The Guardian's of the Light (...

By betheyes

331 30 20

Please Read 'A Sacrafice of the Heart first' - it will then make more sense :) Summary: The prophecy is just... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Final Chapter

Chapter 5

13 1 0
By betheyes

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about five minutes out of arriving at our destination. I suggest you get to your ships, buckle in and get ready for the wild ride. Oh and a contact of mine will be meeting you at the given coordinates down near the turbulent waters. Don't ask questions, just say the rat sent you, he will understand. I just want to say, thank you for using Mrux's airlines. Please find your seats as we are about to be landing soon. Crux out" 

All of them couldn't help but chuckle at the bounty hunter's speech. Wrecker smiled that he truly had one of a kind nephew. The two groups were quick to separate to their ships with Jesse and Rex helping the half awake medic to their own. Cody could only smile waving at the batch. Hera's group had been on the ship while the four clones had been in the cargo hold with the batch. It was a tight squeeze but they all managed to make it onto the ship. 

While the bad batch dealt with the uncomfortable silence. Hunter sighed in the cockpit, Omega patted his shoulder. The signal came through making both Hera and Tech fly their ship towards the given coordinates.

"Can I make one thing clear?" Hunter spoke in his sergeant voice. All attention was on him. Tech was multitasking.

"I know we are not on the greatest of terms but we do not make this affect our mission. So for now we deal with the mission then we deal with everything later. Am I clear?" His sergeant's voice made them all nod well, most of them did. Crosshair only raised an eyebrow, Hunter opted to ignore the marksman who gave him the cold shoulder. Crosshair moved over to his own crate and removed something out of it. He pulled out another commlink which would help later on. He helped Ashton and Honey suit up and gave them a knife each. The two were smiling at the symbols on their knives. Ashton's had a bird on while Honeys had an arrow symbol. They didn't mind knowing Archer had picked them. Crosshair smirked, accepting their hugs. 

He then pulled out his blade that was attached to his inner forearm. It was a last line defence. Hunter hated it but Crosshair couldn't care less. Crosshair wasn't in the mood. He had only used it a few times in the past but he knew he needed it for this mission. 

"Coming up on the coordinates. Everyone get ready" Tech called out, Echo nodded moving into the cockpit to hand over the ear piece to Crosshair who took it with a grimace. It was one of the only ways for him to communicate since he was unable to talk. Crosshair was busy refixing the filter on his helmet when he found himself turning to his kids.

"Dad, what if we get separated?" Honey's worried voice had the older marksman kneeling down in front of his daughter. Ashton looked over from where he was double-checking his ammo. 

'If it comes to that, I can assure you. I will find you both. I will not stop until I find you. The two of you are important to me, even if I turn my back on the rest of them. It's because I love the two of you. If something happens, I will personally send my demon guard after the two of you. Remember this: three shots of blue is: help. Three shots of red is: warning. The green setting on your guns is: Emergency. Shoot and I will see them' Crosshair signed bringing his daughter into his arms and doing the same with Ashton who smiled.

When the rest of the batch entered the body they couldn't help but smile. Crosshair stood with Ashton and Honey on either side of him, they all had their weapons and armour on. The kids had custom made armour matching Crosshairs, except they had a streak of purple and blue entwined lines down the inside of their legs. It was a symbol of hope and it was also the colours they were first introduced to. Honey loved blue and Ashton loved purple. 

"You ready?" Hunter asked, only to receive three nods. The sergeant sighed helping Omega with her helmet. No matter her age, she always allowed him to help. Together the batch left the Havok Marauder only to gasp. It was a mazed jungle with howlings of creatures echoing around them. Rex, Cody, Kix, Jesse, Hera and Kanan stood waiting for the batch. 

"Are you ready for this?" Rex asked, looking into the dark jungle, they were all armoured up. Kix was holding Jesse's hand tightly, the lieutenant looked down at his husband and pulled him close. Kanan and Hera stood close with Omega joining the two. 

"Ready as we can ever be," Hunter answered, looking into the dark jungle with a grimace. He had instructed Omega to stay close. 

By the dark line of the forest stood Crosshair, the marksman scanning his surroundings only to whip out his gun as a figure emerged from the forest. The Firepuncher was against the figure's head which turned out to be a man who didn't flinch. 

"Commander Cody, it's been too long. Tell me, how is Obi-wan? Is he still alive?" 

Cody looked up in shock seeing the man in front of them all. He could only nod at the man in front of them. 

"Who are you?" Rex asked, moving to Cody's side. 

