The Troubles from Monsters an...

بواسطة Immergladsss

3.7K 144 88

Part 2: (Takes place after part 1- When a Young Heart Loves), Maria finds herself at a loss. With Robin's mem... المزيد

What Came Before
A Worried Discussion and Frustrating Morning
Of Prophecies and Books
The Chase and Escape
Of Pranks and Unspoken Truces
Of Holidays and Repercussions
Of Trust and Memories
A Promise Overdue
Of Feelings and Admissions
Of Love and Magic
Hunting Death
A Breaking Dam of Secrets
A Clue Within A Book
A Boy or a Wife
The Line Between Pretense and Truth
A Line Blurred by Love
Of Cryptic Messages and a Cumbersome Search
Of Names and Magic
The Scars Left Behind
Of Frustrating Interruptions
A Full Moon
A Missing Key
A Caged Bird
Of Forbidden Topics and Uncomfortable Truths
Of Letters and Dead Ends
The Crossroads of Forethought and Danger
Of Dreams and Letters
The Last Spring Ball
A Doubled Edged Sword
The Pain of Blame and Self Loathing
Reunited, Remembered, Retreat, Respite
Little Talks
Of Monsters and Men
The End

A December's Kiss

163 6 12
بواسطة Immergladsss

At night, when Lizzy returned, she heard from Cat what happened and felt incredibly guilty. She knew that if Henry had been with them, none of this would have happened. Robin seemed to listen to Henry the most and showed the most restraint around him.

"Where were you earlier?" Cat asked.

"I—I was at the library—"

"With Henry?" Cat continued. She peered into Lizzy's eyes looking for a hint of lies.

"Yes," Lizzy sighed looking at the floor.

"Why were you two at the library?" Maria asked.

Lizzy sat down on one of the parlor's couches and rubbed her temple. "We were looking for any books on magic. Neither of us has had any luck with finding a way to break the curse."

"So, is that why you two have been corresponding by letter?" Jane asked. Lizzy looked at her, surprised she knew this information. "Oh, Cat told me in one of her letters," Jane explained.

Lizzy nodded her head in resignation. Cat looked at her with questioning eyes. She was sure letters weren't the only form of communication between the two, but she had yet to find evidence saying otherwise.

Henry was furious when he found out. At first, he ignored Robin and stayed with David to make sure he was alright. When David fell asleep, he spent the rest of his night fighting with Robin. He couldn't understand why Robin had insulted David. Robin argued back, pointing out that they were all in favor of Maria and didn't care for him. Eventually, though, he ran out of excuses and stayed silent while Henry continued to rebuke his actions.

As their days in Bristol passed, so did the animosity between the friends wane. David no longer spoke around Robin, and Robin stopped speaking altogether. While his anger subsided, his regret grew. He knew he had messed up. He knew he should apologize to David, but he couldn't bring himself around to doing so. Robin stopped responding to Richard's jibes and stopped complaining when his friends wanted to see the girls. Even Richard stopped teasing him. It was as though an unspoken truce had been agreed upon. One that increased twofold on Jane's birthday.

For her birthday, Richard suggested they rent out a schooner from some resting merchants. With Henry acting as captain, they took the girls sailing along the coast for the day. Once more, not a single word of complaint came out of Robin. In fact, he was the first to greet Maria. It wasn't a warm and friendly greeting, he only nodded his head in her direction, but it was an improvement from before.

David and Richard taught the girls to fish and a few sailing songs to sing. Henry taught Lizzy how to navigate and draw a map using the coastline as an example. All the while, Robin remained distant from his friends, observing them. The few times he made eye contact with Maria, he was the first to look away. Once, he was sure Maria even smiled. At sunset, Maria, Lizzy, and Cat produced three large baskets filled with delicious-smelling food. Maria had worked out a deal with Jane's cook to make this specialty dinner. One basket contained fresh dinner rolls, roasted pork, potatoes, rice, and chicken pot pies. The second basket contained a birthday cake, meringue pies, and sweet raspberry jam. The third basket did not have any food, but Jane's birthday gifts. The girls figured this was the best way to hide her gifts from her without drawing any suspicion.

Despite the lingering heaviness, they enjoyed their day and Jane loved her presents. It was with a heavy heart the girls realize this would be their final time together until next spring. Jane announced she had contacted Mrs. Watson about chaperoning the Spring Ball, a task Mrs. Watson was happy to give to one of her best pupils.

