Crime games, choose your futu...

By qcshh_

118 5 31

This is a game where you choose your future, well not really you just choose what you have to do NEXT when yo... More

Mama.. Help me..


48 2 6
By qcshh_

I have 3 siblings: an older brother, me, and a younger brother.

My parents have died in a road accident and my brother is taking care of us. He works at a convenience store and always gives us delicious food from that store. My brother loves his siblings very much. He is a gentleman and very kind to others. I hope to have a man like my brother. He has such a handsome face too! Here are some pictures of him (the name of this actor is Kim Nam-Gil)

One day.

I saw a paper on my brother's desk and I read it with no guilt or shame. But when I read the paper... the sentence was very strange because my brother was not a rude person.

He takes great care of his language with older people or with his younger siblings. In the paper it was written "I only want her alone, not you. You are just a naughty person who is always in my way." but I ignored it because I thought my brother might like one woman but there are some other guys in his way.

But the sentence "a naughty person" is very strange to me. Why does he use the sentence "naughty"? IT'S WEIRD ISN'T IT??

Saturday, 28/1/23

My brother is off on Saturdays and Sundays and we will often spend time together. But today my friend invited me to her birthday party.

So I told my brother that I wanted to go to the party and he allowed it. I left the house at noon and came back at 3 pm because my friend's mother told me to rest for a while at her house. So I hung out at my friend's house and celebrated her birthday.

3 PM

I returned home after a few hours. When I opened the door, there was no one in the living room but the TV was still on. I called my older brother and younger brother but no one answered.

So I went to check the whole house but there was no one. My house has a basement but I don't dare to go there because my brother once told me that there is a ghost down there and it will pull me and I can't get out alive. But I dared to go there.


Usually, the basement door is locked, but not today. I took my phone and turned on the flashlight to shine into the darkness. WHEN I WAS GOING DOWN THE STAIRS AND WAS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAIRS.. I WAS VERY SURPRISED WHEN I SAW...


blood splattered everywhere...

And I saw...m-my

He.. he.. he killed my younger brother..

I was stunned and sat down because I was too surprised. My brother turned and looked at me as he walked towards me. I don't know whether to feel scared, angry, weird, sad, or happy? I was too stiff and shocked to feel any emotion at the time.

My brother held both of my shoulders and said "don't worry, brother will always protect you and will eliminate people who stand in our way in this basement."



1) Listen to your brother's words because you love him and trust him and then you hide the murder your brother committed

2) Listen to your brother's words for fear that he will also do the same to you but he never threatened you to be on his side.

3) Report the matter to the police because you know what your brother did is wrong and you think your brother is too obsessed with you that he killed his little brother

4) Stay silent with two opinions in your head. You are in a dilemma whether you want to report the matter to the police or just keep quiet because you are afraid that your brother will kill you too. Finally, you decide to run away.

5) Telling your brother that what he did was wrong and that he could go to jail for killing his little brother.

6) Tell your brother to surrender to the police station and after he repents and accepts the punishment, then he can take care of you.


If you choose this, this is how it ends.

1) Listen to your brother's words because you love him and trust him and then you hide the murder your brother committed

After that incident, my brother keeps killing people in the basement that gets in our way and I am perfectly fine and got used to it. I don't care anymore because what he did was to protect me. I believe that. Hopefully.

Later on, my brother got caught because there were a lot of missing people and all the evidence is pointing to him and me. But I was not nominated as the main suspect because it was not my DNA that was at the crime scene, but my brother's DNA.

So my brother was arrested and labeled a serial killer for having killed dozens of people. I don't know how to react. I chose to commit suicide because my beloved brother was imprisoned and hanged.

BAD ENDING - both characters died

If you choose this, this is how it ends.

2) Listen to your brother's words for fear that he will also do the same to you but he never threatened you to be on his side.

I live in fear because I thought my brother will kill me too. But no, he didn't kill me even though I scolded him because I was stressed when I remembered my younger brother.

