Ma Meuia (NETEYAM)

By cheezeitsforlife

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Neteyam X Oc The forest was my home. It's where I was born and where I was expected to meet my end. When we... More



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By cheezeitsforlife

Neteyam Pov

This was a bad idea. A very very very bad idea.

Everyone was staring at my girl right now. I thought that after I showed them that we were together, they would piss off. But they did not stop staring, not even when I kissed her. To be honest I wouldn't either. Not with the way the fire light was hitting her face, it made her look angelic. Her orange eyes almost looked red, and her hair was in a low bun with a few strands in her face. It was held up by a small band that Tuk gave to her. It was small little shells decorating it. She was always the most beautiful girl in the room but she practically glowed right now.

I crossed my arms with a glare, no one else should be able to look at her. I tried to cover her up but she threatened to cut me. I knew her well enough that she would make do on that promise

Ao'nung smirked at me. I wanted to slap the smug look off his face.


"You don't look happy, my friend."

I grunted, my ears going back as I saw a guy getting a little too close to her.

He had been inching closer to her the entire time we've been here.

I didn't like it.

Ri was conversing with Roxto. He introduced her to his cousin, who looked almost exactly like him. When she saw that Roxto wasn't Roxto and in fact his cousin she went blank for a few minutes. Like literally just stood there and blinked at them with her mouth open in shock. When it finally registered in her head she accusingly pointed at Roxto's cousin, " You-YOU!"

He laughed nervously. He hurriedly walked in the opposite direction, knowing if he stayed any longer he would be in danger.

"All this time I thought that asshole was you." She said apologetically to Roxto.

He shrugged with a smile, "It is okay. Most people do"

" Well now I feel like crap!" Riti groaned.

As Roxto tried to reassure her I was stuck thinking about how I can kidnap her away from this stupid ass bonfire. Who's idea was it to come anyway?Oh....right.

"You are whipped bro." Ao'nung threw an arm around my shoulders and I pushed it off.

"Shut up, BRO."

He raised his hands as if to say surrender, " Look no hard feelings? About the whole asking out your girlfriend thing?"

I glared at him, there were definitely hard feelings.

"I mean, you can't blame me. Riti is smokin, and she's got a good personality too. Plus you guys weren't even together."

I clenched my jaw, and counted to three.

"What about the bullying and harassment after that?"

He winced, "yeah sorry about that."

I sighed, I rethought all my life choices.

"We're good."

Ao'nung looked at me surprised, "Really?"

I nodded, Riti, Kiri and Lo'ak have forgiven him, so I can too. Although I'm pretty sure Lo'ak just forgave him because he was Tsireya's brother. Either way I couldn't have any problems with anyone here, we were guests. My dad already had enough on his plate and I didn't want to add another problem ontop of it. At least that was what I was trying to tell myself. 

"Friends?" He lifted a hand and I looked at him cautiously.

I shook his hand, he was the chief's son and.. It wouldn't hurt to have a friend.

He nodded, and we started talking about which was better:the forest or the water. It was a pretty heated debate. 

" Neteyam?" I heard a voice behind me and I turned around. The girl that I talked to at the last bonfire was there smiling at me. She looked the same as she did when we talked last time.

She had long curly hair and a round face. Her eyes were blue and she had a wide smile.

We talked about the forest because she said she was curious about what happens behind the reef.

I couldn't remember her name. It started with an A, no it was a S....

"Does your offer for an archery lesson still apply?" She tilted her head.

I looked at her confused, when the hell did I offer a lesson? I shook my head immediately remembering when she suggestively asked if I could teach her how to shoot a bow. I never said yes.

"What lesson?" Riti popped up right next to me. Her head resting on my arm. I almost smiled at the height difference.

The girl's smile faltered, "Netty offered to give me a private lesson to teach me how to shoot a bow."