"I really wish you could all stay," Jane said with tears in her eyes. It was the end of their trip. Maria, Lizzy, and Cat had to return to their families for Christmas.

"I'm sorry Jane," Maria said and hugged her dear friend. "I really wish I could, but my uncle demands my return for 'safety' reasons."

"Yes, and Henry mentioned they need to take care of some business in London. Sir Benjamin refuses to allow Maria to be away without her entourage of protectors," Lizzy added.

"I'll continue to write to you, every week!" Cat said as she tackled Jane with a large hug. "Perhaps you can come down and visit us sooner?"

Jane nodded her head and promised to try. "Where are the boys?" Jane asked looking down the street.

"Afraid your beloved Richard won't say goodbye?" Cat teased.

Jane shook her head, but she couldn't stop the smile that appeared on her face.

"How unfortunate," Lizzy said. "I was hoping you'd become our cousin-in-law."

"Hmm, I quite like the idea of having her close by in Moonacre. I approve," Maria quipped.

Jane laughed, "You girls tease too much. I simply worry about your safety. I won't rest until I see those boys leading the way back to London and Moonacre."

"What a shame, and here I thought the beautiful Jane had finally warmed up to me," Richard said, emerging from the other side of the carriage. He was followed by his friends. Sticking to tradition, Robin remained at the back.

Richard produced some shockingly red flowers from behind his back and gave them to Jane. "An exotic bouquet for an exquisite lady," Richard said with an exaggerated bow.

Jane gasped, she had never seen such flowers. "Where are they from?"

Richard shrugged his shoulders. "Somewhere in the Americas, though this flower comes from Egypt. They're trying to cultivate them there."

"Oh, those are Poinsettias!" Lizzy said. "They're from Latin America and used as decorations for Christmas. How fitting!"

"Will you miss me now?" Richard grinned.

"Please, the only thing I'll miss is my brothers targeting you with their pranks instead of me." Jane laughed.

"Jane, just say the word and I'll be at your side taking on your brothers! I have a few ideas up my sleeves that'll make them think twice about pranking you."

"I'll think about it."

Meanwhile, Maria was loading her luggage into the carriage. Her mitten-covered hand slipped, and the luggage came falling down. It was about to crash into her when Robin intercepted it and pushed it back into the carriage.

"You have to be careful," he grunted.

"Like you care," Maria retorted. But she added a quiet "thanks" at the end.

Robin shrugged his shoulder, "perhaps not. But I do want to get you home in one piece. Otherwise, your uncle will kill me. I don't need two Merryweathers after me."

"How thoughtful," Maria stated sarcastically. Turning away, she shook her head sadly and mumbled, "I would never hurt you..." but Robin heard her.

He remained silent, his thoughts mulling on her words even as he helped load the rest of her friend's luggage. When he was finished, he went to his horse and waited for the girls to end their goodbyes.


"I don't like Robin," Maria stated.

The girls looked up from their tasks with confused faces. Lizzy was reading a novel while Cat was embroidering some birds. They were a few hours into their trip back home. Most of it had been in silence.

"What do you mean?" Lizzy asked.

"Does she really need to clarify? He's been an arse, a—a man—"

"Don't you dare finish that word!" Lizzy chastised.

Cat stuck out her tongue and crossed her arms.

"But she's right," Maria said defending Cat. "He's been horrible to everyone. He needs to be stopped. I need to help him."

"I still say you should hit him upside the head. Maybe your Moon Magic will finally knock some decency into him. Make sure it's a hard thump though."

"Cat, you're letting your feelings for David talk."

"Can you blame me? The poor thing already feels insecure about his status, the last thing he needs is his own friend bringing it up."

Lizzy sighed and closed her book. Cat was right.

"If that doesn't work though?" Maria asked.

Lizzy looked between Cat and Maria, before responding, "I think David and Richard have a point. You may have to kiss him."

Maria rolled her eyes and fell back against her seat. "He doesn't love me, and I can't say that I do. At least not who he is now. It'll never work."

Lizzy sighed once more. She had nothing else to suggest.

Maria stared out the window for the rest of their trip back to London. There, Digweed would be waiting with a carriage to take her back home. Maria was too busy in her head, working out her next trap for the bird boy.


"Digweed!" Maria called him over. She was peeking out from the large manor doors, as though hiding.

"What be the matter, miss?"

Maria handed him a sealed envelope with the name "Robin De Noir" on the front. "I need you to give this to Robin when you see him. And if he asks who it's from, say Loveday."

