Between Beaters (F. & G. Weas...

By Prettymama29

8K 294 397

Second book to Imposter More

Chapter I: In the Beginning
Chapter II: Carriages and Facts
Chapter III: Helga Jenkins
Chapter IV: Ruin the Fun
Chapter V: The Grey Lady
Chapter VI: Imposter POV
Chapter VIII: Hedgehogs and Eye Candy
Chapter IX: Rules Smules
Chapter X: Task One
Chapter XI: Dates and Clues
Chapter XII: Alice in Wonderland
Chapter XIII: Dating Alternatives
Chapter XIV: Calchas
Chapter XV: Yule Ball
Chapter XVI: The Ring

Chapter VII: Nothing but a Lie

450 21 37
By Prettymama29

Blair stood there for a bit longer, staring at Harry Potter as he sat with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Fred ended up getting up and walking over after minute with a grin on his face.

"Why we standing here? Is there a prank about to go in action? Did you prank our little Ronnie-kin's?" He asked as he stepped next to his twin brother. 

"Blair is working up the courage to talk to Harry." Terry spoke up for them. Fred snapped his head back to look at Terry before looking to Blair.

"Really? You've got a thing for the celebrity bit? Or is it the scar?" Fred asked with a frown pulling at the corners of his lips. George snorted shaking his head at his brother.

"She doesn't. Come on." George grabbed a hold of Blair, wrapping his arm over her shoulder before leading her in the direction of Harry and his friend.

"Wait- no I don't know what-" Blair went to say, but George made large steps in dragging her.

"Harry! I want you to meet somebody." George announced as he stepped up behind the scarred boy with glasses. Harry and his friends turned towards them. "This is Blair Willard. Came all the way from France to be here!" George introduced. Harry looked to Blair with an awkward smile. He was most definitely a bit confused and a dash uncomfortable.

"I'm Ron Weasley-" Ron went to introduce himself as Harry seemed frozen.

"No one asked you, Ronnie-kin's." George hushed as Fred stepped up to them with Terry. Ron glared at George as Harry opened his mouth.

"Um- yeah I'm Harry-"

"I know." Blair interrupted. "I mean- I know who you are." Her courage building slowly. "Mind if I talk to you for a moment? It's important." Harry tilted his head slightly confused before nodding slowly and standing up to walk with Blair out of the Great Hall. Ron talking loudly as they left.

"If she's from France why she sound like us?"

"Shut up, Ronald!" Hermione shushed him as Fred and George smacked him on the back of the head.

Blair led Harry to the corner of the hallway. A bunch of statue of knights surrounding them as Blair paced a bit back and forth. Harry pinched his brows in confusion, not understanding what this girl needed from him.

"Are you alright-"

"I'm your sister."

Blair stopped in front of Harry as Harry froze in his spot. Mouth snapping shut in utter bewilderment of what Blair had just blurted out to him.

"My-my sister?" Harry stammered. His brain taking a moment to process what she had told him. "How could that even be?"

"One of my dads is James Potter." Blair told him calmly. Her fingers rolling the rings on her fingers. "And my mother is Brena Willard, she's your mother." Harry shook his head quickly.

"No, no. My mother is-was Lily Evans. She was with James Potter-"

"I have no idea where that lie even came from. Your mother was not Aunt Lily."

"Aunt Lily?" Harry questioned. The boy seemed to just be becoming even more confused and his eyes kept looking to Blair like she might pull her wand on him at any moment.

"Harry?" Blair and Harry turned to see Brena Willard standing in the entrance of the hallway.

"Mum!" Blair shouted a bit shocked at seeing her mother. Harry's eyebrows pinched together even more as he looked over the woman. He didn't look much like her at all- so why was Blair telling him that this was his real mother? Blair turned her head back towards Harry. "Harry...This is our mother, your real mother- Brena."

"No- My mother-" Harry shook his head, not understanding. Not wanting to believe that his whole life was a lie.

"Harry... I know it's hard to believe.." Brena said slowly, walking carefully towards him. "You were only one when you were taken from me- from your father."

"Taken? I wasn't kidnapped!" Harry snapped, gaining some looks from some people who were passing by. Fred and George showed up quickly with Terry, waving people away and glaring at others.

"Off you go!!"

"Nothing to see here!!" Fred and George shouted as Terry just straight up was shoving people out of the hallway.

"We'll keep watch." George added, grinning at Blair before blocking off the areas that students could walk by. Brena raised her brow at Blair before shaking her head and looking back to Harry.

"Why don't we go to Dumbledore's office? He can explain this." Brena offered, not wanting to rely on the old man, but knowing he was the only one who could tell Harry what happened and that he would possibly believe him.

"MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A LIE?!" Harry shouted. His anger was overwhelming. Tears in his eyes as he realized he did not lose his only family that night. He had a whole family this whole time. Albus sat behind his desk, all proper and calm. Something that not only pissed Brena off, but also got under Blair's skin. James was eyeing his son who was pacing back and forth.

"Harry." Sirius was the one to speak up, stopping Albus from doing so. Harry turned his head towards someone he had never met before. A man that was apparently a part of his big family. "I know this is a lot to process. What happened that night was nobodies fault in this room-"

"What Albus did was wrong!" Blair shouted, having heard the whole story of what had happened. She was livid. And to think she wanted to attend Hogwarts. "It's Kidnapping!! Memory Altering! He should be thrown from his position of power!!"

"I agree with you." Brena said, nodding. Blair looked to her mother a bit shocked that she had agreed. "But, and as much as I hate to say this..." She started glancing towards Albus with a glare before sighing. "Albus is the only person who might be able to figure out what actually happened that night."

"It's clear what happened!" Blair snapped. Harry watched his older sister run her hands through her hair in anger. Maybe he was related to her. They both seemed to have some serious anger issues resulting in shouting at superiors. "Some deatheaters were pissy that Aunt Lily killed Voldemort and went to kill her. They succeeded. And then! Albus Dumbledore, some great pompous god playing idiot, decides to swoop in and kidnap an INFANT!"

"It was not Deatheaters alone." Albus Dumbledore finally spoke up. Everyone snapped their heads to the man of the topic. Blair moved to stand near Harry, grabbing his wrist in a way to keep him somewhat grounded. Some how she just knew he needed it. It might have been the way his foot stepped out or the pinch of his eyebrows, but she just knew. Harry glanced towards her before nodding slowly.

"Which is why....Blair- you will be enrolling into Hogwarts at the beginning of the next school year." Brena announced.

"What-" Blair started only for Regulus to raise his hand to stop her.

"Let your mother speak." He told his daughter with a stern tone. He was always the one to take authority when needed. Blair pressed her lips together into a straight line to hold back her tongue.

"There's a prophecy. We have to be here. So you will enroll to be near Harry." Brena continued before closing her eyes as she took a deep breath. As if the words she was about to say were hard to let out. "I'll be taking up teaching Divination while Regulus will be teaching Potions."

"And what about you two?" Harry questioned, his eyes looking to Sirius and James. James looked like he wanted to go to his son, but he held back, knowing this was still a lot for him.

"We have jobs as Aurors. But we'll always be nearby if we can. Just an apparition away." James spoke up. Sirius nodded. Harry looked to his father before looking to Brena and Blair. Blair still holding his wrist calmly.

"So...It's true then? You're my parents?"

A/N: Sooo.... Not a lot happened this chapter.. Lol

Who's your favorite character so far ?

More twin activity in next chapter :)

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