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By callmeKay_Cee

30.2K 1.9K 218

"Not everyone in this world is meant to be loved, not all broken toys are meant to be fixed" ~Damien Knight ... More



782 48 6
By callmeKay_Cee

Dominique's pov.

"I can't wait to finish this case" Raven said as we drove back home. We were about two hours from our city and I can proudly say I've had enough of all of them. Do I love my friends, yes of course I do. Do I want to throw them all out of the car, yes of course I do.

We finally managed to make all our proof legal and insured that there were no loopholes around it. Right now we were collecting a few witnesses.

Some had witnessed the kidnapping, three have seen our suspects scooping out schools and cafès where the girls worked, and about seven of them have seen three of our suspect's faces. But our ticket home are the two girls that managed to escape. It took a while to find them but with my brother's help, we managed to get in contact with them.

They are both living on a ranch and are both still physically healing from their wounds. They didn't want to talk to us at first but after the ranch owner talked to them they agreed to talk to me with him in the room. With their permission, I called Richard and had them describe the men they saw while he drew them. Sure enough, our suspects were all the people they described. I convinced them to come to court and they agreed cause it would help the other girls go back o their families as well. That was before the December holidays and I haven't been in contact with them since. I didn't want to risk anything. We reached my parent's house and my team stepped out of the car leaving me with the ranch owner and the two ladies

"How are you guys feeling?" I asked the two ladies

"Scared" one of them said and the ranch owner tighten his grip on her hand reassuringly

"I have a girlfriend and a boyfriend" I said making all three of them look up at me
"I know we agreed to not share names until the last few days before court but I wanted to put it out there so you know that no one in this house will judge you both"

"I deeply care for them both and I didn't want it to be misinterpreted. I don't want anyone judging them or me. I love them like my own daughters" he said making both of them tear up

"My family is a lot of things but judgemental isn't one of them. I have no idea what both of you have been through and I won't sit here and pretend I know, but I want to thank you both for allowing us to hear your part of the story and volunteering to help the other ladies" I said then the girls nodded their heads before we all stepped out the car

"I did want to bring you to a safe house but then realized we are dealing with cops so this is the safest place I know. I've already informed you of what my family does and I hope that you don't judge them for it"

"After the way cops treated us I'd give criminals a shot" one of the girls said making us chuckle

"Hey, we aren't criminals" I heard ma say from the opened door

"Oh, I-"

"You have to be caught first to be considered that" ma said with a wink making the girl visible relax

"I would love to stay and chat but I still have some work to do" I said then heard my mother scoff while I sighed

"Ungrateful piece of s..."

"This is my mother, Sage" I said interrupting her making our guest laugh

"Gavin Brown" he said holding out his hand for my mother to shake
"And these are my daughters, Nicollet and Elizabeth Brown"

"It's pleasure to meet you all and girls I'm so sorry you had to go through all that" she said then hugged the girls who tensed up at first then relaxed.
"I know you probably aren't comfortable around men yet and I, unfortunately, pushed out four of them and adopted another seven"

"Wow" Elizabeth said making ma chuckle

"Dommy here and my sweat Scarlett are the only daughters I pushed out and I have two more daughters that I'm pretty sure you'll meet later on" she said smiling at both of them
"I'm sure you already met the cult..."

"Cult?" Nicollet asked

"The men you came with" she said making them nod
"I know that they're all quite big in statue..."

"Understatement" Gavin said making me snort

"True but that is about how big all my sons are, if not bigger. Actually, they are slightly bigger than the cult" she said the last part more to herself
"But I swear their all a bunch of children and big teddy bears with too much sarcasm"

"They are a bunch of children" pa said appearing behind ma

"I was including you in that statement love" she said making him gasp

"You wound me love" he said then pouted making ma roll her eyes and hug him

"And you call us clinging" I said then turned to our guests
"I should get my team so we can finish this case and get those fuckers in jail"

"Language" ma said making me cough

"We'll come back later to see if you still have your sanity intact" I said making them laugh. I directed them into the house while my parents chased each other around the front yard.

