Fool For You [2]

By BookwormPrincess123

1.7K 71 1

In under a year, everything Rosalie Gray knew had changed. Monsters, some human and some not, filled the worl... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Nine

128 4 0
By BookwormPrincess123

        Dinner that night had been unbearably tense, leaving everyone with a feeling of immense discomfort. It had been announced that Gabriel refused to return for training, leaving the task entirely up to his older brother. Disappointment flickered in Rosalie's veins as she mindlessly pushed her food around her plate. Yes, she was still angry with Gabriel... but she truly enjoyed his company. Would they still be friends now that he would not be coming around the Institute? She hoped so. But part of her doubted their friendship would be possible now. Training with Gabriel had been a good excuse for being around one another. Now there would be no more excuses.

        After dinner, almost everyone retired to their bedrooms- with the exception of Charlotte and Henry. The latter of whom rushed back to his workshop. Rosalie hadn't seen where Charlotte went as she trekked up the stairs toward her room. Her bed called to her like a siren luring men from their ships. After a day like this one, all she longed to do was sleep. When Rosalie at last reached her room, she shucked off her skirts and corset. That alone sucked the rest of Rosalie's energy from her body. Feeling utterly drained, she collapsed into bed wearing only her underclothes. Sleep descended upon her almost instantly.
The sun overhead shone brightly upon the flower-filled field. She recognized this place, she had dreamed of it many times before. "Rosalie." the sound of her name on his lips sent a shiver down her spine. Turning slowly, Rosalie's face lit up at the sight of him. Will. He looked older, not by much- just a few years perhaps. The summer sun had been kind to him: his skin had tanned beautifully, drawing attention to his blue eyes. She had never noticed just how beautifully blue they truly were. His hair was windswept. "Are you ready?" he asked her with a smile. It was such a handsome sight, making her wish he smiled more often.
Will snorted and jerked his head toward the two horses trailing behind him. "Our afternoon ride." he said gently. This side of him was so different to the Will she knew. He seemed much happier than she had ever seen him, less guarded. He extended his hand to her and she grasped it instantly, her heart thundering at the feel of his calloused hands against her smooth skin. Will pulled her against his toned body and her heart beat even faster. So fast, in fact, she worried it might stop beating altogether. He bent down to kiss her as if it were the most natural thing in the world-
A series of sharp knocks on the door woke Rosalie from her dream. The sheets were a twisted mess on the bed as she clamored to her feet, wrapping herself in her robe as she did so. Another set of knocks sounded, these ones more urgent than the last. Grumbling to herself, Rosalie threw open the door to reveal Tessa and Sophie. "There had better be a good reason for waking me at this hour." she snapped softly as the two girls hurried into the room.
"Have you spoken to Jessamine lately?" Tessa asked by way of greeting.
Rosalie raised a curious brow at her sister's inquiry. "You woke me to ask about Jessamine?" she sighed, but continued on. "As of late, no. The last time we spoke I consoled her about Nate... why, what's happened?"
Tessa's jaw tightened in consideration. Rosalie could read the look on her face as clear as day. There was a burning question inside her head.
"Out with it, Tessie."
"She mentioned nothing of a ball being hosted by the Lightwood's? Has Gabriel talked to you about it at all? I know you two are close."
A ball? It took all of Rosalie's restraint to keep from barking out a response. Clearly something was amiss here if both Tessa and Sophie had come to her at this hour. "No, neither of them mentioned it to me. Why is this so important?"
Tessa motioned to Sophie, whose eyes had widened immensely. She took a small step forward, wringing her hands in front of her. "Miss Jessamine has been sneaking out. There are nights her bed remains untouched. Then I found an invitation in the pocket of her new jacket. Benedict Lightwood himself invited her."
Rosalie's eyes shifted between the two girls standing before her. She had to admit it all sounded rather odd. Many questions of her own swirled listlessly in her mind. "This has to be another one of his ploys to seize the Institute for himself. Only Jessamine would be gullible enough to fall for his schemes. A few pretty words flitted in her direction are all it would take to sweeten her up."
Tessa politely nudged Sophie forward. "That's not all, miss." Sophie murmured as she handed the invitation over.
At first glance, it seemed to be nothing more than an ordinary invitation. But then Rosalie turned it over in her hands. A handwritten note greeted her, the handwriting as familiar as her own. Breath quickening, eyes darting toward her sister, Rosalie handed the invitation back. "Return that to Jessamine's pocket before she realizes she's lost it." Rosalie said, her voice void of all emotion.
"She already knows." Sophie admitted, ashamed. "She found me holding it. I-I tried to hide it, but it was too late."
"Never mind that then, where is she now? Someone has to stop her."
Sophie let out a soft whimper and her head fell into her hands. Tessa wrapped a supportive arm around her and said "Sophie panicked when Jessamine came at her... she hit her over the head with a mirror."
A trickle of relief rushed through Rosalie's veins. As horrible as it would sound, it was a good thing Sophie had done that. She saved Jessamine from making a colossal mistake. "Have you alerted Charlotte to your findings?"
Tessa shook her head. "I plan to, but I wanted you to be the first to know. If Jessamine is still being courted by our brother, I thought it would be best if you heard it from me."
Sophie spoke a string of jumbled words into her hands and shook her head. "Not Mrs. Branwell." she repeated while lifting her head from her hands. "She'll sack me, I know it."
After a short debate, it was decided that Will was their only option. Rosalie ushered the girls away to dress herself and promised to meet them at Will's room.

