The Beta's Daughter

By RachelMarie1219

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Escaping the deadly claws of her Mate, Mazikeen Reese (Maze) has to find her way back to her family, but what... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Fourty One
Chapter Fourty Two
Chapter Fourty Three
Chapter Fourty Four
Chapter Fourty Five
Chapter Fourty Six
Chapter Fourty Seven
Chapter Fourty Eight
Chapter Fourty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Four
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five

Chapter Fourty

37 3 0
By RachelMarie1219



     Yesterday afternoon Ash had to go home. I spent the rest of the day trying to think about what happened between us and what I wanted to do in regards of my living situation. Do I regret what we did? Absolutely not. I knew I wouldn't. I wish I could explain my trust for him out loud as well as I can in my head, but then again everything sounds better in your head than out loud.

Today I'm having lunch with my Dad and Step Mom. They originally wanted to come to my place, but I decided against it due to the fact I never cleaned up the pull out couch's sheets and truthfully I know I needed to, but I just don't want to. They smell like him. Like us. He did go home shirtless though so I guess it wouldn't matter if I washed them or not. At least his shirt holds his scent.

I was preparing myself on the very slow walk over there on how I was going to break the news. I asked everyone that knew not to say anything because I wanted to be the one to tell them first and thankfully they all listened. Angel and Ada won't be there because Angel went back to Ada's Pack to meet her Father and help her pack her stuff. I'm happy to know that she decided to move here for Angel.

I walk through the door as Mom's spaghetti wafts through the air. I inhaled deeply smiling and went into the kitchen where Mom was washing the salad and Dad was cutting the cucumber's.

"Hey, do you want any help?"
"Hey, Mazie." Dad smiled bringing me into a side hug when I reached his side.
"If you want you can check the garlic bread for me, Sweetie." Mom smiled out.

I opened the over and seen they were almost ready.

"They just need to crisp up, then they'll be done."
"Turn the over on a low broil." Mom instructed leaving me to do so.
"So, that attack was pretty crazy the other night." Dad stopped cutting the cucumber's and turned to face me with his arms crossed.
"Yeah it was."

I was wearing a dress that went to my knee's. I didn't want my cut to get rubbed against still since it could set back my healing. The only reason it hasn't healed yet was from the damn silver.

"Did you join the fight?" Dad asked straight forward.
"I was the one that alerted Jase, then two Rouge's blocked my path by the lake. I took one down, but the other got away. He had Blane check the camera's and they seen a group of Rouge's heading towards the Pack."

My Mom shook her head.

"I still don't understand what took them so long to alert everyone at the Mating ceremony." She stated.
"Jase linked Tommy, but he was home with his Mate. We ended up getting back to the ceremony before Tommy arrived."
"We?" Dad asked.
"Jase, Chip, and I."

Goddess, they are full of questions. Oh my! I feel like a horrible Sister right now.

"How scared was Mia?"
"She was a crying mess and glued to her Bo Bo." Mom smiled towards my Dad teasing him of the nickname.
"We ended up taking her home and explained what happened when we got there. She was safe with us in the bunker." Mom also added.

I checked the bread again, then turned the oven off to pull them out. They had a perfect crust.

"Did you get hurt?" Dad asked.
"Just a gash to the thigh. I got it stitched up along with the gash on Conner's back shoulder."

Mom gasped leaving the salad and rushing to my side to lift my dress. In her frantic attempts of looking to the wound, Dad thought she would end up pulling my dress to high and turned around quickly.

"Marie!" He shouted as he was turning.
"Oh! Honey, look at my baby's thigh!" Mom was nearly crying, but he didn't turn.
"Nothing's showing, Bobby! Come look, now!" She cried out.

Dad turned and looked to me watching me face palm as Mom was being dramatic. He bent down a bit to look over the wound before standing up and growling towards me. I smiled innocently.

"I did pretty good, huh?"
"Why didn't you go to a doctor, Mazikeen? You could have gotten an infection." He scolded.
"Oh, Honey. Does it hurt?" Mom suddenly asked.

I pulled her up taking her hands in mine to look her straight in the eye while smiling.

"Mom, I'm okay. It doesn't hurt. If anything it itched like crazy. I keep it covered with ointment. It will heal soon."
"Why hasn't it healed yet? You have Alpha blood too." She stated worried.
"Some of the Rouge's coated their claws with silver somehow."

Her eyes widened, but Dad spoke before her.

