The Kissing Booth: New Love

By Ldowning96

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Noah + Elle: Starting a new relationship in high school can be hard. Starting a new relationship when neith... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Alternate Chapter 22
Alternate Chapter 23
Alternate Chapter 24
Alternate Chapter 25
Alternate Chapter 26 - Part 1
Alternate Chapter 26 - Part 2
Chapter 27
Alternate Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Alternate Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Alternate Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Alternate Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Alternate Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Alternate Chapter 32

377 21 11
By Ldowning96


The first couple weeks Noah and I lived together felt a little like playing house.  Like at some point our parents were going to come home and we would be in trouble for being here on our own.  Noah and I had gotten used to sharing a room at the beach house over the past summer.  Getting to go to bed together every night and wake up together in the morning was awesome.  But having our own place was next level.  And not just for the privacy.  It felt like we had grown so much closer just by having a place that was only ours.  Although finally having a place to ourselves after months of sneaking around, then more months of constantly having our families around, was definitely amazing. Noah and I were taking full advantage of that.

Once school started for both of us, the lazy summer days turned into a mix of classes, studying, with some doctor appointments and baby classes mixed in.  Just your typical senior year of high school.  Except it was anything but.  I was finishing up high school online, which meant it was the first year Lee and I weren't getting to spend our days together at school.  Noah was taking classes at the community college not far from our apartment.  I think he felt better about leaving me on my own, knowing he was only a thirty-minute drive away, in case anything happened while he was gone.  And since he would be able to get in a lot of his general classes, he wouldn't be far behind if he decided to go to Harvard next year.  I guess if we decide.  Noah had told me enough times that he wasn't going anywhere without me and Lily and that he wouldn't be making any decisions about our future on his own.

With Noah gone for his college classes during the day, I was getting a little stir crazy spending all my time at our apartment by myself.  Ever since I found out I was pregnant, I had felt a little cut off from all of my friends and that only got worse once school started, especially when I started to see their posts and pictures about going to all of the back to school parties, football games, and other school events, all the things I was missing out on. 

It's not that I wanted to be partying at this stage and I can just imagine how much Noah would freak out if I told him I was going out to party.  You think he was overprotective last year, he's on a whole other level now.  Not that I can blame him, I find myself feeling protective of this baby I'm carrying also.

So when Lee started picking me up after school for Lee and Elle time, I wasn't going to complain.  It was somewhat like the beach house bucket list Lee and I made when we were kids, except it was more a countdown to the baby, when we both knew I wouldn't have the time to hang out with my best bud anymore. Lee came up with these ridiculous things for the two of us to do, made even more ridiculous the bigger I got. Most days it was just the two of us but sometimes Rachel joined and even Noah occasionally.  Those two usually made fun of us though.  At least it took my mind off how uncomfortable I was and how nervous I was starting to get about becoming a mom. 

One day when Lee was busy after school and Noah had late classes, I decided to visit Noah's campus.  I knew the class he had this afternoon, he had been complaining about the amount of reading his psychology professor had already assigned and he was up late last night trying to get it finished before class today.  I had never been to this campus before, it wasn't one of the schools I had looked at when Dad and I went on college visits.  So I printed myself a map and headed over, determined to see what Noah was up to all day.  I still felt a little guilty that Noah wasn't having the college experience he had always planned on, although I know he was still meeting new people and getting invited to parties, since he told me that.  And knowing Noah, I'm sure he was getting hit on by all the girls on a regular basis.  So, I guess I shouldn't feel too guilty.  I'm the one spending most of my time by myself.

Even though I know Noah has to be getting attention from the girls here, I'm not coming here to check up on him.  I'm not worried that he's going to cheat on me.  We had grown past that.  The me from our early relationship was constantly struggling with the fact that Noah wanted to be with me and was sure he was going to fall for the next cheerleader who propositioned him.  I knew better than that now.  Noah Flynn wasn't the player he wanted everyone to think he was in high school.  He was the most loyal and loving boyfriend and I knew he would never leave me and our baby.  I really was just curious about where he was when he was gone all day.  I didn't even know anything about his friends or if they knew anything about me.  I was looking forward to meeting them.

I wandered around campus for a bit until finally I could see the building I was pretty sure Noah's class was in.  The campus was small but the campus was pretty and bigger than I had expected. I was happy Noah had decided to come here instead of taking a gap year, which I knew he never would have done if not for the pregnancy.  I found a bench under a tree where I could see the door I thought Noah would be coming out of when his class finished soon, so I decided to wait there for him.  The farther my pregnancy got along, the faster I started to wear out.  I tried to do something to exercise a little every day, since I didn't get much of a chance to move around, sitting at the computer all day for my classes.  I didn't want to gain too much weight that I would have to try to lose after the baby is born.