Digweed creased his brow. "Now miss, last time I helped with this, your uncle nearly chewed my ear off."

"Please. You must help me!" Maria begged. "Robin refuses to talk to me, I have a plan to get his memories back."

Digweed's eyes widened and he nodded his head. "You can count on me, miss." Then he left to join Sir Benjamin. The men were going out on a hunt with the De Noir clan. They were hoping to catch a boar and deer for the holiday feasts. Maria was staying to help Loveday and Mrs. Heliotrope with the Christmas decorations. Christmas would be held in the Merryweather estate while New Year's would be celebrated at the De Noir Castle.

As she headed back to her room, she ran into Marmaduke. He had a hand on his hip and with the other, pointed a wooden ladle at her. "Do I believe my ears? Is the young Moon Princess plotting an attack?"

Maria stepped back and waved her hands in defense. "No, no, Marmaduke. Not an attack. I just want to get Robin to listen to me."

Marmaduke tapped his foot. "Alright then, but know that If you need my help, all you have to do is say the word and I'll appear right at your service!"

"Thank you!"

Maria rushed into her tower and closed the door. Now she just had to wait until tomorrow.


"Maria dear, are you sure you don't want to come to Silverydew with us?" Loveday asked as she put on Albert's coat.

"Yes, I'm sure. I've been on the road for too long, I want to spend some time home."

"Alright, be safe dear."

"Yes, my child, remember Digweed and Marmaduke are here if you need anything. We won't be long!" Mrs. Heliotrope said and kissed Maria's forehead.

"Maria," her uncle said coming out of his office. "Stay indoors. It's too cold for you to go outside."

"Yes, uncle—"

"And if you do need to go outside, take Marmaduke or Digweed with you."

"Yes uncle, I will be safe and use my head."

Sir Benjamin grunted and gave Maria a short side hug. Before her family could leave, she lifted Albert into the air and spun him around. Then she blew a raspberry into his cheek. Albert was growing well. His hair was curly and fell to his shoulders. His eyes remained a beautiful blue filled with joy. There were no scars, mental or physical, from his kidnapping.

She waved goodbye to her family, closed the doors, and left them unlocked. Then she hid in the parlor. All she had to do now was wait and hope her trap had worked.

It wasn't long before she heard the doors open. Maria hid behind the parlor door and waited. She heard the soft tap of his boots make his way to the piano room.

She peered out the door and silently followed to the piano room. Maria gawked. He was there, standing by the piano. He came. He stood with his back to the door, Maria's letter was in his hand. He was lost in his thoughts as he ran his hand over the dusty piano. Though she could not see his face, she saw the tension in his stiff shoulders, his heavy footsteps, and the way he second-guessed his movements. He had yet to notice her and stood unaware of the moon princess that watching him by the door.

Robin shifted his head. He felt a little foolish being there. If Richard found out, he'd never hear the end of it. When Robin first saw the letter, he made up his mind to ignore it. If Loveday and her family were only gone for the day, he didn't see why he had to spend his day watching over her. She had magic, she could defend herself. But then he remembered their fight, and how much of an arse he had been to David because of it. Now with all the mess of the escape, he felt a foreign feeling of care tug at his heart. After all, it was his guards who failed to properly secure Charles and Althea. Even if indirect, Robin was at fault too. Plus, it would make David happy to see Robin helping her out. She was his friend's friend. Robin decided that he had nothing to lose and accepted the task.

Her plan was to bring Robin over and trap him where he couldn't run. Then, focusing her thoughts and energy into the pearls, she was going to touch his back as she did with the guards to break the curse.
Maria pursed her lips and squared her shoulders. This was it. She had nothing left to lose. Just as Cat suggested, Maria ran with a battle cry and landed her hand on his back, but she overestimated her force.

She landed with all her weight on his back and pushed him forwards. Taken by surprise, the bird boy stumbled and fell to his knees.

"Ey! What was that for?" He yelled over his shoulder. Spotting the wide-eyed Merryweather, his eyes narrowed dangerously. He thought they'd made peace. Was it all a ruse, was she planning to take him on now?

'Guess that didn't work', Maria squeaked and followed Cat's second suggestion. She bopped him upside the head, hoping her moon magic would do the trick. The force knocked his bowler hat over his eyes and onto the floor.

"Oy, you little witch! I'm going to get you for that!"

Maria paled, 'Oh no, that didn't work either.' Quick as a mouse, Maria turned on her heels and ran out of the piano room.

