Darkness and Love: A Wednesda...

TheMultiverseMaster tarafından

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What happens if Tyler confides in Wednesday that he's losing time and waking up in weird places? That sometim... Daha Fazla

Part One: The Truth
Part Two: Man or Monster?
Part Three: Revelations and Revenge
Part Four: Devil in Disguise
Part Five: Past and Present
Part Six: Life and Death
Part Seven: The End?
Huge Thank You!
Chapter 2 - Part One: The End or The Beginning?
Chapter 2 - Part Two: New Enemies
Chapter 2 - Part Three: Spies and Lies
Chapter 2 - Part Four: Outreach Disaster
Chapter 2 - Part Six: Old Wounds
Chapter 2 - Part Seven: Darkness and Love

Chapter 2 - Part Five: Secrets Revealed

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TheMultiverseMaster tarafından

It was as if time stopped. All I remember was the kiss, Tyler saying he loves me, then the explosion. I don't know how long I sat there on my knees, staring at the door, hoping Tyler would walk through. I could see Fire and Rescue through my peripheral vision, helping the other students who were injured.

Tyler's dad was going through the rubble, hoping to find any trace that Tyler survived. I finally snapped out of it and walked up behind him, watching as he pulled the final pieces out of the way. If I had any tears left they would've continued, seeing a burn spot in the ground where Tyler was, no trace of him left. I could hear his dad crying and did what I thought I never would. I hugged him. He was hurting as much as I was. He was surprised but hugged me back, our shared sorrow on display for everyone to see, but for the first time in my life, I didn't care.

The EMT looked me over and gave me a few bandages here and there. I looked over and saw the carnage caused by the masked man. Xavier's hand was in a cast, Bianca and the rest of the sirens had concussions, the werewolf students were still recovering. Then there was Enid. She had multiple bandages and a cast on her leg. Ajax was next to her, making sure she was okay. Once she made eye contact with me, she ran over as fast as she could and hugged me. I held her tight and didn't wanna let go.

"I'm so sorry Wednesday."

"I-" I couldn't bring myself to say anything. She understood and didn't push the subject. We sat there holding each other for a while. Eventually everyone was told to go back to Nevermore, a city wide curfew was now in effect. Before we left I made sure to catch Tyler's dad.

"Found these in the mayor's office. I don't know if it's him but he's involved." He took a quick look through the files, making it to Tyler's. He wiped his eyes again, looked at the mayor then arrested him. He deserves it.

Weems made an announcement that all students get on the bus to Nevermore. The ride was quiet, no one saying a word. The silence is occasionally broken by a cough or groan of pain. I didn't really acknowledge anyone or anything on my way back to the dorm.

I stopped at Tyler's room, looking at all of his stuff, his mementos and clothes strewn about. I sat on his bed and stared at the wall, trying to find a way I could've stopped him from dying. But I knew it didn't matter if I did. He was gone and not coming back. I stood up, about to head back to my room when something fell from underneath Tyler's pillow. I picked it up and it was a polaroid. A picture of him and I when he took me took me to a nice cabin by a lake during the summer. He told me his mother and father used to take him there to get away from everything. It was the most perfect day. Just Tyler and I. No one else. I put the picture in my pocket and jumped when I heard a knock on the doorframe. I looked over to see Ajax and Enid at the door.

"We didn't mean to disturb you. We can go if you need more time?" I shook my head, wiping my eyes quickly.

"No. I'm alright." They tried to talk to me again but I walked by and went back to our dorm. I sat on the bed, not knowing what to do.

The next few days I sat in that exact spot. Not moving, eating or saying anything. I've experienced loss before but nothing that has made me as hollow and empty as losing the only boy I've ever loved. Enid had come by and sat with me a few times, just to keep me company. Even Tyler's dad came by. He mentioned the funeral would be this afternoon. I nodded solemnly and started getting ready.

He picked me up outside Nevermore and we drove to the graveyard where Tyler's mom was buried. Everyone was there, dressed in black. Weems, Enid, Ajax, Bianca, Xavier, Yoko and the rest of Nevermore. Even Travis and his friends. At any other funeral I would've made them leave but I just didn't have the energy. No coffin was being lowered as there was no body. 

The priest began to talk and tears began to fall down my face, mixed with the rain. Enid came over, holding an umbrella over our head and held me close. My mind began to wander, the events of the last few days still unreal to me. I looked around at the masses of students, paying respects to the boy who saved all of their lives. But my eyes stopped as I spotted Yoko. Unlike everyone else, she didn't have her head lowered. She was slipping out of the crowd heading somewhere else. I kept my eyes on her, watching her walk a distance away, pull out a camera and aim the lens right at me. I pretended I didn't see. She came back to the group and acted as if it didn't happen.

