A world I dreamed of

By 1discountidiot

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SONIC PRIME SPOILERS‼️‼️‼️‼️ COVER ART IS MINE‼️ _____________________________________ Nine arrives in Sonic'... More

Chapter 1: Apologize
Chapter 2: Played like a Fiddle
Chapter 3: Prism chaos
Chaoter 5: I've always hated me
Chapter 6: A small, lonely fox
Chapter 7: No...
Chapter 8: A part of me
Chapter 9: Warmth
Chapter 10: Odd peace

Chapter 4: Nine Tails

2K 46 83
By 1discountidiot

See what I did with the title?? SEE, SEE??

Anyways enjoy.

(Btw Sonic didn't tell Tails or his friends about Nine. And Nine barley knows about Tails he recognizes the name just not anything else. Just to clarify any confusion you may get in the chapter!)

I cant write fight scenes for shit lmao

Who will win? Tails? Or Nine? We'll see (•̀•́)و



Tails shot up from where his head laid on the edge of the table. He shoved the chair away from under him when he hopped down from it. His inventions and computers began to buzz. Lighting his room with a bright red glow.

He felt the energy around him max tenfold in just a second as his hideout shook and the ground rumbled at the force of the explosion many miles away.

He grabbed one of his few weapons he'd made after the discovery of the energy blast just a few days ago. It was a small blade, gold trims and the blade itself was a silver color. He strapped it on his pelt he pulled from his wall. Sheathing it inside its holster on the belt.

He knew the others had heard and felt the blast as well. They were probably on their way as well. The door to his hideout sliding open, Tails looked behind him and saw Sonic. His quills were roused from sleep and he looked exhausted.

"You okay buddy?" Sonic asked him, voice louder due to the rumbling and shaking of everything around them. Tail nodded and accepted the hand reaching out for him. He gripped it tightly and let Sonic speed them off. Tail made sure the door to his hideout was closed before he focused on being dragged.

In a matter of seconds they were at the sight of the explosion. Their eyes widened at the scene in front of them. In front of them was a large red portal in the middle of the forest. Sonic placed his hand in front of Tails which caused him to back up slightly.

Soon the others arrived. Shadow arriving Second after Sonic and Tails he ran over with the most confused look they'd seen on his face.

"Is that what I think it is?!" Shadow yelled out in question. He stood a few feet away from them. He had a arm over his eyes to block the light blinding them from the portal. His quills being pushed back by the wave of energy from the portal as well.

Sonic nodded at him. He pushed Tails further behind him and slightly began to get into a fighting position.

"I'll explain everything later! But right now we need to worry about what's going to come out of that portal!" Tails yelled out to the ebony hedgehog. Knuckles and Rouge arrived with Amy in toe. They all blocked their eyes from the light of the portal. Big was there as well Froggy wasn't with him though. He left Froggy behind just in case.

Knuckles quickly got into a fighting potion. Shadow stepped closer to Sonic and Tails. He also stood in front of Tails. Both him and Sonic standing like a wall in front of the kit. Tails would've rolled his eyes at their antics but before he could another wave of energy blasted from the portal.

It pushed them all back at the force of the winds from the blast. Sonic gritted his teeth and dug his hands into the ground to force himself from not going further back. He took a quick glance behind him, when he saw the fox doing the same, not far away from him and unhurt he looked back at the portal.

Tails moved himself slightly to the right of Sonic and Shadow. (Little did he know that whatever came through that portal could easily spot him.) He looked up at the portal, the light slightly blinding him so he put his arm above his eyes and continued to try and look.

Everyone did the same. And suddenly they all saw a hand reach out of the middle of the large (30m tall) portal in the air.

Then a arm followed. The hand moved and latched onto the portal as it went through. What followed made all of them confused except for Sonic who was suddenly in shock. Seven mechanical tails latched onto the outside of the portal.

Shadow looked to his side briefly and saw Sonic suddenly stand straight. The shock on his face seemed evident. Sonic's arm no longer covered his face as he stood there.

"No way..." Shadow heard him mutter in surprise. Shadow looked back at the portal and suddenly they all became shocked.

The face of a certain fox peered out of the portal. The foxes blue eyes glowing from the portal. The anger they'd thought they're never see on such a face making an appearance.  The fox peered down at them all. But before their eyes landed on the blue hedgehog they met eyes with the other fox bellow. The fox in the portal eyes widened in anger and surprise.

Before they could react another blast came form the portal. Making them shut their eyes at the light blinding them all from who came crashing into the ground.

The smoke cleared away and Tails opened his eyes and stared in shock as he stared at himself? They met eyes and Tails stood up and started to back away from the figure who's glare made a shiver course down his spine.

"Who are you? And why do you look like me?" The fox spoke angrily. His voice laced with venom. Tails shuddered. He raised his hands up and waved them around as the other started walking closer. He backed up until his back hit the side of a tree.

