Arknights: Starsfall I


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Season 1 of the Starsfall series. Cover is credited to the effort of: @Legend_of_Frog The United States Space... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Starsfall Season 2

Chapter 86

886 39 17

United States Government Intranet

We are no longer receiving rockets full of Russian reserves heading to Terra, we can only assume they ran out of rockets, or they are reaching Civil Stability point: [ CRITICAL ].

Translation's on the fritz. This is a critical problem, considering the Russian Government has sent this in regards to their Eastern territories going silent over that Government Intranet Message that was privately sent by our ambassador in Moscow.

Внимание всем: У нас недавно украли одну установку Tополь-M. Кто её украл и зачем, в этот момент мы не знаем.

We are assuming the worst if the translation we are getting is correct...

- American Secretary of State

Quietly raise us up to DEFCON 3, we've been hanging on DEFCON 4 for the longest amount of time, it's time to get more worried about the stability of our home world. Does not mean we will entirely stop any more supplies being sent, just don't expect any more military forces other than the ones who are coming back to Terra from Texas.

- President Mayla Hawthorne

Bloody hell, that clock's gotten closer to Midnight, right then, we'll be on it, Task Force 141 out.

- Cpt. John Price

What the fuck's going on?

- President of the Columbian Union

Things you should not be worrying about.

- President Mayla Hawthorne

From Team RAINBOW, Happy New Years

- Eliza Cohen, 'Ash'

"21 Gun Salute"

December 31st, Earth Time, 2055
November 1st, Terra Time, 1097

Pvt. James Ramirez

Yesterday was a fun day full of training at the behest of Foley, Dobermann, Amiya, and Ace. At the moment, he was sitting in a little diner that was on the edge of Houston, where the group was planning to spend New Years Eve. Sipping on some coffee, he sets the cup down  and looks over at Exusiai in front of him, and Lana to the right of her, closest to the window. They hadn't ordered yet, and were just simply enjoying each other's company in this well tempered morning of Texas.

"Hey, Angel," Ramirez begins, watching as she changes her attention from Lana to him. "Yes?"

"Remember the whole exercise that Foley and Dobermann cooked up?" He asked, causing her to giggle, "How could I not?"

The open area of the ranch was converted into a training ground yesterday. Sort of building off what the National Guard left behind for them, they also added a few areas and targets for operators to test their melee skills and abilities. Hibiscus, Ptilopsis, Ceylon, Ansel, and Dunn remained on standby should anybody sustain an injury.

Fang was on her stomach firing off 5.56 rounds. Jessica was near her, she was also firing off rounds from her M4. They were shooting at a metal target that has been set up roughly 200 meters away. The latter of the 2, and this is probably due to experience with the M4 and guns in general, was hitting targets more accurately and consistently.

Ramirez was assisting Beagle, he had a couple of suggestions for her since she was a defender operator.

Namely, set her shield down and use it as a sort of stabilizer. This was soon mirrored by Liskarm, who pretty much does something similar anyways, and was trying to hit a target that was slightly further out. The difference for her was the fact that her pistol was swapped out for an American M17 in a sort of Carbine kit.

Which allowed her to reach ranges that she never was able to hit before with her old issued pistol from Blacksteel.

Meanwhile, Kroos and Jonathon were doing a sniper drill with a couple of other operators. Kroos was hitting almost every target down range with very little misses in accuracy. That was impressive in the latter's opinion.

Carmen and Lappland were using blanks on their targets, practicing a close-quarters combat drill on some unfortunate scarecrows. Daniel was leading Ch'en, Swire, and Hoshiguma in an urban combat drill using the barn and some sheds. This may be useful, especially for Swire who'd rather not get slashed again.

Foley and Dobermann over-watched everybody, helping out errors, making adjustments to posture. Exusiai was helping with her fellow comrades in Penguin logistics, leading in a shooting drill. She wasn't able to practice her NLAW skills today, but that was alright, basic shooting was all she really needed to stay polished up on.

The 2 shared a few laughs over all of the errors some of them were making. "Oh! Remember when Ch'en tried to combine swordsmanship with an SMG?" Exusiai remarked, giggling as she remembered Daniel trying to assist the Superintendent who was blocking an 'attack' and trying to use the SMG to dump led into the 'attacker'.

It was sound in principle, just was a little awkward as she Ch'en managed to get hot brass into her shoe.

It was funny watching Swire, Hoshiguma, Ptilopsis, and Daniel try and help her as she jumped around trying to get the shoe off, being angry of the whole situation.

Mudrock was exploring near the farmlands. Some of the operators watched her when she kneeled down to, as Blue Poison put it, speak to the earth.

Talk of the ranch and the events that happened stopped, when a waiter came, "Howdy, you fine folk." He begins, smiling down at them, "Ready to order?"

