
By UnAmericanTeen

9.5K 638 231

Every story is the same. "It's always someone you know." Or "Keep your friends close but your enemies closer... More

Chapter Two

Chapter one

1.8K 138 73
By UnAmericanTeen

"Like I told your partner, I just saw it hanging there. And my fucking Top Gun jacket is still missing, by the way."

Y/n's jaw clenched as the detective continued to stare at her blankly, waiting to write on his notepad. With a huff, Y/n began to tell the story again. "Fine. I had just got done giving her, Morgan, a great time and she was thirsty so, I volunteered to go get us some water. I ran into my brother and we talked for a bit when he remembered he forgot his phone charger in his car. He went to get the charger and I... I heard a sound, like um something dropping, you know?"

The detective nodded, eyeing her while scribbling down everything she was saying. Y/n's eyes shifted from his to the table, head shaking slightly as she recounted everything. "So I ran up there and that's when I saw her on the floor. She wasn't moving or breathing and that's when I shouted for Isaac to call 911."

"How could he hear you if he was outside?" Y/n snapped her head upwards at the condescending tone from the detective, automatically knowing why he was implying. "You said he went to get his charger?"

"Yes. But I panicked. I'm not thinking of my brother being outside, I'm thinking about calling for help."

"Why didn't you pick up a phone?"

"I didn't have it on me."

"We found your phone next to Morgan." Y/n's mouth closed as she felt the accusations piling up from him. The detective leaned forward. "Why didn't you grab your phone and call an ambulance?"

"Because I.. I was scared." Her head shook as she leaned back against the chair with a thud. "I barely know the girl. I just had sex with her and then she winds up dead not more than twenty fucking minutes later? I was scared okay? I— I called for my brother because that's all I could think of. I'm sorry if it's not a reasonable reaction but how else do you expect a twenty year old to react to someone's throat pooling with blood?"

The detective stared at Y/n, Y/n stared back, hands nervously tugging at the long sleeve of her shirt. Then, he closed his notebook. "We ran the security cameras at your house and can account for you in the kitchen at the time of death." Y/n sunk into her chair with a heavy exhale, relief immediately flooding her body. "But we're still keeping an eye on you, Y/ln. I don't care who your dads are. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Y/n sat, heavily sighing as she lifted from the chair. As they walked out of the room, her eyes brightened when she saw motherly eyes staring impatiently at a worker in front of them.

"No I'm not her mom, I'm her sister but that doesn't matter— I want to be present in the room with her.. I don't care that she's not a minor!"

"Juli?" Y/n called out, smile widening when her sister turned towards her. Julia glared at the lady at the front desk before power-walking to the youngest Y/ln. "I thought you were in Singapore?"

"Left early to check on you. How are you, kiddo?" Julia was the oldest of the three, not by much but enough to take on the role of the parents they didn't have. Well, the parents that weren't present.

Y/n shrugged her shoulders, sensing the stares of the detectives just behind her. Instantly, she slumped her shoulders down and shook her head. "Not good.. I paid a lot for that jacket." Juli furrowed her eyebrows and lightly shook her head in disapproval. Y/n smirked. "I'm kidding, a joke to lighten the mood."

"Not the place nor time, Y/nn." Juli responded, arm lightly wrapping over her younger sister shoulder as they walked outside of the police precinct. "Im gonna stay with you guys tonight but I'll have to fly out tomorrow morning. My boss is an ass and only gave me today off."

"Well yeah, his names Merrium. Anyone with a name like that is a dickhead."

Juli shrugged slightly as she pulled her car keys out and unlocked the door, allowing them both to slide in. "He pays well so I'll withstand it."

"Is that all he does well?" Y/n mumbled, looking over at her sister with suggestive eyes. When Juli kept her gaze forward, a slight crawl of blush covering her cheeks, Y/n's eyes widened. "Stop because I was kidding. Are you being for real?"

"It's new—"

"He's gross!"

"He's changed. He's a good guy."

"He literally just sent a Christmas card with his face on a Christmas tree. Literally, he put his face as the star on the tree and said 'have a Merri-um-Christmas?" Juli's serious expression cracked into an amused smile as Y/n laughed. "With literal hyphens in between. It was terrible."

"God, I told him not to send that. Puns aside though, he's nice and caring and just carry's himself differently when we're in the office versus when we're at home."

Home?! Y/n thought but refrained from saying anything. She kept her mouth closed but noted the use of words for something to be 'new' in retrospect.

