~●Harvest Season●~

Bởi Roomismessy

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So first off, this is a Vanny/Vanessa x Female reader. Because we gay. Disclaimer: I don't own any characters... Xem Thêm

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A little update
Also another update
🥕/ 🐰 🔞 🔞 🔞


1.6K 50 15
Bởi Roomismessy

Time was impossible to track inside this dark closet. I couldn't really tell how long its been, but I could estimate it to atleast be more than an hour now. So far, I haven't heard any other noises that were out of the ordinary. Just the same old S.T.A.F.F bots doing their job.

Speaking of bots..

There was one in the closet...

Why the fuck is there a bot in this closet.

It was too dark to see anything but I could see the outline of it. It sat in the narrow, corner, the head looking like it was about to fall off.

I freaked out at first but I'd rather take my chances with a probably not sentient object over some serial killer rabbit wandering around the Pizzaplex.

But my mind wasn't very kind to me throughout this whole ordeal. The whole time I was here I slowly gaslit myself into thinking that the bot would come alive and choke me or something. Or maybe the white rabbit would finally come and open the closet door then stab me. Of course, neither of those actually happened.

I waited a few more minutes in here before finally cracking open the closet door and slipping out, my heart tate increasing everytime I took a step further from my safe hiding spot.

My plan was to try and get into the Shoppe and get my phone. Maybe even get to text Vanessa..

If she was still alive...

I shook my head.

Come on, don't think like that! She..she should be..right??

But...I haven't seen her yet.. so..so maybe..

The thoughts made me start walking faster and faster until I was full on running. Adrenaline pumped in my veins as I sprinted all the way to the main lobby. The five or maybe even more flights of stairs definitely tired me out.

However, the thought of the white rabbit chasing me and always being behind me made my skin crawl and kept me going.

I slammed the door open and sprinted into the Shoppe, fumbling to unlock it. I eventually did get in and swiped my phone fron the tables, then ducking under the counter, praying I didn't make too much noise on my way here.

But in hind sight, I was probably very very noisy and it was possible the rabbit heard me now.

I didn't waste anytime texting Vanessa, not giving a shit about the typos.









My hands started to shake as my messages sent, but no replies came. Maybe Vanessa got attacked and lost her phone?

Maybe she's...

Maybe she's..really gone after all?

Tears started to well up in my eyes and dropped onto the phone screen. I immediately wiped it away.

I exited my messaging app and tried my best to dial 911.

Before I could press the call button however, my phone started to ring.

It was Vanessa's number.

I frantically pressed down on my volume button to lower down the ring tone so it would attract anything or anyone out there.

My heart skipped a beat, both with panic and happiness when I saw her number pop up. Then my mind became clouded with sudden doubts.

What if..this wasn't Vanessa??

What if that rabbit has her phone??

Should I just hang up and call 911?

I bit my lip, now unsure of what to do, but just ultimately decided to pick up. I hesitantly pressed the green button with a phone icon and slowly brought it up to my ear, praying it won't be like Scream.

"Hello..?" I muttered quietly, already expecting a raspy voice from the other side to ask what my favourite scary movie is.

"Carrots?? What's wrong? What are you talking about??"

I finally inhale after holding my breath for a bit, relieved to hear Vanessa's voice.

"Are you okay? Where are you?"

"N-ness I'm.." I sniffled and gulped, "I'm in Chica's Shoppe and--"

"You're what?! How... how did you even get in??"

"Long story..but..please there's..someone here and they're..I...

I watched them kill someone... Vanessa please I--"

My throat gave in to the sobs, not being able to take the overwhelming fear anymore. I covered my mouth to try to be a bit quiter.

"Hey, hey woah its okay, love, its okay. You just stay put and I'll send Monty and Roxy to get you, alright? I'll round the buildi--"

"What?! No, y-you can't!! Are you insane?! You'll get hurt! What if..what if they're still out there and..and.."

"Carrots, I'll be okay." She reassured sweetly, her tone calming me down but still wasn't enough to keep me from being a bit jumpy.

"Its your safety that's more important right now. I'll get to the bottom of this and come find you, yeah?"

Despite being told that there's a murder on the loose inside the Pizzaplex, Vanessa didn't seem fazed by it. It just sounds like another chore for her to take care of.


