The Rogue's Mate (Werewolf St...

By LeonardoMontero531

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Alistair is a rogue werewolf. Born into this condition, he lives with his family the nomadic life, always tra... More

Chapter 1: Small Town Boy
Chapter 2: Born This Way
Chapter 3: People Like Us
Chapter 4: Cool Kids
Chapter 5: Mamma Knows Best
Chapter 6: Same Love
Chapter 7: Waterfalls
Chapter 8: Boom
Chapter 9: Running with the Wolves
Chapter 10: Bad Blood
Chapter 11: Moonlight
Chapter 12: Friday I'm In love
Chapter 13: See You Again
Chapter 14: So Excited
Chapter 15: How Will I Know
Chapter 16: Sorry
Chapter 17: Kiss
Chapter 18: I still haven't found what I'm looking for
Chapter 19: River
Chapter 20: See a little light
Chapter 21: Rush, Rush
Chapter 22: Time for Miracles
Chapter 23: Body | WAP
Chapter 24: Baby, It's Cold Outside
Chapter 25: Breakaway | Raised by Wolves
Chapter 26: I Want You To Want Me
Chapter 27: Nobody's Supposed To Be Here
Chapter 28: Break The Ice
Chapter 29: Gone
Chapter 30: All I Want For Christmas Is You
Chapter 31: We Don't Talk About Bruno
Chapter 32: Because Of You
Chapter 33: Don't Cha
Chapter 34: Start of Something New
Chapter 35: I Think I Love You | Mercy
Chapter 36: Naked
Chapter 37: Royals
Chapter 38: Star Crossed Lovers
Chapter 39: Cry For Help
Chapter 40: Only Hope
Chapter 41: Power
Chapter 42: Addicted to Love
Chapter 43: I Have Nothing
Chapter 44: Over You
Chapter 45: Blown Away
Chapter 46: We Remain
Chapter 47: Father Figure
Chapter 48: Too Much
Chapter 50: Nothing Like You and I
Chapter 51: Into You
Chapter 52: Thinking of You
Chapter 53: Call Me By Your Name
Chapter 54: Oh No
Chapter 55: And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going
Chapter 56: Wasting All These Tears
Chapter 57: Saving All My Love for You
Chapter 58: The Blower's Daughter
Chapter 59: Let it Go | Buttons
Chapter 60: Lonely Is The Night
Chapter 61: My Heart Will Go On
Chapter 62: Sorry, Not Sorry
Chapter 63: Erotica
Chapter 64: Hot in Herre | Can't Fight This Feeling
Chapter 65: Use Somebody | Perfect
Chapter 66: Counting Stars
Chapter 67: Not Ready To Make Nice
Chapter 68: A Moment Like This
Chapter 69: Bad Guy
Chapter 70: Love Is A Battlefield
Chapter 71: Reunited
Chapter 72: Never Gonna Give You Up
Chapter 73: Love Will Keep Us Together
Chapter 74: Stop Draggin' My Heart Around
Chapter 75: Mother
Chapter 76: Cool for the Summer
Chapter 77: You Belong With Me
Chapter 78: Make You Feel My Love
Chapter 79: The Power of Love [EPILOGUE]
Bonus Chapter: Now or Never
Topping the Enemy

Chapter 49: Figures

1.1K 64 17
By LeonardoMontero531


I'm torn.

I do wanna get close to my birth father's side of the family. It's not like my mom has any contact with her family. So, Roberto and Prudence may be the only grandparents I'll ever know.

This is not lost on me.

And grandpa has been nothing but a stand up guy to me so far. He has shown me love, respect and acceptance. This means the world to me.

And now my cousin wants me to go to her birthday dinner party. I'm very divided over this. On one hand, it's nice to be included. She's extending the olive branch, being welcoming. I love that.

On the other hand, Bruno is gonna be there. And I could barely survive his last visit. I understand I'm gonna keep running into him since we live in the same town - and it's not like we live in New York City. We run in the same circles.

But I'm in my feelings about seeing him again, even if in a group setting.