"Sure man, just some more coffee first, please?" Ramirez chuckles, pushing forward his Coffee cup and the waiter got out a pot of coffee and poured some in. Exusiai looked back at the menu to make sure she knew what she was getting, also passing up her cup, "Some more Sweet Tea would be nice!"

The waiter nodded and grabbed her cup, going over to a fountain dispenser and refilling it. He quickly brought it back, and got out a little tablet, "Alright then, waiting on you." He looks up at the 3, waiting to see who would go first.

Lana looked up proudly, ready to tell him what she wants to eat. The little girl's English was now getting better, and better, reaching the point where she can start having conversations with the rest of them. Ramirez and Exusiai gestured at the little Lupo - allowing her to order first - and she opened her mouth to speak.

"Waffles please!"

Lungmen Slums - United Nations Patrol Zones

"...hallelujah! His truth is marching on!" came from one of the speakers of an M3A3 Bradley team that was doing their daily patrol in the region. The Infantry had dismounted and was sitting on top of the vehicle, not bothering to sit inside where there was a bunch of MREs and supplies resting inside. This was not for them, rather it was for the civilians in the area. Some of these supplies were paid for by the UN, and they were ordered to start driving around in Hearts and Minds missions.

The TC and the Gunner of the IFV had their hatches open, and so did the driver, all of them getting the fresh air. The Infantry on the vehicle were armed with M5 Rifles, but with a bit of a change. The Department of Defense had ordered them to start melting down materials to have 3d Printers start making receivers and barrels that can accommodate slightly larger calibers, reaching into the .30-06 zone.

The song had changed to Marching through Georgia. The joyful trumpet filling the air with the soft whine of the M3A3. There was no civilian vehicles moving around at this time. One of the riflemen cracked open a flask, "Hey ya'll," he got their attention, "Crack open your flasks." The infantry and crewmen began to reach into their pouches or their containers, and began to produce Hydroflasks that were given to them.

The medic got her flask out, although with some hesitation, "Why?"

"Don't you know the occasion? I don't think we were deployed here long enough to forget that, right?" He turns to the TC, "Tankie!" She looks at him, "Mind telling us what the day is on Earth?" She reaches in the tank, grabs her tablet, and lightly climbs out, lifting her goggles and turning the thing on after perching herself on part of the edge of the hatch. After a few presses, she lets out a noise of surprise.

"Oh! It's New Years Eve gentlemen!" She began to chuckle, and cracks open the hatch of her flask, smiling.

The Marksman in the unit began to laugh, "Well, fuck me!" He lifts his flask up, "Cheers all around!" The others began to climb over to him, holding up their flasks. The sound of metal clinging against metal was heard, "Cheers!" And soon was joined by the others saying their cheers.

"Hey, here's a cheers from me!"

"Cheers from California!"

"Cheers from Florida!"

"Cheers from New Mexico!"

To the Lungmen Civilians who were passing by, they were confused by the display. A crowd was gathering as the soldiers finished saying their cheers, before having a good chug of their flasks, the sensation of sugar, alcohol, whatever the soldiers had in their flasks - whether it be legally or illegally - began to fill them up and leave the soldiers with an overall good mood.

The rifleman finished his chugging of soda, letting out some burps, before looking at the crowd of civilians. With a smile, and after giving them a wave, he turns to the TC, "Open up the hatch."

Sound of electronic motors engaging filled their hearing, as the hatch opened, revealing the supplies. The soldiers jumped off, and the gunner stayed on alert, holding a Vector SMG looking around. The infantry got to the supplies while the rifleman proudly declared.

"Hey! Happy New Years from Earth!" He brought some crates out, and cracked it open. The sight of supplies and other commodities caught the eye of the crowd and they began to approach, carefully though, as the TC was moving the turret around to make sure that there was no funny business going on. With one more smile, the rifleman cracked open another crate as some helicopters flew over.

Passing some drinks inside to some people, he laughed some more, feeling an overall good feeling with his fellow squad mates. Bringing his voice up, he declares once more, "As a celebration of New Years..." he cracked open some bottles and passed them to the crowd, "A toast! Come drink with us! We're all in a good mood and you all should be too!"

They collectively cheered, taking some drinks and raising it high.

Things felt good up here.

Ursus Village

"Comrades," Captain Nolshinko begins, opening up one of the trucks that arrived with supplies. Her squad had safely delivered the USSG students to the base long ago, and she was over watching them for a while. She heard that they were doing okay, and she often times checks up on them herself to make sure of that. Gummy was the one she was worried about the most. But she was going to focus on that now, she almost missed something back home at Earth and she wasn't going to let her fellow unit miss it too.

Fellow Russians gathered around her, and she watched them look at her curiously.

