I've Always Loved You, So Do...

By madpacreb09

3.1K 58 54

[ONLY AVAILABLE ON WATTPAD, MY OWN ORIGINAL CREATION] I've always loved you, so do you love me too? That's be... More

I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 1~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 2~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 3~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 5~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 6~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 7~
I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 8~
More Self Promo!

I've Always Loved You, So Do You Love Me Too? ~Part 4~

252 3 1
By madpacreb09


It's me and i'm back.

I totally didn't get sick and completely forget about writing- And I wasn't watching Kuroko's Basketball??

My nose is still runny but here I am for you guys!!! :) (Update: (May 10) I actually got sick again, 'yay' ;-;)


"It's no problem guys. Don't make a mess." "We won't!" Takemichi took the work with the help of Akkun, the rest of the boys ran to the living room, and put it on the table. 

"The rest of the guys are outside," Takemichi said and the boys all headed outside together. "Who was out the door?" "Michino and these guys, they all missed me so I let them stay for awhile." 

The doorbell then rang once again, "I'll get it." Takemichi got up and answered the door, "Hello again Michino." "Hello, i'm actually not the one bringing the work this time, here is my boyfriend Kaito, he's in Kautora's class," Michino said. "Thank you both." Takemichi said as he bowed. "You're welcome to come in if you'd like, everyone is outside." Michino looked at his boyfriend, who nodded his head, "Sure. Thank you for having us both."

The two boys went outside and met up with everyone. "I thought Michino already arrived," Baji said. "Baji you wound me," Michino said as he fake pouted. "He did, he came back with his boyfriend to bring Kazu's work too." "Thank you...," Kazutora said with a long pause. "Kaito," the boy said as he shook his hand. "Do you guys want any snacks?" "I do," Kazutora yelled. "I didn't ask you three!" "Michi pleaseee," Kazutora begged as he latched onto Takemichi, his other two boyfriends joined in, "Michiii/Hanaaa/Takeee pleaseee!" "No. Get off now, would you? You guys are making yourselves look soft."

"I think we'd like some snacks," the couple said. "Alright, Akkun!" Akkun ran over, "Yes my dear brother?" Akkun would say this to Takemichi as he was fooling around. "May you grab the snacks please... I have my legs down with these three." "No problemo," Akkun said and arrived back with the snacks. "Your hero has arrived. Would you like some help there Takemichy?" Takemichi sighed and looked down at his boyfriends, "Yes please..."

The boyfriends were still pouting, even hours after the guests left.

"Guys... Come on now. It's just snacks...," Takemichi said. "But-" Takemichi was done with this. "YOU LIVE HERE TOO! DO YOU NOT- YOU COULD'VE JUST GRABBED THEM AT ANY TIME! I- I was joking okay...," Takemichi said and left the room.

"Takemichi," someone said as they knocked at the door. Takemichi was on the toilet, yes he was upset but not that upset. "Takemichi open the door, we're sorry." He didn't respond. "TAKEMICHI! WE ARE SORRY!" Takemichi finished using the toilet, washed his hands and opened the door. "Did you guys grab the snacks," he asked. "No. I thought you were upset?" Takemichi walked passed, "You idiots, yes I was upset that you guys don't feel like this is your home, not that upset. Let's go grab the snacks now." 

Takemichi grabbed the bowls from the cabinets once again and got the snacks ready. Takemichi wasn't in the mood to watch anything, but he knew his boyfriends would want too. He turned on the TV, pushed the couch and behind there was a small door. This door came with the house and Takemichi decided to keep it, it was really comfortable and great storage. He grabbed the blankets, and a book from the shelf. Then he laid the blankets onto the couch, put the book on the table and grabbed the snacks from the kitchen and placed it on the table. 

The boys had just been watching the entire time. They weren't stunned, surprised or anything, just lazy, well they were surprised about the room and whatever but as I said- they were just lazy and didn't help.

Takemichi went underneath the blanket, turned on the TV, and began to read his book.

Chifuyu took hold of the remote and changed it to 'Jurassic Park'. He knew Takemichi was very bad with scary things, and yes this wasn't that scary, but Takemichi had a huge fear of dinosaurs. Kazutora had somewhat known his fear and had a feeling of what Chifuyu was doing, he turned to Baji and let me tell you he was lost.

"Huh? Are we going to watch the whole series or something," Baji asked as he turned to Chifuyu. "I mean we could." Takemichi looked up, "What are you guys going to wa-" he looked at the TV, "-Are you sure about that one?" Chifuyu looked at him with an innocent smile. "Yes, why? What's wrong with it?" "Nothing... Just carry on." Takemichi looked back at his book, but as the movie started he couldn't help but peek a bit.

