Her Photographer (Quintessent...

By Gale4Lifes

15.9K 608 94

A wise man once said, "Photography is a love afffair of life." SNAP Ever since I was 5, I have taken a deep i... More

(Y/N)'s Information
Meeting The New Student
The Quintuplets
Plan For Today
Second Child

Showing Around

1.8K 71 4
By Gale4Lifes

The Same Day
After Class

I was putting my stuff into my bag when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around and saw the new student.

She was smiling at me.

Nakano: (L/N)-kun, correct?

Me: Yes. Do you need something, Nakano-san?

Nakano: Well, kinda.

She smiled nervously.

Nakano: Do you mind showing me around the school? The staff in the administrative office said that if I want someone to show me around, I should find a student named (Y/N) (L/N). That's you, right?

Me: Yep.

I then looked at my wristwatch.

Me: Hmm, it doesn't seem like I have anything to do anytime soon, so yeah. I can show you around.

Nakano: Great! Let me take my bag first.

I waited as she cleaned up her desk.

As I waited, my phone buzzed. A message from Fuutarou.

"I found her."

Me: I see. So it's not Nakano-san who argued with Fuutarou earlier.

I typed my reply.

"Great, now go say sorry."

"But you said you will talk to her."

"For god's sake, you're much closer to her right now."

"But she's been avoiding me since the class started after lunch."

I sighed. This guy...

"Okay, at least tell me her name. It'll save me some trouble."

I was a bit surprised after reading Fuutarou's reply.

"Nakano Itsuki."

Me: Ayo, what?

Nakano: Hmm? Something's wrong, (L/N)-san.

She asked while standing beside me.

Me: Nothing.

I answered while typing my reply.

"Gotta go, I'll see what I can do. See ya."

I looked at Nakano and smiled.

Me: So, where should we start first?

Nakano: Hmm, how about a little introduction?

She answered as we left the classroom.

Me: Well, the name's (Y/N) (L/N). Just someone who loves photography and appreciates languages. Nothing impressive.

Nakano: I see. As you know, my name is Nakano Ichika, but I prefer to be called by my given name.

Me: Is there any reason for that?

Ichika: Well, yeah. You'll have to find out yourself, though.

She said while giving me a cheeky smile.

Me: Well, Ichika-san... You'll be wondering how I know this, but... Do you have a sister who goes by the name Itsuki?

Ichika: Eh? How do you know that?

Me: That answers my question. As for yours, I have a friend that kinda... Argued with her earlier...

Ichika: Really?

Me: Well, at least that's what my friend told me. And it seems like they are classmates.

Ichika: I see.

We continued talking while walking around the school. After a few minutes of walking, we stopped in front of a door.

Me: I have to take something inside the room.

Ichika looked at the nameplate that was above the door.

"Photography Club"

Ichika: You're in the club?

Me: Yeah. I mean, I'm the founder of this club.

Ichika: Eeh, that's pretty impressive.

We walked into the room.

There was a female student sitting on one of the chairs. She was holding some photos.

She noticed our presence and looked at us.

Female Student: Oh, president. You're here.

Me: Yeah, gotta take my DSLR camera before going back home.

Female Student: I see. And who is that, if I may ask?

She asked while looking at Ichika.

Ichika:*smiles* Nakano Ichika. A transfer student.

Me: I'm showing her around.

Female Student: I see.

She stood up and approached Ichika as I walked to my desk which had a PC on it.

Female Student: I am Utsu Miru. The vice-president. Nice to meet you.

Ichika: Nice to meet you too. Anyway, I don't see anyone else other than you. Are the other members busy with something?

Me: We just have three members. And yes, it seems like the other one is busy with something.

Ichika: Huh?

Miru: Well, the students don't really have an interest in photography. So it is just the three of us in the club.

Me: And usually when there's a festival, the Broadcasting Club and our club will work together.

Ichika: I see.

Me: Well, let's go. Miru, don't forget to lock the door before you go back home.

I said and threw a key to her which she caught it.

Miru: Got it~

Ichika and I left the room and we continued walking around the school.

We arrived at the garden and Ichika started to check out all the flowers.

Ichika: Waah, they're beautiful.

Me:*smiles* I know.

Ichika: Hey, hey, take a picture of me with that camera.

Me: Sure.

She took a Carnation and held it close to her chest and turned her body 90° from the camera. The sunset behind her made everything even better.


Ichika: Oh, one more picture.

She faced the camera and held out both of her hands holding the flower.

I wasted no time and took another picture.

Me: Done.

Ichika: Let me see, let me see.

She came close to me while still holding the flower.

Ichika: Ooh, it looks great. Send them to me.

Me: I can do that, but I'll need your number.

Ichika: Sure.

We walked to a nearby bench and started to exchange phone numbers.

Ichika: There.

Me: I'll send the photos once I returned home.

Ichika: Got it~

She then stood up.

Ichika: Well, I need to go now. Thank you for today, (L/N)-kun.

Me: You are welcome.

Ichika: Here, take this as a token of gratitude.

She gave me the flower that she held earlier.

Ichika: See you later.

Me: Yeah, see ya.

She started to walk away.

My House
Ichika POV

Me: I'm home~

I said as I walked into the living room. Two of my sisters were there playing video games.

Yotsuba: Welcome back!

Miku: You're late. Nino has started thinking you already got a boyfriend on our first day.

Nino: No, I'm not!

She screamed from the kitchen. I assumed she was cooking dinner for us. I chuckled.

Me: Sorry, sorry. I had someone show me around the school.

Yotsuba: As expected, you already make friends on your first day.

Miku: Is it a boy?

Me: Well, yeah.

Nino: What's that?!

Me: Calm down, Nino. He didn't do anything to me.

I laid my body on the sofa.

Nino: Of course, he didn't. This is just the first day. You don't know what that guy may do to you later on.

Me: You're overthinking it.

Then, Itsuki's voice came from the stairs.

Itsuki: You guys are too loud. I was trying to study up there.

Me: Sorry, sorry.

Itsuki: It's alright. It's almost time for dinner, after all.

Me: Anyway, I heard you argued with a boy earlier, Itsuki.

Nino: Itsuki, you too?!

Itsuki: That guy and I are not even close to being called friends, Nino. And how did you know that, Ichika?

I winked at her.

Me: Secret~

Itsuki just sighed.

Itsuki: Whatever.

I giggled.

To be continued...

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