Looking- An Sbi Adoption Au

By BluTheNerd

23.9K 645 1.3K

Thomas Simons is a 14 year old orphan whos parents were abusive and are now also dead. Tommy cant seem to fi... More

SuP bItChEs
Another Day Another Family [1]
oh shit- [2]
lil quick a/n
you mean...I HAVE TO TALK [3]
Face reveal? AYOOO
Hi Tommy! [4]
Toms? [5]
you're grounded [6]
I'm here. [7]
rest easy, Blade.
important a/n
Sometimes [8]
Terror [9]
Not My Dad [10]
It All Hurt [11]
Escape [13]

Not So Bad [12]

640 30 17
By BluTheNerd

Tws//not much, jus mentions of stuff from last chapter and an angry dadza

~phils pov~

Do you know how absolutely and utterly fun it is to get a call midway through paperwork saying that 2/3 of your kids are in the office for being an a fight? Well news flash its not fuckin fun.

So basically this big bad call with the reception lady went like this.

-"hello? Phil Watson speaking"
-"hello is this Mr.Watson, father of William and guardian of Thomas?"
-"yes. i basically just said that. How may i help you?"
-"Yes hello Mr. Watson im calling to inform you that we require your immediate presence here at Kinoko School, please"
-"okay, may I ask why?"
-"Your son and foster child were both involved in a fight with other students and we require a meeting with the headmaster and for them to go home"
-"I'm sorry wha- okay im on my way give me about 15-20 minutes. Thank you miss"
-"Thank you Mr.Watson, good bye"
-"yes buh-bye"

So yeah that was fun. I love being an adult. I love being an adult who has a car that I drive to go pick up to go pick up my sons. I love being an adult who has 3 boys who are...boys???

The school wasn't small, but in no way was it huge. Thats partly why I choose it for the boys. Wils anxiety wouldn't do well in a big school, but techno needed somewhere big enough to make friends and socialize. Its not the most perfect place but it works. And they dont hate it any more than an average teenager hates school. One of the best parts about it is that Tommy already went there when i was signing papers to start fostering him.

Yes he was in the other wing where they put all the kids they take one look at and think "hey this kid is evil, lets go throw them in a class they'll get bullied for being in haha massive L lmao". But with a lot of me being awesome (aka using my other children as leverage with permission), i was able to get him back into the 'normal' curriculum. Not that it matters what classes hes in. It doesn't, any child is still loved in my house no matter their abilities. I dont take none of that ableist shit. But nothing in his file said he needed to be in there. No history of violence (until now apparently??), Yes he has ADHD but thats usually not a reason kids go into special ed, nothing. So it was an easy change to make with a bit of mildly constructive criticism.

The inside of the school was nothing special. An average school i suppose. The office was boring too. The receptionist lady looked sympathetic to my worried face when I explained why I was there. I was pointed in the direction of the principals office. Walking there was a pit of dread, its not the angry one. I have more faith in my kids then thinking they'd just go around beating the shit out of a kid.

And by the looks of them when I walked in I was right. Techno and Tommy were in the corner together, techno I'm guessing trying to keep the kid calm-ish while himself attempting to not lash out. Wilbur was staring directly into the principals eyes, with a tear stained face. It wasn't until after I looked closer I realized tommy looked like hell, he couldn't have done anything he was so beat up. A fat lip, both his eyes black, a plaster on his nose making me assume it was near broke if not, and tissues up each nostril to stop a bleed. The nurse here really did a poor job. Wilbur had a bit of a black eye but it was nothing huge.  Tech was spotless so I'm guessing he wasn't involved in whatever happened.

Headmaster whatever his name is gestured me to sit down next to Wil once he realized my presence. Wilbur looked at me, he looked scared and sorry at the same time. I wonder if he thought i would yell, or hit, I would never, but its a fear that still crosses my mind. Its a fear that my kids would see me as a monster. The same monster i used to fear would show up one day.

Techno looked at me like he was trying to say 'beat the shit out of that old fuck or I will, also im overwhelmed, also im slightly attached to this child I met a few days ago lmao'.

The chair was uncomfortable. It was hard and slim (Thats what she said). And Ultimately gross. The bursting cheap leather of the ass part was held together by duct tape, the arm rests had scratches in it all over, the legs were wobbly, it seemed like it has been in this dingy dark office for 40 years being thrown around by angry and impulsive kids.

"Hello Mr. Watson so your sons were found engaging in physical violence with a few other childre-" he started but i cut him off.

"Where are they?"

"Im sorry?" The confusion on his face was unbelievable.

"Sorry. Allow me to reiterate. The other kids. Where are they?" This better be an equal goddamn punishment or else I'm breaking shit.

"Their parents came to pick them up already" the principal responded calmly.

"Did their parents get a whole thing too??" I was starting to get pissed. I tried to keep it together for the kids' sake but goddamn it's hard sometimes.

"No sir, they did not need one because their children did not initiate the fight"

As if i thought Wilbur couldn't look more pissed. he just glared more at the man infront of him. Like he was trying to pinch every bit of good out of the dick with just his eyes.

"I'm sorry. But thats a load of crap." I was done being nice.

"Excuse me?"

"Its a load of crap. Look at Tommy?? He looks like he got run over by a Semi-truck 3 times then kicked off of a really rocky cliff. No offense kiddo."

I glanced at the boys huddled in the corner, Techno was hugging Tommy close, Tommy was looking up at me with a look i couldn't decipher. Was he scared? In pain? Sad? Happy someone was sticking up for him? All of the above??

