Gacha No Life

By PucktheCat

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Prologue - Awakening
Chapter 1 - Dungeon Break: Part 1
Chapter 2 - Dungeon Break: Part 2
Chapter 3 - Aftermath
Chapter 4 - Guild Invitation
Chapter 5 - Misunderstanding
Chapter 6 - Awakener Exam
Chapter 7 - Awakener Exam: Part 2
Chapter 8 - Awakener Exam: Part 3
Chapter 10 - The New S Rank
Chapter 11 - Full Assimilation
Chapter 12 - Filler
Chapter 13 - Guild Meeting
Chapter 14 - Legendary
Chapter 15 - Auction: Part 1
Chapter 16 - Auction: Part 2
Chapter 17 - Agents of Anarchy
Questionable Skills and Ideas
(Season 2 Start!) Chapter 18 - First Contact
Chapter 19 - SS Ranked Dungeon
Chapter 20 - Learning the Ropes
Chapter 21 - The Meaning of a Hero
Chapter 22 - Hero's Falling
Status Update
Chapter 23 - The Battle's Only Beginning
Chapter 24 - Where Gods Do Not Dwell
Chapter 25 - Dungeon's Final Chapter
Chapter 26 - Small Filler
Chapter 27 - What's Due
Chapter 28 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 29 - The Beginning of the End (Part 2)
Chapter 30 - Visit From a God
Chapter 31 - Hellish Training for Dummies
Filler Chapter - Puck Meets a Karen
Chapter 32 - The Results of Training
Chapter 34 Preview - The Gods aren't Ready/ Update - Author's Notes
Chapter 33 - Gacha? Who Needs That?
Chapter 34 - The Gods Aren't Ready....Are You?
Chapter 35 - Showtime
Chapter 35 Preview
Chapter 36 - The War Begins
Author's Note
Chapter 37 - When Worlds Collide
Chapter 38 - Back in Action!
Chapter 39 - There Will Be Blood
Chapter 40 - The Truth Behind Ragnarok

Chapter 9 - Awakener Exam Final: "Little" Fox In Manhattan

1K 34 1
By PucktheCat

Outside the Dungeon~

Rebecca along with the leader of the Awakener Bureau (John Henderson a A Ranked awakened) and a few official reporters wanting to meet the new potential S Rank, all stood outside the dungeon portal with bated breath.

The reporters couldn't buy mumble about how long they thought it'd take for Puck to clear the dungeon.

It would be tough for any S Rank to clear a A Rank dungeon solo, but not impossible. That's why it was perfect to test the abilities of a new potential S Rank.

Especially with the examiner there in case anything were to happen.

In fact, it only took Rebecca 1 hr and 48 mins to clear her first A Ranked dungeon solo!

So the reporters couldn't help but get their hopes up since the new awakener was being scouted by Rebecca herself!

Just as one of the reporters were about to speak up, the dungeon portal suddenly began to spark like crazy, shooting bolts of energy as the usual blue color began to bleed to a dangerous looking red.

The reporters gasped and began to back away in panic as Rebecca and John looked at the portal in shock.

"W-What?! That's impossible! This dungeon wasn't supposed to break for another 3 years at least!" John exclaimed as he prepared himself for a potential dungeon break.

Rebecca was already on the phone however, seeing if she could get the mayor of the city to evacuate the citizens, pretty much doing John's job.

But that plan was quickly thrown out the window as the portal suddenly started to crack and grow in size, the sign of an eminent dungeon break.

Rebecca decided to just say fuck it and threw her phone behind her and got into her famer Dragon Fist Martial Arts stance.

The female guild master and the leader of the Awakener Bureau stood there nervously, sweating bullets as the dungeon portal reached critical mass before....


Puck and Billy screamed as they came crashing out of the portal on the back of Kurama.

Rebecca and John's eyes bulged out of their heads at the sight of the massive fox. They had just enough time to dodge out of the way as the bijuu came crashing down and skidding to a halt a few feet away from where they were just standing.

Kurama, being the genius he is, decided to let out a ungodly roar to signal Puck's roar.

Which got more than just a few people's attention.

Mind you that they were still at the Awakener Bureau headquarters....

Filled to the brim with awakeners....

Both Billy and Puck began to sweat nervously at this. "Fuck/Shit...." The both cursed as the current situation slowly began to dawn on Kurama.


