Joffrey Baratheon 2.0: Reborn...

By avidreader252

22.7K 792 24

Haley lived a sad, cruel, and lonely life. She loved diving into fantasy world's through books and tv just to... More

Meeting a Creator
Chapter one
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 4

2.2K 96 2
By avidreader252

After dressing for the feast, I leave my room early and head for Lord Starks office. It's important that he is completely on my side before my mother stirs something up. Knocking on the door I wait for him to answer.

"Enter," I hear his voice say. I walk in and notice how dedicated he is with his work before he finally looks up. When he realizes it's me he stands with a shocked expression and quickly bows.

"No need for that, Lord Stark. I was hoping we may speak?" I ask kindly.

"Of course, my prince," he says hesitantly. I sit in a chair opposite him.

"Well I'm sure my father has already demanded that our houses be joined. I wanted to let you know I think with the right training your daughter will be a wonderful queen. I have been exchanging letters with her for some time and I have come to care for her without even laying eyes on her. I also wanted to put any doubts you might have about me down. I give you my word that if you allow me to wed your daughter I will do all in my power to make sure she lives a long, happy, and healthy life," I say seriously looking him in the eyes the entire time. He was speechless by the time I was done. I know he was worried about how much Lannister is in me and I will do everything to prove him wrong so my plans go exactly how they should. He takes a minute to compose himself before he nods.

"You look just like your Father when he was younger I was worried you would act like him too. I see now I judged you too soon. You have my blessing to wed my daughter but should you ever hurt her I will raise up the entire north and March on kings landing," he says in his grave deep voice.

"I expect nothing less, My Lord," I say with a small smile. "I suspect my father has also spoken to you about becoming Hand of the King?" I ask.

"He has, did not give me a chance to say no," he says sadly.

"Well, Lord Arryn ran most of the 7 kingdoms himself. I know you and Father were close when you were younger but he is not the man you knew, My Lord. I love my father despite his faults but he has no interest in being king. Years ago Lord Arryn took me under his wing, taught me what I need to know to be a good king someday. I thought of him as an uncle and I helped in anyway I could. I would also like to offer you my services as well. I have been doing what I can for the city but outside of it I have very little power at this time. In short, My Lord, the seven kingdoms need a lot of work and the small council is full of treacherous people. I have evidence that can condemn a few of them. Between Lord Arryn's death and my fathers need to be free of the crown I have not been able to fix what needs to be fixed," I explained going straight to business. He takes a minute to take in what I said before he sighs running his hand down his face.

"What crimes do you have evidence for and for whom?" He asks.

"I'm afraid even the north has ears, My Lord. Should this information get back to the wrong people before we can make a move the 7 kingdoms could be in danger. I only tell you this so your careful and cautious when we get to the capital. I will tell you however that my Uncle Stannis is the only person I trust completely on the council. I trust Varys to an extent. Most people try to do everything to boost their status and title but Varys cares for the small people and for the realm rather than himself and I find that admirable," I explain.

"What of my wife's childhood friend? Little finger they call him?" He asks the one thing I did not want him too. I look down wondering what to say, when my eyes flick up to him he has understanding in his eyes. "He is one of them then?" He practically whispers in shock.

"Lord Stark I have never been more serious than I am in this moment. People think my grandfather is the most dangerous man he is not. Little Finger will burn the kingdoms to the ground if it means he gets to be king of the ashes. He will also go just as far to get you out of the picture so he may have a chance with the love of his life," I whisper in his ear after walking around his desk. We maintain eye contact for a minute before he nods gravely. I nod back glad he understands before going to the door. "Oh I almost forgot Bran has expressed his desires to become a knight and I thought he might become my squire," I says turning back to him.

"Do you not have one, My Prince?" He asks confused.

"I do however I am trying to slowly lessen the amount of power the Lannisters hold in the capital. My squire is a cousin from my Lannister side who either spy's on me for my mother or for my grandfather. Most princes have two squires and I know he might be a little older but I would also like Jon to become my squire as well," I explain. His eyes get big when I mention Jon.

"Jon is a bastard, My Prince. Bastards have no place in the capital," he says with furrowed brows.

"Yes! Another thing I'm trying to change. Children shouldn't be punished for their parents sin, no offense. My own bastard brother, Gendry Waters, has moved into the red keep in the room next to mine after talking my father into allowing it. Many in court still look down on him I do what I can but I feel him and Jon will get on splendidly and perhaps it will be good for both of them," I explain. He stares at me before he agrees to talk to him and Bran.


I escort Sansa to the great hall. She looks beautiful in the blue dress I gifted her. We sit and eat and have a grand time before I look around for Jon.

"Robb, where's Jon?" I ask the boy across me.

"Mother thought it would insult the king to have a bastard at the feast," he said sadly. I get up and walk outside looking for him. I find him hitting a dummy with a sword.

"Jon!" I call walking to him.

"My Prince," he quickly bows.

"Oh come now none of that. Why are you out here?" I ask already knowing.

"Lady Stark thought it would insult the Royal family to have a bastard at the feast," he said looking at the ground.

"Well the crown Prince commands you to accompany him to said feast," I say quickly grabbing him and dragging him by the arm to the great hall before we enter I let him go. "I see more of your father in you than any of his other children. I do not mean just looks. I can see just how alike you two are. I am to be King someday Jon and I would like you beside me because I think together we could do a lot of good for the 7 kingdoms. I have already talked to your father but I would like you to become my squire, I know your older than usual but I'm sure you'll earn your knighthood in no time. My own bastard brother and I are practically inseparable the only reason he is not here is because my mother refused to travel if he was going. I would like you to think about this but I think it would be good for you Jon. So when we go in here you can choose to act like the bastard of Winterfell and sit in the back with the soldiers or you can be the crown princes squire and sit with your family and I," I say standing a bit away from the door. He looked shocked before becoming deeply in thought. I wait for him to decide until he finally looks up with hard eyes and nods. We walk in side by side and as most eyes watch us we walk right up to Sansa and sit.

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