Total drama world tour!

By karateunicornalc

6.8K 91 178

Total drama world tourrrrrrrrrrr! More

Walk like an Egyptian part one
Walk like an Egyptian part two
Super happy crazy fun time Japan
Anything Yukon do, I can do better!
Broadway baby!
Slap, slap, revolution
The Am-AH-zon race
Hello there
Can't help falling in Louvre
! ! ! IMPORTANT ! ! !
Newf kids on the rock
Jamaica me sweat
I see London!
*Bonus chapter*Gwuncan begins
The ex files
Down and outback
Sweden sour
Niagara brawls
Chinese fakeout
Scarlett/ Alex gets eliminated
African lying Safari
Rapa phooey
Awwwwww, drumheller!
Interrupting the story, lmao
Hawaiian style
Planes, trains and hot air mobiles
Hawaiian Punch

Greece's Pieces

239 7 4
By karateunicornalc

Scarlett's POV 

There was something very strange going on. Tyler was freaked out, and Alex looked a little unsettled as well, but was hiding it a lot better. 

"Is everything alright? You two seem tense" I asked them both.

"Yeah, I'm fine. just didn't get much sleep" Alex said

Tyler looked around nervously "I saw something." he whispered.

"Tyler!" Alex said, looking pissed off.

Duncan woke up "Oh man, that was a deep sleep!" he said "Sleep of the dead! haha, you know what I mean, Tyler and Alex? dead."


Duncan: Tyler saw me and Gwen kissing, and now he's all paranoid, and Gwen told Alex what happened for some reason. But I think they both know better than to squeal! They better know better!

Alex: Well, Gwen and Duncan are doomed. Those Duncney shippers are vicious!

Tyler: *Nervous* I'm bad with secrets!


We went to the dining area and stood around the table. Amazon's on one side, my team on the other.

"Prepare yourself for challenges of an amateur caliber" Chris announced 

A few of us smiled, and Sierra clapped her hands.

"Because we're recreating the first Olympics!" Chris continued.

I raised my brows.


Scarlett: Um, if we were accurately recreating the original Olympics, this wouldn't be a kids show if you know what I'm saying


"And we're heading to the birthplace of the Olympics, in-"

"Greece" I said

"Atlantis?" Sierra guessed

"Mount Olympus?" Owen smiled

"Wrong, fictional, and, what?" Chris asked

"Olympus is where Greek people believe their gods reside, with the exception of Hades, the-" I began to explain .

"No one wants a history lesson Scarlett" Chris scoffed "And anyway, we're going to Rome Italy!".

Eh, I could go for some ravioli.

"Whoohoo! Pizza party!" Owen cheered

"But Scarlett was right, the Olympics were started in Greece. And she was right about Olympus too" Alex said.

"No, the Olympics originated in-" Chris began

"Greece, they're right" Gwen confirmed.

Chris pulled out some papers "INTERNS!" he yelled. Two ran up, one in red, one in blue.

"everyone should probably hold onto something" Chris said, before turning to the one in red "everyone except you." he said, poking the intern in the red shirt with his papers.

We all grabbed onto the table. The plane tilted to the side and the intern fell out.

Chris turned to the other intern "You better find some info on Greece. Quickly." he said. The intern scampered off "Greece it is. Hehe" Chris laughed nervously, walking off "Chef! Change of plans!".

We all got up.

"Prepare yourselves for battle" Sierra said, trying to intimidate us, key word being trying.

"Child's play! There's no way us athletes will lose to a team with no men!" Alejandro laughed.

Tell me this cheeto puff looking, jewelry wearing, dick head did not just say that.

I kicked him in the stomach making him fall over and roll around in pain.

"there's this thing called gender equality, you should look into it." I snapped.

"Hope you look good in silver, I'm great in gold" Heather smirked, walking over.

"I'll be sure to lend you my medal if you ever need to feel like a winner" I smirked back.


Heather: Scarlett might have helped me out a little in New York, but she's still an annoying brainiac who needs to go down!

Scarlett: Heather is proof that all attractive people are irritating.


The plane landed in Greece and we got out and walked to the Acropolis.

"Welcome to the Acropolis in Athens Greece! Home to the very first Olympics, where as my interns have informed me, competed naked." Chris smirked.