The scene when the T-Rex was attacking the jeep showed up and Takemichi just happened to see it. He flew underneath the blanket, similar to a cat, and hid on Baji's lap. He was shaking a whole lot, as he had just seen children screaming and the window of the car falling in, and Baji was rubbing his back trying to comfort him.

"It's alright Take... I'm here," he whispered to him softly. "T-the kids are okay," Takemichi asked with a tremble. "Yes Take the kids are alright see?" Takemichi poked his out of the blanket and saw the kids safe with 'Alan Grant', "You feel better now?" "Y-yeah. Thanks Kei," Takemichi said and gave Baji a kiss. Chifuyu wanted one too... That's why he did this afterall. It would also be a lie to say that Kazutora wasn't jealous at all.

Takemichi decided that he wasn't going to watch the movie with them anymore, so he went to the little room behind the couch. Chifuyu, although still felt jealous, felt bad about what he had done and followed him. 

"Hey," Chifuyu said, going into the room. "Oh hi Chi," Takemichi said and  Chifuyu sat beside of him. "Sorry." "It's not your fault!-" Takemichi was cut off by Chifuyu giving him a kiss. "I-I knew you were afraid of dinosaurs and I still put it on... I just wanted a kiss," Chifuyu said. "YOU DUMMY," Takemichi yelled and hit him with a pillow. "OW," Chifuyu screamed. "You guys alright," Kazutora asked, peeking his head through the doorway. "Yeah. Chi's being soft-" "-AM NOT!" Takemichi hit him again and Chifuyu sat on him after pushing him to the ground. "Who's soft now?" "Get off! I'm not the one who acted like an idiot! You know you could've just asked me or have just kissed me!" "Oh..." Chifuyu got off him, he did not think of that.

"Hey can I ask you a question?" Chifuyu asked nervously. "Sure," Takemichi said as he peered his head out from the book. "This might be a sensitive topic but... you aren't really that strong. You said you've been in foster care and all right? Does that have to do with it?" Takemichi froze. "It does," he said. Chifuyu turned away from Takemichi, afraid to look him in the eyes. "C-can I ask what happened there?" "You can," Takemichi said going closer toward him. "But look at me this time alright?" He turned Chifuyu around. "Go on now." "Well, what happened there, while you were in foster care." Takemichi whispered in his ear and Chifuyu went to tears.

"All is good though, believe me. There's no need to cry about past times." Chifuyu hugged him tightly, "Chi. I'm fine."

You might be wondering what he whispered in Chifuyu's ear? Well normally I'd tell you but maybe I'd like to leave you on a cliffhanger this time... Obviously it was about his past life before the Kawata family and it was sad enough to put Chifuyu to tears, so what could it be? Could you try to take a guess maybe?

"Does anyone else know?" "Hmm, maybe this boy... and his friend... I can't remember the names. Him and another, they were my childhood friends, but I lost them one day." Takemichi grabbed a picture. "This is them," Takemichi said. Chifuyu flew off Takemichi in shock, "Woah! IZANA?!" "Wait yeah! That's him! How did you know," Takemichi asked in surprise. "He... is our way out, my secret from before. The plan remember?" Takemichi took his phone, "Can I talk to him?" "Sure if he answers." Takemichi typed the number and the ringtone began to play.

"Hello," Izana answered. The face camera was on, but Takemichi hadn't revealed his face just yet. "Where are you? Chifuyu?" Takemichi revealed himself, "Hello... old friend." "Take-ni," Izana said. "Did you text me that? The message." Izana looked at him again, he had been looking at someone else, "Ah yes, that was me and you so rudely blocked me," he said. "Sorry Izana-ni, I had no idea it was you. How is Kaku-ni doing?" Kakucho then appeared in the camera, "Great Take-ni, i'm glad to see you again." Takemichi pushed Chifuyu, he was trying to get the phone back, but Chifuyu got on him and stole it back, "Sorry about that Izana," Chifuyu said. "Get off! You're killing me here!"

Izana was in the park near Takemichi's house and wanted to go over. "Can I go over today," he asked. "Sure? But don't stay too late, I have to go to some family things tomorrow." Izana had just noticed that Takemichi was all bandaged up, took him long enough, "What happened," he asked. "Oh my face? Don't worry, just some stitches I got."