Tyler's dad said a few words, then placed a shirt on top. I'd seen Tyler wear it before. It was one of my favorites. I walked up slowly, placing the black dahlia he had given me on our first date in the crypt on his headstone

"I love you too." I said this quietly to myself. A few more people came up to speak but the ringing in my ears had returned so I wasn't paying attention. We all said our final goodbyes.

As everyone filed out of the graveyard, I watched Yoko begin to stalk off on her own. I go into the car and grab my sword, masquerading as an umbrella. I begin to follow her when I hear Enid behind me.

"Wednesday? Where are you going?" I look at her, not saying a word, gesturing towards Yoko heading off into the woods. She understands right away and grabs Ajax, bringing him along in case she tries anything. We follow Yoko until we come upon a small broken down structure in the woods.

I watch as she takes more of those creeper-style photos out of her pocket, leaving them in a small box and hiding it in the structure. We wait for her. She begins to walk away.

"Hello Yoko." She jumps at the sudden noise. She turns to find me, my steely, unmoving expression staring her right in the eyes.

"Oh! Hey Wednesday, Enid, Ajax. What are you guys doing out here?" I continue to stare her down. She adjusts her collar, clearly uncomfortable after being caught.

"We could ask you the same question. Why do you keep taking photos of us? And who are those photos for?" She looked at me and feigned confusion.

"Photos? I'm not sure what you mean? I came out for a walk to clear my head. I'm not sure what you-" The noise of my sword coming out of my umbrella sheath sounded as I put the blade against her throat, making her go quiet immediately.

"I'm not in a talking mood right now Yoko. I just lost one of the most important people to me. And it seems you are involved somehow. You really think lying and testing me is the route you wanna take?" She looked behind me at Enid and Ajax, hoping they would back her up, but their expressions were just as unmoved as mine.

"How about we take a walk?"

Jericho - Crackstone's Crypt - Day

The familiar drip of water and smell of mildew was present as I forced Yoko into the crypt, hoping a little torture would help us get some answers. I could tell she wanted to run but knew in the head space I was in, I would not be against stabbing her once or twice.

I forced her to sit on the steps, the sword still dangerously close to her neck.

"Now." I knelt down, getting face to face with her. "Who is the stranger and why are you working for him? Your father?" Her eyebrows raised in surprise. She went to refute it but I stopped her.

"Don't try and deny it. Tyler-" His name made my eyes start to gleam but I shook it off. "Tyler caught you and the stranger talking a week before classes started. You had stolen Goody's Book of Shadows from me and given it to him. Why?" I could see the wheels turning in her mind, debating whether or not she would tell me the truth. After a while she finally sighed and hung her head.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I had no choice. After Laurel's defeat last year, I got a call from some mystery man, telling me he had my father and that if I didn't do what he said he'd kill him." She paused for a moment, wiping a few tears from her eyes.

"At first he just wanted me to take pictures of you and everyone. I figured that wasn't a big deal. Then he asked me to do other things. Steal stuff from a science lab in another state, steal the book. Dig up a grave." I cocked my eyebrow at this, intrigued.

"A grave? Who's grave?" She shrugged her shoulders, tears now pouring down her face.

"I have no idea. He wouldn't tell me. He didn't trust me with that kind of information, in case I was caught." I could tell she was really upset and sorry for what she did. Blackmail does that to people. I put the sword away and stuck out my hand, helping her to her feet.

"I don't blame you. Blackmail is a nasty business. I should know. I've done it to many people." I sat down on the steps leading up to Crackstone's now empty coffin. I rubbed my eyes, their soreness and bloodshot state the result of my crying.

"Have you seen the strangers' faces? Do you know if it's the mayor or not?" This definitely surprised her.

"No, he always wore his mask when we spoke. I have no idea who he is. And the mayor? What makes you think it's him?" I pulled out one of the files from my bag and showed it to her. She looked through it, genuinely surprised.

"These are my pictures, but I never gave them to the mayor. I leave them at that spot you guys found me at and they're usually gone in the next few hours." I scratched my head, not sure what to do until an idea hit me.

"Do you have a way to contact him or does he contact you?" She pulls out her phone and shows me a number. There were a few text streams asking her to meet him in different places. Interesting enough, they were all placed on school grounds. I handed her back the phone.

"This is what we're gonna do. To keep your dad safe, you have to keep working for him. We can't alert him that we know you're his spy. We might be able to use that in our favor. But you will keep us updated on his next move and what he still needs you for." She nodded her head and left the crypt. I started pacing, trying to figure out what to do. I kept thinking of Tyler though. His smile. His laugh. It was hard to concentrate.

