The Continuation of no way ho...

By Loveme2824

683 54 66

This story is about where the escaped symboite went who did it go to It continues what happens next But wha... More

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27 The End

Chapter 11

27 2 4
By Loveme2824

come on Herman tell me who gave you the suit stat Peter said 

it doesn't matter who it is he owns everything and every one you can't

stop him nobody can Herman said coldly 

Fisk Peter said in a low annoyed mutter knowing who he was referring to 

then after that, his spidey sense is going off as a giant tiger man tackles him down 

we meet again Spider Kraven said with a smile 

no not again Peter said annoyed trying to take him down but his strength was quite hard to fight because part of him is trying to hold back 

for as long as i can remember i have looked for an equal one who could push me one who could surprise me one who could even beat me yet all i found is a disappointment will youfinally give me what i desire Kraven said with a smile

he was  scarching his suit chest leaving a huge scar about half of his chest is showing it as Peter tried to fight back dodging his attacks 

because of you, the love of my life is gone my precious Alex left me she was all I had left if i can't have her back then ill enjoy killing you again Kraven said coldly grabbing his face then trying to stab him with his claws 

oh well you shut it not my fault she's gone you can't  say I blame her I probably would leave my husband if he attempted murder on an innocent child Peter said annoyed swinging away and not wanting to fight anymore 

Kraven grabs one of his legs spinning it away falling flat on the floor bumping one of the cars that the person was driving 

you're getting weak you're holding back on me and I thought you were a challenge well you're just another disappointment Kraven said with a smile as Peter punched him out of spite 

shut up Peter said angrily

he was being done with Kraven's insults being ridiculed blamed 

he was sick of it sometimes he believes he was the problem so for someone to call him a disappointment was upsetting to him 

so he lost it most of the time he has a lot of patience knows how to keep his cool knows how to calm himself down 

but if the person keeps crossing the line over and over pushing it that's when he's done so Kraven pushed that for him and so Mac Gargan knows exactly how to trigger it so does the green goblin him killing May was the level of being done 

so what he wanted most was not to cure him but kill him and get him out of his head reminding him that May was gone 

he just wanted all this to stop just everything to stop he couldnt take it that feeling hurt one 

he was swinging away as fast he can be going off fleeing the scene as Kraven was trying to after him 

after that he couldnt see where he was so he used his nose to find his scent then peter had the idea to use something strong a strong smell to trigger it so he won't be found anywhere by it 

But peter managed to escape by going to take that random spray she was holding and he took it 

sorry Mam I need this ill try to give it back promise sorry again Peter said nervously 

hey The lady shouted 

where are you spiderman or should I say- 

Peter sprayed it straight in his face his vision was blurry his eyes were red everything smelled like cinnamon and honey 

he couldnt find peter anywhere he couldnt even see him becuase everything was red all he could smell was cinnamon and honey

he started to scream from it as many people were frightened by it running away and fleeing away from Kraven since it was a lion roar 

then after that police show up to arrest Kraven since it was basically an animal out of the wild plus it was scaring the citizens of new york 

Peters away from the scene going to Ned's house as he gave Ned a huge hug 

 nana waved at him with a light smile and Peter waved back with a smile 

dude dude Ned said with excitement 

what is it dude Peter said confused 

I saw the news that was crazy man Ned said excitedly 

yeah so Peter said confused 

the way you took down these guys with such ease sandman again Ned said excitedly 

did you also know Lincoln Thompson is dead Ned said in shock 

yeah I do Peter said sadly 

oh ok Ned said bluntly 

uh dude do you think im you know a letdown Peter said nervously

no, of course, not man you're amazing and the coolest best friend I mean it's quite an honor actually Ned said with a smile 

thanks, Man Peter said with a smile 


Fisk then goes to Osborne 

what is it Norman said annoyed 

you've been a disappointment to me Osborn I no longer be needing your services Fisk said coldly then left the scene 

then later on Kraven gets released by Hammerhead as well 

 because Hammerhead approaches Kraven with an offer 

if you kill spiderman for us for me my buddy kingpin would give you millions of dollars and would consider yourself off in debt Hammerhead says with a grin 

im in the spider is about to get what's coming Kraven says with a smile agreeing with the offer and immediately starts tracking down spidey

Today March 31st at 8:00 PM

the time Michelle's family has dinner and peter is there as usual 

Michelle and Liam didn't mind but Madeline does she has a problem with it all of a sudden 

becuase of how he's secretly sleeping with her daughter behind her back so she still sort of hated Peter and she wasn't afraid to let him know that so 

let's just hope dinner night isn't going to be a total disaster right? 


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