I have a lot to think about. My mate told me that he'd support me each way I decide, of course. And he's totally up for accompanying me should I decide to go.

My mom said it's my decision. She's not gonna involve herself in any of my relationships with the Carreras. She's keeping herself neutral and I can appreciate that. Trust me, she has plenty of reasons to see him dead and buried.

But she's trying not to hold a grudge against him. I mean, at least not in the sense of poisoning me against him. I hope for his sake they don't cross paths. Just saying. I don't want my momma to be banished from the pack.

Elodie and Roger are going as strong as any recent mated couple who haven't completed the bond yet. Since I took my time as well, I can relate to her. But I also am not bringing that up. I'd hate for her to feel pressured, especially as a young girl.

From one (former) virgin to another, sex isn't something that should be rushed.

Though I only remained virgin out of fear, not by choice. Not that I need to broadcast that information. I just couldn't live with myself if ever I had a "Lex situation" to deal with it.

There's a tea I don't want Sarah ever to prepare for me - though I don't know if she has a tea for that too. Maybe. Who knows.

Speaking of Sarah, she has been doing great now that her daughters are matriculated and she has time on her hands to deal with adult stuff. I know my siblings' birth certificates are on their way to being emitted. Billy also has received his and he even renewed his driver's license. All adults have renewed theirs. Now, it's up to us teens to take our driver's ed.

Luna Alicia has found momma a part time job in a store downtown. She's cleaning and making coffee, but maybe one day she can do other stuff as well. I know she isn't afraid of working. And she instilled the same in me, the value of hard labor.

Like I always say, life ain't easy for a rogue. But we're more than willing to make it work.

"If you ask me, you should definitely go, Ali. Make the most of your time here since you're not going away any time soon. And your grandparents aren't at fault for their son's behavior." - Sophia spoke in an empathizing tone.

We're having dinner on a Thursday night. Three days away from Lena's festivities.

"I'm considering it, Sophia. But I get your point. Thanks." - I smiled politely at her.

"Maybe bring me back some cake." - Chris snickered.

"I don't think you should get anything from Lena ever again, Chris." - I snapped back at him in a snarky tone. He gasped and everyone here knows about their complicated history.

"I was just joking, Goddess!" - He rolled his eyes.

"I know, Chris. Just saying: you dodged a bullet with Lisa. And be glad my cousin was the better person and spoke on your behalf even when you ignored her like she had leprosy." - I shot back, not in the mood.

I don't mean to be discourteous to him, who is very near and dear to my heart. But the further he gets away from her, the better.

"It's better for her that I ignored her, trust me. Some things are better left unsaid." - He sounded ticked off.

"I agree with you, brother." - I said, glancing at Tristan.

The morning after, we got up to go to school just like any other Friday. Evan showed up to pick up Tristan and Sarah took the smaller ones.

When we got there, people were buzzing about another surprise pairing that apparently is freaking the humans out.

Two male students, one junior and one senior got mated to each other.

We're all legitimately baffled at the surprise pairing. Neither of them are out. But Lex is grinning mischievously like he somehow saw that coming. At least, for one of those boys.

I guess it's true he had a taste of all the closeted boys from the school. I mean, except for one as far as I'm concerned. Not that I'm gonna ask him that.

"Are you nervous about Monday?" - I asked Lena at the end of the first period.

"Not really, no. I can't have who I really want, so as long as I don't get a football player, I'm good." - She replied in a vulnerable tone.

Of course, we all heard what she meant by that loud and clear, #Chrissa did too. But Teddy and Roger are looking at her like... 'what do you have against football players?'

It's freaking hilarious.

"Have you decided if you're coming or not?" - She asked me, intrigued.

"Yeah, I am. I think I deserve to have a family despite everything." - I answered honestly. This surprised my friends and mate.

"You do have a family. And you do deserve it. Bring your appetite because my mom can cook the best pollo guisado you've ever tasted in your life!" - She bragged, grinning wide.

"Well, I have no idea what that is, so I'm guessing it's a good thing." - I croaked, nervously.