"Wednesday?" I snapped out of my trance and Enid was trying to talk to me.

"What is it?" She pointed to my pocket where my phone was ringing and saw it was the Sheriff's station.


"Wednesday. It's Deputy Santiago. Been meaning to get a hold of you."

"Is something wrong?"

"We have the mayor in lock up but he won't talk about the files or the man. Keeps saying he's innocent. We tried it all, but the Sheriff said you have a certain affinity for getting people to talk." It was nice to hear Tyler's dad wanted me to handle this.

"Is the Sheriff okay? How is he doing?" I could hear her sigh over the phone.

"He was looking over the evidence we found from the man in black all night trying to find something. He came in exhausted so I sent him home." This time I sighed, knowing he was in as much pain as I was.

"I'll go check on him after coming to the station. Thank you for calling Deputy." I hung up, a tear slowly sliding down my face but wiped it away quickly. The time for crying was over. Time to get some answers.

Jericho - County Sheriff's Office - Day

I pulled open the door, the familiar ring of the bell being heard as the officers of the Jericho County station looked at me, their talking dying down and expressions dropping. The Deputy got up and met me at the door. I had my torture kit in hand. She looked at me questioningly but decided not to ask. I gave her the same expressionless face. She slowly nodded and led me to the cells in the back of the station, one holding a sleeping drunk who had been arrested the night before. I walked past this one, heading to my target, the mayor, sitting up straight, cuffs on his hands and looking exhausted. Good.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything." I gave her a nod and she headed back into the station, the door slamming, making the mayor jump.

"What the hell? You can't just hold me here after I've done nothing wrong!" I walked up to the cell and opened the door, the creaks echoing menacingly. I started pulling out my torture tools, one by one.

"Except that's not the truth is it Nelson?" He looked at me wide eyed.

"I know you! You're the girl from Outreach Day! I'm sorry about what happened to your friend but I had nothing to do with it! I was there, just like you!" I laid all the tools out, looking at my small ball-point hammer first.

"Oh I know you were there. But you're still lying. You're working with someone. Found these in your desk." I pulled out the files and put mine in his face. "Profiles on me and my friends. Pictures and conversations. As if you were spying on us." I saw the slightest bit of surprise in his features but it went away almost as fast, trying to hide it.

"I have never seen those in my life. I swear!" I had enough of his lies, smashing the hammer into his knee, his howl of pain giving me momentary glee.

"Let's try again shall we?" I grabbed Enid's file and put it in front of him.

"Who are you working with and what is your plan?" He continued to whimper. "WHO IS HE?" I started to yell but I didn't care. He was working with the man who killed Tyler and won't tell me. I'll have to get more creative.

I put the hammer away and he sighed in relief.

"Thank you. Thank you. I knew you would believe m-" I pulled out a black welders mask, and a blowtorch. I put on the mask and turned on the torch, walking toward him. His expression turned to pure fear. He tried to back up but he was against the concrete wall of the cell.

"Now. Who is the man in black?"

"Screw you kid!" I smiled just a little under my mask. I pushed the torch onto his shoulder, burning a hole through his shirt and the flesh underneath starting to bubble. I was glad these cells were sound proof or the officers would be here in seconds. His screams filled the cells and my smile grew wider. I've missed this.

"STOP! PLEASE! I'LL TELL YOU ANYTHING!" I pulled the torch away, his face now sweating and features riddled with pain.

"Talk. Or I won't stop next time." He could tell by my face I was serious. He wiped the sweat off his brow and breathed heavily.

"I'm not originally from here. I was paid to move here and become the mayor. Some mystery guy called me out of the blue and told me to move here. Told me I'd be rich and be the mayor. How could I refuse? Only catch was I needed to build files on a few Nevermore kids." I read his facial features and his scared eyes. He was telling the truth.

"He had to have told you his name. How many times did you meet?" I started the blow torch again and he flinched.

"I don't know his name. He made me call him Laslow. That's it I swear!" Again, he was telling the truth.

"He only ever stopped by when he needed something. Last time was to talk about your friend. The Hyde boy." My heart began to beat faster.

"Tyler? Why did he-" I was about to finish my sentence when I was knocked to the ground, as if a bomb had gone off. I picked myself up and looked around. Smoke and dust littered the room, a giant hole in the wall. My head was throbbing so I reached up and felt a gash on my head, blood slowly dripping out. I heard the banging of the cell door as the officers tried to get in but it was intentionally blocked by a piece of the wall.

The man in black walked in, the crack in his mask, still evident and the eyes behind it staring right at me.

