," Aemond said. Visenya pushed the blade a bit further into him; only drawing a bit of blood. Aemond slightly groaned when she did and Visenya was struck by his sounds of pain. "Do it, niece... I have ignored you, I have baited you, and in my heart, I have despised you. Finish what you have started," Aemond said. Visenya's eyes started to water as he taunted her. She hated that he thought her capable of killing him.

"You wish me to cut you the way your mother cut mine two years ago? First, you wanted my eye, now you want me to draw your blood? What is this game to you? Do you wish to make me disdain you completely?" Visenya asked. Aemond chuckled, but it was a bit blocked because of Visenya's blade.

"Is it exhausting? Hiding under your facade of disdain, niece? For if you truly held disdain in your heart for me, my throat would have already been cut," Aemond said as he quickly dropped his hand from her face. He hit her wrist, making her lose control of the blade. He caught it as it fell; with one hand he grabbed her shoulder, and with the other hand that wielded the blade, he held it up right below her eye.

Visenya did not flinch, she did not show her uncle any fear. If he was going to gouge out her eye at that moment, she was going to take it. Although, when her cries of pain would echo through the air, she was sure it wouldn't take Rhaegon long to breathe fire on the one that was harming his rider.

"So what will it be, Uncle? You have disarmed me and now you wield my blade. Here I stand, the object of your ire. The one who maimed you, humiliated you, took your eye. You want an eye of mine in return? Take it. You want to kill me? Do it. There is nobody here but us, nobody is here to stop you," Visenya said.

Aemond was impressed by her stance. He always knew Visenya knew how to stand up for himself, but the soft children inside of them who once held great affection for each other. They both knew it was gone. As they stood face-to-face, Aemond holding the tip of a blade underneath her eye, Visenya knew that they would never be as they once were, and she knew that it was time to let go of what she missed.

"My eye or my life, Uncle? Which will it be?" Visenya asked as she held his gaze. If he was going to take her eye or kill her, she was going to look him in the eye as he did it. She wanted him to remember her face, to remember how she looked; disarmed and not resisting as he killed her. She wanted him to remember her face forever, to haunt his dreams to the point where he did not want to close his eyes. If he was going to take her life, she was going to make sure she paid it forward. "Do it, coward!" She snapped.

The dragon in Aemond snapped when she called him a coward. He pressed the blade into her soft skin, underneath her eye until he drew blood. Visenya slightly gasped but she did not cry. She did not let Aemond see her pain. When he saw the streak of red run down her cheek from her lower eye, he took a step back. Aemond threw Visenya's blade on the ground in front of her and clicked his tongue. "Did that satisfy you, Uncle?" She asked.

"Nothing satisfies me, niece," Aemond said. Visenya laughed as she wiped the blood from her cheek. Aemond looked over at her and tilted his head to the side.

"You cannot hurt me. In your heart, you know I did not mean to hurt you, but it is easier for you to pretend to hate me than to actually cause me harm. Let us end these childish games, you said. Then do it, end me," Visenya challenged. Aemond took another step closer to her to close the gap between them. He grabbed the back of her hair to pull her forward. Visenya's eyes widened at the fierceness of his grip.

"And bring your mother's wrath upon me? Or even your father's? I do not think so, bastard. In due time, I will have what is mine," Aemond sneered. Visenya quickly pushed him away from her and picked up her blade.

"I am the true-born daughter of Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. I am no bastard, Uncle. I am the blood of Old Valyria, while you are tainted with Hightower blood." Visenya snapped as she walked closer to him. Aemond felt his anger rising with the jab at his Hightower side, but he knew she wasn't finished. "And in due time, the only thing you will have is fire and blood," She said. She spat at his feet and her rageful glare met his. The dragons were starting to come forth. Rhaegon screeched from the skies, feeling his rider's anger.

As the two glared at each other, they felt the last shreds of affection they felt for one another fading away. It broke and hardened Visenya's heart with equal measure. It broke her heart for who she and Aemond used to be, but it hardened her heart to the point she made a mental vow that she would never let anyone in ever again. As Aemond looked at her, he felt a mix of emotions. He was angry, his ego was bruised, his pride was hurt. He wanted Visenya Targaryen to hurt the way he was hurt, but he couldn't bring himself to be the one to hurt her. He wanted her to suffer, but not at his hands. He wanted her eye in exchange for his, but he couldn't find it in himself to be the one to take it.

"Go back to Dragonstone, niece," Aemond said as he looked at her. Visenya returned her blade to its holding as she took one final look at the Prince.

"I assure you that you will not hear from me again. I wish for the same courtesy," Visenya said. Aemond chuckled as he mockingly bowed to her.

"You have my word, Princess,"


When Visenya returned to the dragon pit at Dragonstone, Ser Erryk was waiting for her arrival. When she dismounted Rhaegon and approached her sworn shield, he immediately noticed the cut on her cheek; he saw the look in her eyes; the same rage and hurt he had been seeing for the past two years and he knew exactly where she had been.

"You gave me your word, Princess," Erryk said.

"And it seems I have broken it once again," Visenya said. Erryk sighed as he examined the dried blood on her cheek, underneath her eye, the cut was starting to scab.

"Did he harm you?" Ser Erryk asked.

"No... At least he did not harm me physically," Visenya said as she looked at him. Ser Erryk sighed as he looked at the young dragon. He didn't know if he should alert her mother of what transpired, but he knew Visenya probably did not want that.

"I am sorry, Princess," He responded.

"It is no matter. I wish to return to the castle." Visenya said. Ser Erryk nodded and they began their walk. It was a short walk from the dragon pit to the castle. The majority of their walk was in silence. Erryk knew not to push Visenya; he knew that when something was wrong, she talked about it when she was ready and not a moment before. "He wanted my eye," Visenya finally said after a few moments of silence.

