The daily life of Hong Kong...

Por Helpme0000000000162

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read this if you like random things of countryhumans Más

*hong Kong and china fighting*
Runaway for now
New home?
Black eyes?
bday special!!!!!!(Hong Kong's bday and meeting un )
China is totally dead
(Chp 8 ) china is literally dead
(Chp 9 ) busted
Let's go sing! ( I'm running outta ideas )
Drunk can
Special part ( idk )
Lego land timeeee
The "ciff" is explaining
Blood shot
Some random chp
Day 1
Reall day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9
Day 10 ( warning hk x sg is coming next Chp )
Day 11 ( warning kiss )
Day 12 ( cringe incoming' )
Untitled Part 42
Day ( I forgot- )
Quick Q&A
A........READER?! ( day 12? )
Quick news
Day 13?
Update (please read)


18 0 0
Por Helpme0000000000162

GUYYYYS- plz don't stop reading 😭😭😭 ( I made SINGAPORE X HONG KONGGGG and sg  is smaller than hk )

Hong Kong pov

I woke up seeing the whole house is filled with darkness so I looked at the clock seeing is 6am "*sigh* guess that's what happened after I ate those pills"so I got up looking around for anyone awake but none so I thought of giving the bois ( im the only girl in this house ;-; )a cake so I went to the washroom cleaning up myself and started making cake. I spent one hour to just learn how to make a cake so I went to the fridge grabbing eggs butter flour batter milk and more random stuff and went to making. About 9 am Singapore woke up and smelled the cake "oh hey singa I'm just baking cake wanna have some? "

"Sure! But ima wake up the others first and brush my teeth." " ok!" After that I saw Singapore blushing at me so I tease him "do you got a crush~" "n-n-no! Stop it Hong Kong!" "Oh come on you surely do" "fine I do just don't tell anyone I have a crush....." "OK" so I finally got the cake done and the bois woke up and ate it "mmmmm this is good thxs Kong" ame said " Nah no need ame" then all a sudden Singapore screamed "TODAY WERE GOING TO A PARKKKK" " wdym???????" I asked " we're going to lego land" "WHAT IS LEGO LAND??????" 

After explaining 

Singapore pov

After explaining we got into the car me Taiwan and Hong Kong sat together and zeal Aussie sat together and can ame and macau sat together France and uk picked us up. Just 10 mins of in the car I saw Hong Kong next to my arms. I blushed but I hide it "hey Singapore wanna play this piano game or music game called piano fire?" I said yes so she gave me her phone

( my Apple Pencil died when I was making this )

After a while she fell asleep. She was so cute and I blush hardly. Others just simply teased me. I thought of what is she dreaming.

Hong Kong pov

I found my self in my old school and thought great I'm in dreaming hell again but is not always hell. 


I got sleepy while writing this is 10am

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