Owen sighed "Alright, time to drop the laundry" he said, starting to pull his pants down

He needs serious therapy before it's too late.

"No no no no! That was just a quirky fact not an order, stay dressed! Very dressed!" Chris said, before adding "We'll only have to resort to nudity if there's a tiebreaker!".


"Today we're going to be doing things a little bit differently. Since team Amazon is an all girl team-" Chris said

Cody groaned in annoyance.

"In order to make things fair, each round will be one on ones! The team with the most gold medals wins first class tickets to our next destination!" Chris said "Second place wins a brutal elimination ceremony".

"And silver medals! Second place gets silver?" Owen asked.

"There are no silver medals! Only gold!" Chris said firmly.

"But at the Olympics-" Owen began

"JUST GOLD!" Chris repeated.


Alex: What's the bet that the medals are chocolate?



We went to an area where there were many, many stone pillars.

"Our first historical event is a Greecen scavenger hunt! The inside of the Odeon of Pericles is full of maze like rows of huge columns. Players must search through this ancient forest of columns and return with the Greecen treasure that's waiting inside. First one to do so wins the challenge" Chris said

"So who's going in?".

"Me" Duncan and Gwen synced.

"What!?" Gwen, Duncan and Courtney exclaimed, before starting to protest.


Alex: The tea is hot!

Scarlett: This shit just got real


"Gwen versus Duncan it is!" Chris said with a grin.

"W- wow. That is so... fun" Courtney said nervously

"What's the big deal? Just let someone else do this event!" Duncan said.

"I'll gladly do it instead of Duncan!" Alex volunteered.

"My decision is final Alex!" Chris said.

Duncan muttered something.

"What was that?" Chris asked, sounding appalled.

"I didn't say anything" Duncan denied.

"And you won't be saying anything until the end of this challenge! From now on, you can either zip it, or sing it! That'll start to make up for the songs that you missed while in breach of your contract!" Chris said

"And if you speak instead of sing, you'll earn a lash from Chef's Olympic towel!" he added.

"Oooh, a towel. I'm sooo scared" Duncan scoffed

"You should be. Exhibit A" Chris said, before Chef whipped Duncan with a towel

"OWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" Duncan shrieked.

Chris inhaled sharply "shucks, really should have sung that 'Ow' bro" he tutted.

Chef whipped Duncan with the towel again

"Owwww" Duncan sang weakly.

The poor idiot.

"Much better" Chris said with a smile.

He gave Duncan and Gwen garbage can lids.

"Why do we need these?" Gwen asked


Alex: Because it's Total! Drama! World tourrrrrrrrrrrrr! *jazz hands*


"These authentic Spartan shields will help you in your treasure hunt, for the treasure you seek is around the neck of an neriendium boar!" Chris said "Good luck to you two! Duncan, Chef will be following you, so be sure to sing it if you have to say it. Chef! Sound the spartan battle horn!".

Chef blew a kazoo.

"That's the Spartan battle horn?" Chris asked. He sighed "Just go!"

Gwen and Duncan left, and the rest of us, minus Courtney, started walking away.

"W-we're not going to stay and watch? Closely? A-at all times?" she asked.

"Nope! Time to flip channels! Just like the real Olympics" Chris said.


"Paincration is an ancient Greek martial art with no rules!" Chris announced excitedly "Last man standing wins the gold!".

"As the strongest member of team Amazon, I volunteer to fight for our team" Courtney said.

"Um, I'm pretty sure I'm the strongest" Cody said, flexing his noodle arms.

"Haha. Haha. Ha." Courtney laughed flatly "As I was saying-"

Sierra growled "That's it! I volunteer to fight Courtney!" she declared angrily.

"Yes Sierra! Fight for your man!" I cheered, wanting Courtney to get punched in the face.

"Um, I'm gonna need someone from team I am really, really, really, really hot to get involved here. Anyone?" Chris asked.

"C'mon Al! We can take 'em!" Owen cheered.

"Wait! I was on the wrestling team in grade school!" Tyler said.

"Then we can make an arrangement. I'll give you my spot if you promise to repay me down the road." Alejandro said

"We're gonna destroy you!!!!!!!!!!" Owen said to the other team.

"Sold! In the ring with all of you!" Chris said.

Cody ran at Owen while screaming for some reason. Owen hit him away with his... shall we say girth, sending him flying.

