
By fatalimposter

854 62 29


Just Six Months Ago
That Constant Threat..
Only Hope Left
What I Think When I Think of You
Demolition Lovers
Silent Treatment or Death Wish?
Paint or Blood
Heart Eyes Howell Meets Love Eyes Lester
Don't Forget
All the Hope in the World
All For You
If Only It Were Different
A Crayon Note
Docks of Hopeless Survivors
So Long

God's Workings

50 4 3
By fatalimposter

Tyler's Point of View:

When Tyler woke, his body was telling him a) he really needed to pee and b) it was probably close to midnight. He looked around the room, thankful that Phil had a candle going and noticed Phil was sleeping. Tyler couldn't help but smile at the sight of Dan and Phil, cuddled together, asleep. He wasn't going to push them to come to terms with their feelings, but come on, they were cute and obviously had feelings.

But before Tyler could dwell on the thought of Phan, he made the decision to go and take a pee. His bladder was screaming at him that he really needed to go.

Quietly shuffling out of his sleeping bag and standing, Tyler snuck out of their little room and went out into the hallway. The hallway was freezing, and he regretted not taking a jacket or his sleeping bag for warmth. He shook the thought away because he really needed to pee.

He stood in a corner as he peed. As he did so, somewhere down the hall, Tyler heard a crash. Not a crash like a trash can falling over. No, it sounded like a door accidentally slamming shut. After finishing his pee, Tyler fixed himself and placed his hand over the gun on his thigh. He took the gun and checked it; loaded. With the safe thought of his gun having all twelve bullets, Tyler followed the noise.

At first, he started to regret that new idea. It was still cold and there was the risk of it being a zombie. Tyler didn't want to run into another zombie, but his curiosity was beyond peeked. This was the first interesting thing to happen for far! It was like in the movies or video games!

The goose hunt became rewarding when Tyler seen a figure down the hall, resting on the windowsill. The person's back was straight, and it seemed that they were tossing something (a bottle?) up and catching it. The movements were too smooth, and their posture was way too normal for them to be a zombie. Even with that thought, Tyler still had his gun raised as he slowly walked to the figure.

Step by step, inch by inch, Tyler stood just out of eye sight of the person. His gun stayed raised.

"Who or what are you?" Tyler tried to keep his voice even, but it shook out of fear. The person's head turned but they had a hood over their face. Dammit. Tyler's fear scale went up. This person had to be no good!

"Tyler?" The person said in an all too familiar voice. Tyler had heard it before. No, that voice couldn't be.

"Oh God Tyler it is you!" The boy jumped from the sill, leaving the bottle where his body once was and pulled down his hood.

In that moment, Tyler knew that there was a God. There couldn't be any other answer.

"T-Troye?" Tyler's voice quivered as he lowered his gun and started to tear up. A weak smile formed at the sight of his boyfriend. He couldn't be real. It was a dream!

But Troye's hand reached out and cupped Tyler's cheek. Tyler could feel the warmth and closed his eyes, tears just falling down his cheek. Tyler put his gun away and reached up with both hands, gripping onto Troye's arm.

It was him. It really was him. His Troye was right in front of him.

"How? How are you here?" Tyler managed to say. He needed to know.

"Three days before they closed everything to keep the out break under control, I hopped on a plane and came. But when I got here and got to my hotel, well, everything closed down and I had no way of texting you to find you. All I wanted was to surprise you while you were with Dan and Phil," Troye said, stepping closer to Tyler. Tyler could feel his boyfriend's body heat. He was so warm. Seconds later, chapped lips were pressed to Tyler's forehead. "I've been looking for you," is all Troye said before Tyler let go of his arm and threw both his arms around Troye. Tyler had a near death grip on his beloved. He never wanted to let go.

They embraced for a good three minutes until they both heard another crash. Tyler pulled back quickly and took Troye's hand. Without words, Troye followed Tyler as he ran towards their safe room was. Tyler almost feared that Dan and Phil would tell him no when he brought Troye in, but he let the thought go.

Tyler needed Troye just as much as those two needed each other.

Once in the room, Tyler and Troye worked together to board up the door. They completely (Tyler mainly) forgot to keep quiet since Dan and Phil were asleep. They had to get the boards up quickly before something could get in. When they were satisfied with it, they each took a window and boarded them up. The windows took less time and weren't as difficult as the door.

"What the- Tyler? What are- Who is that?" Dan was awake and had his knife in hand while Phil was behind him. Tyler flopped to the floor and panted from running around so much. Troye sat down beside him and gently rubbed his dirt stained arm.

"You guys remember Troye Sivan right?" Tyler smiled as he turned his head to look at the beautiful boy beside him. The candle light was enough to be able to see his wonderful eyes and his greased hair. Even looking as dirty as he did, he was still an angel.

"What- oh my God it is. How did- how?" Dan put his knife up and scooted to them, and Phil followed. All four of them formed a circle. Tyler sat up and leaned on Troye, and Troye put his arm around Tyler. So warm.

"Well..." Tyler started. He knew they deserved to know why they had a new member of the party, but they also deserved to know why and how this YouTuber was here now.

When Tyler finished, Troye had already fallen asleep on him. Tyler adjusted himself so that his back was against the wall and Troye's head was on his shoulder. He grabbed the sleeping bag and draped it over them to keep them warm. Dan and Phil returned to their original cuddly position ("It's to share the blanket! We aren't being like you two!" Dan shouted). They curled up together under the sleeping bag that they were sharing. Tyler promised that he would finish watch (which was only about seven more hours) and then they could move safe rooms.

Honestly, Tyler wanted to only take watch so that he didn't fall asleep and Troye be gone.

He didn't want his angel to leave him again.

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