
By EmmaK334

1.9K 37 6

Y/n, an eleven year old padawan is forced into hiding after Chancellor Palpatine, now Darth Sidious, executes... More

"Execute Order 66"
The Mantis
Cal Kestis
A friend
Saw Gerrera
The refinery
Freeing the Wookiees
The Second Sister
The Origin Tree
The astrium
The ninth sister


151 2 0
By EmmaK334

You sat on the orange and black sofa, enjoying some delicious soup. It was the best food you'd had in a long time. Greez sat near you, also slurping up the soup. Cal and Cere stood around the holo-table, discussing something while they examined the holographic images of planets.

"What are they doing?" You asked greez. 

"Eh, who knows? Plotting our next destination probably. They better not be planning on going to Dathomir. I hate Dathomir." He grumbled, proceding to tell you why Dathomir was the worst place ever.

-Cal's p.o.v-

"So you managed to convince her?" Cere asked.

"I think so." Cal replied, glancing over at you as you laughed at something Greez had said.

"Good. She's gonna need some training. You think you can do that?" She asked.

"What? No. I've been out of practice just as long as she has." Cal told her.

She shook her head. "No, you've been out in the field for a few weeks now. She's had no practice. You got to at least help her get back on her feet. Until then, we can't go to Kashyyyk." She told him, as Kashyyyk had been their next destination after the trail from Zeffo pointed to Wookiee Chieftain Tarfful.

"Okay, I guess you're right. Where do we go to get her trained up?" Cal asked.

 "I think Borgano's our safest bet." Cere replied. Cal nodded in agreement.

-your p.o.v-

After a few more minutes of discussion, Cere and Cal joined you and Greez on the couch.

"Where are we off to next?" Greez questioned.

"Borgano." Cal answered.

"Again? What for?" Greez asked, confused.

"Y/n's out of practice. We need to stop there for a few days so she can train up." Cere informed.

You were slightly offended she thought you weren't ready yet, but it was true. You hadn't wielded your lightsaber since- since you killed Mars... You zoned out for a moment, remembering the anger you'd felt in that moment.

"Y/n?" Cere asked, pulling you back to the conversation. 

"Yes?" You blinked.

"I asked if that was alright with you." She said.

"Yes. Borgano. Sounds good." You replied. You didn't know of Borgano, but you trusted it was safe, since Cere wanted you to train there.

"Alright. Borgano it is. Get some sleep guys. We'll be there in a few hours." Greez announced. 


It was easy to fall asleep in the comfort of your new bed, the hum of the mantis lulling you to sleep. But it didn't take long for your mind to conjure the nightmare you relived every night.

You woke up in cold sweats, tears dried on your cheeks.

You inhaled sharply, noticing the dryness in your mouth. Slowly you sat up, pulling your blanket over your shivering body before leaving your room to get some water. 

The lights in the ship were dimmed, but it was light enough to see your surroundings. Greez heard you emerge and turned his head to you.

"What's up, kid? Troubles sleeping?" 

"Yep." You sighed, filling a mug with water before joining Greez in the cockpit, taking the seat next to his.

"Nightmare?" He asked.

"Yea, I don't sleep well most nights." You took a large gulp of water.

"Cal gets nightmares too. It's a Jedi thing, I think." He shrugged.

"I bet none of the survived Jedi sleep well." You guessed. How could they? After what they'd all been through.

"Yea, hopefully the bad dreams will go away for you kids, since you're back in the game now." Greez said.

"That seems unlikely." You smiled sadly. Nightmares don't just go away. Not after losing someone like you did. 

You spent some time chatting with Greez, watching the stars as the ship whizzed past them before deciding you were tired enough to go back to bed. 

You slept soundly for the rest of the night, waking as the ship landed. You sat up and heard a knock on your door.

"Get dressed. Be ready in ten." Cere called, the sound of her footsteps disappearing down the hall.

You dressed and did your hair so it wouldn't be in the way while you trained. 

You reached into your still not fully unpacked bag and pulled out your lightsaber, pulling the cloth off to reveal the handle you had not seen in so long.

The sight of it brought up feelings of remorse, but also hope. You took a deep breath and left your room. 

You weren't hungry, as you never had much to eat back on Corellia, but Cere shoved a zago fruit in your hand and forced you to eat it. You easily complied wishing not to anger her.

After eating, Cere lead you outside,where Cal was already practicing lightsaber tricks. 

He was pretty quick and he appeared to be quite skilled. You missed seeing lightsabers in action. You missed the sound they made.

You glanced at your own saber in your hand.

"Hey." Cere said, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You okay?" 

"Yes. I'm ready to start." You told her. She looked slightly unconvinced, but didn't say anything.

"Cal. Get over here." She called. His head perked up at his name. He turned off his saber and jogged over.

"Take it easy on her. Alright?" She instructed. You scowled at her, she ignored you.

"Of course. You're sure you're ready?" He looked at you for confirmation. 

"Yes, I'm ready." You said, slightly annoyed, fighting the urge to roll your eyes.

"Alright. Let's do this." He grinned.

You stepped off the ramp and onto the grass, moving to stand a few feet across from Cal.

He reignited his lightsaber,  waiting for you to do the same. You hesitantly moved to your preferred stance, as you turned on your saber. It's light brought you comfort, and even caused you to crack a smile. Cal beamed at your reaction.

"You ready?" 

"I hope so." You replied.

He lunged at you, you blocked easily. He continuously came at you with small and simple attacks. You were growing impatient and you wanted to show him you were better than how he was treating you.

In the blink of an eye, you launched your attack, springing over his head, landing behind him. You turned and outstretched your hand, pushing him with the force, causing him to stumble forwards, grunting from the blow.

He turned to face you, taking a swing at you, but you ducked to the right and swooped your leg infront of his feet, which he tripped over with a cry of surprise, dropping his light saber in order to catch himself on the ground with his hands before he face planted. With the force, you retrieved his lightsaber while deactivating your own and pressing the tip of the handle to his exposed and unprotected back.

"I guess you won that round." He chuckled as you helped him up. You smiled.

"I'm sorry. That was a little unfair. I just got fed up with your child's play." You smirked.

"That stings. Don't expect me to go so easy on you next round." He chuckled, a challenging look in his eye.

"Don't be upset when I win again anyway." 

"I'd like to see you try." He scoffed.

You took your stances once again, preparing for a fair fight this time. 

This time, you took the first swipe, in which he dodged by flipping backwards. The fight went at a much quicker pace this time around, causing you to even break a sweat.

He caught you off guard by swiping at your legs, you jumped over in time, but then another swipe above your head, which you had to duck under. This attack forced you into a defensive strategy, rather than offensive.

You were blocking each strike, fast as you could, but he had the upper hand. You had no choice but to move backwards as he continued his relentless attack.

Eventually you lost your footing when you reached the edge of a cliff. You gasped, but he caught your hand before you could fall.

He pulled you away from the edge and helped you catch your ballance.

"I win." He smirked victoriously. 

"Whatever. I won the first round." You argued, trying to hide your smile.

"Yea, but only by cheating." He laughed.

"So what? A win is a win." You boasted, crossing your arms infront of your chest.

He chuckled, sitting on the grass, setting his saber down beside him.

You did the same.

"It's been a while since I had fun like this. Thank you, Cal." You smiled appreciatively.

"You're welcome, Y/n." He returned you smile.

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