Izana was becoming suspicious and of course he had Kakucho were worried for him. "How did you get them." Takemichi said half the truth, "I walked into the wall." I mean he wasn't lying right? Izana knew that wasn't all though, "Before that, what did you do? Or should I say who did that to you?" Chifuyu, who had still been holding the phone answered, "Toman. You know Mikey's gang and all? They hate Hana because he so called 'cheated' on Draken and him, when they were together."

Izana looked pissed, Kakucho too, it was difficult for Takemichi to calm them down. "I told you, you shouldn't have dated them! They are horrible...," Izana said. "Izana-ni it's fine. Sad this is how I have to go to my family event like this though. Guess who is going with me?!" Izana face palmed, "Let me guess your boyfriends. That Kazu dude, Chifuyu and that tall one, Baji right? Chifuyu talks about you idiots all the time, I can't believe I didn't find out sooner." 

Chifuyu wasn't prepared for Izana to expose him like that. "Awww, you talk about us Chi? That's adorable. Yes Izana, that's who I'm going with." Izana looked in a supportive best friend way, "I'm glad your happy now, tell Auntie and Uncle I said 'Hi', oh and good luck to your boyfriends! I hope Uncle doesn't beat their a-" 

Just then Kakucho had hung up the phone. "Your dad, he won't actually beat us up right," Chifuyu asked. "Depends, he might. If Mikey wasn't strong he would've been dead by now. But I'm sure he'll like you guys!" "I sure hope so...," Chifuyu sighed. 

Kazutora and Baji had still been watching the movie.

Kazutora was sitting on the edge of the couch and Baji laid on the couch, with his head in Kazutora's lap. They had eventually ran out of snacks, and it wasn't even halfway through the movie yet. Coincidentally, as they had been fighting to see who'd get up, Takemichi and Chifuyu had went outside the little room and they saw their opportunity.

"Heyyy Take, Chi?" Takemichi looked at them and sighed, he already knew what they were going to say. "Chi, let's go grab the snacks," he said. Chifuyu grabbed the bowls and they headed to the kitchen. "Thanks," the two boys said. 

Takemichi and Chifuyu then headed back with the snacks and put them onto the table once again. "I don't know if you know him, Kazu you might, but my old friends, Izana and Kakucho are coming over today. I don't know when, but they shouldn't be here too late." Baji shot up, in surprise, "Woah! Aren't those two of the best fighters in Tenjuku?! You're their childhood friend?" Takemichi looked through the window, "Yes, that is them. Izana-ni always talked about making that gang. Ever since we were kids, he said he'd 'make a new era' for gangs all around Tokyo. I must say, I hope he succeeds."

Chifuyu interrupts, "I was planning for us to all join there. Remember the secret from the plan I made? That was him." Kazutora looks at Takemichi, "He's the one that'd follow you everywhere right? The one that almost bit my arm off, when we were kids," Kazutora said. Takemichi laughed, "Yeah! I forgot he did that."

Just then the doorbell had rang.

Takemichi headed to the door and opened it. He immediately received two huge hugs. "Take-ni!" "Izana-ni, Kaku-ni, nice to see you both. I heard about your gang. You've almost done it, all you need to do is battle Toman and join with a few other gangs. I'd be happy to help with that part. I like the uniforms, great choice, but are you trying to get Mikey to beat my ass again?" 

"He won't. I'll beat his first," Izana said and walked to the couch. 

"Sorry about him," Kakucho said as he bowed, he was always more polite out of the two. He took off his coat and put it in the closet. "Thank you for having us here. We'll only be here for a few hours, not to get in your way." "It's alright Kaku-ni." Kakucho then took Izana's coat and placed it in the closet as well, "Izana. Take off your shoes too." Izana ran over with his shoes and laid them on the carpet, "Sorry Take-ni," he said as he ran back to the couch and pushed both Baji and Kazutora off of it.

"GET OFF," Takemichi and Kakucho heard from the room. "Oh no...," they sighed, "Not again Izana!"

 They ran into the room and saw Izana hogging the whole couch, except for the small part Chifuyu was on, after all he helped Takemichi to reunite with him. "What! I didn't do anything," he said. "Izana-ni...," Takemichi face palmed, "I love you but please get off." No not on that way, in a platonic way, we can love our best friends like that. "Awww, thanks Take-ni!" He ran up and hugged Takemichi again, twirling him around, as he stuck his tongue out at Kazutora and Baji, which Takemichi couldn't see.

"Oh he didn't-," Baji muttered. Chifuyu laughed, "Izana, you're killing me here." "Glad I could then." Kakucho separated him from Takemichi, he was going purple, he took a huge breath as he stood away from Izana's grip. 

