Boy From Nowhere

By YOLOwriting101

29.1K 1.4K 796

"Why are you looking at my lips?" Evan questions him, and he saw Nigel look back at them again. "Are you into... More

𓍯twenty one
𓍯twenty two


1.1K 71 83
By YOLOwriting101

Deaf Library Student x Popular Kid
Nigel x Evan

"Nigel isn't really coming to the party, right?"

Evan looked at Terrance like he was an idiot for asking that question.

"He's literally the only reason why I agreed to this." Evan glared at him, only to soon sigh. "You didn't need to come early either. I already asked Nigel to come early. He offered to help out."

Terrance was so confused by the quick change in things. He understood that friendships come and go, but this was different. Something felt off about the way things were progressing. Like there was someone in the background influencing his choices.

Except he knew Evan to not be a person easily influenced by things. He just had a tendency to not stick up for what's right in defense of his other friends.

"I'm...not trying to talk bad about Nigel or anything, but something is seriously off with him. He was mad at you...for bullying that one kid out of school, or being a part of it - I should say. Then the next day it's like that never happened? He just casts it aside when he was so clearly against bullies and 'people like us'? Aren't you suspicious of that at all?" Terrance pleads with him, seeing Evan continue to open the pizza boxes and set plates before them.

Rushing towards him, he shoved his shoulder some. Evan looking at him angrily and Terrance looked at him still with worry.

"I'm...trying to help you, as a friend. Maybe I have taken advantage of the fact that you're well-off and became selfish, but I do value our friendship. I value it more than money and these parties!" He exclaims surely, Evan still...not caring. "You've changed."

"I bet in your opinion, that change is bad."

"Yeah, it is." Terrance responds back sharply, shaking his head in disappointment. "And all because of-."

Terrance heard a doorbell go off, and he instantly saw Evan become ecstatic. Rushing past him, he watched as he ran towards the front door and opened it.

Only to see Nigel grinning down at him. His smile only growing when his eyes moved onto Terrance who glared at him.

"I'm surprised, I didn't think he'd be here too." Nigel smiled, walking inside as Evan stuck close beside him.

"Yeah...he showed up without my knowledge." Evan tells him, causing Nigel to look back at Terrance.

His eyes set on him kindly and Terrance wasn't buying any of it. He just moved his glare somewhere else for the time being.

"I wouldn't say that, he just forgot." Terrance says instead, seeing Evan hand Nigel some cups. When his back was to him he saw that so was Nigel's, so that meant-.

He watched as Nigel turned a bit, looking at him with a smirk. His finger tapping his ear as he purposely turned to not see what he would say. Causing Terrance to glare at him even more so, only for that look to disappear.

When Evan looked back, Nigel already had his eyes set on him.

"I don't really mind where anyone goes, to be honest. As long as they're not too fucking loud. They always act crazy when they're at my house, but they're just fine at Terrance's." Evan rolls his eyes at the very thought.

"You think it's on account of respect?" Nigel suggests, and immediately Terrance wasn't going to allow that narrative to continue.

"It's not like that," Terrance chimes in, seeing Nigel still look only at Evan until he looked at him, "It's because they feel more at ease here. Your house is any teenager's dream and being inside makes you feel like you're living the life. My house is big, but it looks like any other house. Yours is like a Hollywood movie, modern and everything."

Evan shrugged, but Nigel just continued to grin at Terrance. That instantly putting him off as he looked away to now see his face anymore.

"All I read were excuses flying past your teeth and lips. What a waste." Nigel responds, and Terrance eyes widened.

He hoped Evan would say something only to see him agree to a certain degree.

"Not gonna lie, those were all excuses Terrance." Evan snickered, causing Terrance to shake his head immediately.

When Evan walked away, Terrance walked right up to Nigel. Seeing him raise his eyebrow curiously at him, he sneered sharply.

"I know you're full of shit...I'll figure it out, you watch." Terrance sneered quietly, only for Nigel to shove Terrance back by his shoulders gently. Only to step towards him and look into his eyes, throwing Terrance off as to how close he got. And how disturbed he was at how attractive someone could be up close like this.

