Hensper one shots

By autisticxfangirl

3.6K 42 39

Just what the title says and I will do requests but no smut More

Will you marry me? Part 1
Coming out and The Prom part 1
The Carnival date part 1
The confession that went wrong
Authors note
Missed me?
Not a chapter
Face reveal

Will you marry me? Part 2

306 3 1
By autisticxfangirl

Finally a part 2 and it's gonna be a long one!!!! TW⚠️ slight swearing and a lot of fluff.

Henry's POV
Today is the big day and I'm freaking out, I kept pacing up and down the hallway waiting for my Piper and my dad.
After a few minutes I see Piper walking up to me of course in her pink dress she begged me and Jasper to let her wear for the day. I smiled at her as she gave me a hug "I'm happy for you big bro." She then walked to the door while our dad walks up to me. He smiles at me "look at you, I'm so proud of you son." I went up to him and gave him a big hug, then he pulled away "ready?" He asked and I nodded and all three of us walked inside where all the guests were except for Charlotte who was obviously with Jasper.

(Meanwhile with Jasper and Charlotte)

Jasper's POV
Charlotte was trying to get me to calm down as I kept walking around the room. "Jasper everything will be okay you both have this planned out." I stopped walking and turned to Charlotte, "I know but I just can't help but feel nervous. What if he changes his mind and-" Charlotte stopped me mid sentence "Jasper he won't change his mind, it's Henry and he loves you. Now let's go or you'll miss your own wedding." I nodded and we both walked out to the hallway and was surprised to see Ray waiting for us.

Ray's POV
I looked to the side and see Charlotte walking up to me with Jasper. I gave him a sympathetic smile, "I know I'm not your real dad but I thought you would want someone who's similar to a dad to walk you down the aisle." Jasper immediately gave me a hug, "thank you." We both pulled away and Charlotte cleared her throat, "you both ready to go?" We both nodded and hear the music start to play. Charlotte and I linked our arms with Jasper's and start to walk inside.

Henry's POV again
I saw the doors open and smiled, I knew Ray was up to something when I saw him leave the room earlier. I couldn't help but laugh a little at the sight. As Jasper walked up to me, Charlotte and Ray both took their seats. "Hey handsome." I smiled at Jasper as we both held hands. (Not me internally fangirling while writing this) The minister soon started the ceremony.
(Skipping all the beginning bit and going right to the vows)

As the minister told us to say our vows we both looked at each other. I started first "Jasper, ever since I first met you when we were five years old" I heard soft chuckles from the audience including Jasper. "I knew we were gonna be friends forever, I never would've thought that we would be here right now getting married. My five year old self would be confused and shocked, but my 15 year old self would be screaming with excitement." Again everyone laughed a bit, "Jasper, I promise to love you forever until the day I die." I saw Jasper smiling and starting to tear up.

Jasper's POV
Now it was my turn to say my vows to Henry, I smiled at him "Henry, I knew I loved you since I knew what love actually meant. I was so scared of people finding that out, especially you because I didn't want to break our friendship. Even though both my parents aren't supportive of our relationship, I'm glad I have you and everyone else here in my life. Henry I will always love you no matter what."

The minister then gave us the rings and we both put them on each other, he then spoke "do you Henry Hart take Jasper Dunlop to be your husband?" I looked at Henry smiling as he says "I do." The minister then turned to me "and do you Jasper Dunlop take Henry Hart to be your husband?" I smiled at Henry "I do." The minister then spoke one last time "I now pronounce you both husbands." After he said that I leaned in and kissed Henry as everyone else cheered.

Thanks for reading.


After the ceremony

Henry's POV
I still can't believe Jasper is my husband, we are currently sitting at the table as we eat the lunch that was provided talking with each other. Soon we hear someone go up on stage so we both turned and see Charlotte standing at the mic. (Yes I'm doing those sappy speeches hahaha) Charlotte then started to speak, "I always knew that Henry and Jasper would eventually get together. After all the times I hear Henry talk about how cute Jasper is and how he should always keep his hair straight or the times I hear Jasper talk about how hot and "sexy" Henry is. I'm glad that those days are over and I don't have to try and come up with plans with Piper to try and get them to get together." Everyone laughed then Charlotte raised her glass "to Jasper and Henry Dunlop-Hart! The boys that sometimes make my day a living hell, love you both!" Everyone cheered as she walked off stage.
(Tbh I'm too lazy to add everyone's speech so imagine what the others would say)

Jasper's POV
Everyone was now at the dance floor either dancing or chatting with the people around them. I'm currently talking with Jake and Kris with Henry, listening to them tell me how happy they were to have me in the family. I felt Henry wrap his arm around my waist and kiss my head softly as they spoke. Soon we hear Ray on the mic saying something about a couples dance that's about to start. I look at Henry smiling then start to drag him to the dance floor. Soon the dance floor was flooded with couples, then soon the music starts and everyone begins dancing. I look up and see Ray trying to dance with Kris so I tap He ry on the shoulder, "babe?" He looked at me "hmm?" I turned his head to look at the scene behind us, "Ray!!" He looked at him shaking his head no then Ray sadly walks away.
Henry's POV
I turn back to Jasper and smiled "I love you Jasper Dunlop-Hart" he smiled back at me "I love you too Henry Dunlop-Hart" we both laugh a little then kissed each other on the lips. Today is definitely the best day of my life.

Finished!!!!! Hope you liked it!

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