"Our evidence proves otherwise sir" this guy is really the type if dude who likes pissing people off huh?

"What evidence? The cameras you never check? A secondhand single made up story from the kids you so happily sent home?" I knew how this went.

"Mr Watson I suggest you stop and think about this a moment."

I have a 14 year old crying in the corner who was beat to shit. A 17 year old comforting him while trying to not burst up and throw the old guy sitting behind the desk out if the window. And a 16 year old with a black eye glaring daggers at the same man. I think I've assessed the situation decently. 

"No. I'm sorry sir but in no way will I allow you to just let my sons take responsibility for this."

"That is your choice then. I must tell you though that William and Thomas will be suspended for the next 3 days. They will be welcomed back on Monday though. Thomas will also be put back into his old special education classroom"

It was an outrageous punishment. A cruel one. Not because of the simple action but because of the consequences. Wilbur had a perfect record until now, I knew this going on would fuck with his brain. Tommy had no reason to go back into that class, and he would only be bullied for it by other kids. I knew that from the stories i had already heard from the past years.

"WHAT? you cant fu-" Techno butted in, I quickly cut him off out of fear he'd be punished too. I really dont need 3 kids suspended.

"Sir, I feel like that's a bit of an extreme punishment yeah? Is there any other alternative?" I replied quickly.

"Im afraid we've already begun the paperwork. Now I ask that you take these children and leave. Technoblade may stay if you choose" I took a single look at techno and knew allowing him to stay would end badly for him. And I'd possibly end up in this office once again in the day.

"No thanks. I'll take all 3 home." It was a logical choice, an easy one. The one that the least issues possible to come out if it.

So with that, i signed the release form for techno and we left. Just like that.

~Wils POV (In the car)~

The car was more comfortable than that hellhole. I would never admit I don't like that school though, I know Dad tried his hardest to find a school that would work for both Techno. and I suppose and it's good enough for us. So why should I put him through the more stress to find another school for us all? Its a pointless fight.

"Wil" dad started slowly, putting his head on the steering wheel "can you tell me what happened?"

I didn't know where to start. But I knew he had to know.

"I was walking down the stairs from my 3rd to 4th hour. I got halfway to the second floor when i saw these guys kicking and punching tommy who was on the ground in like a ball. He was bleeding a bunch" I glanced to the backseat at the blond boy who was dead asleep on Techno's shoulder. "I just grabbed the one kid who was doing the most damage and started punching him. I-I don't even know what came over me. The other kid backed off of Tommy pretty quickly. Then I kinda blacked out.. I'm sorry dad"

"Wil, don't be sorry. Im proud of you for helping him, even if you handled it poorly you still saved him from god knows how many more injuries" it was a good sentence to hear. A feeling of relief washed over me. The tear inducing type of relief. I wouldn't let myself cry again though.

I looked at the backseat again. Tommy was still asleep, Techno had his arm around him. I focused on Tech then, he had his eyes closed and earbuds in. I could tell he wasn't quite asleep, his face was still tight and his free hand was slowly tapping a beat on his knee. But it was good enough for me to feel comfortable bringing this up.

"Dad I don't like Tommy, I dont know why but I just don't. And I don't know what to do about it. Because I know he probably won't be going anywhere. Techno loves him already, you seem to like him. But I just can't " he sighed and gave me a small sad smile while driving down an all too familiar road. A road I hate but nobody knows why.

"Wil, do you remember when techno came home? You absolutely despised him. Nearly every word you said to him was an attempt to get him to want to leave." We passed the house I hate, but I focused on dad

"Yeah, I remember. Why?"

"I'm getting there. Not too long after, mom and I sat down with the two of you. And we talked. And got to know eachother. I saw you start listening, learn empathy, find the term 'brother'. So maybe, and I know your not 7 anymore but this doesn't matter your age, do you think that it may help to try that again?"

I thought about it. I genuinely thought. I thought so much that dad waved his hand infront of my face after 5 minutes.

"Earth to Wilbur? Are you there bud?"  I've always loved when he called me bud. It reminded me that in have a family who loves me. And it gave me a childhood I can pretend didn't have the trauma.

"Yeah, yeah I think that may help." He smiled. A warm genuine smile. The type of smile that wants to ensure a hug to come. Which I wish I could give if it wasn't gonna kill us.

"Dad can you pull over?"

"Yeah, why? Are you okay" he sounded worried while moving the car to the side of the road in an empty neighborhood. I dont know where we are but I don't really care. I need to do this

"Mhm" I said unbuckling the seatbelt and getting out of the car and walking towards the driver's side. Dad got out after me, which is what i was hoping for. I went up and hugged him. A simple gesture. But a simple gesture can save a life and mean the world. I had my face buried in his shoulder trying to stop the tears. It wasn't long until I felt another arm wrapping around me and more heat near my body.

"I don't care if im interrupting something, i want a group hug" dad laughed his famous laugh that makes everything feel like it can be okay. I laughed into Techno's shoulder. I could feel him smiling a small smile. I pulled away a bit to see Tommy looking at us tiredly. I opened my arm out for him as an offer to join. Or maybe it was an Olive Branch. Or an apology.

No matter what it was the kid ran over and nearly toppled us all over. We laughed and I made sure I held him tightly. Because maybe, maybe hes not so bad.


2302 words. Jesus fuck this was long. Also i lied yesterday when i said that i would take awhile to upload again. You guys waited too long for the last one and i acctually really like this chapter so yk

-percy !! ♡︎

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