"I don't think you're doing anything...I haven't done anything wrong. My hands are clean...are yours?" Nigel questioned him, causing Terrance to step back. Only for Nigel to step back towards him and caused Terrance to trip up on a rug, falling onto one of the couches.

Nigel grinned down at him, exhaling in peace.

"This will be the best party, I just know it." Nigel smiled excitedly, going over to grab a cup as he filled it with punch. Drinking some, he handed it right to Terrance who looked away shyly to his surprise. "You can have the rest, it tastes great."

As Nigel walked away, Terrance found himself breathing heavily. Both in anger and in too many things. Such emotions lasted up until the party started and people began to come.

Evan completely unaware as he was too busy putting things together and putting on the music. Nigel helping him any way he could and he could barely speak to him without them being to distracted with setting up. Even when he was finally done, he had to rush over to the front door as the doorbell went off to his surprise.

Usually, everyone knew they could just walk in, so for someone to ring the doorbell was unusual.

Opening the door, he looked down. He saw five of guys looking at him, but before he could respond, one of them spoke up first.

"Where is he?"

Evan frowned, unsure if he saw the people he was seeing correctly. He could see that some cars were starting to come up, but he never saw these people in his school before.

Yet...they somehow looked familiar.

"Where is who?"

Evan watched as three out of the five guys started laughing. Mocking him a bit, he became irritated by such a thing.

"Don't play dumb Evan, where's Terrance?"

He instantly was confused because they knew his name, but Terrance's too. Before he could respond he saw even more people that were actually from his school coming up.

Not wanting to make a scene, he moved off to the side for them to enter. Allowing people he barely remembered into his house, he saw them instantly go for the food.

His hopes were that it was some random friends that he had forgotten about. Or people that Terrance was friends with, but he wasn't friends with them.

Once he closed the door, he wanted to look for Nigel immediately. Not having to look for as Nigel was sitting on the couch between others. No talking happening, but Evan wanted to sit beside him.

Going behind the couch, he tapped Nigel's shoulder. When he looked over his shoulder he smiled up at him, standing up.

"Do you...want to see upstairs before others go up there?" Evan asks him quietly, seeing Nigel nod in amusement.

"Of course, I was kind of hoping you'd say that."

"Really?" Evan looked at him shyly as he walked in front of him. Looking over his shoulder at the same time, he saw Nigel nod seriously.

As he walked them upstairs, he waited until Nigel turned the corner into a darker hall. Only to push him against the wall.

Laying his head against his shoulder, he looked closely at his face. Nigel looking down at him closely and into his eyes, his arm going around his waist.

"This is risky, don't you think?"

" one usually comes here until it's late at night. You probably can guess why, right?" Evan alluded to the obvious, seeing Nigel's eyes widen. His lips parting in amusement as he looked down the hall.

"I is this 'the hall'?" Nigel asks him curiously, pursing his lips at such a thing. "'The hall' where amazing firsts happen? Where...regretful actions take place?"

Evan snickered at his way of putting it, but nodded.

"You wouldn't dare allow someone in your parent's room, right?" Nigel questioned, looking at him with deep concern. Only for Evan to smile in contempt. "You have...haven't you?"

"I wouldn't say that, I didn't even say anything. Just...smiled." Evan grabbed Nigel's hand, pulling him into a different hall.

Walking them down the hall that allowed a view outside, the walls turning into glass. Nigel basically overlooking the city as he saw the reflection. Evan pulling him towards his parent's room he assumed.

He instantly tried to conceal his smirk as he faced back forward.

Evan, on the other hand, was waiting for this moment much more than he realized. He just wanted to kiss Nigel...badly.

His absolute contempt towards his parents allowed him to take it to this point. As he allowed himself to open their doors. Stepping off to the side, he nodded for Nigel to continue.

Nigel walked in hesitantly, Evan closing the doors behind him. Trying to close the door as silent as possible, he was unaware of what was happening behind him.

Unaware that Nigel wanted to kiss him too. And when he did turn around he found himself being pressed against the doors. His eyes wide on him as Nigel cradled his face, leaning his temple against his.

Evan could feel his other hand going down his chest, and he found himself immediately breathing heavily.