"Wait! I'm you! Or, me-" three mechanical tails hit each side of the tree Tails was against, pinning him to the tree. One of the tails barely nicked his ear, Tails winced at the cut. He felt blood begin to pour down his ear and the side of his face. Those tails were sharp he realized before suddenly the other leaned close and spoke.

"There's no way you are me. I'm not a puny little fox like you." Tails chuckled halfheartedly. He glanced to the side and saw one of the metal tails piercing the tree. He looked back at the other version of himself? And met the others glare once more.

"You're the one who came to this world, right? We are both alternative versions of each other! We are the same!" Tails was cut off when all three tails dislodged out of the tree. The fox in front of him became angrier. He heard the other chuckle to himself, and that was the only warning he got before he felt one of those metal tails wrap around his torso.

Tails wheezed when the grip of the tail tightened, cutting of his air. The end of the tail digging into his side, leaving another large cut.

"IM NOTHING LIKE YOU!" Tails grabbed the robotic tail around his torso and tried to pull it off before the other fox spun them around before releasing his tail from around him. Successfully throwing Tails into another tree a few meters away.

Tails hit the tree with a loud thud, the bark of the tree leaving splinters in his back as he slid down and landed on the ground. He coughed and tried to pull himself up. He failed and groaned at the pain in his side and in his back. He reached his hand over to his side and pressed his hand against it. When he pulled away he saw blood staining his glove.

Tails whined at the pain until his hand touched the handle of the blade he put in his belt. His eyes widened as he looked down at the blade in its holster. He looked up and saw his alternative self charging towards him. The other fox jumped in the air with the help of his tails and reached one of his metal tails out towards Tails, the mechanical tail forming into the shape of a large sword.

Tails grunted as he lifted himself off the ground. He grabbed and pulled the blade out of holster. It wasn't nearly the size of the other foxes sword but it was long enough and the metal it was made of was one of the strongest types of metal. So it would work just fine.

Tails stood his ground, and as the other attacked with the robotic tail he shifted the blade in his hand and then the other landed-


(Art: me)

Tails grunted as he slowly rose to his feet. The blade blocking the force of the mechanical sword/tail. The other foxes eyes widened in surprise. Tail felt the mechanical blade dig into his own blade, carving it slightly. The force became to much and the battle of who would fail to hold the other back subsided.

Tails flung himself back and ducked down when the mechanical blade swung to his his head but missed. He saw that they were still surrounded in a cloud of smoke so the others heard them but didn't see what was going on.

He ignored this realization though, as he felt his lessons he had with Knuckles about how to wield a blade came into action.

Tails turned around to see the other version of himself start swinging his mechanical tails at him, Tails quickly blocked the oncoming attacks. Several sounds of metal clashing was heard by the others. The smoke cloud slowly clearing.

Sonic stood in shock and slight horror when he saw Tails and Nine fighting each other. Tails obviously being on defense and Nine on the offense. He had several questions in his head. One: how did Nine get to his world? Two: how did Nine find his world? And three: Why was Tails BLOODY???

Sonic saw Tails with a bloody ear, his side was about torn the shreds and Nine's mechanical tails had blood on them. Sonic saw the shocked look of everyone's faces as they looked at the battle before them. Tails was dodging every attack Nine threw at him. Metal clashing sounding in the deep forest. Their bodies illuminated by a red glow.

Sonic was about to run forward, to stop the fight and defend his brother but suddenly before he even took a single step. He felt a hand reach out and grip his wrist. He looked down at his hand and saw Shadows own vice grip around it. He met Shadows eyes, they were panicked (but hidden well, and it seemed only Sonic could see it) and he seemed just as shocked as Sonic was.

But Shadow shot him a look before saying;

"If you intervene now, Tails could get distracted and he could get more injured than he already is." Shadow spoke, his gaze watching the fight between Tails and the other fox. Sonic looked as well, just in time to spot Tails get slashed again with the mechanical tail. Tails rolled away before another hit his head on the ground.

'But if I don't do something Nine will try to kill him!' As if Shadow read his thoughts, the ebony hedgehog grabbed his shoulders instead. Holding Sonic in place, Shadow sent him a glare.

"Sonic. Don't."

Sonic slowly nodded his head. He still felt like he needed to do something. And if he couldn't throw himself in the fight then maybe...

Sonic gasped. Sonic raised a hand onto the hand of Shadows that still held his shoulder. (He ignored the fuzzy feeling in his chest when the ebony hedgehogs cheeks turned a light pink.)




While writing this I kinda forgot halfway that Nine and Tails were the same person just different fonts- so that's when I made Tails start using a blade-



Tails may not be as battle prone as Nine but he's got some tricks up his sleeve. Tails has also seen Sonic fight many times. You think he won't try and use some moves he learned from his big bro?

Word count: 2062

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