"I suppose."

The rest of the way to the condo was silent as they both went into their own minds. The scene of the crime was scrubbed by the detectives and deemed safe to return to with caution. There would be officers surveying the area around the clock and check ups every hour. Safe to say, they would be safe.

"Home sweet home." Juli said, sighing as she parked in the drive way, the both of them sliding out with ease. "Isaac will be off in a few and then we can all hang out, yeah?"

"Actually.." Y/n smiled sheepishly as she stared out at the blue car parked just a few houses down from theirs. "I have to turn in my part of an assignment to a friend. It's a group um group project type thing. I just have to drop it off really quick then I'll be back."

Juli eyed Y/n as her sister made a beeline for the sidewalk instead of taking her bike.

With a pep in her step, Y/n continued forward, smile wide as her eyes connected with the brown eyes that were watching her every step.

The window already making its way down, Y/n leaned into it with a smug look on her face. "Hey stalker." The brown eyes rolled as she clicked the unlock button on the car, nonverbally signaling Y/n to get in. And she did. "Miss me?"

"It's too early to be annoying." She said, eyes now looking around the street. "Why are there cops in front of your house?"

Y/n shifted in her seat, trying to seem unaffected as she shrugged. "Heard there was a burglary, who knows." She looked at Y/n skeptically, resulting in the other now rolling her eyes. "Sam, as much as I love your non trusting eyes, I very much haven't eaten today and would like some tacos so.."

Sam hummed before putting the car into drive and moving them down the street, past the cops who were just walking back from Y/n's house. They kept a hard gaze on her as she smiled while passing by.

Y/n was as calm as anyone innocent could be with a handful of cops watching their every move, then surpassed it by tenfold.

"How about tacos later?" Y/n looked over at Sam with raised eyebrows as the former glanced at her, the smallest hint of a smirk crossing her lips. "I did miss you a little and my sister won't be at the house until later.."

Y/n smirked. "You speak my language so well."

And speaking languages they did. A bit of French and a touch of Australian.

Sam watched Y/n slide her shirt over ever head, the same cocky smile she usually had displayed. Moving to New York wasn't in her plans, but neither was getting with her younger sisters classmate.

Well, classmate was subjective. Y/n and Tara were in different years but had classes together because of Tara's advanced placement.

Their meeting was random, spontaneous, and one she'd never forget. I mean, she almost got her killed.

It was almost six months ago when Sam had left their apartment to pick up groceries. She was still finding her way around the city, her eyes flying at each shop she passed.

Just down the corner, Y/n was pedaling on her bike while listening to music on her headphones that exceeded the recommended level.

"I did it for loveeee!" She sung at the top of her lungs, ignoring anyone that looked at her but also knowing most people just ignored her. It was New York, of course. "I did it for funnn, I did it for.." Y/n's singing halted when she saw the most gorgeous woman stepping out onto the street in the bike lane. Her first thought was of how pretty her eyes shined in the sun. Then, it was how she was about to crash right into this pretty girl. "Shit!"

Just as Sam looked to her left, it was too late. Y/n swerved the bike to the right to avoid hitting the girl but that meant her body was the one to fly forward, inevitably taking the girl down as well.

As everything happened within a second or two, a horn honked and Y/n saw a car heading straight for the pedestrian she just took out. Without thinking, she hopped forward and wrapped her arms around Sam, instantly rolling her out of the way.

The case zoomed by.

"Holy shit." Sam breathed out, looking at the spot she once was, then at the passing car. "I almost died."

"Yeah." Y/n retorted matter-of-factly, arms still around Sam. That's when she finally acknowledged her savior with wide eyes and a deep inhale. "I wouldn't let anything happen to that pretty face though. Let's get you up." Helping her up, Y/n leaned down to pick up the notepad, nonchalantly catching a glimpse. "Eggs, milk, hot pockets— oh you're crossing the wrong street for the bodega. You gotta head down fourth for one more block."

Sam nodded softly as she leaned down, hoping to repay her gratitude as she lifted the bike from the pavement. "Thank you and I'm sorry. I should've looked both ways."

Y/n waved her hand with a small smirk. "No worries. You might need to keep me around though. I'm guessing you're new to the city."

Sam nodded, smiling but anyone could see it didn't reach her eyes. A story, Y/n thought, her titling. Everyone's got a story and she definitely had one. "Just moved in yesterday and I need food."