"Are we really safe here?" I turned and looked at Elizabeth holding onto Nicollet's hand.

"I promise you my family will protect you. My brothers may seem scary at first but I swear they would never hurt you" I said looking them both in the eyes. I lead them into the living room. Two of my brothers had their feet in foot spars while Scarlett did their nails and my team was just there.

"Ello" Scarlett said to them making them smile

"Hi" they all said simultaneously

"Well, then. That idiot with headphones on is Donatello and the angel next to him is Santi. That princess is Scarlett and you've already met the cult" I said

"How are we a cult?"

"Where are the other idiots?" I asked

"Whose an idiot?" I turned and saw Dakota

"This is my other brother Dakota where's your husband?"

"In the kitchen, he told me to go away" he said pouting making the girls giggle

"Guys this is Gavin Brown and his daughters Nicollet and Elizabeth Brown" I said introducing them. I motioned them into the room and they followed me.
"Where's Angelo?"

"You called?" he said appearing out of nowhere. I was about to comment on it but stopped when he locked eyes with the two new women in the room.

He had his nails and his toenails painted black by Scarlett, had a towel in his hand and stood in nothing but his sweatpants shorts. I turned my eyes to the two women but they also had their eyes on him. Gavin cleared his throat making Angelo look at him and raise an eyebrow. Dakota went to him and slapped the back of his head telling him to be nice. Angelo turned to look at his younger brother and this man gulped and ran off with Angelo hot on his heels.

"No running in the house!" I heard Israel yell

"Baby he's gonna kill me!" Dakota yelled

"Your husband is childish!" Angelo also yelled

"What does that make you since you're chasing him?!" Israel yelled and it went quiet for three seconds before the back door was ripped open

"Shut up!" Angelo yelled running after my brother. I sighed and faced our guest, the girls were smiling and had rosy cheeks but that all went away when they met their father's eyes

"Well, gentlemen let go" I said not wanting to comment on anything. We got back into our different cars, since we stopped here before leaving, and drove back to our office.

Richard began to call people and lawyers and whatnot, Romeo got an arrest warrant, Ricardo got in contact with Swat to raid where they were holding the girls, Raven got a judge that could not benefit from our suspects winning, and Romeo finished off all our paper reports. Me? I was there feeling unnecessary and contemplated going home but these bitches reminded me that I had to call our other witnesses about their whereabouts.

I had just finished my last call and decided to go get us burgers. I was in the drive-through when I saw a video in our group chat. I thought nothing of it and pressed play and nearly dropped my phone when I saw them both naked. I swear I couldn't have gotten out of the drive-through sooner. I closed all my windows and looked around for people before playing the video again. I was beyond hard. I was on the brink of cumming in the fucking drive-through.

I impatiently waited for the food, as I texted them that I'd be home in 45 minutes. I may have broken a few speed limits to get back to our office but it is for the greater good. I told two of the guys to meet me outside. I gave them all the food and drove off not wanting to waste anymore time. And now this asshole traffic cop is giving a ticket, does he not understand the type of life or death situation I'm in? He let me go after I told him  I had to catch a suspect before they randomly disappear.

"Hello?" I said walking into the apartment we adopted but heard no response. I walked into the kitchen and saw my boyfriend singing his heart out hitting all the high notes horribly but somehow looked adorable. I stood there and watched the big man sing and stir the pot at the same time. I couldn't help but take out my phone and record him. The cutest thing was when he realized I was there and sang even louder.

"Hi" he said kissing my lips after turning off the music

"Hi" I said then gasped when he wrapped me up in his arms

"I missed you" he mumbled into my neck making me smile

"I've only been gone a few hours baby" I said making him huff

"I was asleep when you left, so to me it's more than a few hours" he said making me laugh.

He put me back on the floor and switched off the stove. He guided me to the bedroom and sat me on the bed before he disappeared into the bathroom. To say I was confused would be an understatement, and him coming back a few minutes later with a smile confused me even more. Kissing my lips, he began stripping me of my clothes then he picked me up and walked to the bathroom. I saw the tub being filled with water and I smiled up at him. He kissed my forehead before placing me in the tub and walking out the bathroom only to come back a few seconds later fully naked. He climbed in behind me before hugging me and kissing the back of my head.