Until she opened some of the crates, and revealed Vodka, straight from Russia. The Soldiers excitedly gathered as the captain began to get some of the drinks out. Watching as some soldiers take 2, or 3, she lets out a laugh. "New Year, comrades! Let's drink in its honor!"

A collective cheer went out, some crewmen bringing crates over to the town.

Speaking of the town, they were well, and wholly welcomed once it was clear that their intentions was never to harm them, but to help them and get them on their feet. It was something heartwarming, and these Reservists wanted to reward them for their acceptance.

Vodka, a good ol' drink of Vodka.

Nolshinko began to go over to the USSG students again. Now of course, she wasn't going to make them drink. All she was going to do, was make sure that they were eating well, handling things well, and being treated well. That's all she wanted, to ensure that these folks were happy.

It's a simple wish, and she doesn't wish for that to be taken from them.

A BTR-82A was cleared to use some of its HE-I on a mountain nearby, the sounds of explosions being the replacement for fireworks that they would have used. It still contributes to the feeling of New Years anyhow. And they were glad to still being able to celebrate it

New Thames, Londinium

Edmund was reading over some reports on the hull of a Scimitar-L. Next to him, was a bottle of Scotch Whiskey, and some shot glasses. He had invited Horn, her unit, and some of the other Victorian soldiers over to have a taste of how the British Military celebrates New Years when they are not at home and in a foreign land. Hell of a foreign land this is...

Some Nobles were invited as well, although he can't help but notice them feeling exponentially more safe while in the walls of the British Military Base.

There was some things off about the city in general, and he couldn't exactly ignore that. There was strange soldiers, strange people coming around. Hell, a Scimitar on patrol noted that there was looked like people of a green constitution that they, the crew and the people coming along, could not name.

He looks down at some pictures and at the subjects of said photographs, and gave a hum of contemplation. Some LPPVs tried to drive near the Londinium Main Financial District, but were warned by strange soldiers and authorities that they should leave. They weren't about to easily go back home, but the British realized something was up.

Taking pictures and producing them to Edmund, he was now trying to analyze what was going on, and perhaps speak to Ms. Kal'tsit or some of the other nobles.

"Mr. Edmund!" He looks up, setting the reports into a little manila package and looks over at the person who called his name. Bagpipe was coming over, her weapon not with her at the moment, probably because everybody had put their weapons down in a marked area for the occasion. He watched her run over, with Ms. Horn following behind.

Bagpipe was a bit of a happy little thing that Edmund was glad to be friendly with. Ms. Saileach was not with them, as she was elsewhere. Hillock County apparently was where she was.

For now, he decided to shake off the weird suspicions he had. Now was not the time.

He poured a 2 shots of Scotch. He passed a shot glass to Bagpipe, and to Horn, who, politely, rejected it. At the rejection, he shrugged, "it's fine, but I wouldn't recommend you miss it." Bagpipe takes the little shot glass in her hand, tilted it around, and lifted it to her lips. She coughed it up a second later. Wiping her mouth, she turns to Edmund.

"T-that's... strong..." she remarked, coughing again. The Lieutenant felt pity for her, and there was concern from Horn as well.

"Ah I'm sorry then," he takes his shot, and sips it, "It's a bit of a strong thing isn't it?" He takes his shot and cleared his throat, "Might just be a matter of taste."

Bagpipe looked back at her little shot glass, and goes to sip some down, more conservatively. This time it didn't burn as much, and she noticed the smoky, malty flavor of the drink. She sipped again, making Horn and Edmund look at her. The former looked over at the Lieutenant, "Mind passing me a glass then?"

"Changed your mind did you?" He pours a new shot glass for her, "Alright, here you go. Start conservative."

As Horn began to drink it down, being able to withstand its strength, Bagpipe popped in front of Edmund, holding up the glass, "Can... I have another?" in tradition of the night, the Lieutenant chuckled as he grabs the bottle.

"Sure, its bloody New Years for us Earthlings, might as well share the wealth, huh?"

In New San Francisco and the USS New Essex, not much was happening as they were on alert, although this did not mean they did not celebrate. For the Ship, there was fireworks and a napalm display on a bunch of Seaborne near Iberia.

For the New Military Base in Columbia, there was fireworks, drinks, and games.

On Rhodes Island, the forces there was preparing a very large fireworks display.

Pearland Suburbs

Dunn brought everybody here, after using the JLTV to start bringing a bunch of groceries down to the region. They all gathered here sometime after eating more authentic Texan barbecue in some of the well known areas of Houston that were still open and serving. Collectively, the group enjoyed it.

But now that wasn't their focus. It was almost time for New Years. Although it wasn't New Years for the Terrans, some of them did not mind the offer. Besides, Dobermann and Amiya signed off on it when they realized that they had done a bunch of training the day before.

