A Little Too Late

By platytony

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Childhood friends forced to marry each other. But one falls out, when the other one falls in. Join me in the... More

Kapalaran (Part 1)
The Pact (Part 2)
Queen B (Part 3)
Plumbing the Depths (Part 4)
Senior Year (Part 5)
Unexpected (Part 6)
Daddy (Part 7)
Falling Out (Part 9)
Prom Night (Part 10)

Amber (Part 8)

8 0 0
By platytony

It's almost a month, and Amber haven't answered my calls nor messages. I tried to email her, but she did not even bother to leave me a response. "JJ, can we go to the toy store?" Oh yeah, I forgot, I'm with Muffin. "Sure, what do you want to buy?" She rolled her eyes saying "Duhh, I'm going to buy Princess a gift, she's not been very well these days". It's Princess again huh. "Why? what happened to her?" She stared at the tank "Her daddy was sick too" And I stopped. Wait what did she said? "Princess' dad was sick? How?" She looked at me and put her tiny hand on her chest. "She said, he had a heart attack but he's okay now, he's recovering fast" Am I hearing all of this correctly. "Maya, can you please describe Princess?" Just in time we were outside the toy store, she drag me to the Doll section. She pointed to an action figure of a red haired Princess in her green dress with a bow and arrow. I recognize this disney princess, she's from the animated movie "Brave". Maya asked me to get that toy saying  "This is what she looks like but my Princess is prettier, She visits me every day. She gives me cupcakes, cookies and dresses. She loves me as much you guys love me too. Princess tells me stories about how the outside world looks like. She also teaches me things like how to play the piano, that's why I asked mommy and daddy to build me a music room. We draw a lot most of the time. See this back pack? I designed it. She made replicas of it and gave it to orphaned girls. She also took me to her shelter which was full of rescued animals and her home for the homeless people which she helped throughout her stay here in the Philippines" I just stared at the action figure that was in my hand. I never imagined how Amber did all of that having a heavy hear. She managed to make my sister feel love when I haven't gave her that gift. "How about we do something for Princess and give it to her when she comes back?" She smiled "YES! We should do that JJ!" That entire day, me and Maya made something for Amber. I hope she will call me soon.



"JM!" I look behind me, it was Kate, running towards me. "Hi Kate, sorry was not able to answer your calls this weekend, I was with Maya the entire time". She grabbed my hand and smiled "That's okay JM. How's your sister?"

"She's doing better" We were walking hand in hand when I heard a familiar voice. "Good morning lovebirds, don't you think it's too early to do PDA on school grounds?" I was startled to see Amber behind us. I immediately let go of Kate's hand which made her feel uncomfortable. "Relax, I'm not going to make a scene. I won't roast your girl, we're graduating" She gave me a smile and she looked at Kate and gave her hand. Kate stared at it and suddenly, Buck grab Kate's hand to shake Amber's. "See JM? Amber won't bite your girl". I didn't mind Buck nor Kate nor the handshake. I just stared at Amber. So many questions flooded my head. First off, why she did not answer any of my calls and messages, second, why did she kept secrets behind my back, third......"Are you pleased now Mattie Pie?" I just stared at her, waiting for answers. But she did not mind me staring at her. "Oh well, let's go girls, we'll be planning for the prom. Hope you lovebirds will do your best cause I might win again this year as prom queen. Step up your game okay Kate?" Kate just stared at Amber in disbelief. Something happened while she was away, this time, I'm the one getting anxious.


I was waiting for her to finish her meeting for the prom. She was surprised when she saw me waiting for her outside the office.

"Hey A! You did not tell me you'll be home"
"Oh, I don't want to waste your time. I would like to say thank you for the sub last time. I tottaly forgot about it. I should've called one of my friends instead"She referred to that time I went to Claritas to help manong Rick out on her behalf. "No, its' okay, I was free that day.Anyway, you haven't told me about Claritas" She was hesitant to talk to me as if she was trying to get away from me, I grabbed her hand and she stared at me. I forgot, she has beautiful green eyes. I remembered the first time we met when my parents went to Poland to visit them. We were both in our pre-school, I was in awe of her. She looked like a living doll, she was wearing a royal blue dress and her hair was tied with a ribbon that matched her dress, she looked at me and said Hi. My mom and dad laughed because I was speechless I mean, you don't see this type of face everyday in the Philippines. "You never asked" Wait, she did answer that to me? I wasn't expecting to hear that from her. "Oh yeah, how about let's grab lunch after?" She forcefully detach her hand from mine with that uncertainty in her face saying "I, uh..promised to have lunch with the girls" then walked out. I ran after her shouting "Maybe after basketball practice then?" She looked back with a slight grin "I need to be somewhere"
"In Claritas? I'll buy dinner then and we'll eat there"
"You don't need to do that. Just do what you usually do okay?"
"BUt A..."
"I have to get to class I'll be late"
"I'll see you....at home" she smiled. I never felt so frustrated, it was overwhelming. Is this how she felt towards me before? Is she trying to do this to me to seek revenge on what I have done for a long time? I sure do need to talk to her. Maybe we can clarify things and patch things up.

It's almost 7:45 in the evening and Amber's not home yet. Tried calling her friends, they won't answer my calls. I called Grace, her line's busy. The food is getting cold, and it's Amber's favorite meal I asked manang Reese to cook for her. "Sir, baka kumain na si maam Amilia sa labas kasama kaibigan nya". Manang Reese saw my face getting more and more anxious "Gusto mo ba sir tatawagan ni Migs si Grace? Or yung janitor nyo sa eskwelahan, baka alam niya kung saan si maam" I am still quiet until I heard the gates open and yellow lights illuminated from outside reflecting the window. I stood up and went towards the main door. It opened and Amber was there looking at me in disbelief "You're early?" She asked. "I was hoping we could have dinner together". She laughed "Are you serious? We don't do that right?" I know, we don't. I just want us to do it from now on. "I thought of changing things around here knowing that we'll be going to college, might as well get serious with this marriage" she stared blankly at my face. "Is this your way of saying sorry? Then you're forgiven. Anyway, let me break the ice for you. There're two charity balls coming up, big people are attending which means bigger investors for our company. Here're the invitations. Which one will you go? You can take Kate with you" Again, she keeps bringing up Kate. "You think that's good for our image? I can't bring Kate with me, what will the people say? We will attend to both charities" She was surprised "What did you eat today? Did you bump your head? People already know you love your girlfriend more than your wife. After the divorce, she will be your wife anyway. They should see Kate more often from now on" Did she just brought up divorce? "What do you mean divorce?" Then she went upstairs. I followed her trying to get her attention "Did you tell uncle Anthony about the divorce?" She didn't respond "That was months ago Amber, things will change from now on" She was silently packing her things from our room "What are you doing?" With her annoyed voice she respond "I am taking my things back to my room. Don't worry I'll be out of your hair after graduation as promised" I took out all the things she packed and placed them back to our closet "Can we just talk? We can still fix this" she looked into my eyes emotionless "JM, stop playing games with me, we're adults. You made your point already right? And I have accepted it wholeheartedly. Now, let's talk about the future, we will still be working side by side as promised. I don't want this marriage to break the ties our family has been building over the years. You and I both know how it will affect our businesses. I want you to teach Kate how to deal with our associates." I tried to talk her out of it but she didn't listen. She took her things back to her room next to mine. I didn't expect this day will come. I was very desperate for her to hear me out. She closed her door while I was trying to talk to her. That's when I realized she's slipping away from me. And it's frustrating to know that my wife will one day become someone I'll be working with professionally and I feared that day will come. I need to do something.

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