I couldn't take it anymore and I ended my life by overdosing. Y/N's brother went crazy when he found out that his sister had died from an overdose and ended up committing suicide in his own home.

BAD ENDING - both characters died

If you choose this, this is how it ends.

3) Report the matter to the police because you know what your brother did is wrong and you think your brother is too obsessed with you that he killed his little brother

After several days, my brother still didn't clean the basement. He went to work as usual and I went to the basement to take pictures to use as evidence to show to the police.

When I tried to open the door, it was locked. So I went to my brother's room and ransacked his room. I have seen him always keep the keys in the candy box. I searched for 5 minutes and found the key to the basement so I hurriedly opened the door.

As expected corpses, blood, everything was still there. I hurriedly took lots of pictures and locked the door again and ran to the police station. I showed the pictures, where my brother was, where my house was, and where my little brother's body was and the police immediately arrested my brother. Finally, he was hanged.

GOOD ENDING - y/n saved

If you choose this, this is how it ends.

4) Stay silent with two opinions in your head. You are in a dilemma whether you want to report the matter to the police or just keep quiet because you are afraid that your brother will kill you too. Finally, you decide to run away.

I don't know what to do now... should I report it to the police station or not.. I'm afraid if I report this to the police, my brother will kill me too. I also want to keep quiet because I'm afraid he will kill me too like he killed my younger brother. Since both of these options lead to my death, I decide to run away from home and go far away.

-Y/N's brother reported the disappearance of his little sister to the police and the search mission for y/n began. But y/n was kidnapped while running away. The police found her trail but when the police found y/n, she was dead because she had been killed. The police continued to investigate who the perpetrator was but were unable to find the perpetrator and the case was closed.-

"ha.. police.. so stupid. They don't even check where am I at that time.. ha obviously I put a fake recording into the CCTV.. silly me. *smirk. I'm the one,


BAD ENDING - y/n got killed by his brother

If you choose this, this is how it ends.

5) Telling your brother that what he did was wrong and that he could go to jail for killing his little brother.

Brother, what you did is wrong... "why is that? he disturbs you every time you want to study. He also disturbs both of us while we're sleeping. It's not fun when he's with us. He's a troublemaker I swear to god hahaha" you can laugh... you want me to report you to the police station? "you dare?" ...........

I am speechless and I can't do anything because of his word. I live in fear. So I went to the police station and met some police officers there. I told them stories and asked them many questions and they served me well. 

One day...

I became close friends with officer Mark. I asked him "if I told you that someone had committed a murder, would you believe me?" and Mark said "of course. I'm a cop so I'll help you. but why are you asking questions like this? you usually ask questions about cops.. not criminals." oh it's nothing. I will tell you in more detail when you promise you will take care of me and take me to your house.

Mark was very confused at that time but he suspected that something was going on and y/n wanted to tell him but was afraid of the threat given by the killer. "okay, I promise." I only brought a few clothes to avoid my brother suspecting me.

After a while, I told him what is going on and he bring his team to my house and check the basement. The basement was locked and the police struggled to break down the door and it finally opened. They saw the body and blood scattered and rushed to my brother's place of work and arrested him. Finally, he was sentenced to death.

GOOD ENDING - y/n saved

If you choose this, this is how it ends.

6) Tell your brother to surrender to the police station and after he repents and accepts the punishment, then he can take care of you.

Brother, I know you love me but what you did was wrong. I suggest brother to surrender himself to the police station and receive the punishment and after he receives the new punishment he can take care of me in a proper way.

He agreed because I would accept him after he received his sentence. But it turns out... my brother's sentence was the death penalty for murder with intent. I didn't know that my brother would die... I'm sorry brother. But that's what you have to accept because you have also taken someone's life. Thank you for being a good brother who took care of me all this time.. and goodbye to our sweet memories because of this tragic case...

GOOD ENDING - y/n saved


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