"Merryweather, come back 'ere!" He spat behind her.

She ran for her life.

Maria turned down the hall and darted into the library, slamming the large doors behind her. She made a beeline past the couch and hid amongst one of the bookshelves towards the very back.

"You can't hide from me!" He shouted pushing the doors wide open. They hit against the walls with a force that vibrated through the room.

Over the cracks and between the books, Maria spotted the De Noir. His charcoal-lined eyes were alive with a determined flame as they scanned the aisles.

"...Come out, come out, where ever you are, Moon Princess... I know you're in here."

Maria held her breath and backed peddled closer to the wall.

Robin quietly walked past the center of the library. She was watching him; he could feel her eyes on him. His hunter's instinct pushed him forwards, guiding him towards her like an invisible eye.

He was getting closer. Maria continued retreating until her back hit against a shelf. It groaned and rocked just ever so slightly.

Thud! A book fell from the shivering shelf with a boom that echoed throughout. Maria cringed.

"Aha!" The De Noir ran towards her.

Desperate times called for desperate measures. Maria grabbed a handful of books and tossed them at him, hoping to scare him off and block his path. He knocked each of the books to the side, growled, and lunged for Maria.

She screamed and ducked into another book aisle. She maneuvered towards the exit and made it out the doors. She skidded to the left and sprinted down the hall, huffing as her corset seemed to squeeze tighter on her lungs.

"Just wait till I get my hands on you!" She heard him shout behind her. He was catching up to her.

Maria screamed and pushed herself forwards.

"Digweed! Marmaduke! Wrolf! Help me, please!" Maria yelled, hoping one of them could hear her and come to her recuse.

Down in the kitchen, Digweed and Marmaduke were eating their roasted pot pie. Wrolf was sitting by Marmaduke's feet eating a lamb chop. Maria's cries for help echoed in, distracting them from their food. Digweed and Wrolf jumped to their feet and ran towards the door, but Marmaduke popped in front of them. He wore a mischievous smile and ushered them both back with his hands. "This is business they must be solving."

"But the misses," Digweed tried to protest.

"Rest assured the lad won't hurt her. If he does, I'll pop right at her side."

Back on the other side of the manor, Robin laughed. "They aren't here! No one can help you! I'll give you a reason to think twice before striking me behind my back!"

"I'm incredibly sorry!" Maria yelled behind her as she continued running. "I truly am! I thought it would break the curse! It worked once before."


"It's true! You'll see if you read my book!"

"It's too late Merryweather! Don't play with fire if you can't handle the flame!"

She slid around a corner towards another hallway and ran into the first room, shutting and locking the door behind her.

Maria lunged for the bed, setting up a fortress of pillows around her. She was panting. Beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. She reached behind her and pulled at her bodice, loosening the restraints against her lungs. She heaved a large breath, feeling as though she had been submerged underwater and only just come up for air.

She was about to sit back against the bedframe but jumped in the air when the doorknob started rattling.

"Merryweather! This door isn't enough to stop me! I'm a De Noir remember?"

Robin began to pick the lock. Maria shrieked and tried to hide under the bed, but her caged skirt couldn't fit underneath. She groaned and lifted herself. She made a mental note to ask Loveday for more dresses for Christmas.

Maria picked up a pillow and readied herself. If it was a fight he wanted, it was a fight he was going to get.

With a battle cry, Robin kicked open the door. His fists were up in the air, ready to take on whatever was thrown at him.

Maria screamed and threw a pillow that struck Robin's face. She quickly picked up another for a shield and a candelabra for a sword and took a fighting stance.

Robin laughed as he strolled in, "who taught you to stand like that?"


Robin's face fell, and he picked up the pillow Maria had tossed at him.

"Then it's a good thing I don't remember!"

Maria gasped. "Oh, you oaf! The Robin I knew was a thousand times better than you!" She tossed a candle with every word at his head. He dodged every one of them.

"No! He was a sap! A hopeless, lovestruck, weakling, balmy fool!"

"You take that back, you—you devil!"

"Is that the best you've got? I must've lost my mind for me to have fallen for you!"

"Oh, I'll show you!"

Maria grabbed the last pillow and hurled herself at Robin. She pounded him with the sack of feathers for all he was worth.

"Ahh!" Robin raised his hands in defense. He used his other one to smack her with a pillow he had picked off the ground. Maria reached for another candelabra, but Robin jumped in front of her and blocked her path.