 I flinched at the nickname. Riti smiled but I knew her smile like the back of my hand. It wasn't a nice smile. In fact it was a vicious smile, a smile that was all teeth.

That smile scared me, and when we were younger it used to haunt my nightmares. I shuddered. I loved her but I was also slightly afraid of her.

"Is that right?" She asked in false sweetness.

"Ma Meuia, let's just leave it." I said under my breath.

She looked at me with a raised brow, "Leave it?"

She laughed sarcastically, it was definitely the wrong thing to say. I just pissed her off more.

"This beautiful girl wants a private lesson from you, Teyam." She clasped my shoulder.

" It would be rude to just let her down. Especially since you offered." Riti's grip went harsh. I winced.

" No my love, I didn't-"

" You did at the last bonfire. I mean I was really disappointed when you didn't come up to me after."

The girl came closer and wrapped her hand in mine, "I missed you."

Oh shit. Riti couldn't really think that I did that, right? No way.

I looked immediately to Riti, shaking my head. Her gaze was incredulous, and full of anger. I was in a lot of trouble.

Riti licked her lips, "yeah that's a bummer."

She was looking at the girl's hands on mine, I tried to yank it back but she wouldn't let go. Her hands didn't feel like Riti's. I didn't like the feel of her hands. Riti's where warm, and they lit a spark everywhere they touched.

These hands were a dead person's. Which she was about to be if she didn't stop touching me.

In fact, if she didn't stop touching me then we both would be dead. Not even Eywa could save us.

Riti stepped closer and smacked her hand out of mine, my hand getting some of the impact and I winced. 

Before the girl could say anything Riti wrapped her hands around the girls, in a tight grip. Even when she tried to tug them back, Riti didn't budge.

"Neteyam taught me how to shoot a bow and I have to say I'm a lot better than he is."

I had a bad feeling in my stomach from where this was going.


"I can show you."

Ri's eyes glittered, she was going to do something with the bow but she was definitely not going to teach her how to use one.

"Ri I don't think-"

"Did I ask you what you thought?"

I paled, and shook my head when her ferocious gaze met mine. Although I was petrified, I was also extremely turned on. I've never seen her this jealous before. Of course She had nothing to be jealous of, it would always be her.Always. 

She turned back to the girl, "common I'll be fun. I'll even let you hold the target."

The girl yanked her hands away from Ri's and hid behind me. No stay over there. Far away from me.

"I don't want you. I want Neteyam."

Was she a child? That was the only logical explanation for her actions.

Riti looked at me with narrowed eyes, as if to ask if this girl was serious.

I gave her pleading ones, she had to know that I didn't even know this girl.

The girl wrapped her arms around my waist and I practically cringed. I immediately tried to unlatch her arms.

"Hey how about you let go, and we can all talk about this calmly."

Meaning let me go and I'm going to take my girl and run far far away from you.

Riti snarled and stepped forward when the girl tightened her arms. I stepped towards her, blocking further movements. I just wanted to take her and leave this stupid ass bonfire, I was wrong and she was right. Like always.

Riti looked at me and her ears went back, "Did you just block her...from me?"

Her eyes told me that she was hurt, her face was expressionless but it was her eyes. Always her eyes. That wasn't what I was trying to do at all. I'd watch Riti destroy her and enjoy it, I was just trying to deescalate the situation before it got bigger than what it should be.

My eyes widened, "No. Ri, that's not what I was doing."

I reached for her but she backed up, she looked down at the girl's arms around my stomach and I immediately shoved her off. Screw being nice, this was getting out of hand.

She couldn't actually be mad about this girl? Ri knew I loved her. Right? She trusted me...

"You know what?" Ri looked at the girl, "Since Neteyam isn't opposed to teaching you then be my guest"

She walked off and sat down next to Kiri. They started to talk. 

What did that mean? Did that mean she trusted me to handle the situation? Did that mean that she was pissed? I'd find out when I talked to her.

I turned to the girl who was smiling at me and tried to grab my hands.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are. But that girl over there is the love of my life. You seem like a nice girl, but I don't want you. I don't want anyone other than her."

I pointed to Riti.

The girl looked like she was about to cry, she tucked a strand of her hair behind her lowered ear.

" But...But I thought we had something last time."

"Then you thought wrong."

And then she hugged me, sobbing.I patted her back, uncomfortable. I couldn't be a dick and shove her off when she was crying her heart out. I really really wanted to though. I looked over to see Ri laughing with Kiri, she hasn't looked my way since she walked away.

She was laughing..that was a good sign. I think.

I pulled away nodding to her in passing and hurried over to my girl. I'd explain It was all a misunderstanding. I would fix it. Ri was the love of my life, no one else. If there was any confusion about that then I wasn't doing my job as her boyfriend.

When I got closer to the fire, the guy that had been staring at her all night stopped in front of her.

What was he doing?

I watched as he smiled at her. I wanted to rip the smile off his face. It was only right, nothing that ugly should be directed at her.


Why the fuck is he calling her by her nickname?Only people close to her get to call her that.

"Do I know you?" Ri asked, confused.

I was fucking confused.

He mumbled something about being pretty and I perked up. No way was this puny bastard hitting on my girlfriend.

"Kiri I told you that some dude was going to get the balls to talk to you tonight."

Kiri laughed uncomfortably, "Um, Riti he's not talking about me."

"What? Then who is he talking about?"

Ri really was clueless. It must mean that I hadn't told her how beautiful she really was. I was bad at this...I wasn't a good boyfriend. But I wanted to be. I wanted to be the best fucking boyfriend ever. I wanted to be someone that she can be proud to call her boyfriend and eventually call her mate.

Ri stared at the guy who started shuffling his feet under his gaze , "ohhhhhhhhhh."

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out... sometime?"

I would fucking feed him to my Ikran. No screw that, I would tie his hands and feet together and drop him in the middle of the ocean and watch him drown.

Ri pointed at herself " me?"



"Are you saying yes?"


He looked defeated "so ur saying no?"

" yes?" Riti asked heavily confused

"Well why?"

"What do you mean why?"

"Why do you not want to go on a date with me?"

She actually laughed,I'm glad she thought this was funny because I was fuming.

"Bro, trust me, you don't want to date me. I need a lot of extra care, you would be miserable. I need attention all the time and I'm pretty sure there's something wrong with my brain."

He rolled his eyes, obviously not liking her response. 

 "Fine, you're ugly anyways.I was just asking you out of pity. I doubt anyone would want you."

How dare he speak such filth towards her? Ugly? I had control but not that much. I was at my breaking point.

Riti shrugged unbothered by him, "Someone does."

Was she talking about me? Hell yeah I do.

The dude wouldn't take the hint. He kept on complaining and Riti was starting to look annoyed.

"I could treat you better than him."

Okay no. It was amusing at first to see Ri reject someone but now he was acting like a whiny bitch. And I wanted him to leave so that I could hold her.

My patience had reached its limit.

"I don't think so man."

He looked at me in surprise and he didn't look impressed. I glared at him, one move. Just one and I'd make him regret his entire existence.

"You?" He laughed

"Do you have a problem with that?"

I stepped forward so now I was towering over the bastard.I pursed my lips to hold in my hiss. Riti rolled her eyes at me.

"Teyam, leave it."

"Leave it ?!"

I looked at her with wide eyes. She didn't want to do anything about this disrespectful Motherfucker? She tilted her head with a smug look and now I understood how she felt earlier.

This guy wasn't even touching her and I felt anger and disgust. I had this queasy feeling in my stomach, I felt sick. I sighed and reached out for her but she stopped me with a hand, not touching me.

"Do not even try to touch me before you wash every place where that girl touched you. You smell like her."

I winced.

The guy tried to get closer to her but she glared at him. I saw Kiri covering her laugh with her hand.