They were all like brothers in the past. Nothing could ever separate them. Well they thought that... Until the day it actually happened. Takemichi had walked up to them, his face was all red and he was crying. Izana and Kakucho had tried to calm their 'brother' and asked him what had been wrong. That's when he told them, "I-I am moving somewhere else and I don't think I'll see you again... This is the last time I c-can hangout with you guys." Those words tore their hearts apart and they never saw Takemichi again after that day. Until now, that's why they wanted to see him as soon as possible, this was special after all.

Izana gave Takemichi a kiss on the cheek, just to get on his boyfriends' nerves, he used to do it before, but that's when they were kids, before Takemichi even knew he liked boys. "Get over here," Kazutora yelled as he ran towards Izana. Izana just ran circles around the room as he laughed, this had been the most fun he have had in awhile. 

"Kei?" Baji had gotten up and began to shower Takemichi in kisses, as he played with his hair. Izana's protective mode went off and Kakucho had to hold him back from causing any mischief. "Keii!" "Hmm?" Takemichi had given him a peck on the lips, "Get off my brother!" Baji had just ignored Izana and he put Takemichi on the couch, where he continued to cuddle him. Kazutora hadn't been chasing Izana anymore, so he was watching the movie with Chifuyu.

Kakucho let Izana go. Izana ran and took Takemichi with him. Baji, Kazutora, Chifuyu and Kakucho followed them into the backyard. Here they saw Izana sitting on the roof of the shed with Takemichi in his arms. Takemichi had been laughing, he was having a fun time.


Takemichi had zoned out. He was too busy looking at the sky. He had no idea what was happening. He heard and felt nothing.


Izana flicked his forehead. "Ow...," he said. "Good, you're back." Takemichi was now laying on the grass, Izana put him there. "It's cold out here..." Kakucho had thrown a puffy coat at a Takemichi. "Here. Don't catch a cold for tomorrow, okay?"

A while later, everyone was back inside and they had continued watching the movie, except Takemichi and Izana, who had been on Takemichi's phone. Kazutora had once again been on the edge, Bajj with his head in his lap, Kakucho in the middle of the couch, Izana on top of him, Chifuyu beside Kakucho and Takemichi laying on Chifuyu.

Takemichi passed Izana an earbud and they listened to music as they read a book together online. They hadn't realized they had been singing out loud, "Baby tell me why~" They had sounded like angels, a choir is more like it. Their voices together sounded like a melody. 

They had just noticed everyone staring at them, well Izana had at least. "Guys?" Takemichi continued singing unaware. "Alone again, alone again,alone again, alone again, alone~" "Oh my god- that's why you're staring at us." Izana had just realized it was the singing. "Look just stop. It's weird... I don't feel like talking about it."

"You guys sound beautiful together. Like a pretty melody." 

Takemichi had just noticed that everyone seemed to be having a conversation about something. "What're we all talking about," he asked. "You and Izana. Your voices are beautiful." Takemichi blushed a little bit, "T-thank you? But can we not talk about it? It's embarrassing and all..." Izana nodded his head in agreement. "I'm in love, with someone, who's in love, with someone and that someone will never be me~" The next song played as Izana and Takemichi left to continue what they had been doing in peace.

A lot of time had passed, about 3 hours, and Izana and Kakucho had just left. The movie had already finished and the boys were all on their bed. "Hana.... c'mere," Chifuyu said. Takemichi had been trying to leave the bed, Chifuyu tugging him closer. "Chifuyu, we have to get back to school in two days," Takemichi said. Baji turned back around, "Take, Kazutora is already sleeping. It's late, you should be sleeping too. Homework can wait until later tomorrow," he said. Kazutora had been on top of Baji, his head resting in his neck, sleeping. "Guys... I'll come back to bed later, I love you," Takemichi said and left the room, without a reply.

"Fuyu," Baji said. "Hmm," Chifuyu mumbled as he turned to him quietly. "Go... go and get him please." Chifuyu got up slowly and nodded, "Alright."

Chifuyu had followed Takemichi in-toe. Baji had just turned to go back a sleep. He had began to hear a ringtone coming from Takemichi's phone, it was Mikey. Baji responded to him with a tired voice, "Manjiro...?" Mikey knew that voice, "Baji! It's you! That's just wonderful, can you get Takemichy on the phone please," Mikey asked in a sarcastic, yet angry, way. "Hmm... Don't you think it's a bit late for that," Baji asked. "Yeah, sorry about that... It's important." "I'll put you on hold." Baji had called the two back over. "Put the phone on speaker, it's Manjiro, he wants to speak to you." Takemichi picked up the phone and held it on speaker, "Yes, Mikey-kun," he said. "Hello Takemichy, how about you come over to my place, tonight? If you resist there will be consequences for you..." "O-okay Mikey-kun. I'll be there in-" Takemichi stared at the clock, "-20 minutes." "Okay... be fast Takemichy, my 'friend' and I can't wait to see you."