"I'll take you. I was just cruising and I can help you not die." Y/n joked, gaining another soft smile in return. "You can just call me your guardian Angel from now on."

Y/n's been quite the flirt from the beginning and that instant pull was something Sam clung to. With her rough past a distraction was what she needed and that's what Y/n was.

Y/n didn't mind one bit.

"So, I'm partnered with your sister for a group project and I think she has a crush on me." Sam looked up with raised eyebrows as she unpacked the takeout from the Mexican restaurant up the street. "I'm serious. She's called me inept two times yesterday. That's two down from last week. She's actually becoming nice."

Sam's eyes rolled as she focused back on the food. "She talks about you. In her words 'I should've expected someone so rich to have literal money for brains.' And then she showed me the paragraph you wrote."

Y/n smiled proudly as she sat on the chair in front of the table, her hands resting behind her head. "I'm not rich, my parents are. And I will have you know I received a C minus on that paragraph for our presentation. My professor said it was wordy."

Sam snorted a whole hearted chuckle as she lowered two waters to the table. "I don't think that's a good thing."

"It was good enough to pass." Y/n retorted, instantly pulling the containers of food towards her. "What else does sister say about me?" Sam tilted her head with a hum, picking up a nacho chip.

"She says you only care about getting a C average so you can continue playing for the ice hockey team and girls." I mean, she isn't lying, Y/n thought, shrugging as she took a bite of her taco. "Does your siblings play any sports?" Y/n's eyebrows furrowed as she looked up at Sam with squinted eyes. "What?"

"Nothing.. you just never asked about my family before." Wiping her mouth with the napkins Y/n lowered the half eaten taco. "I mean, my sister was the captain of the swim team when she was in college. My brother was a theater kid so, sports wasn't his thing."

"What do they do now?"

Y/n began to feel a slight beat of her heart that sped up faster than normal. She wasn't use to Sam wanting to get to know her besides what was in her pants. This was new, uncharted, but she liked it.

"My sister works at a fashion company as an fashion.. executive or something like that. I don't really know her job. But my brother is an actor. He's usually in Los Angeles but pops up every now and then." Sam nodded softly with a smile as she listened intently, almost like she was hanging onto every word.

"Your parents?" Y/n's smile faltered and Sam picked up on it instantly. "We don't have to talk about them.."

"No it's fine. They're usually off abroad securing some new painting then selling it for double. Some call them resellers, I can them scammers. Both in the career department and parent department." Sams head nodded softly, knowing all about the failed parent department. Y/n frowned. "They adopted Julia, Isaac and I to be like a happy family but eh, I learned better."

"What do you mean?"

Just as Y/n went to speak, keys jangled in the keyhole which sent bot Y/n and Sam's eyes flying to the door handle. "Shit. Hide." Sam rushed around to clean the table while Y/n raised up, making sure to grab her tacos on her way to the pantry in the kitchen. "Tara, heyy." Sam sung out, clearly sounding out of breath as she greeted her younger sister.

Tara's eyebrows pulled together as she tossed her keys onto the hook. "Hi?" She looked around. "Do I smell Mexican?"

"I had some after work but we can get more if you want? Do you wanna go out to eat or out anywhere, really?" Sam said, nearly commanding as she reached over to grab her jacket form the coat hook.

Tara stared at her with a deadpanned expression. "Sam.." she sighed when her sister continued to rush around. "Sam, I know what this is about."

Sam froze. "You do?"

"I do."

Y/n leaned forward intently to see what was about to happen. Wondering about how her classmate would react to finding out about their situationship, she took another bite.

"W-well, I was going to tell you. I swear."

Tara's eyes rolled as she pulled her bag off from her shoulder. "Well, it kinda spread fast. Especially around school—I mean, everyone knows."

Y/n smirked, knowing that if people thought she was off limits again, that meant more— wait. How would everyone know? Unless.. her eyes widened.

"How did everyone find out?"

"You're joking, right?" Tara questioned, head shaking as she stared up at her sister. "It's pretty hard to hide that fucking Ghostface is back, Sam."

Y/n's hand slapped over her mouth to stop herself from coughing loudly at the food that almost slid down the wrong pipe.

Sam couldn't breathe. "W-what?"

Tara looked down, head shaking. "Ghostface is back and they killed that cheerleader. You know, Y/n's girlfriend?"

Fuck me.

- Y/n


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