Day 3

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Hong Kong pov

I finished my honey comb without dying, huh North Korea is not dead, "ALRIGHT GUYS ENJOY YOUR SLEEP " I quickly gasped as the lights went out, I turned my light on and begin drawing , with my gun , " READY OR NOT HERE I COME ~ " screamed Singapore who have a knife , he quickly threw his knife near me , I swear he's crazy , I turned to my protest mod and shot him .

Singapore pov

I want to kill Hong Kong , even though I like him , 'click' I saw some light , knowing that's Hong Kong , I screamed trying to get his attention..... no noise , I threw the knife at him , showing I am killing him , 'BANGGG' some one shot my chest , I was breathing hardly, gasping for life . Eventually I passed out 

Macau pov

" PLAYER 354 WAS FAILED " the sound was made , 354 was Singapore, I stared at it for a second, ' is this a..... JOKE' I screamed in my mind , I saw a dead Singapore next to me ' BANG ' I got shot , my legs, ' PLAYER 666 WAS FAILED ' I closed my eyes 

America pov

Why is everyone dying from a GUN....... Let's see... Canada died from a gun , Mexico , Singapore , macau , Poland , Germany..... an all the countries were killed by a gun or died  EXPECT me , Hong Kong , Taiwan and china . WHO THE FUCK KILLED ALMOST EVERYONE WITH A SHOT GUN. " PLAYER 777 WAS FAILED " oh nice FUCKING CHINA ALSO GOT KILLED , WTF

Hong Kong pov

The lights were back on , fresh blood on the floor , terrified countries looking at me "HOW DID YOU KILL THEM ALL " screamed america , " I have good aiming skills and  night vision "

The daily life of Hong Kong / English house holdHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin