By naturelover1997

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Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall and the rest of the Originals are pulled from different timelines to watc... More



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By naturelover1997

Klaus looked around his new apartment pleased and satisfied with the results, this was perfect for him and he could leave all those memories of the compound behind him. Resurrected in a new life decades from his last time here, he felt hope for his future. And he was pleased with the progress being made at the North East Atlantic site. The new houses were being built for the wolves, the meeting hall and dining mess hall, the archive room. He wanted the pack to feel and make New Orleans their home, when he had made hybrids all those years before Ho.... no he would not think about her, other than he had been given the greatest gift a monster like him could have been given, she had lived he had loved her with an endless devotion, but she was gone.

This time he wanted to be a part of the pack. He knew Elijah and Marcel would see to the vampire's in the Quarter. Klaus wanted to be there for his wolves and turning with them on the last Full Moon before he had left them to once again take up residence in New Orleans had been liberating, free and wild in a way blood drinking and killing wasn't.

Klaus took his phone from his back pocket and looked at the name displayed with a smile.

"Miss me already little moon? I only left last week," He chuckled.

Laughter could be heard coming from the phone, "I have just arrived in New Orleans. I'm at the NEA camp, I can't believe there are half a dozen homes built out there already," She gushed.

"Well love, I get things done," Klaus quipped back.

"I'll say you do, can I come over? I need to ask for your advice about classes."

"Of course love, top level apartment 203 Bourbon Street French Quarter, see you soon," Klaus answered ending the call with a smile.

"Hayley," Hayley halted walking down the hallway from her bedroom inside the compound and turned to Finn with a small smile.

"Are you going to the Bayou?" He asked and she nodded, "Could I go with you? I have a proposal for Elizabeth and I would like to discuss it with you also."

"Sure Finn I'm leaving now are you ready?" Hayley asked and Finn nodded.

In the car Finn turned to her as she drove, "I was never very good at living an Immortal life that is why Niklaus daggered me. But seeing myself in the past bonding with Family before I died of the wolf venom bite and having Freya back in my life I want to make my Immortal life mean something this time. Did you know Niklaus set up what are now known as Trust Funds for all his siblings even as far back as the first Century when we became vampires?" Finn asked her and Hayley shook her head thinking that it sounded like something Elijah would have done for his siblings.

"He did and over the Ten Centuries it has grown. We could never spend it in another two or three millennia and even then investments would accrue and grow..."

"You're saying that the Mikaelson siblings are like the richest people on the planet," Hayley acknowledged with humour and a side glance at him.

"Indeed that is the case which brings me to my point. I want to build and start a school for supernaturals in New Orleans, I want to bring this to Elizabeth and Morgan actually,"

"Morgan?" Hayley questioned.

"Morgan Poldark, he is the Alpha of the North East Atlantic Pack. Nik won't be taking over as Alpha until he is comfortable with his wolf or seeing the pack dynamics and how they work, which is wise," Finn smiled, "He is certainly a different Nik to Five Centuries ago," Finn informed her with a touch of pride to his tone.

"Oh," Hayley replied surprised, one, that she didn't know this about Klaus's plans and what had been happening, which meant Elijah was out of the loop and two, it meant Finn had spoken to Klaus and she still hadn't.

"I discussed this with Niklaus. He likes the idea of a School here. He told me he would never send any of his future children to Mystic Falls to be taught again," Hayley's stomach churned at the thought of Klaus having kids with someone else and the fact that all his siblings just accepted this without doubt, "Freya and Vincent like the idea and Davina loves the idea even putting herself up for head of the witch department. Kol also wants to install dark objects and black magic classes for the Senior student witches of the School. Seeing as the Salvatore school keeps their students in the dark about such magic, which does not help them at all when it comes to defensive magic or dealing with unknown monsters, Kol has a great deal of knowledge with both, he would be a worthy addition to the staff."

"Yeah I understand that from watching the movie of our lives. Ho... the kids at the Salvatore School seemed to be playing catch up all the time and if it hadn't been for..... well they would have been in trouble," Hayley faltered.

Finn could see Hayley was upset and he felt for the woman but he also understood Niklaus and this issue of having Hope again. He knew to stay well away from this subject. From what he had learnt from the females of the family and their discussion around Hayley and Niklaus on the issue of having or in this case not having Hope again. Hayley's reluctant to accept Niklaus not wanting to have Hope again. Finn would let the women deal with the Hayley and Niklaus subject and remain impartial. "Kol was always scathing of the Salvatore curriculum. I would teach physical and mental combat much like the children of my time learnt. Viking combat and skills and war tactics, it makes for strong wolf or witch warriors and I would be Head of the school. I was hoping you would be head of the werewolf department?" He asked her.

"I would like that Finn," Hayley glanced over as she drove, a genuine smile on her lips, "Elizabeth has asked me to be her beta and I think that she and the supernatural kids of New Orleans would benefit from a Mikaelson run School," Hayley replied sincerely.

Hayley walked into Rousseau's early for the Faction meeting seeing the pub had been closed to the public. Marcel had inherited the bar from Josh after his death at the hands of Greta Sienna's nazi followers and Hayley looked up. So life-like and beautiful, there was an oil painting. Captivating her attention above the bar of Josh and Aiden, it was a stunning painting.

"That is the only object that has not disappeared that was Hope's, done by her talented hand," Marcel said to Hayley quietly standing at her side and tears came to Hayley's eyes and she turned to Marcel, he put an arm around her shoulder, "I don't know why it has remained here when everything else of hers has disappeared, nor does Freya or Vincent have an explanation, but this is a reminder that our Hope lived and was here," Marcel told her huskily.

"I feel so desperate Marcel, as though I am transparent you know?" And he nodded sympathetically at the beautiful brunette.

"Try to move on Hayley. You have the man you love, let that be enough for now. You have your pack, your wolves and you have the Mikaelson family. You are our sister in law and we all love you," Marcel stated, "You can come here anytime and gaze at the painting, it gives me comfort to see her handiwork here," Marcel admitted.

"Has Klaus seen it? Does he know all Hope's things have disappeared?"

"Yeah he was here the other night when his stuff was moved from the compound the other day." Hayley frowned; she didn't see his stuff being moved out and Elijah hadn't said anything. Marcel saw her frown, "Must have been when you were at the bayou," Christ did Elijah tell her nothing? He always thought Hayley and Elijah's relationship was weird and one sided Elijah kept so much to himself. "Klaus mentioned when he came in here that all his drawings and paintings of Hope had disappeared."

"Oh," Was all she could say and then saw Elijah, Freya and Vincent walk in for the meeting Elizabeth just behind them and then she saw Klaus for the first time since Bali and she took a sharp inhale, he looked happy? And carefree walking next to a shorter well built guy with fair hair and blue eyes and Klaus caught her eye and smiled.

"Morgan my sister in law Hayley Marshall crescent pack," Hayley shuddered at the introduction from him, remembering him always introducing her as Mother of his child, "Hayley, Morgan Poldark alpha north east atlantic pack," Klaus introduced them and Hayley held her hand out to shake Morgan's and Morgan grasped her hand warmly.

"Nice to meet you Hayley, the Labonair queen of the crescent pack," He said with a grin, "Your famous in wolf circles welcome back to this timeline," He commented with a smile.

"Thanks, it nice to meet you Morgan although Elizabeth is crescent alpha, I'm acting as her Beta," Hayley replied indicating Elizabeth at the long table.

"We need to do a pack get together," Morgan suggested, "Our compound is nearly finished thanks to Klaus, we will have the crescent's over for a big night," Morgan offered and Hayley nodded smiling slightly, so aware of Klaus out of the corner of her eyes, he was taking this sister in law thing seriously and she wanted to fucken scream.

"Sounds perfect Morgan," Klaus commented, calling back at them and giving Marcel a squeeze on the shoulder as a greeting and going to the Faction table. Morgan followed and Klaus introduced him to those at the table. Hayley saw Elijah was at the head and Hayley went and sat near Elizabeth who was smiling at Morgan and Klaus. At least there was no wolf animosity this time. Imaging Jackson and the dour Mary and how they had been with Klaus and faction business in her time.

Elijah stood and the table fell quiet, "To my right for the human faction is Mayor Rudy Valentine to my left Chief of Police Rosemary Burwood and Father Francis Uganda for St Mary's Church," Hayley looked at the Priest who was smiling widely his white teeth standing out against his dark skin and she thought he looked like a gentle thoughtful man and decided she would talk to him privately, she had never been one for religion but her head was a mess and he looked like the type of person she could confide in, outside of the Mikaelson's and wolves.

"Marcel Gerard Mikaelson along with myself as head of the vampire faction, Freya and Vincent Griffith Mikaelson as head of the witch faction. Elizabeth More Crescent Alpha and Hayley Marshall Beta as head of the Crescent wolf faction and Morgan Poldark Alpha of the North East Atlantic pack and Niklaus Mikaelson Beta for the North East Atlantic wolf faction. First order of business," Elijah announced, handing out a sheet of paper to everyone seated around the table.

"This is a running sheet of income coming into New Orleans and being divided up to the factions for the last financial quarter." Hayley looked the paper over and glanced at Morgan as his eyes widened when he saw the figures and he looked at Klaus with astonishment, Klaus just smirked at him.

"Do the Faction heads wish to bring any matters to the table concerning the finances and dividends?" Elizabeth shook her head as did Hayley and everyone else at the table.

"What I am interested in, was last month income from residents here now the original family are back as a whole in New Orleans?" Mayor Rudy asked.

"There has been a 25% upscale across all spending in the City," Elijah replied.

"So the residents feel safer with the Original Family here?" Father Francis asked.

"They do Father, spending among the supernaturals has risen by 15% which would indicate the supernaturals feel there is a long future for them here. Statistics have concluded this also," Elijah informed him and Father Francis smiled nodding his head,

"Happy content residents, make for calm reflective living, that is excellent to hear," Father Francis announced and all at the table smiled and agreed.

"We will move on to new projects. The North East Atlantic Pack has been built on land Niklaus Mikealson owns North West of the City and I am told it is nearly completed. Do we have any other petitions for new development?" Elijah asked.

"Yes, " Freya announced sliding a folder towards Elijah, "Finn Mikaelson proposes a Supernatural School be built here in New Orleans for the children of supernaturals, this is the prospective," Elijah looked through the documents having had no idea this was being discussed in his family. Hayley saw the look and tenseness of Elijah's shoulders. He was definitely out of the loop when it came to his family, she also knew he had not spoken to Klaus about him refusing to have Hope again, she also knew Elijah was not going to push him on that because it suited Elijah's agenda. Hayley wondered if it was what had occurred in this timeline. Elijah compelling all his memories of his family away in the time of the Hollow. She hadn't thought much of that time herself too consumed with having Hope again and then there was that shift in her again. He had not come to save her but to save her tormentor. Klaus had been the one to save her, he was always the one to save her, she realised from watching the movie of their lives.

"All those in favour," Elijah asked after the proposal file had been looked at by the human faction.

"Aye," Klaus announced, as did Morgan, Freya, Vincent and Marcel.

"Aye," Hayley announced, as did Elizabeth and the human faction.

"That concludes our meeting, thank you for attending," Elijah announced and Hayley watched as Klaus and Morgan left straight away. She had hoped to have a private word with Klaus but he was gone already and it hit her for not the first time that he no longer had to give her attention, beyond being friendly or courteous which he was. It was so different from the timeline she had just come from. They had nothing to talk about outside of Hope or planning on killing enemies, she really knew little of his life outside of family dynamics and she didn't like it at all.

Hayley brushed her hair in the mirror and looked down at her dress. She had asked Rebekah to go shopping with her and help her pick something with her. Hayley had seen this emerald green tight short dress and thought it would be perfect for the family dinner tonight. She knew Klaus was coming and she wanted to stand out, she wanted him to notice her, she wanted him to see her as more of a woman than Elijah Mikaelson's woman. But Hayley was reluctant to break with Elijah because then she would be nobody, someone outside of the Mikaelson family, she was having a crisis of confidence and she would have to leave the compound. She knew this was manipulative but she didn't care at the moment her obsession to have Hope again unabated.

"How was Hayley today?" Marcel asked Rebekah as he got dressed.

"Do you think we are moving too fast?" Rebekah asked, looking at him through the mirror of her vanity table and he frowned in confusion.

"Too fast, for what Bex's?"

"Our relationship? You have moved in already, are we making a mistake?" She paused, "In our life review we looked happy," She pondered with a small smile at his memories of them together that he had shown her.

"Sweetheart I have loved you for over three hundred years, that is never going to change, just like Kol will always love Davina, you know when you know babe and we belong together."

"I saw in the re-view, I wanted to become human again to live and die a human life," Marcel nodded and turned and faced her. "I do not want to be human Marcel. But when you are ready and our house has finished being built and Hayley is more settled, I want us to adopt or try surrogacy. I want us to have children." Marcel's face split into a wide grin.

"Just tell me when babe," He beamed and Rebekah smiled delightedly back at him reassured she was making the right decisions.

"Now to answer your question," Rebekah got back to his initial question, "Hayley is obsessed with having Hope again, that hasn't changed. She thinks she can manipulate and seduce Nik into giving her Hope. I will not stand in her way but I think it is a fool's errand," Rebekah informed him.

"YOU NOT GETTING INVOLVED," He said loudly astonished, his Rebekah loved getting involved.

"I will not help Hayley nor will I manipulate Nik. I understand how he feels about this Hayley and Elijah relationship. I will not go against his wishes and it wouldn't be fair to Hope and I have a good relationship with Nik for the first time in decades. I am not going to destroy that, we are bonding again and I want that to remain, but I will not stand in Hayley's way nor dissuade her. I love her like a Sister but this is really between her and Nik," Rebekah sighed, "If only she had loved Nik and not Elijah," Rebekah sighed thoughtfully.

"Yeah I don't know what the hell she sees in Elijah, he is a pompous manipulator and an arsehole most of the time," Marcel barked, Rebekah frowned at Marcel.

"I knew you had your differences with Elijah, I had no idea you felt this strongly about him."

"He killed me babe. He has always manipulated situations to suit himself, telling others what they can and can't do and then does whatever the hell he wants and he never gets called out on it. He can be way worse than Klaus. Elijah is a sneaky cold ruthless prick. At least with Klaus he explodes like an atom bomb, but you know what it's about and his motives are. When Klaus is being devious it is written all over his face and in his body language. Klaus is honest with his emotions and usually his intentions unless he is working by himself. Give me Klaus over Elijah any day and who the hell wipes their memory clean of their family? He is an arseshole," Marcel spat out angrily.

"Wow do not hold back my love," Rebekah replied with a smirk.

"Finn and Kol feel the same and Klaus has not once come to ask Elijah's advice since coming back, he seeks Kol or Finn's counsel, they get together at Rousseau's on the regular," Marcel informed her, "Elijah knew nothing of the School plan. Finn did not discuss it with him. I think Klaus is still pissed at Elijah and what went down with the Hollow, remember Klaus lived his whole life and died. He remembers everything, every word, every situation, every emotion, as does Kol and Kol lived long after the death of Klaus, they are tight."

"They were always similar as humans even after we turned," Rebekah reminced fondly, "Elijah would have to press Nik to dagger Kol, Nik often let Kol get way beyond out of control before he would dagger him," Rebekah recalled.

"Yeah I believe that and what about Finn? Eldest Brother usurped by his second Brother because that's what Elijah did. He prances around as though he is head of this family. When Freya and Finn are the two Eldest born Mikaelson's. Finn is highly intelligent, crafty, cunning and a bloody Viking for christ sake, so he was manipulated by Esther which fucked with his head, but you were all tramused by Esther and Mikael and Finn had the added trauma of losing Freya and your Mother taking those memories away and fuck" He threw his hands in the air, "Let's not forget who helped Mikael bloody bind and curse Klaus shall we," Marcel ranted pacing the room in agitation.