        It had been decided that Jessamine must attend the ball. If she truly was meeting Nate there, he would surely notice if she never arrived. However, it would not be the true Jessamine meeting him; it would be Tessa disguised as her. That was the safest thing to do. But even that may not be safe. Upon Will's mentioning that Mortmain may very well be there, Rosalie had viciously insisted upon attending the ball as well. There had been no arguing about it, it was a losing battle and both Tessa and Will knew it. Will would obviously be attending as well to watch over Tessa and protect her if needed. Tessa and Sophie disappeared to prepare for the ball. Rosalie left as well, Will trailing behind her. "I know there is no way to stop you from coming, but I wish you would stay here."
She did not turn as she opened the door of her room, headed straight for the small vanity table. "And why is that?" she asked as she began doing her hair, using a series of elegant pins to secure it atop her head.
"Tonight could be very dangerous, we haven't the slightest clue what we're walking into." Will stated plainly, his arms folding across his chest.
Rosalie could see him in the mirror: his mouth drawn into a tight line, his shoulders tense. "Watching over Tessa will be hard enough, but to also worry about your safety..."
Sighing, Rosalie turned to face him. Her hair was finished, her face perfectly framed. "You needn't worry about me. I am perfectly capable of blending into a ball. Especially a masked one."
"That's not the point, Rose! There will be people there that know you, know your face." he insisted. "Your brother, the Lightwood's, and maybe Mortmain himself! How do you plan to stop them from seeing you?"
"I will not argue this with you, Will." she shook her head and set to work lining her eyes with dark kohl. "Do not worry for me tonight, all of your attention must remain on my sister." she hated to say those words, hated to ask him to keep his focus on someone other than herself. It was selfish and stupid. But this wasn't just anyone she was asking about. This was Tessa, this was her dear sister.
A muscle feathered in Will's jaw but he nodded.
"Now go. You need to make yourself presentable."
Will grinned at her in the mirror. "I'm always presentable, just look at me."
"Yes, yes, you're an absolute treasure to behold. Now get out of my room."

The night was eerily silent as the three stepped out of the carriage and a strange smell clung to the air. Will seemed to smell it as well, his nose crinkled with disgust. He informed both girls that it was demon magic. Perhaps that was why there were no indications of the party occurring ahead of them.
Getting into the ball was as easy as had been expected. A cloaked figure had checked the invitation before welcoming them inside. The Lightwood's summer home was crowded with a variety of different beings: some of which were human, while others were not. Tessa, Rosalie, and Will had separated as soon as they set foot in the house. Being left on her own was not Rosalie's concern. What did concern her, however, was the line of automatons lining the walls. They stood perfectly still, but it still left Rosalie feeling uneasy. She would greatly prefer the company of a demon horde to those things. Flattening put her dress, Rosalie allowed herself to melt into the ongoing ball. Immersing herself into the crowd would be her best way to avoid drawing unwanted attention to herself. As she meandered throughout the room, her stomach churned at the sight of Tessa talking and dancing with their brother. Every part of her longed to lunge at him and make him pay for his betrayal, but that would ruin everything they were working toward. Tonight needed to go seamlessly. It was now blatantly obvious of Benedict Lightwood's connection to Mortmain. But they needed more. Much, much more. Scanning the entirety of the room, Rosalie attempted to catch a glimpse of Will. But he was nowhere to be seen. That was a good thing. It meant he had managed to blend in and keep himself from being spotted.

Rosalie had been wandering the party for what seemed like hours, an untouched drink in hand when a hand wrapped around her arm. The hand jerked her around and she came face-to-face with Gabriel Lightwood. His green eyes were a swirling pool of emotion: anger, worry, and perhaps a tinge of regret. "What are you doing here?" he asked quietly, pulling her into an empty room.
"Gabriel let go of me!" she hissed in pain, her pale eyes narrowing.
Instantly, he released his grip on her arm and took a small step back. "You shouldn't be here." he said.
"Why? Because your father is working with Mortmain?" the words hit him like a punch to the face but he recovered quickly.
"It isn't safe for you to be here. If I spotted you so easily, what's to stop my father from noticing you?"
At that, Rosalie scoffed and turned to glance into the ballroom. "Your father seems rather occupied." sprawled out in a lounging chair with a glass of dark wine was Benedict Lightwood. A dark haired demon woman lay atop him, smiling dangerously.
Disregarding his father entirely, Gabriel tried to steer her toward the door. "Please," he begged, "please leave this place."
Rosalie shrugged him off easily. "No, I will not." she shook her head. "Believe it or not, I came with a friend." as if to prove a point, she brought her drink to her lips and took a long sip. It tingled her throat as she swallowed, but it tasted absolutely magical.
"Rosalie no, don't drink that!" Gabriel groaned, snatching the drink from her hand. "Do you know what this is?"
"What does it matter?" annoyance sounded with each word leaving her mouth as she reached for the elegant flute he had stolen from her. He moved it out of her reach, holding it higher in the air.
"Trust me, this is not something you want to be drinking. It's mixed with warlock powder."
"So?" she raised a brow at him. Truth be told, she hadn't the faintest idea what that meant, nor did she understand why that was such a problem.
Gabriel sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and index finger. "Who is this 'friend' you came with? It would be best for you to leave before the fizzy lemonade takes effect."
Rosalie bit down on her lip. She couldn't tell him that she had come with Jessamine, that would ruin everything they were working toward. "I lied." she said, averting her gaze to stare down at the floor. "I followed Jessamine here when I saw her sneaking out."
Disbelief coated his features. She was going to have to really sell this if their mission had any hope of succeeding.
"Truthfully I've been following her for quite some time now. I noticed her dressing as a boy, which we both know to be very out of character for her, and slipping out an odd hours of the night." she explained, trying her best to sound like a concerned friend. "I knew it was wrong of me to spy on her, but after seeing who she was meeting with... I-I had no choice."
Sympathy coated Gabriel's features, but all she could focus on were the beautiful angles of his face. If she knew how to paint, she would have liked very much to paint him. "So you know." he said with a sigh, to which Rosalie nodded. "I only discovered the truth tonight, I planned to tell you as soon as I could-"
"It matters not." Rosalie said decisively. Her head felt fuzzy, no doubt from that lemonade she had drank. Her body felt light as a feather, almost as if it were not her own. Looking down, she examined her hand; furling and unfurling her fingers.
Another sigh left Gabriel's lips, drawing her attention. "I think it would be best if I escorted you home." he said gently, addressing her as one would a toddler.
Surely he was right. The idea sounded reasonable, but going home was the last thing on her mind. All she could think about was the gentle music floating in on a phantom wind from the ballroom. A smile lit up Rosalie's face as she met Gabriel's worried stare. "I will go on one condition." she said, raising her index finger.
For a moment he said nothing while he weighed his options. It would be best if she came willingly. Dragging her out, kicking and screaming, would draw too much attention. "What is it?"
Another smile graced her lips, "I want to dance."
Gabriel stared blankly down at her, unsure of what to say. He knew this was that damned lemonade speaking. The Rosalie he had come to know and care for was never so forward. She preferred silly little guessing games. Normally, he found such games to be nothing but a nuisance; but not with her. When it came to Rosalie Gray, he would play her games for as long as she liked. Why should tonight be any different? In a sense that fizzy lemonade would only make her a more honest version of herself, pushing her to do things her rational brain would perhaps not permit. Gabriel extended his hand to her. "May I have this dance, Miss Gray?"
"I would like nothing more, Mr. Lightwood." Rosalie replied with a faint giggle, slipping her gloved hand into his.
Gabriel kept her close to his side as he led the way back into the crowded ballroom where people and Downworlders alike continued to dance. The band was playing one of the most beautiful songs Rosalie had ever heard; it was slow and lilting, almost like a lullaby. Ever so gracefully, Gabriel spun her out onto the dance floor. The pair glided around the room with ease, the skirts of Rosalie's dress swishing to-and-fro as they went along.
"You are quite the dancer, Mr. Lightwood."
"I think you're mistaking me for someone else," he chuckled. "my dancing is subpar at best compared to you." as he spoke, Gabriel spun her out once more, his grip on her hand gentle but unwavering. The song came to a close when he brought her back in, her free hand now placed directly upon his chest. Rosalie lifted her eyes, looking at him through her dark lashes. It was impossible to ignore just how handsome he looked in that suit. It had been pressed to perfection, not a crease to be found. He was always handsome, that much was undeniable. But there was something different about him tonight. It was almost like she was seeing him for the first time. There were no masks or walls to see through. Just him. It was a nice change. Ever since arriving in London, Rosalie was constantly battling to see the truth. Most people had some form of mask, no one was ever truly honest. That was one of the things she hated most about this place: the secrecy.
"I rather like this side of you." Rosalie murmured. Neither of them had dared to move as they looked at one another.
"And what side would that be?" he asked in a low tone.
Rosalie was dangerously aware of his hands: one still holding onto her own hand, and the other placed lightly on her back. She was also attuned to the people dancing around them, veering away to avoid hitting them. "Just... all of it." she finished lamely. For one of the few times in her life, Rosalie was near speechlessness. "I wish you would be like this more often."
"Is this the lemonade talking?" he asked, his eyebrows flicking up in question.
A vigorous head shake was her answer. "I do believe that wore off during our dance, my head has never felt clearer." it was true. That fizzy drink may have clouded her mind for a short time, but not now. She was sure of it. "I just... I do not know, I suppose I'm tired of all the games. That's all my life has been lately: a constant game of cat and mouse. Right now, I just want to be honest. Honest with myself and with others."
Gabriel nodded slowly, seeming unsure. "And what exactly is it you wish to be honest about?" a carefully posed question. His mask, while presently down, was ready to reappear at a moments notice.
"I..." Rosalie hesitated and bit down on her lip. Honesty. That's what she wanted. So why was it so hard to admit what she wanted? "I wish you would come back to the Institute to continue training Tessa and I." she said, blowing out a long breath. "I know you cannot stand Will, but you are truly one of my only friends here."
Gabriel, ever so slowly, shook his head and released a sigh of his own. "You have plenty of friends."
"My mind has been made up." Gabriel said, his words clipped. "I will not be going back, not as long as he lives there. You and I will still be able to see one another, that needn't change... it just won't be for training purposes."
"And how do you propose we do that?" Rosalie frowned up at him.
"We have done it before and we can do it again. But there is truly no reason to keep our friendship a secret. Yes, it will certainly be upsetting to some people. But what they think matters very little, Rosalie. You said it yourself: you're tired of the games. So, why continue playing them?"
Everything he had said made perfect sense. Yes, Will would undoubtedly have a problem with her continued friendship with Gabriel, but that should not keep her from having a friend of her own choosing. Gabriel was the one friend she had made all on her own, and no one would take that away from her. "Then it is decided."
"Indeed it is." Gabriel nodded, chuckling lightly.

        A short while later, Rosalie caught a glimpse of her brother fleeing the party with a sheet of paper clutched tightly in his hand. Something had clearly happened. Where were Will and Tessa? She had to find them, had to know what Tessa had learned. Her eyes roved over the crowded ballroom in search of her sister. Rosalie was faintly aware of Gabriel speaking, yet she heard nothing but the pounding of her own heart. What if Nate had discovered that it was Tessa and not Jessamine? What if he was running to alert his master at this very moment? Turning back to Gabriel, she found him staring expectantly down at her. "I am dreadfully sorry but I-I have to go." she said hurriedly before darting into the crowd. How am I supposed to find them in a place like this? Rosalie thought to herself, almost bitterly. The room was a swirl of bodies dancing and drinking everywhere.
Rosalie searched the room vigorously, but to no avail. It was beginning to feel as if they had left without her. Until someone cleared their throat from behind her. Turning, she half expected to see Will standing there. Instead she was met with a stranger. He was tall, very tall. And impeccably dressed, all of his fingers adorned with rings of varying color. She could tell by his eyes that he was a warlock. His eyes, the perfect mixture of green and gold, were like those of a cat. "You look precisely how I thought you would." he mused, a coy smile playing at his lips.
" I know you?" Rosalie asked, nervously shifting her weight from foot to foot.
"We've not had the pleasure of meeting, but I have heard a great deal about you, Miss Gray." he extended his hand to her. "I am Magnus Bane."
Magnus Bane, she repeated the name silently to herself. Rosalie knew that name, had heard it somewhere before. Slipping her hand into his, she offered him a smile. "It is a pleasure to meet you."
Magnus lifted their hands, placing a light kiss to the back of Rosalie's hand. "The pleasure is all mine." he said before releasing her hand. "And if I were you, I think now is a splendid time to take in some fresh air on the balcony."
"Fresh air?" she repeated, her voice muddled with confusion. "I haven't the time for fresh air! I have to find-" I have to find my sister, she wanted to say. But despite the familiarity of the name, Rosalie would tell no one that her sister was here.
"I know precisely who you are looking for." Magnus said, a hint of amusement dancing in his feline eyes. In one swift movement, he carefully looped their arms together and led her toward the doors leading out to the balcony. They walked at a casual pace, as if he knew that Rosalie was trying to refrain from drawing anymore unwanted attention.
"How... how did you know who I was?" Rosalie found herself asking as they wove through the crowd.
A hint of a smile passed over his lips. "That is a story for another day, my dear." Magnus said while pushing open the doors to the balcony. As soon as they set foot outside, a long cigar appeared between his fingers. Rosalie tried to hide the amazed expression at what she had just seen as he brought it to his lips and blew out a perfectly crafted heart. It wasn't until his next words that she realized they were not alone. "If I had to guess, I would say you two had the lemonade."
She turned instinctively to see what he was talking about. Hurt flared inside of Rosalie at the sight of Will and Tessa mindlessly entangled in one another. The Change had worn off, leaving Tessa utterly exposed to prying eyes. "By the Angel!" Rosalie ground out through her teeth.
"That lemonade," Magnus drawled, his eyes shifting between Will and Tessa, "has a dash warlock powder in it. The kind that makes you do things you might not..." he let out a delicately theatrical cough, "otherwise do."
A knowing look crossed over Will's face. "Oh." was the ingenious response he mustered up, his gaze shifting from one sister to the other. He at least had the sense to distance himself from Tessa, who looked positively mortified.
"I think it would be best if we took our leave." Rosalie said, her voice wavering ever-so-slightly. She refused to meet Will's eye and instead focused on what lay beyond the balcony.
Tessa lifted a finger, a silent request for her sister to stop talking. "How did you know we were here?" she asked, addressing Magnus.
"I have my sources." he said simply. Not quite the answer Tessa would have liked, but that mattered not. "However, I am inclined to agree with your sister." he continued, discarding his cigar over the railing. "I received word from one of Camille's human subjugates that they spotted young Will here."
The thought of Camille made Rosalie shudder inwardly, there was something so unnerving about that woman. "Gabriel Lightwood spotted me earlier in the evening. Which is why it would be best for us to leave while we still have the chance."
"Yes, you have been spotted twice already. What's to stop it from happening again?"
"You heard the girl," Magnus said, "time to make yourselves scarce."
Will scowled at the warlock. "What do you care if we make it out or not?"
Tessa opened her mouth, no doubt to tell Will to watch his manners, but Magnus spoke before she could utter a single word. "Because you owe me, and I intend to collect." he said calmly.
Will's whole body seemed to sag. It was a look unlike anything Rosalie had ever seen. He looked almost... sick as he said: "I should have known that was it."
Magnus' tone was cheerful as he went on, "Shall we be on our way then? Or would you prefer to stay up here and take your chances?" he paused for a moment, those cat-like eyes carefully taking in both Will and Tessa. It looked as if he were reading a book, as if he was seeing something no one else could see. "You can pick up where you left off when you get back to the Institute."

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