"The salad is ready. Let's eat." He said taking three plates out of the cabinet.

After we all made our plates, we sat at the table and began eating quietly. I was wondering when they would bring up the Mate subject when Mom finally spoke up.

"So I heard everyone found their Mate. Did you meet them?" She asked.
"Yes. They were all very likable although I do have one thing to say."
"Be nice." Mom scolded already knowing what I was going to say.
"Before I met Ada only one person in this world scared me and that was Dad. Now Ada has officially stolen that role. No offense, Dad."

He chuckled as she swatted his arm.

"You two stop. Ada is very sweet and cares for you Sister very much. You should be happy for her." Mom school me.
"Oh, I'm very happy for her. She'll never have to fear anyone with Ada by her side."

Dad laughed loudly and Mom smiled. She couldn't argue with that. When the laughter died down and we began to eat again they shared a look before turning to me.

"I'm sorry, Sweetheart." She smiled sadly.
"For what?"
"For not having any luck." She answered.

I smiled while taking eating a cucumber.

"Why are you smiling?" My Dad asked concerned.
"Who said I didn't have any luck?"

Mom dropped her fork shocked and Dad froze.

"That's why I wanted to have lunch with you both today to tell you about it."
"You found your second chance Mate?" Mom asked tearing up.

She covered her mouth still shocked and Dad just stared at the table. Now for the bomb..

"He's a Beta."

Dad's chair pushed back at he quickly left the room. Mom didn't bother following him already understanding his worry. I looked at the now closed door to his old office and sighed. I knew this would happen. I know he's not mad, he's just worried and has every right to be. Hearing that Ash is a Beta was probably the icing on the cake.

"Mom, I promise I'll tell you everything, but.."
"I know, Honey. Go ahead." She said with a face filled of understating.

I took a deep breath before standing up and walking to his office door. I knocked lightly, then slowly entered. He was sitting in his chair with his head in his hands.

"Come sit with me."

He got up and followed me to the couch. As soon as we sat down I wrapped my arms around one of his while laying my head on his shoulder.

"I think you'll like this one."
"How do you know he isn't like Tyler?" He asked looking to me sadly.

My whole body deflated seeing that look on his face.

"I can't lose you like that again, Maze. I can't." He choked out.

I pulled him in for a quick hug, then placed my head back on his shoulder.

"Remember when my Wolf linked with Adrian and I seen all his memories from birth up until that moment?"
"Yes." He answered.
"Well, my Mate Asher. He was in so many of them. They have been Best Friends since they could walk, so not only did I see Adrian grow up, but I seen Asher grown up. I know you don't understand it, but those memories... Adrian's memories allowed me to see what kind of Man he is and Dad, he is amazing."

He looked to me unsure.

"He is Adrian's Beta. If Adrian can trust him so can I. Asher is nothing like Tyler. We spent the day together yesterday and he listened to my story and he respected the fact that I want to take thing's slow. He makes me smile more than I normally would, he gives me butterflies, listen's when I talk, and every time he look's at me he has this look in his eyes that I pray will never go away."

My Dad smiled as I zoned out to explain everything to him while reliving it.

"I want to meet him and only then will he get my approval." He stated.

He pulled me into a deep hug, then pulled back examining my neck.

"Why do you have hickies?" He groaned.

I smiled innocently.

"He's very sweet."
"If he is so sweet, then why aren't you Marked. No sane Beta would leave his Mate unmarked."
"I told him I wasn't ready for that."
"And what did he have to say about that?" He wondered.
"He was okay with it on one condition."
"Maze, he shouldn't be giving you conditions." Dad complained trying to be a Papa Wolf.

I laughed at his antics anyways.

"You're just trying to find reason's not to like him."
"Fine, what was the condition?" He asked crossing his arms.
"If I marked him."

His eyebrows flew up and he looked to me taken back.

"Wow, I bet he felt like a fool for that one." Dad laughed except I just smiled.

He stopped laughing and tilted his head.

"You didn't." He deadpanned.
"I did."

I stood up smiling and walked to the door.

"You will meet him and when you do I know you'll like him."
"I'll be the judge of that." He grumbled.

I shook my head and opened the door.

"Come on, grumpy before our food gets cold. I promised Mom I would tell her about him."

We walked back out to the table where Mom was waiting patiently. We both apologized for leaving her alone, then I let her fire away with all the questions she wanted. Every answer I gave made me that much happier to know that I Mazikeen Reese got lucky.


W/C: 1,777

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