Sierra them gasped, before attacking Owen.

Courtney was throwing punches at Tyler, who was dodging them.

"Come on Tyler! Just pin her already!" Alejandro commanded.

"I don't wanna hurt a girl" Tyler said.

Right, he's dead.

I calmly walked into the ring and punched him in the mouth. Courtney kicked him in the legs and he fell over.


Scarlett: In case you haven't noticed, I don't take kindly to sexism


Courtney and I high-fived, then realized we had just high-fived.

"That never happened" i said

"What never happened?" she asked.

"Excellent. anyway-" I said, before punching her in the stomach.

Cody ran up "Don't worry ladies, I'm back to save you!" he said.

"Just... stay out of the way pipsqueak!" Courtney threatened, holding up a fist.

Sierra gasped "Pipsqueak!?" she exclaimed, before releasing Owen from a headlock and running to kill Courtney.

"yeah, I'm gonna get out of here" Owen said, backing up.

"Your team is fierce. But shouldn't they be fighting us?" Alejandro asked Heather, who glared at him.

"respect my Cody!" Sierra yelled at Courtney. They somehow had each other in headlocks.

"Same... team!" Courtney said, sounding like she was running out of air.

"Girls, girls-" Cody said, trying to defuse the situation. Courtney slapped him in the face.

"Cody! You'll pay for that!" Sierra said. They both continued to strangle each other, before passing out.

Owen and I rested our feet on them.

"That's two gold for team Chris is really, really, really, really hot" Chris said, tossing Owen and I medals.

"Two?" Courtney exclaimed.

"It was supposed to be a one on one fight, but you guys turned it into a team event." Chris said.

I turned and started leaving as the idiot continued talking.

"What are you doing?" Alex asked me.

"Just going to check on Gwen and Duncan. Care to accompany me?" I asked

"I can go check for you, you just beat up people, you're probably tired" Alex said, looking nervous.

"No, I can handle myself. I appreciate the offer though" I said, before leaving.


Alex: Duncan and Gwen better not say or do anything suspicious for both their sakes!


I went back to the column filled area and saw Duncan and Gwen.

I hid behind a pillar and listened in.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned to see Alejandro.

"What are you doing?" I asked

"I could ask you the same thing" he said "You're spying on Gwen and Duncan, aren't you?"

"And?" I said "Now shut up, I'm spying on Gwen and Duncan".

"Don't expect me to leave" he said. We both looked at Gwen and Duncan.

They where both talking at once.

"Oh hey I just-"

"Oh hi-"

"You go first-"

"I can't believe-"

They both sighed and smiled at each other.

The song bell rang.

"Time for a song! Please continue, this time with music" Chris said "Gwen, although this is a duet, only Duncan has to sing".

Chef began playing a bouzouki


Bold words = stuff happening during the song

Duncan: I know what you're thinking,
I'm thinking it too!

Gwen: I'm not sure what you're thinking,
So maybe that's true.
Duncan: I don't know what happened,
but I have no regrets.

Gwen: For real?
Or because you know who  doesn't know yet?

Duncan: Oh, it's just between us!
Gwen: Not exactly. Someone made a fuss!

Scarlett and Alejandro are seen sneaking around in the background

Duncan: They sure weren't meant to see!
But that locked door couldn't secure our privacy-y-y-y!

Courtney: *talking normally* He's got such a great voice!
I can't make out the lyrics, *Yelling* speak up!

Chris: Shusssssssssssssssssssssh!

Duncan: Fine! Let's do it!
Let's clear the air!

Gwen: Save it for later,
look out for that bearrrrr!

A bear begins beating Duncan up

Duncan: Ahhh! The pain, the pain!
Too much to explain!

Gwen: We've gotta stop what we're doing!
Cause this is just insane!

Duncan: The boar-bear's got me!
And that's seriously lame!

Gwen grabs the medal from the bear

Gwen: Thanks, mister boar bear,
I guess I win this game!


I smirked to myself.


Scarlett: *Tents fingers* Interesting song.-

Alejandro: -Someone's been very naughty


Gwen ran over and high fived Courtney.

"Nice one Gwen! I-is Duncan ok? How long were you two alone before we got here?" Courtney asked nervously.

Can't wait to break the news to her.

"Time for the next event!" Chris said, starting to leave.