"When you put it like that...."

"And that's even before we start on that fact that Elijah went after your Brother's pregnant woman, one night stand or not Bekah, it's pretty fucked for a so called noble bloke telling all and sundry he is looking for his Brother's redemption. Elijah is a liar and manipulator when it suits his bloody needs and agenda," He barked heatedly, "If Hayley Marshall were smart she would dump his arse and run from Elijah Mikaelson as fast as she can." He concluded.

"I am speechless... Who else knows how you feel about Elijah?" She questioned.

"Finn and Kol, we have bloody great bitch sessions about the noble one over a few bottles of bourbon more often than not."

"Freya?" Rebekah asked.

"Ahhh, now this is interesting. Freya knows much more than she is willing to tell. Don't forget babe she has channelled both Klaus and Elijah she has seen into their minds and souls. But your Sister is actually loyal to the Mikaelson family and would never betray either of them or any of us."

"Yes your right Freya loves us all, but I am still her favourite Sister," And Marcel laughed.

"And just quietly I think after Finn, Klaus is her favourite Brother," Marcel confided.

"Yes I agree, they both share a similar childhood trauma that is bound to bring them closer together." Marcel nodded in agreement.

"Shall we plaster smiles to our faces and face this family dinner?" Marcel grinned, folding his arm to escort his beautiful Rebekah downstairs, Rebekah smiled and got up.

"Lead the way my handsome prince," Rebekah chortled.

Rebekah and Marcel swept into the courtyard to see Hayley standing with Davina and Kol chatting away with Hayley. Elijah was at the bar and Freya was talking to him and Finn. Keelin and Vincent were laughing over something Andie had done at school today.

"Andie is so feisty she is like Keelin," Vincent chuckled.

Keelin snorted, "And Freya! what about when she gets riled up? watch out," Keelin sassed smirking.

"True," Vince grinned, "I fear for the safety of the City when Freya loses her temper," Vincent commented with a smirk.

"I love my niece and nephew, I am appreciative I am alive to be part of their lives," Finn announced with a smile.

"We are glad you're here too Finn, you have added to Freya's life in a way we never knew she was missing," Keelin confided as Vincent nodded in agreement.

"So will you consider sending Nicholas and Andrea to the Mikaelson School?" Finn asked.

"Oh yeah, we have already decided man, first day your doors open our kids will be there, great choice too, deciding to have kindy through to highschool seniors, much better for the kids all round," Vincent acknowledged.

Everyone turned as Klaus walked in with a beautiful blonde woman on his arm.

 They walked towards Finn and Keelin and Vincent first.

"Love meet my big brother Finn, Keelin Freya's wife, and their husband Vincent. Finn, Keelin, Vincent, Kelly Poldark, sister of Morgan Poldark," Klaus introduced her to his family.

"Oh wow nice to meet you. I met Morgan a few days ago for the first time," Keelin announced happily, shaking the girl's hand and the beautiful blonde girl smiled back at her and she shook hands with her, Finn and Vincent.

"Come and meet the rest of my family, little moon," Klaus said, leading her to Rebekah, Marcel, Kol, Davina and Hayley. Hayley felt like her whole world had just crumbled to dust and ashes as she heard Klaus's pet name for the blonde, blue eyed stunningly curvy wolf.

Klaus introduced Rebekah, Marcel and Kol to Kelly then when he got to Hayley he smiled, "And my Sister in law Hayley her and Elijah are are great love story little moon their love defies the ages and timelines," He smirked, "Have you set a date yet for your wedding Hayley? Rebekah would love to plan a wedding," He teased looking at Rebekah who chuckled and smirked. While Hayley's mouth tightened, looking at the blonde, her eyes were hard and unfriendly. Klaus missed Hayley's look entirely smirking at his little Sister and Kelly didn't seem to care she just said.