"You stop right there. I'm flattered that you think I'm pretty but if a girl says no, then you leave it. Don't be a dick and complain."

He looked at her, "You could have just told me you have a boyfriend."

She smiled sweetly, "Yea that doofus is my boyfriend."

She said it almost proudly and it melted some of my anger.

"Doesn't matter if I have a boyfriend or not, If I say no then it's no. Be a decent Na'vi and have some fucking respect."

He clenched his jaw and took a step forward.

"Touch her and you're dead."

Once he saw the look on everyone's faces he huffed and stormed away.

Around the bonfire there was Ao'nung, Tsireya, Lo'ak, Kiri, and Roxto who were all staring at us.

"Well, that was weird." Riti said, grabbing a stick that had some meat on it.

She took a bite, "I've never been confessed to before."

I raised my hands, what was I? Chopped liver?

"Shut up, you don't count."

Lo'ak fell to the ground and cried with his hands on his chest "Riti you're so pretty why won't you date me?"

"WHY WON'T YOU GO OUT WITH ME?" Roxto cried dropping to his knees

Ao'nung faked sobbed, " WHYYYY!"

Kiri started laughing and I was fighting the urge to drag Ri off into the woods so no one but I could have her.

Riti slowly got up, " You're so dead."

Then she pounced, She put Lo'ak in a headlock rubbing his braids aggressively.

Ao'nung and Roxto immediately tried pulling her off but she kicked them where the sun doesn't shine. They dropped so fast it was almost comical. 

I covered my groin, I practically felt their pain as they whimpered on the floor.



"Just like when we were kids, I swear. Nothing has changed." Kiri watched with a smile.

I smiled thinking back to when Riti was introduced to the family and Lo'ak and her had an instant connection. It was like they were siblings from the start.

"Should we help him?" Kiri asked next to me.We stared as Lo'ak slowly turned purple.

I would do anything for my brother, but getting involved in his and Riti's fights. Hell no. He was on his own.


"She won't kill him."  I knew that...

"Do we have too?" I sighed but as I saw Lo'ak try and bite Riti I reluctantly started walking to them.

Spare me. Please do not kick me, I need all my parts. I knew what would happen if I got involved. So I had to be quick, I quickly launched forward and made my attack.

" NETEYAM NOOOOO!" Riti squealed in laughter as I tickled her.

She slapped at my arms, curling into a tight ball. Laughter coming out as a wheeze now. I was unrelenting. 

Her laughter was so fucking beautiful, it was the best symphony. Whenever I heard it, my whole day was blessed. I wanted to hear her laugh everyday, all day. I wanted to hear it when I was old and gray, on my deathbed. I would pass away happy.

The first time I heard her laugh was the time that I realized I loved her.

She kicked my knee, and I groaned, flopping on top of her.

Pain, pain in my knee.

Her heart was beating a million miles per hour and she was panting. I placed my chin on top of her soft chest and smiled at her.

"Hey, love."

She glared at me, "You traitor."

She wiggled under me, but I had her hands pinned.

"Aww common, I just wanted to cuddle my beautiful girlfriend."

"You mean tickle attack me, and then flop on top of me so I can't breathe?"

I frowned.

"Is this your idea of cuddling?" She groaned as she tried to push me off...

"Well yes but less clothes."

She blushed but scoffed, "Get off of me you big oaf."

I didn't want to, I was comfortable. Well as comfortable as I could be with the pain in my knee.

She hissed at Lo'ak who was smirking at her.

"We are not done. As soon as I'm free you will be praying to Eywa for mercy."

He patted her head, "Awwww, wittle Riri thinking she is big and bad." He spoke in a baby voice.

Riti bit his hand, " OWWW!" He screamed like a little girl.

I shook my head, even with my help he still lost.

"I think I should start calling you "mighty warrior" instead of Lo'ak." I stated kissing her chest softley.