"It's basically chicken stew." - Tris informed me.

"Oh, in that case count me in! I love a good stew." - I said, already excited at the prospect.

"Good. I'm glad I got a new cousin out of this. We never had a boricua dated to a Livingstone before." - She said proudly, carefully choosing her words in front of the humans.

"It's just sad I have no idea what that means." - I mumbled.

"I'll teach you." - She spoke, grinning.

We went to the next class as we're already behind.

"Wait, our family are puerto ricans? I thought we were mexicans!" - I gasped at the revelation.

"It's a common misconception. But yeah, we're boricua and proud." - She replied with a pleasant smile.

"How cool! I'd love to know the culture a little. I mean, apart from the language." - I commented, excited.

"Of course, cousin. Come to our house on Sunday and we'll begin your education." - She smiled at me.

"It's a date." - I winked at her.

After school, I waited for my mate to arrive from training. But when he came, he had some nasty bruises on him. Sometimes I don't know if Delta Johnson is training him for Alpha or a war.

By the way, under Delta Gladstone - Evan's uncle - has arranged for Tristan to train at the training center as well. I guess it pays to have family in high places, so he pulled some strings.

For the last two weeks, Tris has been training over there with some of the warriors. He doesn't train with the Delta, of course, because that would be beneath his pay grade. But any help he can get before his warrior try out in the summer is welcomed.

Now that my friend had made some promises to the Wilkins, he has to make good on them. These people don't play around.

I told my (extended) family that I decided to go to Lena's dinner party and momma was happy for me. On Saturday, my mate and I had a quiet night in. Because of his demanding schedule during the week, he was too tired for anything else and I'm there for him.

Honestly, he never complains about his double journey and I know it takes its toll on him. And so anything I can do to make it easier for him, I will. We're so in sync.

On Sunday, Ben drove us to Principal Carrera's house downtown. It stood a few miles from the school, but nowhere is too far in a small town. His mate welcomed us with a smile at the door.

Soon, I see loads of family members spread around the nice house. Some I know but most I didn't. My grandfather welcomed me with a bear hug. He certainly could be a warrior too if he weren't a farmer.

"Welcome, Alistair. I'm so glad you could come." - He greeted me with a wide smile.

"Of course, grandpa. It's my pleasure." - I said, shyly.

"This is my brother, Carlos and his mate Linda. They have a son and daughter spread around the house. My daughter, your aunt is also here in the kitchen with your grandma. Please, make yourself at home. You and Ben." - He said, introducing me to everyone.

There are children running around, but the smell of good cooking is contagious even from a distance. I find Lena talking to some of our classmates that she invited per the occasion - all werewolves, naturally - and wish her a happy birthday.

I gave her a present and she thanked me. Ben also is greeted by everyone.

"Wow. There's a lot of people here!" - I commented, perplexed at the number of Carreras.

"Yeah, I told you we were numerous." - Lena replied in a humorous tone.

"You certainly weren't kidding." - I commented, mesmerized.

Eventually, I am introduced to the remaining family members who are in the kitchen and the children.

Ben and I are offered something to drink, which is gladly accepted. Honestly, I'm feeling very overwhelmed by all this.

And Bruno isn't even here yet.

The bell rings and I know he arrived. I stayed in the backyard where the teens are while my uncle welcomed him and his family into the house.

I'm nervous about his presence and Ben immediately noticed it, holding my hands to comfort me.

He and his mate start making the rounds around the house, greeting everyone as they go.

When they arrived at the backyard, he looked surprised to see me there, taken aback really. But he and Mrs. Carrera greet everyone normally.

His daughter is looking lovely in a pink ensemble that is simply too cute. Fortunately, Bruno doesn't overstay his welcome and move along.

I'm making an effort to try to fit in, get to know my family properly and though I'd much rather do this without him, I can't exactly fault them for having him here.

I wouldn't exclude my brother from my daughter's birthday party either, if ever I have one and my momma doesn't leave me behind, taking away both my siblings.

Truth is I don't know what she'll do when next summer comes. We haven't discussed it yet and I'm too scared to ask, to be perfectly honest.

I hear some people talking in spanish inside the house and I kind of wish I could understand them. I feel like so much of my culture was 'robbed' from me growing up.

Though I'm trying really hard not to dwell on it. The adults call us to the table as dinner is ready.

A large table is assembled for the family but even then it's not big enough for everyone. But the smaller children eat separately.

"So Ben, are you ready to ascend as the next Alpha?" - My grandfather asked him as we took our seats, the smell of the food was flooding my nostrils and my mouth was watering.

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready, sir. But I'm being trained hard for it. And there's still a long way to go after high school is over." - He replied nervously.

"I'm sure you'll do great with a Carrera by your side." - He winked at me and I smiled at him.

"Thanks, grandpa. But I have a lot to learn as well about being a Luna." - I said, bashfully.

"Well, I'm sure you're gonna knock it out of the park, Ali." - He said and my heart fluttered.

"Before we begin eating, I want you all to raise your glasses to Lena. The most beautiful princess I'm honored to call my daughter. Happy birthday, sweetheart!" - Her father cheered for her, raising his glass.

We all do the same and chant happy birthday to her.

"Oh my Goddess! This is amazing!" - I commented after I started eating the pollo guisado.

"I've told you my mom was the best cook." - Lena said, boastfully.

"Damn, you weren't kidding! She should be cooking this professionally." - I'm baffled at how good the food is.

"Thanks, Alistair. I'm glad you're enjoying it." - Lena's mom smiled at me, contently.

"I'm enjoying it so much I'd like for you to cook this on my birthday too, even though it's months from now." - I said, in between bites of my stew.

"It would be my pleasure." - She replied, proudly.

The food is great. The conversation flows. The spanish is dropped every now and then, puzzling me as to what they're saying.

After dessert, I'm stuffed. Ben also looks like he's about to burst from eating too much.

This wasn't nearly as bad as I imagined it would be. Everyone was so normal and welcoming to me and Ben. Honestly, I had such a blast that even Bruno's presence didn't bother me so much.

I mean, at least he knew better and just ignored my presence. I really appreciated that.

"Everyone, Sandra and I would like to make an announcement." - Bruno declared later in the evening while most of us were in the living room.

He looked at his mate proudly, who smiled at him. Their daughter is playing with the other children.

"So, it turns out that even after ten years, we still had some gas left in the tank." - He started off, jokingly.

"Sandra and I are pregnant." - He announced it, surprising everyone. I'm gobsmacked.

Both of them are cheered and congratulated by the entire family, who seem to share in his joy.

All the while, Ben is looking at me for my reaction and I'm just too shocked to even react. Another child? Great.

Of course something like this would happen. It figures. Another child he isn't going to abandon.

"Hey, maybe it's a boy this time. Who knows?" - His aunt commented, sounding excited.

"Let's hope so." - Bruno said, cheerfully.

I walked out of the living room, trying to hold back my tears. This is all so triggering to me.

I really thought I was over this bullshit with Bruno, but apparently my daddy issues are far from gone.

A new son, really? Because you already fucked up with the first one, so why not have a do over?

I mean, come on! It's bad enough all this is happening right now, but another son is just too much for me to handle.

I say goodbye to Lena and mind link Ben to get me the fuck away from here. I leave as quietly as possible while everyone is too busy congratulating the happy couple on their news.

My cousin felt sorry for me as she could see I was distraught. But I told her it's fine. Today is her day and she deserves all the joy in the world.

I hope she makes a good match tomorrow.

But right now this is hurting me like a bitch.

Why, Bruno? Why couldn't you keep it in your pants? Why did you have to ruin my night with your little announcement?

Of course, I can't have a single moment in peace when you're there. It figures.

A|N: Poor Ali can't catch a break in this story.

Even though this song deals with a boy / girl relationship, some parallels can be made about his father / son relationship. Especially in the sense of Ali's hurting. I mean, the pain in the song is palpable.

Next is "Nothing like you and I".

PS: This picture of Ali got me swooning. Damn, those eyes!



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