"You never occurred to me that I'd be coming here and end up in your parents bedroom. It's quite disrespectful." Nigel murmurs, causing Evan to blush immediately. "But...I don't care. I've been wanting to do this for a long time."

"Long time...?"

"Yeah, I know you've been wanting to kiss me too," Nigel muses, causing Evan's whole face to become red as Nigel's lips hovered above his, "I'm just better at hiding it-."

Evan rushed for his lips, only for Nigel to push him back and rush for his instead. The both of them kissing one another after just a couple of days of having not done so. His desperation increasing the more he kissed his lips to his surprise.

With that desperation he was even willing to let anything happen. Even allowing Nigel to slowly kiss down his neck, his hands were feverish to grab ahold of Nigel at all. Except he soon saw him right at his legs and a smirk was on his face.

He tried not to make any noise as he didn't expect this at all. His hands went to his mouth as he saw Nigel press his hand to his dick that was embarrassingly hard.

"Isn't that funny?" He murmured, pulling at Evan's pants as he smirked. "When was the last time someone gave you fellatio?"

Evan gasped, seeing Nigel's finger press to his tongue. Displaying it lewdly, he felt himself becoming harder just from the sight.

"Fella...Nigel you're being so..." Evan found himself becoming overly shy as Nigel waited for him to say. "It's been since...I was with my last girlfriend, so...a couple of months ago."

Nigel smiled, seeing Evan blush so greatly. As his body was becoming pink right before his eyes, especially when he pulled his briefs off.

"Well...let's see who's better."

Evan looked down at Nigel as he went down on him, his mouth sucking him off slowly. His hand gripped his own shirt whilst he watched it happen. Because he didn't even feel like he was alive.

It felt like he was dreaming...but he soon realized that he wasn't. Especially when he felt Nigel's thumb rub against his hole, causing his face to become hot.

In his mind, it wasn't supposed to be happening like this. Yet, he wasn't against any of it as Nigel continued to suck him off. His hand gripping his shoulder, he tried not to make any noise. Except Nigel made it hard for him to conceal the noises that wanted to leave his lips.

"Nigel...wait." Evan moaned, watching Nigel pull his mouth off his dick. Their eyes set on one another. "It's too much...I can suck yours."

"You don't have to do that for me." Nigel shook his head, pressing a kiss to Evan's thigh. "And...I don't think you could."

Evan smiled shyly, shaking his head as he wanted to try. Before he could do anything there was a loud commotion that erupted throughout the house.

He gasped immediately, pulling his pants up as he opened the door. Rushing down the stairs, Nigel watched his retreating back. A grin growing to his lips as he wiped his mouth, sighing peacefully.

Allowing himself onto his feet, he walked down the hall calmly. Hearing the shouts that were getting louder by the moment, and he enjoyed hearing it.

When he reached the stairs, he saw Evan already standing at the bottom of the stairs. Onlooking the argument that took place with Terrance and the guys he saw, and he immediately knew where they looked familiar.

"Don't fucking play dumb! You want to go about life as if you didn't fucking make others lives hell! You're living the best life and perfectly going on, with no issues. Because you're not the one who was accosted and beat on and who's life was made a living hell!" One of the guys shouts at Terrance's face who was at a loss for words still.

He didn't understand why this was happening now. It had been three years since those times. Moving on...was all he could do. He did regret his poor decisions, but he was a stupid preteen.

"I'm...not like that anymore, and that was in the past. Don't bring up the past now at a place like this, it's supposed to be good times-."

"Fuck good times! You didn't think we came here for nothing right? Eye for an eye, is the saying, right?" Another one of them turned around as he grabbed his friend's glass of juice.

He looked at Terrance's face who was still gobsmacked. At the fact that all of this was being unearthed now in front of people who knew him as he was now. Not of who he once was as an immature preteen.

Only to look, seeing Evan look on in shock. Except he slowly saw Nigel make his way down the stairs. Concern was all over his face...but the fakery of it all...?

That fakery alone had rage filling Terrance all at once. Just to feel a drink be tossed into his face, gasping as he wiped it from his eyes just to look back at Nigel. Seeing him grinning with no shame at him, his eyes widening as he saw Nigel's finger set near his lips.