"Your eye?" He asked.

"I knew his letter was baiting me to come there... and he said he wanted my eye in payment for his. He disarmed me of my blade and I told him to take it, to either take my eye or my life, since he hates me so," Visenya said.

"He does not hate you, Princess," Ser Erryk said. Visenya laughed as she shook her head. She didn't look at him as they continued to walk, she only shook her head. "If he hated you, we would not be having this conversation," He said.

"I suppose you make a point... I could see in his eyes that he wanted to cause me harm, but something inside of him was holding him back... Although, I am not sure what," Visenya said. Ser Erryk chuckled. He knew what it was. It had always been apparent to him of Aemond and Visenya's affection for each other. Deep down Aemond knows that Visenya never meant to hurt him, but the damage was done, and there was no one else to blame but her. As much as he wanted her to feel the same pain, he couldn't be the one to inflict it.

"What is it you wish for, Princess?" Ser Erryk said.

"If wishes came true, I would wish for us to go back to the night he claimed Vhagar, I wish I could undo what I did, but I don't even remember the moment," Visenya said. Since the night of taking out Aemond's eye, Visenya has only blacked out in anger once. It was when Aemond was first ignoring her letters. At first, she was hurt; but then her hurt turned to rage. She couldn't remember what happened after she got angry, but when she came back to herself; Ser Erryk told her that he found her, in the training yard, brandishing a sword on one of the training dummies, but she wasn't training... she was simply destroying it.

"I am sorry for your lost relationship with the Prince... but please do not ever go off on your own like that again when you know he was baiting you," Ser Erryk said. Visenya sighed as she looked at him.

"I am sorry I lied to you... I really wasn't going to meet him, but something came over me when I mounted Rhaegon... I could not resist the confrontation... but I swear I will not lie to you again, please do not be angry with me," Visenya said. Ser Erryk softly laughed as he looked down at her.

"I could never be angry with you, Princess. I only wish to do my job and protect you," Ser Erryk said as they reached the castle. Visenya smiled as he escorted her back to her chambers where her mother was waiting. Ser Erryk stayed outside of the door and Rhaenyra smiled at the sight of her daughter.

"I have a bath drawn for you, my love," Rhaenyra said. Visenya smiled as she looked at her mother.

"Thank you, Mother," Visenya said. Rhaenyra walked over to her daughter to embrace her. Visenya softly sighed as she let her. She knew her mother missed her, and although she wanted to be alone after the confrontation she just had, she couldn't break her mother's heart more than she already had. When Rhaenyra pulled back, she laid her hand on Visenya's cheek and that's when she noticed the cut.

"Who did this to you?" Rhaenyra asked. The immediate shift in her tone let Visenya know she was ready to bring the dragon forth. Visenya quickly shook her head to calm her mother. It was not worth getting into. She knew that she would not be speaking to Aemond again after what happened; it was no use getting her mother riled up over it.

"No one, Mother. I scratched myself while I was atop Rhaegon. I didn't even notice it until Ser Erryk pointed it out. I did not feel a thing," Visenya said. Rhaenyra laughed a little as she gently ran her finger over the scarring.

"You have always been your happiest in the skies... it is only my wish to see you happy," Rhaenyra said. Visenya nodded as her violet eyes met her mother's. As she got older, she started to notice more of her mother's beauty. She had always heard the singers praise her mother, and how everyone praised her because of how much she looked like her mother, but when Visenya looked at Rhaenyra, she saw the regal queen that she would be, and she loved her so much. She didn't know why, but her mother's words broke her facade and she immediately started crying.

Rhaenyra's smile quickly turned to concern as she embraced her daughter. "Visenya? Visenya, sweet girl, what's wrong? What happened?" Rhaenyra asked. Visenya clung to her mother as she cried more. Her body slowly started to shake. The confrontation with Aemond was starting to hit her. She nearly slit his throat, she told him to kill her or to take her eye, and he almost did it. How did they fall so far from where they used to be?

"I wish I could take it back, Mother... That night ruined everything, it ruined everything and I can't take it back. I am tired of feeling guilty, I am tired of feeling sad, I am tired of crying. I hate him, I hate him so much that I can't stand it, but I miss him. And I hate myself for missing him, and I hate myself for hurting him, and I hate myself for wanting to beg for his forgiveness. It will be a stain on me forever. The bastard girl who maimed the King's trueborn son. I cannot do it, Mother," Visenya cried. Rhaenyra's eyes widened at her confession; she hugged her child closer to her.

"Shh, sweet girl... Shh, it is alright. I know you did not mean to hurt your Uncle, but you cannot control the way he reacts to things. He is angry, and that is alright, but you also have every right to be upset. It will be alright, my love," Rhaenyra said. Visenya sniffled as she looked up at her mother.

"What if it never is?" Visenya whispered. Rhaenyra's heart broke to see her child this distraught. To hear the crack in Visenya's voice as she spoke, and to know she could do nothing to make it better. She could not force her brother to forgive Visenya, and she would not do that anyway. He did lose an eye, and as much as it pains Rhaenyra that Visenya is so distraught over it, she knows that Aemond has every right to be upset.

"It will be, sweet girl. Go to your bath while it is warm and let it relax you. We can have dinner with just the two of us, okay? I know you will not want your father and brothers questioning your mood," Rhaenyra said. Visenya nodded as she hugged her mother once more and let out a deep breath. Rhaenyra held her child close while leaning down to kiss her forehead.

"Thank you, Mother," Visenya whispered. Rhaenyra kissed her forehead again while running her fingers back through her hair.

"Always for you, my love,"


they won't see each other again until visenya returns to KL with her family for the driftmark succession!

don't forget to vote/comment. 


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