I felt her entire body softening. She gazed at me with so much love, I felt like I was going to explode.

"MY EYES!!!" Lo'ak cried covering his face, "I NEED TO CLEANSE THEM!!"

Riti rolled her eyes and I got off of her, the moment ruined.

I swear one of these days I'd get Lo'ak back.

She was murmuring death sentences under her breath, walking back to the fire. When I pulled her back, "neteyam wha-"

I kissed her neck, hearing her breath catch. I softly whispered into her ear, "I worship you, Ma Meuia."

She turned to me and I was taken aback by my own desire reflected in her eyes.

"Tell me that again."

I opened my mouth to say it again with a smile but made the words die in my throat. 

She purred in my ear, "I am tempted to do, so many things to you maTeyam. All involving less clothing and me on my knees."

My eyes widened. Every part of my lower groin hardened to the point of almost being in pain.

My voice was husky with desire when I rasped out, "I want to do all those things."

She kissed the spot under my ear and I held back my moan.

To anyone else it would look like she was just hugging me. But really she was trailing down her blessed fingers down my torso, leaving a trail of fire in their tracks. They didn't stop until they were on my lower abs and my entire body was shaking with desire and want.

"Your mine." She said like it was a fact, like there was never going to be a change in that. 

"and  You're mine." 

"eh, I guess." 

She bit her lip a little when she pulled back to stare into my eyes.I can't keep on doing this. I was going to die.

"Stop biting, your fucking lip." I grunted and pulled out her lip from her teeth. 

"Are you coming back to the fire or are you guys going to stand there staring at each other all night?" Lo'ak called

"Common pretty boy the people await."

Riti walked in front of me and I stayed close behind, I didn't want anyone to see the hard on I was sprouting. I loved my siblings and I did not want to traumatize them like that.

I sat down and pulled Riti onto my lap, wrapping my arms around her waist, and leaned my chin on her shoulder. I side eyed Lo'ak as he tried to flirt with Tsireya.

Tsireya was giggling at Lo'aks failing attempts at wooing her.

Ri turned to me, "This is painful to watch."

I hummed in agreement, "should I help him?"

She laughed, "I think he needs to figure this one out on his own."

We watched as Lo'ak started to make a fool of himself in front of Tsireya. Anyone with two eyes could see they liked each other.

"She likes his dorkiness." Riti hummed.

"I'm happy for him." I said and I really was.

I knew Lo'ak and I had our issues but at the end of the day I loved him more than I loved myself. He was my brother, he was the person I would protect until I died. Not just because it was my duty as an older brother but because I wanted him to live up to his full potential and live his life to the fullest, because I loved him. I truly wanted him to be happy and to have someone to be by his side, when I couldn't.

I smiled and ran my hands down her thighs, squeezing softly.

"So how did you two meet?" Roxto asked as he broke off the conversation he was having with Ao'nung and Roxto.

Riti smiled at me, "The first time I met him I almost killed him."

"She was as ferocious as an army of Strumbeest."

She rolled her eyes, " I was not." 

And then I told them how I met the love of my life, and the person who would become Ma Meuia.

I was playing hide and seek with Lo'ak and Kiri in the forest. I had gone a bit further than I had wanted but it was too easy if I stayed near them. I let my competitive side take over for this game, I had already let Lo'ak win the last one and he bragged too much for my liking.

I blocked my face from the branches that were slapping my face as I ran.

I didn't even notice where I was stepping, just that I had to run far enough away that they couldn't find my hiding spot.

I tripped over something and landed right on my face.


In a quick flash there was a spear-like weapon being pressed into my neck by a small girl with fiery orange eyes.

She raised up the spear above her head and I screamed bloody murder.

She paused and her eyes went wide. She scrambled off of me, and she just stared at me.

I wiped the tears from my eyes, a little embarrassed.

"Who-who are you?"

There was no response, just staring.

"Mom says it's rude to stare."

Her eyes narrowed at me and she cautiously crawled on all fours to me.

She cocked her head to the side in curiosity. Upon further inspection the girl was really skinny, stick thin really. I could see her bones. Her dark blue hair was super long all the way to her ankles in a tangled mess.

Why didn't her mom brush her hair for her?

"...why don't you talk?"

She suddenly grabbed my hand and examined it.

I tried to tug it back, scared to death from this girl. She was weird, and scary.

She almost killed me, then I wouldn't be the winner of Hide and seek anymore. I would just be dead.

She raised her hand and placed it on mine. Her eyes went wide in what looked like amazement.

She was sorta funny though.

"You're weird...but my dad said that I have to be nice to weird people."

Cleared my throat, "My name is Neteyam."

I waited for her to introduce herself, but she didn't.

"I haven't seen you in the clan before."

I stood up and the girl's mouth opened in awe. She crawled around me examining me.

"You sure are weird." I giggled

"Neeyaamm." She opened her mouth to say and pointed at me. Her voice was a croaky sound, like she wasn't used to speaking.

Huh? Was she trying to say my name?

" No, my name is Neteyam."


I don't think she understood me.

"Okay repeat after me, "Neteyam,"

She stared and so I repeated it, "Neteyam."


"Yes! Thats it!"

"What's your name?"

She shook her head and I was really confused. Did she not have a name? Or did that mean she didn't know what I was saying? She was obviously na'vi though.

I frowned, "Where's your mom and dad?"

She frowned at me and then she crawled away.

I followed after her but she hissed, like an animal.

I raised my hands to show I meant no harm. She led me to this...nest?

"Is this your home?"

It had berries and sticks and other types of things collected in a small bundle.

I looked up and she was crawling up the tree and she laid down on a branch.

"You sleep in the tree's without a hammock?"

She peeked her head over the branch, her hair swinging in my face.

I giggled at the feeling.

She dropped something into my hands. It was a fruit.

I took a bite and it was really good, "WOW!!"

That's when she smiled, and it brightened up her entire face.

I started to talk to her, I talked to her about my siblings, my mom and dad, about ikrans and how I was next in line to be leader.

I don't think she understood any of it but she looked intrigued the entire time so I kept on going.

I only stopped when I saw that it was almost eclipse. My parents usually wanted me home by then and I didn't want to make them angry.

"I have to go home now."

I didn't want to leave my new friend but I had too.

"Well...bye." I waved but she tugged me back with sad eyes.

"I have to go..." I frowned " But I'll come see you again. I promise!"

I started walking back but I was aware that she was following behind me. I turned around, "Are your parents back at the clan?"

She just froze a little while away.

I shrugged and continued to walk back, "I can introduce you to my family and we can hang out more."

I was suddenly tackled to the ground, her hand across my mouth and I suddenly thought she was going to kill me.

She placed both her hands to muffle my sounds of protest. Her eyes pleading with me, she almost looked scared.

There was a sudden loud growl. I froze, realizing what she was trying to warn me about.

It was a Slinth.

My dad told me about them, how they were the fastest creatures on pandora. He said that if I ever encountered one then the only thing to do would be to hide, because I won't be able to outrun it.

Riti pushed me hurriedly behind a bush and we held our breaths as the Slinth was suddenly standing where we had been moments ago. It had a sleek, slender body with four legs.Its skin is grey with darker mottling and blue and yellow stripes going down its side. It has a single pair of small red eyes.The slinth's face is usually covered by four segments of hard plate, protecting its fangs. The plates opened to reveal a bright yellow, terrifying threat display and two large, venomous lances that extend from either side of the slinth's face.

I looked at her with wide eyes, we could die.

She pointed in the opposite direction and brought out a handmade knife from inside of her leaf like clothes.

She wanted me to leave?

I shook my head, she stared at me and pointed.



"Neteyam." She hissed.

"I'm not leaving you." I grabbed her hands. She was my friend.

"Friends don't leave friends behind."

She shook her head at me.

The growling was closer now.

She picked up a stick and threw it in the opposite direction, the Slinth immediately running fast.

She picked up my hand and we ran, I couldn't tell if it was behind us but I got my answer when there was a sudden roar behind us.

Her grip tightened on my hand, pulling me forward more.

Realizing the clan was coming up I heard my name being called, " NETEYAM!"

It was mom. I yelled back for my mom and dad, but we still weren't out of the clear.

The Slinth jumped in front of us and she shoved me to the side. Hard.

The slinth injected something into my new friend, it was so fast. Too fast for me to do anything, I watched as my new friend's body dropped to the floor. Lifeless.

I screamed for My dad, my mom, anybody.

I crawled towards her but before I could reach her the slinths body made a squealing noise. It dropped to the floor and I watched as my dad and mom came running towards me.

I picked up my friend and dragged her away from the slinth. I didn't want her to die. I liked her, she was weird but she listened. She showed me fruits and berries and plant's i've never seen before.

"Son." My dad hugged me tight and so did My mom they were crying and whispering to Eywa.

"My baby, thank you great mother, thank you." My mom held my head

"Mom, Dad we don't have time for this!" I held my friend's body.

"We have to help her. Please! She saved me!"

Mom and dad immediately took her into the grandma's tent. Grandma would help her.

"Neteyam!You cheated!" Lo'ak came storming to me.


"Even when we were younger, Riti was saving your ass."

Riti laughed, "It was more like he saved me."

I kissed her shoulder. The memory made me smile now, it was the first of many adventures we had together.

"You didn't know any Na'vi at all?" Ao'nung asked, bewildered.

She shook her head, "Neteyam taught me.It took a while but he never gave up trying to talk to me." She smiled, "Neteyam refused to let anyone else teach me, even Kiri tried."

I laughed, that was true. I wanted her to speak to me first. I wanted to be special.

"Lo'ak didn't even care if I could speak the language he was already fighting with me."


She rolled her eyes, "Neytiri taught me the culture, and Jake taught me how to defend myself.It took a while but I got there."

Everyone looked at her in amazement, wondering the same thing we did. How did a young girl survive on her own for almost 9 years?

"You don't ever wonder where your parents are?"

"Ao'nung, shut up." Tsireya sighed, shaking her head.

"It's fine." Riti shrugged, "I used to ask around, but as time passed I realized it didn't matter to me anymore. If they were going to come back for me they would have a long time ago, or they could have died. Either way neither one of them is good."

"So who named you?" Ao'nung questioned curiously.

 "Neteyam did. He named me after the stars because I was always looking at them."

It was more that she shined like one but we'll just go with that.

Tsireya spoke softly, "you were alone all that time?"

Lo'ak suddenly shot up, "She has us now. Me, Kiri, Neteyam, Tuk and my parents."

Riti leaned back on me and It warmed my heart how she accepted that sentence now. 

"Right you are, little bro"

He glared at her, "You're only a year older."

The aura was slightly tense everyone was stuck in their own thoughtw and I could tell that Riti felt a little uncomfortable. She kept on moving around on my lap, I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

"Please stop moving love."

"Do you guys wanna hear a joke about a-"

"NO!" Everyone yelled

Riti grumbled under her breath, getting up to rest her head in my lap. 

Everyone was talking and engaging in conversation again, I pulled Riti's hair out if the rubber band.

I started to message her head and braid some pieces. 

I ignored the fact that her face was right next to the place I was desperately trying to cover.

She pulled my hand and kissed the palm of it, dragging it so that my hand was now on her chest. Well that didn't help, my problem. But she was too cute for me to let go. She was practically snuggled up using the heat of my body to keep her warm. 

 I looked around the bonfire and admired my friends and family. Their smiles and happiness warming me. 

Everything was perfect. 

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