Entering the neighborhood, with Dunn at the spearhead, he began to whistle a strange tune as they approached a decently large house that had some smoke and the sound of fire in the back. There was the sound of movement at the whistling of the song, and some of the armed operators began to silently reach for their weapon. Dunn began to whistle a little louder, and there was the sound of a fence opening.

Blaze, Ace, and Schwarz near him began to get their respective weapons, or fists, ready, when there was the sound of somebody laughing. "Dunn? Is that you buddy?!" A person called out, lights along the fence turning on, revealing a man. This man was all dressed up in a good ol' Polo shirt, a Stetson hat, and cargo pants. He had a beer in his hand as he and Dunn pumped fists.

"Henry! My man!" Dunn let out, shooting finger guns at him, "It's been a hot while hasn't it?" Foley chuckled, crossing his arms. Ramirez recognizing who he was from the countless conversations that he had with Dunn. Henry Michelin, Dunn's old CO back during the days of the Southern Texan Emergency.

"Sure has man!" He looks over at the gathered folks, at Exusiai, at Schwarz, at Blaze, and at everybody else. "Shit man, those the Terrans that got the south all hot and bothered?" Dunn began to chuckle, "Sure is man, hey, mind opening up the back for us all? We're here to celebrate New Years Eve."

"Sure, sure!" He backs up and opens the fence further, Henry waving his arms, "Come on in ya'll! Make yourselves comfortable!" Being let in, they were greeted by a lightly populated backyard that had very little people in it, just a few other men from Dunn's days during the STE, and some neighbors who were manning the barbecue. There was a decently sized bonfire that most of the operators decided to gather around. Amiya and her group was introducing themselves in order, just because it was polite.

Blaze and Ace, being Dunn's friends from Terra, began to introduce themselves, while Dunn had to politely introduce Ms. Ceylon to the group. Ramirez, Lana, and Exusiai sat pretty close to the fire, while the rest of Penguin Logistics and his sister, began to seat somewhere behind the 2. Almost monitoring them, but still being focused on their own troubles and conversations.

Lana sat on Ramirez's right leg and on Exusiai's left leg, with the 2 sort of side embracing each other in in the warmth of the fire.

Foley helped some of them roll out a projector, that showed the countdown. 1 Hour till midnight.

Schwarz was asked to join Mr. Dunn in conversation by Ceylon. The 3 of them were now talking about some things on Terra, with Dunn asking about their home city, Siesta. By the name, he assumes that it was a pretty lovely place to be. He remained cordial, polite, as usual, and maintained it even when Blaze and Ace came over with drinks.

A lot of drinks.

20 minutes, and everybody had gotten an extra fill of Texan Pecan Pie and some Brisket that has been slow cooking since the morning. It was one of the best things they had on the trip.

10 minutes, more drinks began to get passed around, with Exusiai and Ramirez even getting a couple sips for the spirit. Lana was with Suzuran, and some of the other child like operators and engaging in a game of tag. Saria was over watching Ifrit, while Silence and Ptilopsis talked on a few more matters.

Daniel was comfortably sharing some beer with Ch'en. Hoshiguma and Swire drinking near them. However, Daniel is noticing a little fact about Ch'en.

She can't handle her liquor well.

"Hic!" She was heard.

5 minutes. Everybody began to settle around the screen, the Terrans sufficiently in the spirit of the event that was going to happen. Blaze and Schwarz were kind of squishing Dunn as he was now in a multi-front conversation with all of them plus Foley asking about his time. Carmen and Lappland were probably very, very drunk as the latter was howling and the former tied to mimic.

Texas was very, very annoyed.

The last 30 seconds were here in a flash. And everybody gathered as the countdown begin. Exusiai and Ramirez were fully side embracing each other now, and Lana had joined them, hugging them from behind. "10..." Ramirez heard his fellow Rangers, Daniel and the speakers begin.

"9...8...7...6...5..." Ramirez felt a tug from Exusiai, and he turned to face her Halo, which glowed brightly, emulating her joy.

"4..." he smiled at her, and just simply hugged her closer, before deciding, Fuck it, I'm going to go for it, "3...2..." he leaned in, and affectionately, placed a small, quick kiss on her forehead. The halo only grew much brighter, and it caused her and him to start hugging more tightly, with Lana going in front of him and hugging them both with incredible joy.

Once the final number was hit, there was fireworks, and cheers from the Earthlings. The colors and the loud explosions in the sky caught the Lupos in the group off guard entirely. Everybody's attention was now on the fireworks and there was a rush of Adrenaline in response to the explosion.

Ramirez however, couldn't help but shake a feeling.

Something, something was terribly wrong, and they needed to leave.

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