never let you go ↦ jason mcca...

By overboardrauhl

55.1K 974 152

[i wrote this book so long ago and i thought it was cool don't judge me] It's funny how love works. My dad al... More

Chapter 1, "Is she following me?"
Chapter 4, " I'm a killer."
Chapter 5, "You make me feel safe."
Chapter 6, "Can I shoot you now?"
Chapter 7, "You fell right into my trap."
Chapter 8, "She's like family to ME."
Chapter 9, "She was gone."
Chapter 10, "Are you going to tell me or not."
Chapter 11, "Please, don't let go of me."
Chapter 12, "I can't be around you."
Chapter 13 "You wanna go McCann?" (ONE YEAR LATER)
Chapter 14, "Help"

Chapter 3, "He deserved a chance."

3.4K 80 7
By overboardrauhl

Jason's POV :

"How long did it take you to figure that out?" I scoffed at her. 

"OBVIOUSLY NOT LONG" she spit back. 

"Ok whatever, we're gonna be there soon. So just shut up and let me drive." I spit back.  

"Your not even going slow." She said, crossing her arms. Jesus, she's such a freaking booger. 

"Thats what she said." I scoffed. 

"Your so immature!" She said back. 

"She said that too."  

She's such a freaking bitch. I want to shoot her head off. Like, no joke. Jesus. 


We walked into my 29 million dollar mansion, throwing our backpacks onto the sofa. 

Jasmine grabbed out her math book and sat down.  

"So are we doing this now orrr?" She said, motioning her hands. 

"No, I'm going to do something more fun." I said as I threw on a black shirt, and black jeans. When you go out for bombings and shootings, your really suppost to wear something dark. I just choose to wear black.

"What do you mean more fun? We have to finish this packet!" she spit back at me.

"I'm going to go blow up some buildings, and shoot some poeple. No biggy, I'll be back soon enough." I said back. Why does she even care where I'm going? Nobody even wants to spend time with me. I know, we have to finsh it and all...WAIT! IDEA!

"We can just finish it at lunch tomorrow or something." I said, throwing on some black supras.

"Alright whatever, but how do I get home?" she said standing up and crossing her arms. I mean, I had a pretty great idea but she just pushes it really far. SHES SO ANNOYING!

"I'll drive you home if you want. But, your coming with me, you know. I'm not just going to leave you in my house."

"Whatever, just take me home now?" She said while grabbing her things.

"Alright, but stay in the car while I go into somebodys house..." I said loading a gun.


And she walked out the door. She was so hot but.....SO IGNORANT! 


About 20 minutes later, before we got to Drakes house (a guy from my crew) my phone rang. It was so weird because, it was Drakes number. I picked it up and answered. 

"Drake whats up?" I said. 

"Bad news" he said back. 

"What is it?" i said. 

"Stokes killed your brother, Alex." He said in a horrifying tone. 

I didn't say anything back. I hung up, turned the car around, and clenched my fists.  

"Whats up?" Jasmine said with fear in her eyes. 

I can't believe they killed Alex. HE WAS ALL I HAD LEFT! 

I punched the wheel and sat back in my chair. 

"JASON!" She shouted, snaping her finger infront of my face. 

"WHERE ARE WE GOING?!" She snapped. 

"Somebodys funeral." 

I knew, I just knew that one of Nick's friends died, and they are having a funeral down on East 22. I have all the things I need. Stokes will pay. 


It was about an hour or 2 away from the funeral. Jasmine was in the car and I was setting up some bombs. And man, could these badboys blow. You can't find the ones I'm using anywhere, because I make them myself. I made sure that when they blew up nothing was left. No proof that I did it. 

Jasmine came out looking for me, and as I squinted my eyes, she was about to step on the skinny white rope i had set down. It was connected to the best bomb I had.  

"JASMINE!" I screamed as loud as I could and I ran towards her. The bomb doesn't go off until 10 seconds after you trigger it. She kept walking...HOW STUPID IS THIS GIRL?! 

"What?" She said back, flipping her light brown hair into the wind. 

There it was. She had broken the string. I picked her up and threw her over my shoulder as I started running to the van.  

"JASON PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed. 

The bomb blew, blowing us both onto the ground. Jasmine looked okay, just a few cuts. Me, the same. We where far enough away to be able to get out alive. Its ok though, I have other bombs set up. 

I grabbed Jasmine and ran to the van. 

I hopped in, buckled her up, and started driving.  


Jasmine unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the car. Finally, we where home. The funeral was only 1 hour away, and I think I did a pretty great job.

I got into the house and standing there, right in the middle of my living room, was Nick.

"Jason, I want to give you a choice." He said. I hate him so much....for killing Alex....FOR EVERYTHING. 

"Did you give Alex a chance?" I spit at him. 

He pushed his eyebrows together. "He didn't need a chance." 

I shoved him up against the wall. 


Next thing I knew, there was a gun on my head.

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