Mikey then hung up the phone. "H-how many times has he told you that...," one of the boys asked. Takemichi thought and with tears in his eyes he said, "This might be the... sixth time by now?" Takemichi began to cry. "I'll be in trouble if I don't go..." "I have an idea. He won't call you again after this," Kazutora said, hugging Takemichi. 

You might be wondering what the idea was... well! That will wait until later.

Takemichi had arrived at Mikey's house and he knocked at the door. The door opened and there Mikey was, waiting for him it seems, "Hello Takemichy, come in..." Mikey lead him to his room, "Here you go, prepare yourself as usual. I must go to the bathroom, don't you dare think of leaving me." Mikey left for the bathroom. Takemichi took his phone out and dialed Chifuyu, he answered. Takemichi left his camera and audio on, while Chifuyu was muted and with his camera off. Takemichi hid the phone and Mikey came back.

"Tch." He clicked his tongue, "I see you haven't prepared yourself yet, must I do everything myself. Knees now." Takemichi stood, shaking in fear. "M-mikey-kun-" "What did I say you call me here," he said while bringing Takemichi to his knees, "S-sorry Master, but what about Draken-Master?" Mikey grabbed his face, leaving kisses along it, "He is busy today... for now it's just you and me."

On the other side of the phone Chifuyu had recorded everything. Mikey had finally finished and Takemichi was sent on his way. "Be a good boy now," Mikey said. "Okay." Takemichi was drove back home on Baji's motorcycle. "I have the blackmail now." Takemichi cried as he hugged Baji, "I'm sorry you had to go through that bud... But it won't happen again. You have so many people who will protect you." Takemichi cried himself to sleep, as Baji held him tightly, making sure he wouldn't fall off the motorcycle.

Baji arrived home and placed Takemichi in the bathroom as well as some pajamas for him to change into. "Take." Takemichi woke up, "Take a bath please, then you can go to bed." Takemichi's face went a slight shade of pink, as he said, "Can you bathe me please? I-I trust you." "Okay, you can go back to sleep if you'd like." Takemichi hugged Baji, "Thank you Kei." Then he fell back asleep.

Baji bathed and changed him and they both went back to bed. Chifuyu still had tears in his eyes, Baji hugged him, "It's alright Fuyu. He's safe with us now," he said.

The next morning, Takemichi had woke up at 5. He was getting everything ready, the suits and ties were ironed, food was ready, all that was left was to wake everyone up, eat, get changed and do their hair, as well as brush their teeth, "Three hours should be enough time," he said.

He went to the bathroom and took the bandages off. All he saw along his face was stitches. They didn't look too bad. The stitches were only along his right under eye and his left cheek. The bruise on his eye had mostly gone as well. Takemichi washed his face and went to go wake the boys up.

"Chi, Kei, Kazu... Wake up!" The boys all woke up and they headed to the kitchen and ate their meal together. Everyone got changed and while Chifuyu and Kazutora brushed their teeth, Takemichi had been putting Baji's hair into a fancy bun. "Do you like it?" "It's great, thank you." Baji had then brushed Takemichi's hair through and made it all fluffy. "There you go. Now let's brush our teeth too."

Chifuyu and Kazutora left the bathroom and were doing their hair, as Takemichi and Baji raced while brushing their teeth. They all got changed and with time to spare they grabbed their phones, money, chargers, and keys, and went straight into the car.  Takemichi took out the GPS and set the location. "We will be there in 2 hours! Time for a mini-road trip!"

"Say what is the event about Take," Baji asked. "Is your family any different," Kazutora said. "Will your dad beat us up," Chifuyu shouted worriedly and Takemichi burst out laughing and began to answer their questions. "I'm not sure about the events reasoning, it was pretty sudden, nobody knew about it until a few days ago. My family, sort of my family anyways, has stayed the same, they are great people. They are nothing like any other family I've been too. They treated me like I was their own and welcomed me with open arms. And to answer your question Chifuyu, he will only beat you up if he sees bad intentions in you, so I wouldn't worry about that."


I'm going to see what the new episode of Tokyo Revengers is like!! (Update: (May 10) I liked all of the episodes a lot. Especially the last one. ^^)

Also I had that cold for a really long time and I got caught up with schoolwork as well so I'm sorry about such a late update, but I hope you enjoyed.

You're beautiful, I love you and have a great day!

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