I didn't have to wait much longer.  A small group of students came out of the building a couple minutes after I sat down.  I spotted Noah right away.  And looks like I was right, he had several girls all around him, although he was turned to the side, trying to talk to another guy that was behind him.  As soon as he turned around, I could tell the moment he noticed me.  He paused mid-step and I watched his eyes light up and the smile he shot me showed those dimples I loved.  I'm not sure he even said anything more to anyone he was walking with, he made his way directly to me.  I almost blush at the look he is giving me even when we're so far apart.

"Elle, what are you doing here?  Is everything okay?"  Noah asked as he reached me.  His smile fell for a second, I can tell he was worried that something was wrong with me.  But when I just shook my head no with a smile, he didn't give me a chance to answer as he sat down next to me and immediately pulled me in for a kiss.  "I'm glad you're here but you know I have another class this afternoon, right?"

"I know, I had to get out of the house for a little while and I just wanted to see where you're at all day."  I finally let my focus leave Noah and looked around at some of the people walking by us.  I noticed a few looks and one of the girls who had been walking with Noah was practically staring at us.  "Were those your friends you were walking with?"

Noah didn't even glance around, just pulled me closer to him, kissing me on my temple.  "A few of them.  I mean, I don't really know anyone very well yet."

"So you have a little time before your next class, what do you usually do now?"  I asked as I stood up.  As much as I loved being cuddled up next to Noah, my goal today was to have him show me around.  I knew how easily we could get sidetracked and I didn't want to miss out on my chance before his next class started.

Noah shrugged, trying to pull me back down next to him but reluctantly stood up when I gave him my best pouty face.  "I either grab something to eat in the cafeteria or study in the library."

"Well, I came all this so you could show me around.  Give me the grand tour."

Noah smirked as he grabbed my hand. "It's all the way across campus, are you sure you want to walk that far?"

I didn't even glance his way just started walking the way he pointed.  I knew when Noah was just trying to get me riled up. "Noah, I know I look like I'm the size of a house right now but I still have two months to go.  I better still be able to walk across campus now or there isn't a chance I'll be able to move by my due date."

"If you're sure, I'll take you to the student center where the cafeteria is.  We can grab something to eat before I have to head to my next class."

On our short walk to the student center, Noah pointed out the buildings where he had his classes and the rest of the places where he spent any time on while he was on campus.  He kept a tight grip on my hand the entire way, not paying attention to any other students we passed.  I wanted to ask him if he wished he lived in campus or was able to be more involved in student life but I held my tongue.  Even if he did, Noah would never admit something like that to me now.

I couldn't help but noticed some surprised looks we had gotten from the other students we walked by.  I had a feeling Noah hadn't told any of his new friends about his very pregnant girlfriend. Not that it bothered me. If it was something I could hide occasionally, I'm sure I would too.  But for me, there's no hiding this belly anymore. Also, knowing Noah, he wasn't going to tell anyone much of his business until he got to know them a little better.  Noah had never been big on sharing his feelings. My suspicions were confirmed when a guy slapped Niah in the back before he sat down across from our table.  "Flynn, how's it going man?  Who do we have here?" He asked as he shot me a friendly smile.

"Hey Ryan, this is my girl, Elle."  He leaned back towards me and explained, "Ryan and I went to football camp together. He played football at Collegiate High School. Remember them, we always kicked their asses." Noah joked.

Ryan ignored that last comment and leaned across the table to shake my hand. I noticed him eying Noah's hand draped protectively over my baby bump, like usual.  "Looks like congratulations are in order, buddy!  You should have said something."  He reached over to shake Noah's hand now.  Noah smiled and thanked him before Ryan said, "I better get going.  I have a biology lab to get to. Nice to meet you Elle and Flynn, I'll see you in class tomorrow."

Ryan was obviously not the only one who hadn't heard our news.  I noticed a few more stares from students in the cafeteria.  Noah didn't seem to notice anything.  He was completely focused on me.

"Are you embarrassed about the pregnancy?" I had been wondering about it but didn't mean to ask in the middle of the cafeteria. This probably wasn't the place to get into it.

"What?  Of course not. You know how happy I am about this. I'm the one who wanted to tell everyone at school when we found out, remember?"

I nodded in agreement. Noah hasn't wanted to keep anything a secret then but that didn't explain why he was keeping it a secret now. "Why haven't you told anyone?"

"I just don't see the point in getting into it with them. They wouldn't understand what it was like for us.  You're the only one who is important to me anyway."  Aw, I know it sounds like another Noah Flynn line but I had learned in the time we had been together that even though it sounded like a line, Noah always meant what he said. He's a keeper, I'm glad this guy is mine. 

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