B-but..Ness...what if..th-they're still armed? Shouldn't we just call the police??" I insisted, hoping she would just drop the idea of trying to go after a dangerous individual.

Vanessa sighed.

"We tried calling the police in the past because of missing people but..they couldn't do anything about it. Fazbear entertainment don't give a damn either. They usually just act like nothing happened and try to convince the public that those things never happened."

"...what?" I muttered in disbelief.

"Ness..tha-..that's horrible! They can't do that!"

"Heh...yeah. At the end of the day, it's still my job to keep you, and this place, safe and secure. But mostly you."

"Are you really going to risk your life like that?! You could seriously get hurt!!" I was practically yelling at this point but immediately covered my mouth.

"Its sweet that you're worried about me, Carrots." Vanessa chuckled.

"But just trust me on this one, okay? Whoever it is, I won't let then hurt me. I'll promise you that."

I was about to shout out some more words of protest but decided against it, seeing as though I've already made too much noise.

"I'm heading out now. Monty and Roxy will be there in a bit. They'll take you to another security office that's way safer than mine. Stay there and lock the doors. They'll be standing guard outside."

"O-okay..." I agreed. Changing her mind seemed to be impossible now and I don't want to piss her off either.

"See you soon~"

My phone beeped, displaying the words "Call Ended" in a large font.

The way she said those words...

Why did I....shiver?

"Hey! Little girl!" A deep and gruff voice called out to me, followed by the sounds of heavy mechanical footsteps. I peeked from behind the counter, and outside the shop stood two recognizable animatronics.

Oh wow they actually came to get me.

"There you are!!" Monty exclaimed in what I assumed to be a cheery manner, but the roughness and the voice effect he had just made him sound more intimidating than friendly.

I swallowed, taking my time to stared at them in awe and fear.

Roxy seemed to glare at me though.

"Quit staring and get over here already!" She demanded, the irritation in her tone was uncanny.

Is a robot...seriously pissed at me??

Just how advanced is their A.I?

I reluctantly stepped out of my hiding spot and practically ran to them out of adrenaline.

Without saying a word, they sandwiched me in-between them. Roxy was infront of me and Monty at the back. It looked like we were in a weird conga line but I think this was their idea of protecting me. As they led me to the so called security office, they were cautiously looking right and left, as if perceiving anything that moved as a threat. Monty even punched a poor MapBot just trying to hand me a map.

I stared at the twitching bot on the ground in disbelief while Monty ushered me to move.

"Just keep walkin', little miss.." He said in a low voice, almost like a snarl.

I followed, not wanting to get punched in the face too.

Aren't these guys supposed to be kid friendly??

I mean I'm not a kid but...

The horrible stench of blood filled the air as I snapped out of my thoughts, realising we just passed by the bloodied booth. Dark red liquid was absorbed into the blue carpet which gave off the rotten metallic smell.

I gagged a bit and looked away, feeling nauseous as vomit threatened to spill out.

"Don't look. We'll be there soon.." Roxy muttered, grabbing my hand and pulling me to move faster.

Just how aware are they???

I didn't say anything. I couldn't. All of tonight's events just made me want to curl up into a ball and cry in a corner. I was tired and scared and maybe a little hungry.

After a few minutes of looking straight at the ground and walking quietly, Roxy let go of my hand. That made me lift my head to see that we were infront of a room with multiple monitors here and there. On the walls and the table thing in the middle. There was just a big vent on the floor that seemed to be out of place.

Why is that there??

"Stay here and don't move. Officer Vanessa will be here shortly."

Roxy stared me down with glowing yellow eyes as she kinda pushed me in. I again said nothing and just nodded, closing the door afterwards.

I sat down in the corner of the room and just hugged myself, bringing my knees up and all. I started to recall everything that happened, now that I'm in a somewhat safer environment and a lot calmer than I was before.

There's a murder rabbit on the loose.

I just watched them kill someone.

Vanessa is out there on her own.

Now I'm stuck in a room with two child entertainer animal robots as my body guards.

Having thought of it now it just sounded so ridiculous. How did all go south so fast? Just hours ago I was having fun cleaning up Chica's Shoppe with Vanessa. Now, I'm here, a pitiful crying mess in the corner of the room.

My eyelids felt heavy but I wasn't about to go dozing off. The paranoia in my mind won't let me anyways. So I just did the best thing I can do right now.

Stare at a wall.