"Get in my way again and you're gonna end up like your little boyfriend." Anger consumed me as I rushed him, kicking him in the stomach, catching him by surprise. He held his side for a moment then laughed.

"Seems you have much more fight than he did." I tried to hit him again but he held up his hand, holding me in place. Before I knew it I was flying across the room and hit the wall, the wind getting knocked out of me. My eyes fluttered open and the last thing I saw was the mayor being dragged out and the man in black looking back at me one last time. Then everything went black.

Jericho - County Hospital - Day

"I love you." His kiss, the bomb, the explosion, the burn mark.

"TYLER!" I woke up with a start, a constant beeping being heard. Before I knew it, I was being hugged by Enid.

"You scared the hell out of us Wednesday!" I reached up and touched my head, a bandage now in place of where the gash used to be.

"The mayor's gone isn't he?" I looked over to see Sheriff Galpin, a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah. I just came into the station when I heard the explosion. By the time we got the door open he was gone and you were unconscious. Are you alright?" I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I didn't realize how tired I was.

"I'm fine. I got some information out of the mayor. He was hired to come to Jericho and become the mayor by the man in black. Called him Laslow. That name mean anything to anyone?" Everyone shook their heads but I could see Weems behind everyone, eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"Principal Weems?" She snapped out of her thoughts at the sound of my voice. She came over, her red lips forced into a small smile.

"Miss Addams. Happy to see you're alright." I looked at her facial features and could tell she had discovered something.

"The name Laslow means something to you doesn't it." She scratches her chin. I can tell she's debating on whether or not to tell us. Finally she gives in.

"I've heard the name somewhere before. I have to do a little digging to make sure I'm not wrong." I sit up straight on the edge of the bed, Enid holding my arm to make sure I don't fall over. I wave her off but she holds on anyway. I take one step and realize I would've fallen without her help. Eventually I regain my balance and discharge myself from the hospital.

The Sheriff sees us off to school then heads back to the station to look for evidence that might've shown up during the breakout. I stared out the window, the trees and horizon rolling by but the only thing on my mind was Tyler. I didn't even say I love you back.

Eventually the car came to a stop and Enid walked with me inside while Weems headed back to her office to look into her suspicions. We walked by James Atlas who offered his condolences but I completely ignored him. I smelled smoke but assumed it was just my clothes. The rest of the students were in the quad, all of them bowing their heads in memory of Tyler.

We were about to pass his room but I stopped, standing in the doorway, hoping he would be there, but all I saw was Ajax sitting on his bed waiting for us. He walked by me and took Enid's hand.

"Let's give her a minute." They left to presumably go to our dorm. I walked in slowly, until my eyes landed on his closet. I opened it and found a jacket. It was a light brown one. It was the same one he always wore when we were together. I pulled it out and held it close, his faint smell still clinging to the fabric. I sat on his bed and pulled out the polaroid of us at the lake. His smile making tears start to slowly make their way down my face. I laid on the bed and continued to think about him.

"I love you too Tyler." I said this to myself, then my eyes became heavy and sleep finally overtook me, my worst nightmare waiting for me in my dreams.

Jericho - Nevermore Academy - Principal Weems Office - Night

Principal Weems POV:

I watch as Enid takes Wednesday back to their room, the students giving a small moment of silence for Tyler. I wiped my eye, a small tear having appeared in the corner. I'd lost students before but this was different. The boy sacrificed his life for every student at this school. I owe him an eternal debt that can never be repaid. I shook it off and headed back to my office, hoping a hunch I had was right.

I opened my office door and locked it, knowing I did not want to be disturbed. I looked threw my files, looking for the name Laslow. I finally pulled out a file that had the last name Laslow, the first name being that of a now deceased student. But how could it be him if he was dead?

Then it clicked. There was only one person with that much power and influence that could orchestrate something like this and his motive against Nevermore and Tyler would be undeniable. I gave the Sheriff a call and explained the situation. He told me to meet him at the station. I took the file and went to leave my office when a knock on my door stopped me in my tracks. I set the file under some papers on my desk and unlocked the door. It was James Atlas.

"James? What are you doing here? It's late." He peered around the room, a small smile on his face.

"Sorry for the intrusion. I had forgotten the papers I was going to mark tonight for my class. I heard a bit of commotion and wanted to see if anything was wrong?" He looked at me with questioning concern.

"Oh I am quite alright. Something had just come to my attention and was about to go speak to the authorities." He raised an eyebrow.

"The authorities? It must be important then. Does it happen to be about the mystery man who's been attacking the town and the students?" I didn't realize he had taken a few steps into the room, causing me to back up so there was still space between us.