"Hi Hayley, nice to meet you," And turned back to look at Marcel and Rebekah who Klaus was chatting with.

"Let's get a drink love and you can meet Elijah and Freya properly," He commented his tone light as he led her to the bar his hand on the small of her back and Hayley's narrowed hazel eyes followed them taking a gulp of her wine she wanted to rip the long blonde hair from the scalp of the wolf girl, she wanted to tear the bitches eyes out, she wanted to...

"Hayley love, everything okay?" Rebekah pulled Hayley from her murder fantasy, Hayley plastered a fake smile on her lips.

"Fine Rebekah," Hayley answered.

Hayley continued through the dinner drinking heavily, her ears tuned in to Klaus and Kelly and any others they were talking to. Hayley heard Kelly and Klaus discussing art and different art mediums, sketching, pencil or charcoal or crayon. Oil or watercolour painting. Sculpture and the different materials used. Still life painting and portraiture and Hayley internally rolled her eyes infuriated at this girl and her common interest in art with Klaus and furiously jealous.

"You and Nik have a real bond over the art world," Rebekah commented with a smile to Kelly.

"Klaus has been great, getting to know him and talking to someone who has been around the art scene for a thousand years," Kelly laughed lightly, flicking her hair back and Hayley wanted to choke her. "Is better than any history book," Kelly finished with a smile at Rebekah then turned to Finn who asked her a question. Rebekah glanced at Hayley and seeing her eyes fixed on Klaus and Kelly she glanced at Freya who raised her glass to Rebekah and shook her head as if to say 'this is uncomfortable' seeing Hayley fuming but lost also. Rebekah inclined her head to Freya then looking back at Hayley, she felt her heart ache for her. Nik did seem very attentive and gentle with the girl and she was just his type. Rebekah looked at Davina and Kol who were watching the interaction also. Kol just continued drinking and Davina gave Rebekah a weak smile as if to say 'it was all over for Hayley'. Rebekah then looked at Elijah; he seemed to be focused on Niklaus and Kelly also, with a pleased look in his eyes.

After the dinner Klaus stood and put his arm around Kelly, Thanked the family for dinner, "Let's go little moon," He said and she smiled and farewelled everyone. Rebekah called out.

"Are we still on for tomorrow Nik?"

"Yes love, see you at the NEA compound. I will show you around, bye all," He said facing back to Kelly and ushering her out, the two of them already talking about art again.

"Well Nik looks happy," Kol announced, pouring himself a bourbon and sitting next to Davina on the sofa.

"He does, I haven't seen Klaus look like that... ever," Davina giggled and smirked sitting next to Kol, "She is really sweet, Klaus deserves someone like that."

"Yeah he does," Kol remarked.

"And she is gorgeous," Keelin commented, Freya nodded her agreement, her and Keelin smirking.

"Of course she is, Niklaus always had an eye for exceptional beauty," Finn commented.

"And she is a wolf, they would be perfect together," Marcel added.

"They would make beautiful children together," Rebekah wistfully remarked .

Hayley listened to them all and wanted to scream 'BUT WHAT ABOUT ME? WHAT ABOUT HOPE?" And she knew she couldn't because she was meant to love Elijah. She was meant to get over Hope and accept that she was gone. That Klaus had a right to not want to enter into this fucked up triangle and she couldn't command or demand Klaus too give her a baby, because she knew she had no right to insist or order this from Klaus. He did not want to give her Hope, nor could she rant and rave about the situation with his family, they just wanted the best for Klaus. So she surreptitiously slipped away from the family and went to her room. Hayley stripped her clothing and got under the shower and cried, she had to hand it to Klaus he was not one to let the grass grow under his feet. He had already found himself a beautiful wolf and why wouldn't he, he was good looking, witty, smart, powerful that's what had attracted Hayley to him in the first place, that's why she had sex with him. It wasn't a hate bang, she didn't know where Hope had got that from or Rebekah but it wasn't true. Hayley hugged herself under the water, she shouldn't give up, it wasn't over until he married the wolf girl.  

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