"You can call me Quinlan Vos, I'm gathering the rat sent you?" 

Rex could only nod while a certain batch member was having his own crisis. Tech turned to glare at Hunter while Crosshair dropped his gun knowing the man was friendly or so he claimed. Ashton and Honey appeared on either side of him as he scanned their surroundings. 

"Aha! You look a little lost there, I wouldn't want to go that way unless you plan on running into one of those beasts. I think it's better if we go across the mountain terrain and…" 

Crosshair whipped around to face Quinlan Vos who had stopped his speech recognising Hunter's face. The leader didn't say anything as he crossed his arms. However, the click between the two didn't go unnoticed by the marksman. Echo frowned, "Wouldn't that be more dangerous?" Omega asked. Quinlan turned his head to her and gasped seeing the light around her. "Not really, as long as you can climb and zipline. If you go through the jungle, you will be faced with creatures who just want to eat you".

"Speaking from experience?" Kanan asked only to receive a nod. "Well Crosshair looks like we don't need…" 

Quinlan whipped around hearing that name, "Your name is Crosshair?" The marksman only nodded only to receive a punch aimed his way. Crosshair ducked in taking a step back, he shoved Ashton and Honey out of his way. Quinlan aimed another punch only to find himself thrown back by Crosshairs kick. The marksman glared at him underneath his helmet as he fell back.

Two bodies soon found the way in between the two of them. Hunter and Cody. 

"Woah! Woah! Enough! We are on the same side!" Cody roared out, Crosshair grimaced accepting a hand up from Ashton. 

"On the same side! That bastard! Needs to pay for his actions!" Quinlan yelled at them all. Crosshair only removed his helmet as his eyes glowed red. The marksman took a threatening step forward. Hunter placed a hand on Crosshairs chest, "Enough Cross! We are here for a reason: Omega! So turn around and calm down!" Hunter commanded only to be shoved himself. Crosshair glared at his sergeant with so much pain, the marksman whipped around walking back over to his twins. 

Replacing his helmet, Crosshair pressed something on his wrist making the ships vanish from sight. He still hadn't shared how he did it from afar.

After the little dispute, the two groups found themselves on their way. The batch was spread out through the journey Hunter, Tech, Echo, Cody, Rex and Quinlan took the front while Omega, Jesse and Kix walked in the middle with Kanan and Hera. But at the back was Wrecker, Fives, Ashton, Honey and Crosshair. The giant of the group wasn't good with heights so he was with the most patient one of the batch, the marksman. 

"Cross, how are you feeling?" Wrecker asked, Crosshair could only shrug, 'Not good. He cheated on me, don't ask how I know. But, I need you to tell me what happened after I left the medical bay' the marksman signed, passing over his cloak to a shivering Honey who nodded in thanks. Wrecker made a strange sound as he tried to avoid Crosshairs request until Echo appeared by the marksman's side and explained everything without missing out any details.

"We are with you, Cross. He won't get away with it" Echo murmured, pressing into his son's side. 'Thank you buir', Crosshair grimaced as he looked down at the knife attached to his waist. 

"Boys! Keep up!" Jesse's voice startled the three of them as they pressed to quicken their pace just as "DAD! DON'T MOVE!" Ashton's voice broke through Crosshairs dark thoughts. Behind the marksman was a type of creature, Echo froze seeing the way it stalked towards them. It was wolf-like. 

"Where's Wolffe when you need him?" Fives cursed from beside Jesse who stopped him from moving forward. Wrecker froze looking at the creature that stalked in the direction of his youngest brother. Crosshair decided on his next move, he caught Ashton's eye. His son nodded as Honey and he pulled out their grapple guns aiming for Wrecker and Echo's pack. 

Crosshair took another step to the edge of the cliff as the wolf growled at him in warning. He removed something small from his wrist. He made a hand signal, which the twins got ready and when Crosshair noticed more wolves behind the other wolf. He frowned, aiming his small object upward towards the unsteady mountain. He was about to shoot the flare gun when Quinlan appeared in his vision using the force to calm the wolves and send them away from the group. Crosshair couldn't help but glare at the Jedi.

"A thank you would be nice, twig" Quinlan remarked, Crosshair only made a signal to his kids who put their weapons away. "Thank you" Wrecker grunted out, reuniting with Fives who hugged him. Echo could only pat Crosshairs shoulder as they continued up the path of the thinner mountain. Quinlan was happily chatting with Hunter and pestering Cody about Obi-wan. The commander ignored him. 