2 Hours and 1 unbelievably long explanation later~

Puck, Billy, and a great Dane sized fox, all sat in front of a pissed looking guild master and Awakener Bureau branch leader.

They had the nerve to look bashful as Rebecca rubbed the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "So what you're telling us is.... That thing...." She points to Kurama, who was looking away in embarrassment. " your summon?" She asked, pointing at Puck, who simply nodded.

She let's out a small sigh, shaking her head as John finally speaks up. "So you're the new fabled S Rank Gacha user? I've got to admit.... When Mrs. Rebecca here came to me herself and said that she wanted to recruit you.... I thought she wanted to hog any new weapons you produced for herself! Or maybe you had some kind of magical meal that she liked.... You being a OMAC was not something I had in mind at all...." He says, folding his hands in front of his face, leveling a stern look towards Puck, who simply gulped.

"And you...." He looked over at a profusely sweating Billy before letting out a small sigh of defeat. "I don't know what I'm going to do with you.... Not much seeing as the report you gave us the only thing we have to go off of, with what actually happened in the dungeon...." He finished, closing his eyes in thought.

While the branch manager was busy deciding on what he'll do with the two awakeners, Rebecca was busy closely inspecting Kurama, who begrudgingly let her.

She was busy looking inside of the bijuu's maw when John cleared his throat to get her attention.

Rebecca had stars in her eyes as she looked up at him for a moment before looking over at Puck with excitement clear in her eyes. "This fox is amazing! I've never seen anything like it! and you said this things from a thing called an anime?! Why haven't I heard of it before?!"

John let out a sigh of defeat as Puck chuckles in embarrassment, rubbing the back of his head.

It's true.

Most people don't watch anime nowadays, you could say that it's been long forgotten. The only things existing nowadays being old reruns and Gacha games that included the characters that somehow survived through the years.

Most people just find awakeners way more interesting. Especially since they're literally real life superheroes....

What's the use of watching people pretend to be something they're not. You know?

"Ive made my decision." John suddenly said, gaining everyone's attention. "Puck....I'm officially assigning the S Rank to you.... Under one condition."

The three awakeners' excitement was caught in their throats as the waited with bated breath, looking at the Awakener Bureau Branch Manager with a mixture of shock, confusion, and dread....

"You have to promise to report in on any new developments in your abilities and inform the bureau whenever you want to summon another one of him...." He points to Kurama, "...outside of a dungeon. Alright? And don't worry, the bureau won't ask for anything else from you. Oh! And if you could....could you give us a small description of that Luck stat of yours? Just for future reference." John said with a wide grin, causing the three powerhouses and Puck to sweat drop at the branch manager's antics.

"Oh, and William.... Since you were the examiner for Puck's assessment, you'll have to take responsibility and pay for all the damages that occurred when you exited the dungeon." John said simply.


45 Minutes Later~

Puck let out a relieved sigh as he walked out of the Awakener Bureau with the shrunken Kurama loyaly following at his side.

He stretched, getting a few satisfying cracks and pops in return. He didn't even notice that he was being followed by the two quarrelling guild masters.

They were in each other's face arguing about who's guild would get Puck.

Just as it seemed like they were about to fight, a gust of wind knocked them back to their senses.

When they looked up, Puck was gone.

The two guild leaders cursed before deciding to hold off their argument for some other time, going their separate ways.

Puck grinned from the top of a nearby skyscraper, mindlessly petting Kurama's head as he watched the two guild leaders.

"Man, I still can't believe those guys are actual guild leaders.... They're way different in TV.... And to think they're actually in control of hundreds of awakeners...." A shiver runs down Puck's spine as Kurama nods in agreement.

"From what I've observed from your memories.... They do seem rather.... Unique. But I can't judge, I did live in a rather unique Hokage for a number of years after all. It's usually the unique ones that make the best leaders.... They have a way of making people follow them.... No matter what." The fox says with a small fond chuckle.

Puck couldn't help but give the bijuu a small look. He had millions of questions he wanted to ask, but he decided not to ruin the moment by being a fanboy.

"Heh, yeah.... I guess you'd know best.... Wouldn't you buddy?" He asked softly, smiling and petting the fox behind the ears.

The fox seemed pretty uncomfortable with this, if the grimace on his face was anything to go by, but by the way his nine tails were would've thought otherwise.

They say there like that, watching the sun set before finally heading back to Puck's house.

Not knowing what awaited for them the next day....

To be continued~


End of Chapter 9~

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