The night we met

By roxane125373

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Marcus is a funny boy. Always laughing and making jokes around, he just seems like the perfect guy every girl... More

New start
First day of school

The Party

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By roxane125373

The week went by fast. Real school is very different from home schooling. I wasn't used to having homework and to everything being explained so fast. At least I was confortable asking my mother question but here it was different. Every time someone raise their hand everyone would roll they eyes.

It was Friday and the party was tonight. I talked with Kat about how I would dress. I was thinking of some baggy jeans with a small simple baby-T. Kat was thinking of some black legging with an oversized T-shirt. She said it would make her ass stick out. I was laughing at her remark when Marcus walk by us.

- See you tonight, he said with a smirk on his face.

I blushed so hard I could feel the heat come out of my cheeks. Kat looked at me mouth open.

- I didn't know you had a thing with Marcus?

- I didn't either.

I went home with Kat at the end of the day to prepare ourselves for tonight. We put on some makeup, did our hair and everything. By 9 o'clock, we were ready. The walk from my house to Mat's house wasn't very long. 10 minutes at least. Once there, you could hear the loud music even from the street. We knock at the house and it was Josie who open to us.

- What are you doing here? She asked.

- Don't you remember? Mat invited us! I said before passing by her holding Kat hands. She seemed shock but honestly I couldn't care less.

When Marcus saw me he went our way.

- I was wondering when you would finally arrived. He said with a big smile.

- Is she the girl you can't stop talking about? Said Mat while hugging Marcus.

- Shut up. Replied Marcus.

I laugh a little before continuing my way, still holding hands with Kat. When I saw the bottle of pink tequila, I ran towards it. I made myself and Kat some shooters and after 4 down, we were already on the dance floor. One of my favourite Shakira song came on and so I took Kat's hand and put them on my hips while I danced in front of her. We were dancing together, swaying my hips left and right with Kat following them with her body. I was already half in the song when Kat's hand were replace by someone else but at that time, I didn't give a fuck. The alcohol running in my blood made me loose every sense of logical thinking. When the chorus started, I threw my hand in the air, gripping the neck of whoever was holding me.

« I never knew that she could dance like this, she make a man want to speak Spanish »

-¿Cómo se llama? SÍ,  bonita, SÍ, mi casa, Shakira, Shakira... I started signing with all my heart, pouring the lyrics my old friend Rico and I used to sing together. As I continued to sing and laugh, I felt something poking into my ass and got uncomfortable. I knew it wasn't Kat's hand on my hips anymore but I didn't believe it would be a boy replacing them. When the song finished, I tried to move away of whoever was holding me. I didn't turn my back to see who it was. I preferred it that way. I was trying to find Kat when I finally saw her kissing Mat on the couch. I didn't want to disturb them so I went back to the kitchen to pour myself another shot of vodka this time.

- You were really hot on the dance floor, said Marcus while approaching me.

- Oh yeah haha, I used to go to parties with Rico and I would always end up dancing while everybody just talked.

- Well everybody was watching you.

- You as well? I asked him.

- Yeah, I saw you and Cole.

- Oh so it was him.

- You didn't knew who you were dancing with? You two seemed to be such good friend the way it looked. I almost got jealous.

- Let's hope you don't, haha. But no, I didn't knew it was him. In fact I didn't really care who could be holding me I just wanted to— Someone had just bumped on me and spilled all of their beer on my shirt.

-Ah shit.

- That sucks, Marcus said. Let me help you clean. Come with me.

He took my hand and guided me to the upstairs bathroom. It was way more calm here then downstairs.  I took of my shirt and started wiping myself with a cloth and water. I didn't want to stink and be sticky the next day so the sooner I washed, the better I would feel. I think it embarrassed Marcus since he became as red as a tomato. I laugh at his cuteness when I also became red.

- Hum, I don't have another shirt...

I felt so stupid at that moment. I was so comfortable a minute ago but felt so dumb right now for not thinking of bringing another shirt.

- Here, take this while I snatch one's of Mat.

He took of his own shirt, giving it to me. While he was shirtless, I was able to see his large and muscular shoulders. I also admired his discreet abs and V line near his pants. When I noticed he saw me, I quickly turned away and put on the shirt. He then left and I was alone in the bathroom. I waited, not sure after what, but Marcus came back and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

- Let's go somewhere else. He said taking my hand in his again. He took me to a room and to my surprise, directed me toward the window. He opened it than started climbing toward the roof. I followed behind him, not sure if this was a good idea. Once we were sat, Marcus lifted my head to the sky. I saw all the stars and the perfect white and round moon.  It was so pretty. I laid my head on Marcus shoulder, amazed by the show I was seeing. He putted his hand behind my back, holding me by the side. I felt the butterflies in my tummy buzzing around and just felt so happy and calm in his embrace that time stopped passing by.

- Is it the first time watching the sky? Marcus asked me.

- No, I use to do sleep over on the beach with Rico when I was younger.

- You also mention him earlier. I didn't ask then but, who is he?

- Rico? Well, he was my first ever boyfriend.

- Oh.

- Yeah... But don't get jealous! I didn't see him since last year.

- Well that was not so long ago.

- But in my heart it feels like it has been ages. I believe life is too short to be sad and so I like it better to just live all the way everyday.

- That's pretty.

- Haha, thanks.

- I wished I could think that way. Just be happy everyday.

- That's not what I said. There's days when I get really sad. The thing is to believe the sun will always rise back and there will always be a new day.

- It's hard sometimes to see the sun rise again. I feel like I haven't seen it in years. Everyday I wake up in a dark room. I get to school and the sky is still pitch black. I hate that the feeling of emptiness I have in my heart. I eat because I need too, I sleep because that's what my mom want me to do, but inside of me, there's nothing.

- Even when all you see is dark, there's always the stars. Look up, just there. Don't you see? Their light might be small, but it's there. Think of it as this. You might feel empty, but always know there is something. It can be small, maybe you don't even see it, but I guarantee you it's there.

- You really have a gift with word.

- And you my gift.

- What do you mean?

- I don't know. I never felt as comfortable around someone as you, and I don't even know why.

- I feel the same. When I first saw you, I thought you looked so pretty. But the more I saw, the more perfect you seemed. Everything about you seems so easy and sweet and calm. That's why everybody already likes you.

He turned his head towards me, his dark brown eyes meeting mine until I looked back up at the sky. We stayed like this, my head on his shoulders, his arm on my hips, not even talking because we didn't needed to. We both felt good just by being next to each other. After I while, I stared to get cold and Marcus noticed. He proposed we get back inside. He helped me get off the roof and back into the room. Still holding my hand, he guided me to the bed. Some part of me didn't want to sleep in a bed that wasn't mine but the way I felt with him made me want to forget everything else. It's crazy because I didn't even know him that long and yet I felt complete with him. And so I laid with him in the bed. Hugging each other, I slept with my head on his chest and his arms around me, melting in his embrace.

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