"What about Duncan!? Shouldn't we help him?!" Courtney exclaimed nervously.

"Chef will do that! Moving on!" Chris said.

We started walking away.

Alex grabbed my arm.

"I assume you know about Gwen and Duncan?" he asked, looking distraught.

"I believe so" i said.

"Please don't tell anyone! Gwen and Courtney are finally getting along, and Courtney learning something like this could destroy their relationship" he said.

"It would be beneficial for our team to break down the relationships on theirs" I said calmly.

"Do you ever use feelings over your brain?" he asked.

I thought about it for a moment "I might have when I was a child, but then I grew up." I said.

"Scarlett, please. Don't tell anyone. I know there's a spark of good in you" Alex said, before leaving.


Scarlett: Ugh! Stupid emotions! So irritating!


We went to the next event which was a bunch of hurdles set up.

"Welcome to the hurdles event! The ultimate test of speed and flexibility." Chris said "Players must leap higher and higher until they cross the finish line. First one across wins the gold. Heather and Alejandro, you're up!".

"Sorry, but I'm fast and flexible." Heather smirked, bending her leg back.

"If we lose, we're gonna vote for whoever didn't win a medal, right?" Owen asked.

Alejandro did the splits and tied his hair up with his feet before getting back up.

"Oh yeah" Owen smiled



Scarlett: Everything he does annoys me


"That should be Cody out there! In second grade, he competed in a hurdles event, and won the coveted participation award!" Sierra said, hugging Cody.

This girl has issues.

"The things you say frighten us all. Really, they do" Chris said, being right about something for once.

Heather and Alejandro went to the starting line.

"On your mark, get set-" Chris said, before blasting his airhorn.

The two started running, and Alejandro, being the absolute idiot that he is, started running backwards. Then on his hands. Then backwards again. Then he faceplanted into a hurdle. 


Scarlett: I'm not one to believe in karma, but Alejandro just got a face full of it


"A gold for the amazon!" Chris said.

Life can go fuck a cactus.


"Ok seriously, where is Duncan?!" Courtney exclaimed.

"Relax Courtzy, if he can handle you, he can handle anything" I said with an eyeroll.

"Shut up!" she yelled

"No." I replied simply, causing her to run out of words.

"Duncan will join us as soon as he can! You know, if he's still alive" Chris said casually.

"IF?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" Gwen exclaimed.

despite the possibility that; no matter whether. And in case you also didn't know, the alphabet goes a, b, c.

"Can we focus on the game please? It's time for the dreaded tiebreaker!" Chris said.


Alex: Well, better get the bleach ready if Chris was actually telling the truth earlier *Pulls out bottle of bleach* I've starting keeping some on me for situations like this


"One sec Chris" Courtney said, before turning to Gwen "You sounded really concerned there" she said suspiciously.

"Um, well, I- I know how you feel, so-" Gwen began.

bad choice of words.

"You know how I feel? Like, you get it? Or like you feel the same way?" Courtney asked.

"ummmmmmm, look! Wings!" Alex said, pointing to some wings made of feathers being brought in by an intern.

"Attention please! Chef spent two hours making these wings out of wax and the feathers he found in the planes engine! One member from each team must strap on the wings and take flight. All the way up there" Chris said, pointing upwards to where a crane was holding up the last medal of the day. "Whoever snags the medal wins the Olympics and a first class passage for their team"

"Uh, sounds kind of dangerous" Owen said

"Not at all!" Chris said.

We might have had an easier job believing him if the wings didn't disintegrate directly after he said that.

"We're gonna need more wax" Chris called.

The intern took the piles of feathers away.

"Alex, since you're the only Member of team I am so unbelievably hot who hasn't participated, you'll be taking part for your team" Chris said


Alex: Miercoles. I don't know what that means, but it was in my favorite animated movie.


"So, who's going up for team Amazon?" Chris asked

"I'll do it! For all of, you" Cody said, staring directly at Gwen.

Sierra pulled that small boy into a hug "Oh! Thank you Cody!" she said happily.

"And since this is a tie breaker, before you two strap on you're wings, please slip into these authentic spartan battle costumes" Chris grinned evilly, holding up two costumes.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! COSTUMES!" Sierra squealed, still hugging Cody.

The boys left and got changed before coming back.