"How was work?" he asked making me sigh and cuddle into him

"Way too long" I said making him chuckle and begin washing my body

"I'll give your tired body a massage afterward then" he said making me smile

"You make the perfect housewife" I said making him ball out laughing

"Mmh, I don't mind as long as it doesn't bother you both" he said

"Why would it bother us?"

"I don't have a lot of money so I can't buy you the world nor can I buy you the universe" he said making me turn around and straddle his lap

"You do realize that my entire family is involved is in the mafia right?" I said making his hum
"I'm the one who should be scared about you both leaving me but I'm not. You are perfect, inside and out, don't ever let anyone tell you differently okay"

"Okay" he said then kissed my lips. I watched him wash the rest of my body then he let me wash his before he dried us both then, again, he picked me up and placed me on my stomach on the bed. He left and came back with a towel around his waist and oil in his hand.

I closed my eye when he climbed onto the bed and sighed in content when the oil touched my body. The feeling of his big hands on my body not only made me hard but it also had me blushing like a teenager. I was unconsciously moaning and I swear I felt myself cum. I felt his hands moving lower down my body and it took everything in me not to tense up.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to" I heard him say as his hands remained unmoving

"I-I want to but I'm nervous" I whispered out then felt him kiss my bare back... bare back haha

"Just say stop and I will" he said and I nodded my head. It felt all kinds of weird when his finger brushed my hole but then it felt kinda good when his finger began moving in a circular motion. What I wasn't prepared for was his tongue on my ass. I don't know what that man did but I felt my body arching toward him. I never would have imagined enjoying having my ass ate, I mean I enjoy eating theirs, but fuck, if I knew it felt this good he could have fucked me the first night we slept over.

"Shiit" I moaned when he stuck one finger in while I was in my high which made him chuckle.
"Warn me next time"

"But then you would have tensed up" he said and I know he's stupid face turned into a pout
"It will feel weird and painful at first but I promise you it feel mind blowingly good taking dick up your ass"

"Okay" I said then he kissed my back and told me he's gonna add another finger. I tried not to tense up as much as I could, but that didn't stop the slight pain I felt. I hissed and heard him apologizing at the speed of light. I did say no when he wanted to pull them out cause fuck, we're already here, and I've seen just how much they enjoy having their asses fucked, so I want to feel that too.

"You know, I was scared of asking you to do this" I said as he began moving his fingers

"I know baby, but there will come a time when you really want something and Trinity nor I can guess what it is" he said making me sigh
"I love you Dominique and nothing that comes out of your perverted mouth is gonna change that"

"Hey" I whined making him chuckle while I smiled but then I moaned

"Does it feel good?" he asked near my ear

"Weirdly good" I breathed out arching my back again

"Ima add another finger okay?" he asked and I was too busy wondering why this felt good to answer

"Holy shit" I said throwing my head back onto the pillow and trying not to scream.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make this easier for you" he said making me smile at his sweetness while breathing through all the pain. It did subside and that felt amazing if I'm being honest and when it did, this man had the audacity to begin fucking my ass.

"Well this isn't something you see everyday" I opened my eyes and saw Trinity standing in the doorway with her arms folded.

"Shut u-up" I said feeling my face flush even more

"You know, I fully expected you to be on your hands and knees big boy" she said and  the fucker chuckled

"I was fully expecting that as well, but what's life without surprises" he said increasing his speed making me moan loudly.
"Fuck I love the sounds you make"

"There's nothing better than hearing your lovers moan" Trinity said but I was on a high I've never been on, so I couldn't answer them.

"Trinity my love, I do believe Dom requested you on her dick on I enter her" Nathaniel said making me opened my eyes and smirk at her

"As you wish" Trinity said before I heard her giggling

"But, instead of your cunt, I want you to take her up your ass"

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