Soon they were battling, using their pillows as both shields and swords.

Maria grew frustrated. Using all of her weight, she rammed him with her pillow and pushed him back against the wall.

"You will never be half the man you used to be!" She spat, her eyes piercing into his soul.

Robin narrowed his eyes and scoffed, he lowered his face to her eye-level, until their noses were a mere inch from one another. "What makes you think I want to be? If I didn't know any better, I would almost say this only confirms you truly loved that oaf!" He huffed and pushed her back.

"Oof," she cried out, smacking his chest with the palms of her hand. She stepped back, her legs hit the bed and she fell backwards. She grabbed onto Robin's jacket and pulled him down with her. They landed on the bed.

Robin was on top of her.

His heavy breathing fell onto her neck. She hated the butterflies in her stomach, they weren't meant for him. At least not who he was right now.

She felt his beating heart through his chest. She was trapped underneath him, his arms pressed against the bed on either side of her head. They were the only support keeping him from completely falling onto her. A heat of emotion soared from her stomach to her face. She turned a bright red, though the spark of anger remained lit in her eye.

Robin was at a loss. He felt his ears grow warm. He wasn't quite sure what to do now that he had her pinned down. It seemed like time stood still as they stayed there, catching their breaths. Staring at one another.

Maria finally broke the silence as she said between breaths, "Whatever feelings I had once before, are dimming with every day I spend with you."

Robin blinked as a hurt look passed through his eyes. Then his eyes darkened and narrowed, masking any possible feelings he could have. "Then why did you call me here?" He growled as he brought his face closer to hers.

Maria's chest rose and fell as she continued to catch her breath. It was a rhythmic roll against his body. His eyes glanced down at her lips, then scanned over Maria's soft, pale and freckled skin, before once more meeting her eyes. The passion in her eyes glowed like embers, a light that seemed to draw him in. There was so much hidden inside of her. Did she really have the answer to his lost memories?

A few curls fell in front of Robin's face, shielding his eyes. Maria raised her hand and gently brushed the strands away from his face. The warmth of her hand sent a shiver down his spine.

Searching Robin's eyes, she still saw the beautiful brown orbs that once held mischief and life, though they no longer held the tenderness they once used to. They were lost and vacant. She wondered if Richard was right. What if she had kissed him then, could that have saved him?

She traced the edges of his face, down his jaw, and over his chin. Her thumb brushed against his lips.

Robin blinked, confused, yet his body leaned closer.

Before she knew what she was thinking, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down. Her lips found his and she kissed him. A soft, lingering kiss on his parted lips.

Robin panicked. His body froze yet his mind reared, demanding he push away, but he couldn't. He wouldn't. The void in the pit of his heart returned with a vengeance and ached to be filled. It ached for her. To bury himself in her love. At that second, he not only wished her feelings for Robin, the old Robin, were real. He wished they were for him.

Robin yielded. He let himself fall and melted against her hold. He returned her kisses and deepened them. Robin slid an arm to caress her side as he pressed himself into her. Maria squeaked with surprise and she inched herself back, giving him more room. She had no idea what she was doing, but she didn't want to stop. She let him take the lead.

Robin coiled an arm around her waist and tried to press her closer to him, but her caged skirt acted like a barrier.
Maria's hands traced up his neck and raked through his curls, knocking off his hat. He softly moaned into her lips. His lips then traveled down her cheek into her neck, and Maria whimpered at his soft pecks. Robin smiled and traced more kisses down her neck into her collarbone, each with more pressure before finally returning to her lips.

Suddenly, Robin's mind spun and flashed a scene.

He was back at the beach. Maria was in his arms. They were falling into the sand. Her eyes were filled with fear. The faint echo of her scream, she was screaming his name, rang in his ears. Suddenly he was shrouded in darkness as he heard Charles' and Althea's laughter overpower Maria's screams. —

Robin cracked. He pulled himself off her. His eyes were wide with fear. He stepped back and grabbed at his hair, pulling it.
"N—No," he gasped. "Stop!"

He walked back towards the door. He almost tripped over the pillows, but he regained his balance and continued stumbling away from her.

Maria tried to stop him; she wanted him to talk to her. Something had snapped. She felt it.

Robin shook his head. "P—Please, leave me alone!"

He grabbed his hat from the floor and ran out of the manor. Maria followed but lost sight of him in the forest.

She crumpled down to the snowy floor and let out a heaving sob. 'It didn't work.'

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