Alex looked kinda cute not gonna lie... AGH! NO! SHUT UP SCARLETT! YOU'RE HERE TO WIN NOT DATE! *Slaps self*

"He's like an angel!" Sierra said, staring at Cody.

"Those are not auth-" Alejandro began before Sierra put a hand over his mouth

"Shush! No one cares!" she said.


"This is gonna be a close one..." Owen said

"yes... too close." Alejandro said, looking like he was thinking "We need a distraction to slow them down..."

He eyed Tyler and smirked.

"Time to pay back that favor" he smirked "Please tell Courtney what you know about Duncan and gwen".

"On your marks..." Chris said

"Tyler, don't you dare!" Alex said.

"Now." Alejandro said

"I SAW DUNCAN AND GWEN KISS!!!!!" Tyler blurted out.

"WHAT?!" Courtney exclaimed in both shock and anger.


Alex: Fuuuuuuuuuuuu-


"Ohhhh, that's a load off!" Tyler sighed happily

"He said he saw-" Alejandro began to tell Courtney

"Get set..." Chris said, ignoring the situation


'GO!" Chris yelled. 

Alex started flapping his wings, while Cody just stood there looking confused and annoyed.

"Duncan? DUNCAN?!" he exclaimed.

"You called?" Duncan said, randomly generating from the air. He noticed Cody's attire "ha! Nice bikini!" he laughed.

Cody got a look on his face that said two things, 'You kissed my crush bitch' and 'I'm going to make you pay'

He punched Duncan in the face.

"OWWW!" Duncan yelled in pain.

I sit here atop my ivory tower, watching to drama unfold.

Chef whipped Duncan with his towel

"SING IT!" he barked.

"Wow, this escalated quickly" Heather said

"I know" i agreed.

"FLY CODY! FLYYYYYYYYY!" Sierra yelled.

"Cody! Stay where you are!" Courtney snarled

"But we'll lose" Sierra said, before catching on "Oh. Cody, stay where you are!" she commanded.

"You are so, e-lim-in-at-ed" Courtney smirked, pointing at Gwen.

"She's got my vote/ Agreed" Sierra and Heather agreed.


Cody: *Heroically* I'll do anything for Gwen! *being a simp* She has to kiss me eventually!


Cody started flying, and somehow he started catching up with Alex. But then their wings started to melt.

"They're wings are molting!" Alejandro exclaimed 

"It's like Icarus" I whispered, recalling the myth.

"Maybe it's seasonal?" Owen suggested.

Could someone please shut him up?

"Come on Cody" Gwen said 

"YOU DON'T GET TO CHEER!!!!!" Courtney yelled.

Alex almost grabbed the medal, before his wings melted completely and he plummeted from the sky and landed on the ground.

I gasped and ran over.

"Are you ok?" I asked him.

"yeah, I think so" he reassured me. 

We both heard screaming and looked up to see Cody falling.

We both scrambled out of the way.

Cody had the medal.

the simp had the fricking medal.

"The amazons win! And the losers are heading back to the elimination room for the second time in a row!" Chris yelled

"Yes!" Gwen cheered happily.

Courtney punched her in the face.

I punched her in the face.


We went to the elimination room.

"So, here we are. Let's see why." Chris said "Alex, you lost the tie breaker, which is why you're all here. Alejandro blew it in the hurdles event which is why you're all here. Plus, he knocked himself out trying toout man a girl. All this while his hair was in a pony tail"

"What does my hair have to do with-"Alejandro began.

"Tyler, you got TKO'd by a couple of girls. Funny? Yes. But not helpful." Chris continued "And Duncan lost his first challenge and managed to ruffle a lot of melted feathers. Plus, if all the girls get eliminated, there's no telling who he'll try to kiss next!".

Duncan scoffed.

"You're choice is pretty clear. But tonight, the final choice is mine" Chris said "And the drop of shame will be taken by..."

please be Alejandro, please be Alejandro, please be Alejandro.

"This intern!" Chris declared, shoving a random intern out of the plane.

Wait, what? Ok, now I'm confused

"that's right, I'm ignoring the vote!" Chris grinned "As if I'm gonna send Duncan home when the fun's just getting started!"









Author's note

Hi! It's me again! 

I love this episode, and I love the song.

Peace out

-Chinchilla ✨

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