"As a matter of fact it is. So if you don't mind, I'm just going to head out." I go to step forward but he steps in front of me.

"Do you...mind if I see it? Maybe I know the person or could help in any way." His voice had changed from its usual friendly manner to more serious and cold.

"Well I actually already sent it to the Sheriff's station. It should be arriving soon." He continued to step closer, causing me to bump into my desk. I still had the height advantage over him, but something in his demeanor had changed. He felt almost intimidating.

The only other time I felt this way was when-. My thoughts halted as my eyes went wide. I tried to hide it but it was too late. He had already seen. He sighed and looked down.

"That is unfortunate. I was really starting to like this place." I pushed past him and ran for the door but it slammed closed and the bolt locked itself. I turned to find his hand extended and expression now emotionless. He took off the glasses and tossed them to the side. He then began to rip off his skin, or what looked like his skin. It peeled off and revealed an entirely different face, one matching the boy in the photo with Garrett, only 30 years older.

"Good to see you again Larissa. It's been a while" I couldn't hide my shocked expression this time.

"James? What? How?" The face of the man I was looking at I had not seen in person in years, yet, I'd spoken to him about his son more than once.

"Oh so you do remember me? I thought I was just a write off to you to save your precious school and its reputation. Just like my son." My mind was reeling with so many questions.

"I told you what happened with Rowan. He was dangerous and out of control. He almost killed one of my students. His death was an acc-" He slammed his hand on the desk, my words getting caught in my throat.

"DON'T YOU DARE SAY ACCIDENT! MY BOY WAS SLAUGHTERED!" His voice shook the pictures on the walls. My mouth went dry. He shook his head, regaining his composure.

"Sorry about that. I have this habit of losing control sometimes. Makes me do things I regret." A small smile flashes across his face.

"What do you want? You already killed an innocent boy." This made him laugh, a cold, shrill, hollow laugh that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

"That boy was far from innocent. He got what was coming to him. But his death will help me rectify a situation. One that you won't be around to witness." He used his powers to bend me to my knees.

"But first, you will tell me where that file is." He took a ball-point pen off my desk and put the point right in front of my eyeball, threatening to take my eye out. Right before it happened, a knock on the door made us both stop.

"Principal Weems!" It was Wednesday. I looked over and saw a smile on James' face. I knew if she came in, he would kill her. He raised his hand to unlock the bolt, the knob being turned. Before she could I quickly put a chair under the knob. His face changed from Glee to annoyance.

"Principal Weems? What's going on?"

"Stay outside Wednesday. Everything will be okay." I hear a few bangs as if she was trying to knock the door down.

"The principal who can change shape is gonna take me down? Don't make me laugh." I put on the bravest expression I could.

"Who said anything about powers?" He looked at me confused, but I didn't let him think before I tackled him by the waist, throwing us both out of the window behind my desk. We were falling to the ground and he tried to get away but I held tight. We both hit the ground and everything went black.

Wednesday POV:

I felt someone shaking me and woke up with a start. It was Enid, her expression a little nervous.

"Enid? What's going on?" She practically pulled me out of the bed.

"Tyler's dad called me and told me Weems had some kind of evidence to figure out the man in black's identity. She was supposed to show up a few minutes ago but never did. Something's wrong." I set the jacket back on Tyler's bed and the two of us rushed down the stairs to Principal Weems office. I tried the door but it was locked. I could hear muffled talking.

"Principal Weems!" The talking stopped and everything went silent.

"Principal Weems? What's going on?" This time Weems spoke.

"Stay outside Wednesday. Everything will be okay." I could hear the fear in her voice. Then I heard the click of the door and tried to open it. Something else was blocking the door however as I couldn't get it open.

I let Enid try and she used her werewolf strength to push whatever was holding the door closed out of the way. We heard the shattering of glass and saw the window behind Weems desk was broken. We quickly ran to look out and saw Weems passed out and our teacher James Atlas hobbling away.

Enid ran out the door to call for help and I went to follow when I saw what looked to be human skin sitting on the desk. I picked it up and saw it was a prosthetic of some sort. The wind blew through the window and knocked a file onto the floor. I picked it up and a small picture fell out. I reached down and touched the picture but I felt the familiar electro-shock feeling as a vision hit me full force.

I saw Garrett and the other boy from the photo laughing posing for the photo. Next the man's face morphed into an older looking James who was standing with a young boy next to him. The young boy morphed into a teenager, his face I knew all too well. Rowan. Then the images changed, a dark room with barely any light, the stranger standing over someone in a chair. Light shines on their face, blood dripping from a cut on their lip and a bruise on their eye, their breathing shallow. Even with these injuries I knew who it was.


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