"I'm just looking out for my friend." He saw Nigel mouth the exact words he told him in the bathroom. Terrance immediately felt that anger he had suppressed for years boil over.

His feet had him run right at Nigel as he shoved Evan to the side. Only to grab the collar of Nigel's shirt, pulling him harshly down the stairs onto the floor. Standing over him angrily, seeing Nigel look up at him blankly.

"You want to fucking make me angry? You wanted to bring me to this point you deaf piece of shit?! I don't give a fuck that you can't hear, you're not fooling anybody. I see right through your shit, I see it all!" Terrance shrieked, seeing Nigel look away quickly as if his back was hurt.

Only to feel a fist fly right at his cheek, looking to his left to see Evan glaring at him with so much hatred. He realized where he was as he already knew he fucked up, shaking his head.

" don't understand-."

Before he could begin, there was already others rushing right at him. All fighting him at once as he collapsed to the floor, being dealt the blows by not just the ones he once bullied; but new haters too.

Evan rushed to Nigel's aid as did others, helping him sit on his bottom. Only for Nigel to have tears down his eyes as his back was aching all throughout. He genuinely felt pain...but not as much as he was letting on.

Purposely setting in on that painful feeling, he didn't focus on anything else. Letting himself fry as he saw Terrance being punched whilst trying to defend himself, and... He had to settle on that pain, or he knew he'd be smiling at that very moment.

"Nigel are you okay?" Evan asked in a rush, seeing Nigel in pain bothered him more than he expected. Completely disregarding the fact that Terrance was practically getting beat up by the people he once bullied in middle school horribly.

"My back...I think I need to go to the hospital, I'm sorry." Nigel apologized, shaking his head as he tried to go to his feet.

His back didn't hurt to the point that he couldn't stand, but he allowed himself to crumble back to the ground a bit. Catching himself on his knees, crouching a bit.

"I can take him." One of Evan's friends volunteered, and Nigel looked at him. Immediately wondering who he was as he hadn't seen him in school before.

"Who's...this?" Nigel asks, seeing Evan look away from the guy awkwardly.

"He's...suspended along with two others because of you know what." Evan tells him quietly, and Nigel already knew what.

He continued looking at the guy, only to grin as he grabbed his hand. Helping him onto his feet, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder as he allowed himself to be helped out. Evan watching warily as he didn't want Nigel to be taken by someone else, but he knew Terrance had to be dealt with.

Unaware that Evan just threw another one of his friends into a trap.

"What's your name?" Nigel asks the one who helped him into his car, willing to drive him to the hospital.

"My bad, we have never met before, but my name is Owen. I'm...suspended, unfortunately for some bullshit, but I should be back in school next Monday. So...this Monday, actually. Since you're so close to Evan, you're already aware of...what happened, right? With Barry?" Owen asks him, seeing Nigel just look at him head-on.

Turned in a way that he believed would be hurting his back, but he wasn't reacting. He just looked back at the road awkwardly, clearing his throat.

"I'm aware...yes," Nigel finally responds, leaning back against his seat, "You...did a horrible thing, you know."

"Yeah, but it was pretty fuckin' funny."

"Was it?"

When Owen reached a stop sign, he looked back at Nigel. Seeing him looking right into his eyes, a chill running down his spine. He didn't know...what Nigel's deal was, or who he was at all. All he knew was that...he liked what he saw.

"Just so that you're aware, I'm bi, so..." Owen snorts, causing Nigel to grin.

"Me too."

Now Owen had to drive forward as a car stopped behind him. His lips tightening together as he was only falling deeper and deeper.

And Nigel already knew Terrance's life in school was over, he got what he deserved. Now, it was Owen's turn, him learning this made it all the more easier.

"Too easy." Nigel husks, causing Owen to glance over at him quickly before looking back at the road. Seeing Nigel smiling at him, his face becoming warm.

It all...was too easy.


well... 🫢

there goes one. 😌

wait, what? 🤡

i mean- 👹

Nigel did wrong, cLearLy. 🌝

uh, anyway- 🌚

vote, comment, follow~

- yolo 🫶

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