Joffrey Baratheon 2.0: Reborn...

By avidreader252

22.7K 799 24

Haley lived a sad, cruel, and lonely life. She loved diving into fantasy world's through books and tv just to... More

Meeting a Creator
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

2K 86 3
By avidreader252

The past two days in Winterfell have been fun. Instead of working constantly I have been taking time to enjoy myself between spending time with Sansa, sparring with Robb and Jon, and getting Bran  and Jon used to being a squire I've hardly had a worry. Today however I have work to do.

Currently most of the men are preparing to go on a hunt. Father wanted me to join but I told him I had other plans. Making my way to the broken tower with Brienne, Sandor, and Jon following me I find the place I spotted yesterday. There is a circle of winter rose bushes that are four feet high, in order to get in the middle of them you must crawl through but after that there is actually a decent sized in the middle hopefully we will all fit. I start crawling through while Brienne and Jon start questioning me.

"Just follow after me and I'll explain!" I exclaim getting annoyed how worried they were. I pop up in the middle as I turn to see I have a perfect vantage point to see the door when my mother and uncle come and to also see when bran starts climbing.

"Why the fuck did I just crawl through pointy ass bushes?!" Sandor yells when he is the last to make it through.

"Stop yelling! We are on a mission of upmost importance," I say pompously. They look at me like I'm crazy when I sit on the ground and start looking for a hole to see through I find a small hole, take out my sword and stick it in the hole and slowly make the hole bigger. I turn around to see them still standing. "Get down! We don't need people seeing us!" I whisper shout. Jon and Brienne obey though reluctantly. Sandor stands there giving me a glare until I yank him down.

"My Prince, what are we doing that is so important?" Brienne asks quietly.

"I've had suspicions for a while and I hope today I will have proof," I explain vaguely peering through the hole.

"Oh, that explains this bloodily madness," Sandor grumbles. We sit in silence for an hour before I see Mother and Uncle walking quickly looking around for any eyes on them. They make their way to the door quickly shutting it.

"That was the queen and the king slayer," Jon says with a confused look.

"Jon do you know the layout of the tower?" I ask.

"Most of it is in ruin. There is a room at the top that hasn't crumbled where that window is with spiral stairs leading up," he explains.

"So only one way in?" I ask to which he nods. I see Bran make his way over and start climbing. "Alright be silent and follow me," I say crawling my way back out. By the time all four of us have crawled out and made it to the door Bran is already half way to the window. We silently make our way up the stairs hearing moaning and groaning. I look back to see disgust in Sandor's eyes and confusion in Brienne and Jon's.

We make it to the door and I hold up a finger to wait. After two minutes I hear it. "He saw us! He saw us! Kill him!" I hear Mother yell. I nod and the four of us barge in weapons drawn.

Mother's face is priceless and Jamie stands there with an incredulous look, his hand balled up with Bran's shirt ready to push him out the window.

"Step away from him, Uncle!" I yell with my sword pointed at him. He slowly lets go and backs up with his hands in the air. "Jon grab Bran, take him to Lady Stark. Tell her he is not to leave her sight and that is a direct order from the crown prince after I want you to ride as fast as you can to both our Fathers. Tell them I said their presence is required immediately and bring them to this tower we shall not leave and talk to no one else," I say calmly, before I'm done talking Jon has Bran in his arms and is moving.

"Joffrey! Joffrey, please my son don't do this," Mother starts to plead as Jon and Bran leave.

"It's too late, Mother. You've brought this on yourself. Now this is how it's going to go when Father and Lord Stark get here you are going to say that this 'relationship' started three years ago when Father started getting fat," I say having Uncle on his knees with Sandor standing behind him.

"What? What are you talking about?" Mother asks with a shaky voice.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. This is the only way to protect Myrcella and Tommen. You both were drunk and lonely and it just happened and it kept happening even though you knew it was wrong. Then Jon Arryn found out so you went to Little Finger to help get rid of him and told Measter Pycelle not to speak of the poison and to let him die," I said as Mother starts bawling and Jamie just has a dumbfounded look on his face.

"We didn't! I swear we never went to Little Finger!" Cersei exclaims.

"No but Little Finger is the one to talk Lysa Arryn into poisoning her husband because he found out your secret and that would mess up his plans to get the throne. I didn't have proof but you shall be my proof. You didn't deny going to Pycelle to cover up his death," I say raising an eyebrow.

"Why would we say that?! Robert would want our heads even more!" Jamie yelled.