"...can go to your rooms now. I'll take it from here."

Mechanical footsteps faded off into the distance.

I lifted my head up, feeling groggy.

Did I pass out?

I groaned a little, my neck and legs felt stiff after being in that position for so long.

What time is it?

"(Y/n)? You in there?" Vanessa's muffled voice came from one of the doors. I scrambled to stand up and crashed into the button that held the door shut. It lifted up with a sound and there she was.

Her hair was down and stuck out everywhere in a messy style. The uniform had a bit of stains and dirt on it. But what my eyes landed on was the most concerning.

Wads of tissue, gauze and white bandage was made into a makeshift eyepatch that covered half her face. Blood was still noticeably seeping through all the layers of gauze she had.

"There you are~" Vanessa had a big smile on her face, as if she didn't just lose half her fucking vision.

"Oh my God!! What happe--A-Are you okay?! Do we need to call an ambulance?!" I gripped on to her shoulders as question after question ran through my mind and out of my mouth.

"Vanessa wha- what happened?! You're...you're hurt and..and.."

That's it. I can't take this anymore. Time to cry.

Tears welled up and started pouring out of my eyes while my words came put as nothing but garbled sobs.

Vanessa quickly pulled me into a hug and I held her tight in return. She rubbed my back and whispered words of reassurance in my ear. Meanwhile I cried like a baby into her shoulder.

"Shh.. its okay..I'm here now...I'm here, love. Its okay.." She comforted with a loving and mellow tone.

Vanessa let me cry for a good two minutes before offering that we sat down.

She has her arm around me and I leaned into her, still sniffling and wiping away tears.

"How are you doing, Carrots? Those two didn't give you any trouble, did they?"

I looked up at her. It was kind of unnerving how calm she was about the whole situation.

"I'm.. I'm fine.. m-more importantly, what happened to you? Did...did the rabbit do this?"

I thought I saw her eye twitch a bit.

"....Yeah..yeah... it was a white rabbit that you saw..right?" She had her head tilted, staring at me with a strange expression.

"Yes...i-it was...

Why are you asking? Are we not talking about the same person here? Did you see someone else?" I felt panic start to bubble at the thought of having to deal with two killers.

Vanessa blinked and her smile returned. She shook her head as if to get out of a trance.

"No..you're right. It was the white rabbit that attacked me. I caught them trying to escape through the utility tunnels. It was a bit too dark to see anything so I didn't know what they looked like at the time. But from what you just said, their silhouette makes more sense now.

Honestly I thought I was dealing with a demon because I saw horns. Turns out they were just bunny ears."

She laughed, as if what she was saying was just a silly little story. I gave her a look of horror instead.

"Ness they-- they attacked you!! This is serious! You really could have died!"

I grabbed onto her shoulders again and kinda straddled her.

"I know calling the police won't do much, but it's worth a shot to get that psycho caught! And your face! You really need to get that checked!!"

Vanessa looked a but surprised but sighed, a more stoic look crossed her face.

"Alright..alright..I'm sorry. I just wanted to lighten up the situation a bit. Or maybe it's just the blood loss--"

"Blood loss?! Ness, are you sure you're okay?!"

A smile returned to her face as she took my hands and chuckled.

"I'll be fine, (Y/n). Really. I'll go to the hospital tomorrow and also file a police report on what happened today. As far as I know, that rabbit isn't coming back. I made sure to lock everything up, even the open door at the loading docks down at the tunnels, which is how I assume you got in?"

Vanessa raised a brow at me while I faced away, a bit embarrassed.

"That reminds me, what are you even doing here? I thought you went home?"

"Well..uh..I...lost my phone and...came back here to find it...and...I also..wanted to visit...you?"

I muttered my choppy sentence outloud. The security guard giggled in reply.

"Wait so..

You lost your phone here, and instead of just waiting until daytime to come back and get it again, you decided to..

Break in? Just to visit me?"

Her voice shook, on the verge of laughter.

I could feel my face and body heating up, to the point where I started sweating a little too.

"Yeah?? So what if I did." I crossed my arms and pouted, facing away from her. "Its not like I committed a crime..right?


Breaking in..isn't.. that bad...is it?"

The silence was broken by a snicker, followed by a wheeze.

"Oh my God!! Shut up!" I whined and playfully hit Vanessa,who had her arms up for protection and was also simultaneously losing her shit.

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