"So, Vos? How many hours of travel until we reach the temple?" Hera questioned as she shivered with the cold wind. "Few more hours," Quinlan answered with a sarcastic smile. Kanan walked closer to Hera and welcomed her into his arms leaving a spiteful Omega to scowl, she had dropped back to the side of the younger set of twins who ignored her. They still blamed her for their dads injury. 

A tap on her shoulder brought her out of her thoughts, Omega looked up to see her brother. He tilted his head, "I'm fine" Omega pushed aggressively. Crosshair only continued to walk beside her, 'Crush?' Omega could only nod with a smile, "How do you deal with it?" Omega asked, pointing at Hunter, Rex and Quinlan. The two clones, oblivious to Quinlan's flirting. 

'I manage' he cut it short as they reached their next problem. Omega frowned noticing the pathway had stopped. 

"Crosshair! We need a line" Tech called out, the marksman ignored all their looks moving to the front with Omega following right behind him. Crosshair frowned looking off into the distance with his scope only to frown, he couldn't see something to attach his line to. 

"You struggling over there, twig?" Quinlan teased, Crosshair ignored him trying to find something to attach his line to. He frowned underneath his helmet as his vision blurred for a moment. The wind was getting even worse. 

"Crosshair, anytime now" Hunter commanded, Crosshair could only roll his eyes. He was stressed enough, he didn't need anymore stress. A hand on his shoulder moved him aside. 

"Move over and let a master work" Quinlan shoved him. Crosshair whipped around only to smile, he found an area. Taking a step on the edge, he looked down only to smirk. He gestured for Honey to come over, she did, she smiled recognising what to do when Quinlan appeared in his vision. 

"I need you to move, twig" 

Crosshair ignored the man shooting into the distance only for them all to hear a clunking echo, with a firm tug. His line came back to him. He frowned, moving aside to allow the so-called Jedi master at work. They all watched as he used the powers of the force to raise a broken Venator-Class Star Destroyer out of the depths below and land it between the gap creating a temporary walkway. 

Crosshair only rolled his eyes, keeping his harness on his back allowing Honey to climb into it just in case while Ashton walked in reach beside him.

"Let's move! We don't have much time" Quinlan yelled, running over to the other side. All of them followed at a running pace bar Echo who slipped a few times, Crosshair hung back to help him only for the ship to shake. Echo and Crosshair soon found themselves on the other side but one individual had got stuck. Ashton had tripped, Crosshair frowned making his way back out despite the others yelling at him. Crosshair kneeled down to help his son, Ashton had twisted his ankle. Crosshair was quick to scoop him up, Honey reached for her brother who held her hand tightly. 

Without hesitation Crosshair shot his line and ran for it, Wrecker caught the line just as the ship fell the giant pulled. The batch moved forward to help the giant. After a few tugs, Ashton appeared with Honey while Crosshair climbed to the top. Kix was quick to access the kid while Honey helped her brother. 

"Wait? Why are there kids on this mission?" Quinlan asked, looking at the two 17 year olds. Crosshair could only look off into the distance and take a few deep breaths to calm himself.

"They are part of the batch" Fives exclaimed, with pride. Quinlan only could roll his eyes, "As long as they don't slow us down we should reach the temple in the next day" Quinlan explained, moving the group along. Kix frowned down at Ashton's ankle, with the help from Crosshair he wrapped it. Jesse stood over the medic wearing a grim expression, the lieutenant didn't really like Quinlan much. 

It had been decided Ashton would climb into the harness attached to Wreckers back, the giant didn't mind holding his nephew. Ashton loved the ride and banter between his uncles. Crosshair on the other hand was furious, Hunter didn't even stick up for Ashton, what type of parent was he?! After this, he would act on his decision, he would pick up Archer and leave. He couldn't do this to himself any longer. Obviously his mind was overworking leading to his vitals dropping. Tech appeared suddenly by his side noticing Crosshairs drop in temperature, the marksman was freezing having given his cloak to Honey who was cold. Wrecker grabbed his spare one, giving it to Crosshair who smiled in thanks. He hated not being able to voice his opinions. 

After hours of walking, the group reached their first rest spot. A cave in the mountains, thankfully they had stuff to burn and wood in their packs. Rex, Cody, Jesse and Kix immediately huddled together to keep warm while the batch did the same with the exception of Crosshair having his kids on him and being awake despite his helmet being on. 

Ta da! Another chapter has landed!
I just want to say excellent feedback from my readers! Thank you!
Tensions are growing thicker! Anyone got any idea, what Crosshair is thinking? Comment your ideas, you never know you might be right with what happens next?! :)

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