"Because if you don't Lord Stark will dig into his death and find out that my siblings are your bastards and we both know what Father would do to them if they found out. Everyone says your one redeeming quality is the love you hold for your children if that's true you will do this," I say seriously looking into my Mother's eyes.

"You would sentence your own mother to death?" She asks heartbroken.

"I will do everything in my power to make sure you keep your head but the only way you will is by doing exactly what I say," I say putting my sword away.

"What about them?! You have to kill these two no one can know about Myrcella and Tommen!" Cersei says glaring at Sandor and Brienne.

"I trust them with my life. They won't say a word," I tell her looking at them they nod. Hearing a commotion through Winterfell I know the hunting party has returned. "Hurry up and say your goodbyes this most likely will be the last you see of each other," I say quickly nodding to Sandor to let Jamie up he takes his sword and hands it to me as the two twins kiss and exchange soft words. Hearing Father's thundering footsteps, I motion Sandor and Brienne to grab them putting them on their knees on separate sides of the room.

Father, Lord Stark, and Jon enter the room with two king guards staying outside of the room. Jon comes and stands beside me as they take in the people in the room.

"What is the meaning of this?! Interrupting my hunt for a family squabble?!" Father yells.

"Tell him," I demand Cersei. Her lips wobble and she bows her head.

"I have been bedding Jaime Lannister for the last three years," she whispers.

"Speak up woman!" Father yells.

"I have been fucking my twin for three years! While you have been whoring and getting fat he was taking care of me every way possible! I'm in love with my twin! My brother! My lover!" Cersei says standing and yelling at him until Brienne pushes her back down on her knees. There is a moment is complete silence. Ned looks horrified and my father stares at her a moment before his face starts to turn red in anger.

"Tell him all of it," I demand before he can start going off.

"Jon Arryn found out. I couldn't let him tell you so I went to Little Finger for help. He... he said Lysa Arryn was in love with him after that it was easy to get tears of Lys from Pycelle. Lysa the crazy whore she is was more than happy to give it to her husband. Pycelle covered up his death saying it was a sickness, stupid old man will do anything for Tywin Lannisters daughter," she says with a proud smile.

"I was exploring with Jon, Sandor and Brienne guarding me when we heard noises and came up to investigate. Cersei was screaming to kill him. Bran was climbing and saw them. We got here just in time to stop Jaime from throwing the boy out the window," I explain. Lord Stark looks like he is going to be sick and my Father just looks dumbfounded. After a few minutes of staring at Father I decide to take charge. "Lord Stark it is important that we handle this situation delicately. I would ask that you put them in separate rooms no one in or out without our say so. Preferably with Stark Guards that you trust so they cannot be bought off. It's best if we speak of this after they have been settled," He nods asking Jon to fetch some people. Some Stark men come and collect them before my father even wraps his head around what just happened.

"I'm a shit king. A shit husband. All this behind my back and I never knew," Father starts off before he starts laughing. I look at Ned worried, he gives me a similar look.

"Robert, it's not your," Ned starts.

"Don't say it's not my fault! It is! Ever since I lost Lyanna I've been drinking and whoring and whoring and drinking. My own fucking wife turned to her brother! How is that not my fault!" He screams back at his best friend. I motion for Brienne, Sandor, and Jon to leave.

"Many people have unhappy marriages Father. I'm certain their wives don't start bedding their brothers because of it," I scoff.

"Your Son is right. Sure had you been drinking and whoring a little less you might have noticed but it still would have happened," Ned try's to calm him down.

"What am I to do, Ned?! Execute them?! The crown owes a million gold coins to the Blonde Fucks!" Father says getting pissed again.

"No. Don't execute them. We put them on trial. They will be found guilty obviously. Send Tywin a letter saying Jaime is to be stripped of his white cloak and titles and sent to the wall, Cersei will face whatever punishment the High Septon sees fit and your marriage will be null and void. Half of what the crown owes him will be paid and the other half waived. If he does not like these terms and decides to go to war they will be executed," I explain emotionless. They look at me before Ned nods.

"That could actually work," Lord Stark says looking to my father.

"After this mess I am handing the throne to you, my son. You will be a better king than I ever could be. I am proud of you. How would we pay back the half a million coins though?" He asks a lot calmer than before.

"I've been working on getting the crown out of debt. Do not worry Father I have the money. We will need to get back home quickly though, if we travel the kings road and word gets back to my grandfather before we make it I have no doubt he would attack," I explain.

"White Harbor, I will send a messenger to Lord Manderly to have a ship ready. It will take two days to get there," Lord Stark says walking out the door.

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